Starting from Zero

Vol 18 Chapter 206: Serve people with virtue

The chairwoman of the Shannan Sisters Association saw me rushing towards her all the way. (Qihang Fiction ~ Wang Fiction) But this girl is daring enough. Of course, it might be silly enough. Anyway, she didn't mean to be scared when she saw me rushing towards her, but shouted "let me come" to disperse the companion who was blocking the road and rushed towards me.

Due to the short distance, and the two of us were face-to-face hedging, we soon rushed together. As soon as the young lady saw me entering the attack range, she immediately waved the sword in her hand and pierced my heart, but I just let out the sword edge slightly, and then hooked my foot. The young lady The whole man flew forward as if he had become a superman. It is a pity that although her posture is very similar to Superman, it is a pity that she did not learn the flying skills of others, and the result is naturally a standard street-flick action and she fell to the ground.

After seeing the chairman's move, the other members of the Shannan Sisters Association immediately gave up their plans, and all of them came up. I took the Quanquan sword forward with one hand, blocked the large sword cut by three handles at the same time, and then raised my foot to the top, held the sword of the other person, followed the hand to catch the wrist of the person on the side, and moved forward strongly. With a bang, the sword in the man's hand was chopped on the chests of the three men under my guidance.

The slashed man backed off with injuries, and my left hand was finally empty. Throw the right sword up, then catch the end of the hilt and shoot it out as a flying knife. After the other person sewed, the archer who was about to put an arrow suddenly stared at the boss, stared down at the sword inserted in his throat, and then sent it loose to the sky. Because the strength of her hand was slack before she died, the arrow she had aimed at me also deviated from the direction and shot a soldier next to me to the ground.

Although the weapon was thrown out as a hidden weapon, I felt the battle was a lot easier. That power sword is really far from my usage habits. Holding it in my hand not only does not increase my strength, but makes me feel passive. Now I can freely use my hands to show my fighting skills.

Now my attributes are not as strong as those in the game, but they have inherited my original physical qualities in reality. If the little girls from the opposite Shannan Sisters Club were read into the game, their physical fitness can only be equivalent to the level of ten newcomers in the game, then my physical fitness can basically be regarded as a low-level player with more than one hundred levels. Level up.

Although in the current game, "100-level newcomers are really low and can no longer be used, but in the face of a group of people with only 10-level physical fitness, 100-level can already be regarded as an unattainable height. However, despite My basic attributes are better than these little sisters of the Shannan Sisters Association. "But after all, there are more than 70 people across from it. If they rely on physical strength, it will not be so easy to solve. So I decided to use my better fighting skills, at least to save a lot of energy.

After discovering that I was "unarmed", the little sisters of the Shannan Sisters Club immediately screamed and rushed up, as if the goddess of victory had beckoned them. Unfortunately, the goddess of victory is always on our side. Although this duel is set to not allow magic pets, but Victoria is my magic pet after all, how can it not be possible to stand on the other side?

While I was out of arms, a little girl near me immediately waved the slasher in my hand and cut it across my neck, hoping to get my first credit. Who knew that when she slashed her knife halfway, she suddenly saw me squatting down under her knife and then hit her lower abdomen without waiting for her to change my shoulder. But that's not all I do. The moment I hit her, "I shoved her thighs tightly, then straightened my body upright, lifted her up and continued to raise my hands with my hands straight up to lift her directly from my head. Turned over. The little girl hit the ground without knowing what happened, and unfortunately she also hit her own knife. Although it was only the back of the knife, she still hit all her upper teeth. When she was in pain, she immediately cried. In any case, the young lady is also a woman. "The mental strength must be slightly weaker than that of men. Besides, they have opened a **** mode to show their bravery. In this state, The pain will be magnified many times, and it is strange to cry without pain.

How much I saw the little girl who I had a head start, after I passed her, I sprinted two steps to speed up, and then a run-up jump was made directly with the knee and the face of a little girl with a spear A close contact. This knee hit was extremely powerful "and instantly turned the other side over, and as she fell backwards, I stretched my foot and slammed her chest, using the force to bounce back, and turned in the air to sweep The leg kicked the head of a little girl who just turned around suddenly, and then her body began to fly sideways because of the traction of the neck. "As for me, I used this bad kick The obtained rebounding force completed a flip in the air and immediately stepped on the ground with the third little girl.

Three people were killed in a blink of an eye, and a small piece of open space was immediately cleared out by me. While the other little sisters around me have n’t gathered, I jumped over and jumped to a little sister ”and then crouched against her with an elbow hitting her belly, bending over while she was wounded The opportunity to directly reach out and drag the spear in her hand, and then quickly threw and picked up the spear and I was held in my hand. A few steps forward quickly, and then flung hard, the spear directly looks like The javelin flew forward, first penetrating one person's throat, then piercing the shoulder of the back person, and finally stopping completely in the eye socket of the third person. Although the three people strung into a string all died instantly, but because Pushing each other together, so even if you die, you can't fall down. Just crookedly leaned together to form an oblique triangle.

"Don't let him pull away." The lady in the chair who hadn't been kicked by me finally got up, and now she was directing the little sisters around her: "Where's the shield? Compress his Range of activities, get me stuck. "

The combat effectiveness of the commanded team changed immediately, and some players with swords or knives quickly retreated, and eight of them held heavy shields-quickly leaned forward. Without exception, they put the shield in front of them, and then pressed towards me like a wall.

The heavy shield siege tactic is a very commonly used siege tactic, but its initial purpose was not to deal with players, but to deal with medium strength SS. In fact, strictly speaking, this tactic is not very practical. The main reason is that SS rarely has a less powerful type, and the shield players have little power left by holding a shield. They want to use the shield to suppress the opponent. It's unlikely. The reason why this tactic is popular is plainly because of our frequent use by the Frost Rose Alliance. However, we do not use this trick because it has many advantages "but because it is suitable for us to use.

Because of the elite concept of our guild, there are more masters in this guild. Even ordinary players in this guild can be regarded as intermediate and advanced players. Therefore, when dealing with some so-called masters, our shield players and each other's The difference in strength is generally not too big, and the possibility of being pushed out is very low. In addition, the real use of this shield array is not to rely on the shield to suppress the opponent, but to use the shield to limit the opponent's active area, and use the tall tower shield to block the opponent's sight. As for the final siege. It is usually accomplished by dense arrows or magic fired from behind the shield array, or the puppet is attacked by the pikeman reaching through the gap in the shield.

This tactic is naturally good for us, but other guilds only saw that we were using it very sharply, but they couldn't figure out the core of our tactics and followed the imitation directly. The result was a nondescript shield array tactic. They thought that the purpose of the shield was to hold the opponent down, so they would desperately squeeze together after they finally surrounded the target. "The key to the shield formation is actually to surround, not to suppress. As long as the target is not allowed to come out, it is a victory. In fact, the other party has no meaning at all. But unfortunately, few of us can understand the key, except that we only blindly compress the formation in order to completely subdue the opponent. In fact, sometimes our guild will be true. The goal is completely suppressed, not simply surrounded, but that tactic is not used when a group of low-level players besiege SS or high-level players, but when a group of high-level players are rounded up the magic pet. Yes, it is rounded up Magic pet. Because a magic pet must be caught, it can only become a demon servant instead of a magic pet when it is dead, so it is actually more difficult to catch a magic pet than to kill a magic pet. And the real shield array The oppression tactic is to do this job, but at this time, the person holding the shield is generally either higher in the level of the besieged creature or the strength is not much worse. There is no situation where the lower-level personnel surround the senior monster.

The people of the Shannan Sisters Association obviously learned only the fur like most guilds. "I know that our guild's shield enclosing tactics are very useful, but I haven't figured out how to use this shield enclosing tactics. The result is a bunch of attributes. The tenth-level little girl film surrounds me, a senior who has the equivalent of a hundredth-level player, completely overturning the essence of our formation. If this can still work, I can only think that God is dozing off. .

A group of little girls holding shields quickly surrounded me, and then started desperately pressing in the middle, but what they didn't expect was that I suddenly lay myself down and raised my feet to my feet. The shield player in that direction kicked it. The shield player responded quite well. Seeing that I was going to kick her off the market, "I quickly put a tower shield over one meter high on the ground and blocked my legs. But I haven't waited for her to be happy, I Suddenly, the waist and abdomen made a strong upward force to make a profit. "The body left the ground a small distance by inertia, followed my hands to support the ground suddenly, and the whole body rolled up from the ground.

Although the tower shield was over one meter high, because the opponent dropped the shield to the ground, and my head and feet were completely emptied, at this time, my feet were higher than the upper edge of the shield. When the other side didn't respond at all, my knees suddenly bent backwards and directly gripped the other side's good head, followed by my body began to fall because of inertia, but I leaned back in the air, Supporting the bottom of the shield with both hands, my feet stretched forward. As a result, the little girl holding my head was lifted up directly from the back of the shield by me and flung over the shield towards the shield with the inertia. Hand smashed in the past.

I only heard a loud noise, accompanied by an exclamation and a scream, the one who was thrown out by me knocked over the shield on the opposite side, and then two people rolled together to make a ball, and behind me This shield fell down because it was unsupported. The entire shield formation was opened in two moments. No matter where I broke out, they should not expect to stop me again. But ..., ... I didn't intend to break through at all.

Taking advantage of the shield burst, the opponent intends to quickly make up for the opportunity, I rushed straight to one side, and then slammed a pedal before the impact to rebound on the shield to jump to the other shield player. The shield hand on the other side looked at me and thought that I was going to break out from the opposite side, who knew that I actually bounced back on the shield on her side. Unexpectedly, she didn't grasp the shield at all, and I was kicked to the ground by someone with a shield.

As a shield player, power is definitely the first focus of all attributes. "But the problem lies here. These gangs' occupations, skills and equipment are all their choices in the game, but the problem is that their attributes are read. The physical value in reality. This is like a player who is an archer. He may be short-sighted in reality, and a player who trains a blood bull may be a thin smoker like a smoker in reality. After all, we are in the game. The occupations they use are the ones they yearn for, and the attributes that are set in the game with these occupations are not the attributes in reality.

I believe these shield players have definitely chosen a strength-based development route in the game, but the problem is that in reality they are not necessarily hercules, and even they are just some young girls who ca n’t carry their hands and ca n’t carry them. Isn't it kidding to be a shield player? Let ’s talk about them. ”Their real attributes are only ten when they are read into the game. But I have attributes close to one hundred players. It ’s not trivial to smash a shield? So this kind of shield is not used to slay masters. It's for hunting. The shields that really besieged the masters were not the way the Shannan sisters would play.

The Taimei, the president of the Shannan Sisters Association, was shattered in the blink of an eye at the sight of the shield, and immediately shouted, "The mage suppressed, don't let him rush out. "

Although they shouted in a timely manner, it is a pity that the little maids of the Shannan Sisters' Association did not hesitate to fight. When I was surrounded by the shield array, the mages on their side were blocked out. Instead, the soldiers were all standing behind the shield player. Now suddenly I heard the mages attack, and the fighters in front and the mages in the back were immediately busy. Change the position, and wait for them to change the position. "I have rushed into the crowd.

The mages who had just squeezed to the front didn't come and were ready for magic and saw that I had rushed in front of them. The mages who were rushing to squeeze back again had not come and turned around and I grabbed the heads of the first two mages and slammed together In one area, the two mages fell down with only a bang. Follow me directly across the body of the two mages and knock down one of the soldiers behind him, then raise your hand to support the chop of the next person, and pull back with one hand to bring the opponent into my arms, followed by the other With one hand around her shoulder, she squeezed her throat slightly. "Only by clicking, the soldier softened immediately.

After letting go of this soldier, I pulled out her long sword by hand, raised my hand and slanted open the three long and short weapons that were split at the same time, and then quickly slashed down the leftmost person and followed the long sword again. Draw a perfect "M" on it, and then the second and third fighters fell down.

Although the chairman of the Shannan Sisters Association also gave some instructions, she was just a little sister after all. After several consecutive times of failure, she also lost the patience of continuing to direct and took out her own weapons and rushed again. Come up.

I was surrounded by a group of little girls like a tiger, and I saw that I was quickly consuming the number of those little girls in the left block and the right split. "The guild of more than 70 people was less than 20 Only six people were killed in minutes, and the corpse lying on the ground was lying on the ground, and I didn't even get a drop of blood on my body.

Honestly, if it were not for the weapon in hand, the Seal of the Seal of God could be reduced by half in this time.

"Six of you want to die once, or just surrender?" Abandoning the last six people on the scene, I asked out loud ... In accordance with general practice, more than seventy people died and six remained. The gap in combat power is already very obvious. As long as it is not a mortal choice, most people will definitely surrender. However, the six in front of them showed very abnormal reactions. They did not accept my offer of surrender, but suddenly took off their armor collectively.

"Hey, hey ..." But I ca n’t take off my clothes. Are you trying to seduce me? Come on, my wife you have seen, much brighter than you. "

"Well, who wants to seduce you?" One of the little sisters took off her armor and put on a decent starting-hand style, and then said, "We thought it was wrong before. Read it in reality. The physical attributes are not compatible with the equipment and professions in the game, so we cannot play the fighting force at all. "

"Did you finally think of it? I thought you would fight like this all the time." At this point, I suddenly looked at them with a joke and said, "But don't think that I have taken advantage of you, because even if you use the in-game attributes , You are still not my opponents. "

Another little maid took off the robe of the mage and posed as a karate, and then said, "Our Shannan sisters will hang out outside, and the credibility naturally passed. We did n’t expect it before, and you also suffered The same drag "so we will not deny. However, the six of us are the most able to play in the guild. If you really want to convince us, take off the armor and give up all game skills. "Play against us in a real fighting style."

I thought for a moment, then looked up and shouted, "Call platform management."

"Excuse me, what do you need?" The training platform that comes with the system needs to be used for a fee, because I used to pay the fee, so the setting must be started by me. As soon as I shouted, the system responded immediately.

"Let them all resurrect, restart a light duel, this time using the consultation mode" death is invalid. They were allowed to choose 30 people to participate in the battle themselves, and the rest of them appeared in battle. The character attributes still use the data in the real body, canceling magic, equipment and all game skills. "

"Excuse me, do you want to fight in a realistic way?"

"Yes, we need full real-world rules, and all magic and supernatural powers are cancelled."

"Setting completed" Does the battle scenario remain the same? "

"Let's change the indoor stadium scene. The playing field will be a square of 20 meters by 20 meters, plus a circle of spectator seats. The rubber floor of the playing field has medium elasticity, no obstacles, and a 3-meter-high protective wall on the outside of the playing field. Use the same material. Use a multi-directional light source "Don't create shadows. "

"Are there any other special requirements?"


"The setting is complete." As the system prompt sounded, the grassland under our feet instantly became an indoor stadium. There is a rubber ground at the foot, and a three-meter-high fence surrounds it. There is a circle of seats on the top of the wall, which are for those who can't play and are first killed by me. But at this time our clothes were still in the style of ancient armor, which looked a little out of harmony with this modern gym.

"Platform management."

"What else is needed?"

"I said that the equipment is unnecessary."

"Equipment attributes have been canceled." Now your equipment only blocks the light and has no defense. "The system replied.

"Then change the look. It looks awkward."

"How do I replace it? Are there any specific requirements?"

"General fighting clothing is fine. Try to not affect the action."


As the system understood the two words, a scream broke out at the scene. Not because of who was beaten, but because of our clothes. "Everyone was wearing armor or a robe." Even if the archer's clothing is slightly cooler, it is also a clothing that covers more than one-half of the area. However, after the system agreed to change the fighting clothing that does not affect the movement of chalk, our equipment was Suddenly everything changed, and this new outfit turned out to be a bikini.

Strictly speaking, this is not really a swimsuit, it should be said that it is more appropriate to transport chalk. There are five things in my only outfit for men. They are two fingerless half-cut gloves, a pair of flat-fitting and foot-shaped flat shoes, and a pair of boxer shorts that are not tight but not loose. Except for these five things, I was completely empty. Fortunately, we are in good shape. "The six-pack abs on the stomach is not too shameful. But ......... the reason for the screams across is exactly the problem that I am grateful for.

Since the little sisters of the Shannan Sisters Association are sisters, their acceptance of clothing is certainly not low. So ordinary clothes don't make them scream. However, although they will not scream because of their clothes, they will scream because of their figure.

The appearance and body attributes of the characters in "Zero" can be read in accordance with actual data. Although it can be modified, the degree of change is actually not great. This group-but there are some of them who are not so ideal-exist. It was not obvious that there was armor or robes wrapped around. Now suddenly I put on a fighting gear similar to a swimsuit, and the car tires on the stomach could be completely exposed.

The fighting equipment prepared by the system for women is the same on my hands and feet. The shorts on the waist seem to be shorter than mine, and the chest circle is a short circle of chalk. Basically, It's similar to the kind of corsets worn by "men in the gym."

Although this kind of equipment is worn on the hot body-the body can well highlight the body lines, but in addition to those that are already good-and other-wearing it is another matter. That round of fat can't be covered anyway, of course there are some-I will be very distressed because I can see the rib structure directly under my corset. I usually wear armor there is a shape there, even if I ca n’t see it inside or outside, it ’s not working now. Whether it is mountains or plains is clear at a glance.

For many-their bodies are theirs, and everyone is now exposed, and it's no wonder that a lot of them care-they will scream. However, the little maids who are relatively good in shape are all proud and deliberately walking on the catwalk as if they did not come to fight with me but to show the fashion show.

"Hey, can you stop calling me? I'm not here to listen to the soprano choir. Trouble you quickly decide to choose thirty people and fight me in the way you think is the most fair. I will let you know, Whatever method you use, you have no chance of winning. "

My words are indeed very provocative, and the effect is surprisingly good. Those little girls who were still concerned about their bodies were immediately involved in the discussion, and then within three minutes they picked out the thirty people who could fight the most.

Now this year is a time when there are no big battles. Although there is an undercurrent between countries, for the law-abiding people of all countries, this world can basically be regarded as a peaceful era. Therefore, in reality, there are not many people who can actually fight. "Especially among women, the proportion is even lower. Fortunately, all the members of the Shannan Sisters Association are ... little sisters" and as female lumps, they encounter fighting There are definitely more women than ordinary women, otherwise it would not be easy to choose thirty out of seventy of them who can fight.

By the time the thirty little girls who could play all stood in the playing field, I had already adapted to the new equipment. Honestly, it feels weird to fight naked. What? You asked where the shorts went? Is there any obvious difference between wearing the thing and not wearing it? In the past, whether in reality or in the game, my plug-in equipment was full-covered armor, and every time I wrapped it like an iron can. Now wearing only a pair of shorts, it seems that everything is not right. Fortunately, this feeling of reducing the burden adjusts quickly, and while they were choosing the person, I moved myself to find it back.

"Now that everyone has chosen, let's get started." I tickled at the thirty little sisters across from me.

"Don't underestimate people." One of the last six little sisters left before rushed towards me first. What surprised me a little was that the girl had six obvious abs on her stomach. In reality, except for bodybuilding, there are not many people who can practice six packs on the stomach, and women are even rarer. Judging from this one who can live to the end and her six pack muscles, "This girl should be at least a regular exerciser, and she had a very strange starting position at the end of the previous battle. Judging from this, she may have learned kung fu. Although I do n’t know if she ’s really learning kung fu, it ’s the kind of huā shelf used for performances. ”She would definitely be kung fu anyway.

Although I knew what she would definitely order, I was not worried about her at all. The core of fighting skills is the speed of reaction. In addition to strengthening their physique every day, martial artists practice all kinds of fighting actions from their subjective behaviors into a physical instinct. Everyone knows that the body's instinct is always much faster than subjective consciousness. "So if martial arts skills can be practiced as body instincts, then when you need to use it, you will show a reaction speed far beyond normal levels. And this speed Is the key to martial arts masters to defeat ordinary people.

Although the little sister must have practiced in front of her, she is still human, no matter how much she practiced, and my reaction speed is completely incomparable. No matter what she did in front of me, it was the same.

The little girl who rushed to me quickly came up with a bow step, and the right palm of her right hand went up to the throat directly to my throat. But unfortunately, her attack was slow like the ten-year-old lady in front of me. As soon as her hand came out, I suddenly stretched out my left hand and put it on her right elbow joint, and pinched her wrist with her right hand. Shocked to the left. Because the human joints have almost no rotation angle in this direction, so a bunch of my little sisters immediately deflected my body in the direction of my force because of the pain in order to reduce the pain on the arm. However, her shoulders were so biased that the balance of her entire body was over. The most important thing in fighting is to ensure the balance of the body. Now that she is out of balance, don't expect any powerful tricks to be used. However, if she didn't use it, it didn't mean I couldn't use it.

While she was twisted by me and turned in the direction of my force, I took a step forward, bypassing her right leg with her right leg, and then forced her to lean back with the torque on her hand. The previous press, her right leg was blocked by my right leg, and she could not retreat to adjust the center of gravity. The whole person immediately fell backwards, and I quickly stepped forward and crouched down with her knees against her throat. With just a click, the resistance in her hand disappeared instantly, and the people behind her just rushed to me.

Looking at me half-kneeling on the companion ’s body, the second little girl rushed to me was a whip leg drawn to my side face, but our power gap was too big, even if she used the leg, she could not produce too much for me. Great lethality. When I lifted my left hand, I easily caught her whip leg, and then lifted up by the power of standing up. I was going to completely overturn her, but I didn't expect this girl to practice "Jiu Jiu Jiu" was actually held by one foot, and one foot stood on the ground and chopped a horse in the air, then both hands protruded from the sides of the body and clenched the fists. The middle fingers of both hands slightly protruded, A joint snapped down at my ribs.

We must have heard the word underbelly, and the word appears because the underbelly is a very obvious weakness. Although this place is protected by ribs, because the ribs are relatively slender, the defense force is not very prominent. In addition, the dense nerves, blood vessels, and weak muscle tissue here make it almost impossible to have the power to defend against impact. As long as it can be successful Hitting, even with the strength of a ten-year-old child, can easily make an adult man who has not practiced kung fu sweat instantly, and if it is an adult attack, it can kill someone.

I didn't expect that the little beautiful little girl in front of me was so much more powerful than the arrogant little girl before. The former was obviously practicing performance fighting skills "and the one in front of me is hard to learn military combat, and she seems to have learned Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, this is actually a necessary skill combination for women to defeat men in reality "Because the learning requirements of these two skills are exactly one that requires physical softness, and the other requires flexibility", and these two skills just don't have high requirements for women's lack of strength, so they can be said to be tailor-made skills for women. combination.

Now the opponent ’s two hands have reached me, and my left hand is holding her leg. “The right hand can only prevent one side of the attack. Under normal circumstances, it is difficult for me to block it. Of course, if you want to It's not impossible to solve it ~ ~ If it is a fighting committee with a slightly faster reaction speed, there are two options at this time. One is to let go now and give up the advantages to return the two sides to the peer state. The other The solution is to directly support the opponent's leg with your shoulders, and then free up two hands to block the attacks on both sides. However, the first method will lose the advantage, and the second method is easy for the opponent to pick up new moves in the back. Things went down. So I didn't plan to use either.

I used a very simple method to deal with this girl. Of course, people who can't respond quickly can't play it. I didn't let go or carry the other's leg with my shoulder, but I rushed forward violently against her.

As we all know, when people lose their balance, their hands will instinctively adjust their posture to maintain balance. This instinctual control will often exceed their own control. That is to say, even if you force your hands not to maintain balance, your body will still move by itself. stand up. Suddenly I got such a leg, that—immediately, my hands were swung backwards because I lost my balance, trying to maintain the balance, and when she realized that this action delayed her attack, I had suddenly stopped and threw her like a sack. Throw it out, and not only was she thrown out this time, I also accidentally knocked the two little young girls who just rushed back behind.

"That's right. Didn't expect a few of you who actually got on the table. Come on, get up and let me see what level your Jiu-Jitsu and grid-killing skills have? But don't tell me you Only two moves. "

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