Starting from Zero

Vol 18 Chapter 207: Pit father's gate of truth

The one I fell down on-my provocation! She quickly got up, but her efforts could not change anything, because no matter how much she paid, she was definitely better than my reaction speed, so she did nothing but toppled over and over again. No. (Qihang Fiction ~ Fiction from the Internet)

Although this one who has learned Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and military grid-killing-it surprised me a little, the overall strength of the Shannan Sisters Association is still expected. Except for this one who can work hard, everyone else is just ordinary people, or even ordinary people. Anyway, this is a bunch of little girls. The street fighting style of fighting is useless to me. Almost 20 or so people in the blink of an eye are put down by one by one. Compared to the previous decisive battle with weapons, this time is incredibly fast.

"Are you serving now ..." I asked the members of the Shannan Sisters Club lying on the ground while I put armor on my body. Say this **** system is really stingy. Before the game started, he helped us to change the combat suit. It was very fast. I did n’t expect that the system ended the battle after the game was over. . It hurts me to wear things back myself. If most people still don't think, there are so many parts in my Shenlong suit, and it takes at least ten minutes for a person to wear it by himself. Fortunately, the game was over, I summoned Ling and Yeyue directly to help me set up clothes. It's always faster for three people to work together than if I was there alone.

Although the little sisters on the ground of the Shannan Sisters Association knew that the battle was over, they did not immediately get up and put on their armors, but looked at the stars in the sky in a dull manner. Incidentally, this **** system changed the scene back to the kind of white ground and endless starry sky as soon as I knocked down the last member of the Shannan Sisters ’Association. The game scene will not be used for another second. .

After hearing my question, the gang—first looked at me, then, as if the soul had suddenly returned, they got up together and started to discuss something there. I don't care much about this reaction from them, anyway, I just treat them as waste. If they really do n’t know how to raise, “I do n’t mind sending them all back to Xinshou Village.

While the little sisters were discussing the issue there, I concentrated on cooperating with Yeyue and Ling to run the armor together, and when I had all my gear ready, I was preparing to put on a helmet, and the little sisters on the opposite side The results were finally discussed.

"President Ziri.", "Huh? Have you discussed it?", "Yes." The one who stood up to speak was the chairman of the Shannan Sisters Association. Although I haven't figured out what her name is now, the prestige of this girl in the Shannan Sisters Association is first-rate. The little girls who are not afraid of the sky don't care about me, the player who is called the devil today, but they are in awe of her.

"Did you discuss any results?" I asked, looking at the elder sister.

The other party paused for a moment, and then said very seriously: "We have already discussed it. Although our Shannan sisters are only a small group of puppies in your opinion, we also have our insistence. People who confuse the rivers and lakes, others can No, credibility must not be lost. Since we said before you to listen to your command, "we will not regret it. What do you tell us to say, as long as it is not excessive, we will do it ... "

"I didn't expect you to have any personality." I said with a smile: "That being the case, then I'm not polite ..." I said, holding out a finger, "My request is actually very simple. You guys After leaving this space for a while, I have to switch to a look that is very contradictory to me and leave while scolding me, and show a break with the alliance. "The other party heard me for a moment, then seemed to think of it what. "You mean we want to pretend to be out of the alliance and then induce the enemy to come in contact with us, right?"

My jaw almost fell when I heard what the other person said. "You ... Can you want to understand?", "Why don't you understand something so simple?" The little girl proudly said, "It's all done on TV, haven't you seen it?" "I ...! "I would like to say I have never seen it. It looks like we haven't watched any TV series since we were ten years old, but this thing is not clear at first, and there is no need to explain it, so I can only change the topic and say: "That" is easier if you understand. The task of your guild is actually very simple. You must show extreme dissatisfaction with the alliance, dissatisfaction with my ruling, and then leave the alliance. After that, you can follow our instructions to carry out some small robbery and sabotage in the country. However, where this specific damage is to be robbed, everyone must obey the command, and it is not allowed to attack their own country. Of course, you are free to fight back if you are attacked by others. "," Will there be a saboteur from another country coming to us? " "Yes." At that time, you will pretend to accept their purchase. The price can be high. Ask them for magic pets and equipment. Anyway, what is valuable and do n’t be too soft. Then you can arrange them for you. The mission tells us, we will tell you how to do it, and we will occasionally give you some information. You will sell this information to those foreign forces that cooperate with you ... "

As soon as I heard that I could work **** equipment and sell information, the little sisters immediately became excited. "Haha, I like this job. You said it earlier! I knew it was such an interesting job. You don't have to bet with us, we just joined ..."

Looking at the other person's expression that you blame you for not telling me earlier, I scolded them over and over. These little girls are counted by donkeys. They don't go away and fight backwards. They don't let their tempers go. They are willing to sit down and listen to me. But I certainly can't tell them anymore, I had to pretend that I didn't think it was in place and they were polite.

After some discussions, I quickly made various arrangements, and before I left, I paid ten crystal coins to each of their guilds.

Although it is not much more than money, it is a profit after all. Besides, this is my salary, which is paid monthly and belongs to stable income. In addition, I also promised them that in the future they will extort foreigners' materials and everything, and if they can get it, they will make it. This commitment is equivalent to the prevailing performance wage in the work unit. "If you see bonuses, you will get more benefits, and vice versa.

After finalizing the connection methods and how to coordinate disputes, I left the training platform with these little girls. Although these little girls are masters in the standard society, in my opinion, their performance ability is no less than that of the talented students from professional performance colleges. Maybe they are not as good as those who are very talented in some professional abilities. "But when it comes to the level of natural performance, they are absolutely first-rate.

As soon as we got out of the training platform, these little girls kept cursing at me with a look of fear and hate one by one, and some people also made an action to rush forward and come again. Of course, these "impulsive" people always have so many "calm" people around them, so in the end, none of them rushed up, but scolded and left.

Although we are all Chinese in this alliance, "but I am almost certain that in this alliance there must be spies in Russia and Japan, and even Americans and European countries. So today I rushed the Shannan Sisters Association with such great fanfare. Out of the Alliance, the Seal of Throne will surely be known by the guilds of those countries the first time things erupt. It is because of this that I have to show them to the spies. "Let them really treat the Shannan Sisters Association as me Drive out of the alliance, so that the talents behind the spies will be safe to contact the Shannan sisters.

Having solved the problem of the Shannan Sisters Association, I returned to the scene of the conference. The specific arrangements for the battle have basically been released, and the army **** announced an adjournment after explaining something separately to the last few guilds. As soon as the guild presidents listened to the meeting, they took their own task arrangements and ran to command the troops to quickly deploy. The guilds that did not change their missions had to make arrangements such as supplies, so the scene quickly ran out. People.

"How are you, the plans have been sent?"

The **** of war nodded and said, "The plan has been arranged, but when we can fight it is not something we can decide ..."

What the **** of war actually said was actually the abnormal reaction of the Russians. It is said that at this stage our guild still has a state of two-line fighting. Although the Japanese certainly told the Russians that our main force has been withdrawn, anyway, the Russians have already penetrated into the hinterland of China. Did they just stop here for no reason? It was like a robber. He finally opened the safe door, but at this time he heard the voice of the owner going home. At this point, no matter if the robber flashed right away or rushed into the safe to get money, then I don't think it is strange. The strange thing is that the robber stopped in the owner's house and neither continued to grab money nor leave. You What is he doing at this time?

I had already figured out the purpose of these "robbers" because of exploring the barracks of the Russians last time. They were looking for helpers to help the war. "I plan to change the theft to open robbery, but now the helpers have been killed by me halfway, but they still don't leave and do not carry out robbery." Instead, they just squatted there and didn't know what to do.

"Did our guild's intelligence network be withdrawn?", The God of War said as he packed his things and walked with me to the teleportation array, "Our horse-racing horse has been spread out for a long time, but so far there is no information." Got it. If the elites hidden by the Russians are used as battlefield soldiers, then it is impossible to arrange them too far away from us. After all, this is China. They have no teleportation array to use, and the battlefield mobility is definitely not with us. Than. If they are too far away, they will not be able to return in time, and they will not be able to play the role of surprise soldiers. But if they are too close, they can't be found all the time. But now we just can't find them ... "

After listening to the report of the **** of war, I frowned and said, "This way. You immediately contact the true red and gold coins and wait for me at the tower of truth." At the gate of the tower, the real red and gold coins also caught up.

"President, what are you asking us to do?", Zhen Hong didn't know the purpose of calling them here, but she probably knew that I definitely needed them to help find some kind of answer. After all, there is only one gate of truth in the Tower of Truth. The only function of this thing other than changing equipment is to use it as a diviner.

I stood outside the gate of the Tower of Truth and glanced up at the towering Tower of Truth. Then I said, "The whereabouts of the elite troops hidden by the Russians is still unknown, and I must find a way to find out where the troops are ..."

"I see. Do you want us to help with the task of hitting the gate of truth?" The gold coin asked as he walked to the gate of the tower of truth first, then stretched out his hands. "What are you waiting for? Let's go in ..."

With the promotion of Jin Minhua, the pure copper door, which is three or four meters high and half a meter thick, outside the Tower of Truth finally slowly opened a small slit for people to pass through. I wore them with Zhenhong, and the door closed slowly and automatically.

There is no extra decoration inside the tower of truth, there is only a platform like an altar. After walking along the steps to the platform that is not too high, you can see the golden door standing in the center of the platform. This huge lintel made entirely of unknown metal is composed of two door panels and a door frame. "The central part of the door panel is carved with a lot of mysterious runes and patterns in relief, while in the middle of the two doors, the central part is A huge ruby ​​radiates a bright light.

I walked to the gate and pressed a hand on the gem, and then said, "Request to open a solution task."

"Ask your question, and ask the trainer." An old and majestic voice rang through the entire Tower of Truth instantly. The head of the shock was a little dizzy.

"Our guild investigates that the Russian invaders who have invaded our country have assigned an elite army of about a thousand people, but we cannot find where they are. I want to know where they are now."

As soon as my question was asked, the ruby ​​above the door was immediately dark, followed by the light again, and at the same time a layer of golden light lit up around the door.

After about seven or eight seconds, the old voice said again, "An answer already exists, and the task is difficult." Are you sure you want to know the answer? "

The task difficulty of the gate of truth is determined by the system according to the player's required difficulty, but the general task difficulty will be lower than the required difficulty. After all, the gate of truth is a prop. If it costs more than using it, then a fool will use it.

I originally thought that the task would be very difficult, but I did n’t expect it to be a low-level task. According to the mission of the gate of truth from SS10, the B + level can be said to be not too difficult. In the gate of truth, I once completed a mission of Hida level. By comparison, it is too simple. If I knew it, I would not call it real red or gold coins. But since they have been called, then I will Can only take them.

"Yes, the gate of truth, I'm sure to know the answer."

After I shouted for consent, the ruby ​​on the door of truth suddenly flashed "Then a bright line appeared in the center of the gem. As the bright line extended upward and downward, the entire door finally opened slowly inward There was a thin slit, and then I stepped forward and lightly piled up, and the door was completely opened at once, revealing a colorful light curtain.

"Let's get started." I said, and walked into the door first. "Then into the light curtain. Neither the real red nor the gold coins were the first to do the task of truth, so they quickly followed.

After passing through the light curtain, we took a moment's glance, because the environment in front of us is not empty, on the contrary, not only are there people here, but also a lot of scary people.

In fact, the three of us are now standing on a huge altar, behind the altar is a deep mountain, and in front of the altar is a large group of ordinary people kneeling on the ground. These people are all wearing Chinese-style commoners. "It looks like ancient Chinese peasants. I made a rough count, and at least 100,000 people kneeled in the range I could see. The part covered by the rear due to the turning of the mountain road and other problems. No, but it looks like there should be many people behind.

"Thank you for coming!" With a shout, a freak dressed like a bald chicken was lying in front of us with a five-body gift, and then everyone else behind him completed the same action, and then It is the following peasants who fell to the ground in a row like waves.

"Chairman, what's the matter?" Zhenhong was completely stunned by the situation before her.

The gold coins quickly responded, and said directly: "It looks like they are engaged in activities of asking God, and the three of us are invited."

"God? Are we?"

"We don't count, but the boss definitely counts." The gold coin pushed me and said, "Chairman, you are the authentic King Yan Luo, and it is not wrong to say that you are a god? Besides, you can kill God, these guys are looking for us It is nothing more than helping us to cut a weird thing, and it directly responded to us to finish things and go home. "

I nodded ~ ~ and then stepped forward and stood in front of the leader Feather Man, and then said: "Are you guys asking us for anything?"

When I heard what I said, the weird man immediately said, "Go to the gods. There is a fierce beast out of this mountain, which is constantly maiming people nearby. I really ca n’t bear to see the suffering of Li Min, so please go to God to come and get rid of evil."

"No problem, since you have to wait for the incense, naturally you have to think about the safety of your life. Tell us about the form and appearance of the fierce beast, what ability, and usual activity habits, the more detailed the better."

As soon as this was heard, the guys behind the Featherman began to talk about it. The gold coins and red really didn't react much, but the more I listened, the more I felt wrong, and I just felt the hairs of my whole body stood up.

"Stop it."

The person who answered did not know why I suddenly stopped and looked at me with a look of horror. "What does God command?"

"Do you have a name for the ferocious beast?" I asked carefully: "It ...", um ......... No, it should be her. Does she have a name "Red" ...

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