Starting from Zero

Vol 18 Chapter 226: Doesn't work for me?

When everyone was busy stepping back, I saw something that scared me away. (Qihang Fiction ~ Wang Fiction) The demon turned her head to Yinxue. As the only super-existence among the gods present in our guild, if only one of the people present can live, I definitely hope that Yinxue can survive. But now the demon targeted her. Judging from the previous situation, once the demon launched an attack, even if Yin Xue would not suddenly burst into blood mist like the previous ones, there was absolutely no chance of survival. So at that moment I did something very brave.

At the moment when the one-eyed red light of the demon was on, I suddenly swooped in front of Yin Xue and took her into her arms and turned to block between her and the demon. At the same time, my wings quickly opened The two of us packed in, with a view to increasing the protection as much as possible. However, even though both of us are covered with wings, I know that the skills that can instantly kill the gods can definitely kill me in seconds. But as long as I can save Yinxue, it is worth it even if I get rid of it.

"I hope that **** skill is not to wear two people at a time." This is the last sentence after I hugged Yinxue, and it is the thing I am most worried about now. I'm not afraid of being kicked out, it's a big resurrection, and death is impossible for players. I'm just afraid that my sacrifice is meaningless, in case the demon's skills can wear two people at a time, that would be really troublesome.

Although I had a lot of thoughts in my head, in fact, the whole process took less than half a second from the moment I fluttered on Yin Xue to the start of the demon's skill. Almost as soon as I hugged Yinxue, everyone around me saw the demon's eyes shining the terrible red light again, and then ...

Then it was expected that I was blasted into blood mist, but it did not happen. When the demon's skill was activated, I just felt like I was pushed forward by a huge force, and at the same time, a group of red energy burst suddenly behind me, and the blast of flying waves lifted a large group of people around Turned over, but I was just taken off by the explosion.

"Zi Ri, Zi Ri, are you okay?" Silver Snow understood my intentions as soon as I hugged her, and she didn't mean anything to struggle. It wasn't her selfishness, she didn't care about protecting me by herself. It was she who knew that I could be resurrected. In contrast, it was totally worth it to replace her non-renewable life with one resurrection, so she did not resist at all, so I let her help her resist the attack. However, let me be a shield, and let me be a shield. My feelings, Yinxue, can be completely recorded. After all, for them, life is only once. No matter what I pay, anyway, she is equal to more lives, this kind of favor she dare not forget.

Immediately after we were lifted off, Yin Xue adjusted our attitude in the air, and as soon as she landed, she screamed I wondered how I was doing. Although she knew that I could be resurrected, she was terribly worried at that moment.

"Ah ... don't shake, it hurts" After being shaken by Yin Xue, I immediately yelled and grinned.

Hearing my heart yelling for Yin Xue, I let go of it a lot. Being able to call pain at least shows that the problem is not big. Immediately after confirming that I was okay, she took me back and flew back, then waited for a distance before turning me around and carefully looking at my back.

The most serious injury to me should be the spine. The armor here has become a sieve, and there are at least hundreds of holes in it. The density is almost staggering. My back was not much better under the armor, the surface layer of meat was completely gone, the red spine and the roots of the ribs were all exposed to the air, and in some places, the internal organs could be seen directly, if not for me His race attributes are special, and such a serious injury must have ended.

"How? Is the injury serious?" I asked Yin Xue while looking for Xiaochun's skills in the skills list. Divine Realm integration is not good at this point. Except for common skills, other skills are not classified. They can only be found in the directory, and I have inherited all the skills of all the magic pets after integration, so this list is just like the phone book. Long, it's not easy to find a skill in it quickly.

Before I found the healing skills, Yinxue first put my hand on my back. With a blue light on, I just felt the coolness of my hot back, and my muscle tissue was under this light. The speed of healing is visible to the naked eye, and the perforated abdominal cavity has been completely covered soon, but it takes some time to seal the throne of the muscles and skin.

While helping me to treat, Yin Xue said: "Although the injuries are not minor, but the problems are not serious. They are all skin injuries. The internal organs seem to be fine. But your armor ..."

"It doesn't matter, the Dragon Dragon Armor can be repaired automatically. I just make it easy for you to treat without letting it repair itself. I will let it recover once the wound is cured, and it will be completely restored to a brand new state in ten seconds.

"That's good. I thought it was because I broke your equipment." Compared to my resurrectable life, the equipment on my body seemed more precious, so Yinxue was worried that I would save me She broke the equipment. In case something goes wrong with my regular equipment, she still owes me a lot of ambition.

We're healing here, but the demon over there is using her one eye to shoot the red light everywhere. No matter who is staring at her, it will burst into the sky. Just after I left Yinxue to leave, three other great gods were killed unfortunately, of course, more Russians nearby. Because the gods are fast, as long as they can't hit them, the eyes that fly overhead will inevitably burst out a large number of people.

After all the great gods on our side managed to get out of contact with the demon, they all came to us and saw Yin Xue, who was healing me, and Bi Ling ran over and hugged Yin Xue Road: "Just scared to death I thought I thought you weren't saved "

Yin Xue responded to Bi Ling with a smile, and said, "Thanks to Zi Ri, he used to help me stop me a bit, otherwise you will never see me again."

After listening, Bi Ling seriously said to me: "Zi Ri, I owe you this time." Bi Ling and Yin Xue had a good relationship before I received Hyundai. It can be said that they belong to that kind of boudoir. A close friend, sometimes someone even thinks that the relationship between Bi Ling and Yin Xue is better than her relationship with the golden Tianlong husband.

Of course I ca n’t directly accept Bi Ling ’s words, but I ’m polite: “All should be. Yin Xue is also our guild after all, I ’m protecting myself, and I do n’t owe anything. Besides my life It can be resurrected. It ’s very cost-effective to exchange Silver Xue, my only life, with my infinite resurrection. "

"Thank you anyway." After Bi Ling said a sudden meal again, she seemed to think of something, and then looked at me in surprise.

I was covered with hair by Bi Ling and couldn't help asking: "What do you think of me like this?"

Bi Ling didn't answer my question, but asked Yin Xuedao, who was treating me, "How was he just injured?"

Yinxue Road: "Serious. The entire back armor has been sieved, and the muscle tissue is also thin, and even the bones and internal organs are exposed. What do you ask?"

"No," Bi Ling said, "everyone else hits it instantly bursts into blood mist. Why are you only breaking your muscles? And you only receive the muscle that is facing the attack, that is to say That demon's attack didn't penetrate your muscle layer at all, and didn't hurt the internal organs. "

The big gods who just retreated from the wolf howled at Bi Ling also responded. Golden Tianlong touched me directly and pressed a hand on my shoulder for a long time. Then he said, "Strange, the attributes are not better than ours? Why are the demons' skills so bad for you? "

"Does that guy have the same suppression of the Protoss as I do?" I guessed tentatively.

The Qinglong on one side shook his head and said, "Impossible. The attribute of suppressing the protoss is only possessed by the gods. Your position appears because you have killed too many pross. The demon is not as perverted as you. Polytheistic. So she ca n’t have a godlike character. "

"Actually, she is much more perverted than me. Although she has not killed God before, she has already killed six. This time, she is definitely more perverted than God. Yes, she is unlikely to have the property of suppressing the Protoss. Then there should be other reasons that cause me much less damage than you. "

"Otherwise, you can give her a try again, maybe you can find the reason?" Suzaku said suddenly.

As soon as I heard this, I stared at her and said, "You'll make an idea, why don't you try it yourself?"

"We are not like you can be resurrected ~ ~ Besides, haven't you just died? You can rest assured that we will protect you from a distance and find you wrong and just pull you back."

"I will become a fog of blood when something really happens. What's the difference between pulling it back and not pulling it back? You have time to think about what causes the defense effect of me and yours to be different."

"Isn't this a suggestion?" Suzaku said: "To know why you are not afraid of the demon's attack, you must first say all your defense attributes, and how did you stop her from attacking?"

"There are these in defense attributes." I showed all my attributes, and then I found out the defense attributes separately, and then described the process of intercepting the attack just now. In order to be afraid of my incomplete memory, I also added Yin Xue.

Everyone frowned after listening, thinking about what caused my defense effect to be so much higher than them, but this problem is really very troublesome. I found all my defense attributes and found no one that could block that. Unknown attack.

"Ah, I think of the reason." Just as everyone was thinking there, a protoss I didn't know suddenly called out, "I think of the reason."

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