Starting from Zero

Vol 18 Chapter 227: Concentrate

"I think of the reason.

(Reading Net) "the protoss shouted.

"What is the reason?" Everyone heard that someone thought about it and asked.

The protoss said with some excitement: "We were all thinking the wrong way before. The demon's attack was not a markless, attributeless attack. Before she used her skills, her eyes would glow. So, I judge that it is A pupil technique. "

"Even if it is pupil surgery, why is Ziri's resistance so much higher than us?" Bi Ling asked.

The Great Shinto: "The reason is on the wings of the Purple Sun Friends."

After hearing him say my wings, I spread my wings and stretched out in front of me to look at myself, and then asked him curiously, "What happened to my wings?"

"There is nothing wrong with the wings themselves. The problem is with your feathers. Your feathers are not real feathers, but fake feathers that are condensed by mercury into a feather-like shape. The reason why you can be so strong against that demon's pupil technique Resistance because your feathers are made of mercury. "

"What is the relationship between mercury feathers and pupillary resistance?"

"Pupillary surgery is a surgery that is released through the pupil, and its essence is similar to some kind of light. In other words, it must be seen to have an effect."

"I see." I heard the big **** say here and I suddenly reacted. "I can resist pupillary surgery because of mercury reflection."

"Yes." The great **** affirmed: "The pupil technique relies on light to produce lethality. The purple sun's feathers are made of mercury, and the surface can reflect light, so the power of pupil technique is greatly weakened. But that layer of mercury After all, it is not a mirror, and it is impossible to achieve full reflection, so Ziri was still injured in the end. "

Qinglong asked: "If this is the case, can I think that if I am invisible, I will not be hit?"

"No, stealth is useless." The great **** shouted with me.

Qinglong looked at us questioningly and asked: "Since the pupil technique uses the light to produce the killing effect, as long as I hide, the other party will not see me, will it not cause killing?"

"It's different." I said: "Eyes see an object because the light hits the object and reflects back into the eye, so that you can see things. Stealth is nothing more than some way to make light pass through your body. Does not reflect back into the other person ’s eyes, but pupil surgery itself emits powerful invisible light beams through the eyes to produce lethality, no matter whether the light is reflected back into the other person ’s eyes or passed through, after you are illuminated, it will It is lethal, so stealth may make it impossible for the other party to find you through visible light, but as long as you are hit by pupil, you will still be injured. If the demon can only launch the target through visible light, then there is nothing wrong with stealth, because although stealth also I ca n’t escape pupil, but I can make the demon unable to find your position and do n’t know where to launch. However, I think it ’s best not to take the risk to try, because I feel that the demon knows how to find the target with spiritual sense. By then, even if she can't see you, as long as she can lock you with other senses and launch pupillary at the position she feels, you will still Get hurt. If you like me unlimited resurrection, I do not mind if you try to, but now ...... I see some good still cautious. "

"Well, I agree with Zi Ri's point of view. Our lives are only once, so we can't take risks like this." Bi Ling finished and said, "So Zi Ri, would you like to try your mercury protection? By the way, you can help us. Test the stealth effect. "

I thought about it and said, "Okay, you're waiting in the distance, I'll try it in the past. Who would pick up things here in the air? In case I get injured, please pull me back as soon as possible."

"You can rest assured."

After we had negotiated a good solution, I walked towards the demon who was still crazy. Because our gang of attackers have run away, the demon can't find us at all now, and can only put pupils around, and because this is the center of the Russian invasion army, almost all the Russians are unlucky.

Although I want to test whether mercury is the main reason to resist attacks, I still have to test the stealth effect by the way. But it's not that I'm going to use a stealth state to hard-wire an attack, but it's just as close as I can to see if she can find me. Pupil surgery can attack stealthy targets without testing. The petrified eye of Yeyue is a kind of pupil, and the petrified eye ignores stealth. So I have no doubt that the demon's pupil technique can kill the enemy in stealth state. What I want to test is whether she can recognize stealth.

When I entered stealth and slowly approached the target, the great gods also floated far away in the sky to watch my actions. Because I and them are now in team mode, my stealth does not work for them. Looking at me a little closer, the hearts of the great gods also mentioned their throats. It's not that they worry about my safety, but these guys worry that stealth like I said is really ineffective.

At first, as the monster approached, the demon did not respond, but when I approached only ten meters away from her, the demon suddenly turned his head to me, and then said coldly, "You Do you really think I can't see you when you are invisible? "

"Damn, stealth is ineffective," Bi Ling shouted, "get ready to pull Ziri back."

"Wait a minute and see how the mercury shield works." I guessed that the reason why I didn't have high resistance to pupillary surgery was because of the great **** because of the mercury reflection.

When I heard the guy ’s words, several great gods responsible for pulling me back stopped the skills first, but they did n’t stop the skills, they just connected to the target and waited. As soon as they found out that the situation was wrong, they had an idea. Can pull me back.

Just as the great gods were preparing to pull me back, the demon's eyes shone again in my direction. Although she couldn't see me at all, she just felt like I was there, and Pupil surgery only needed to know the location of the target.

Seeing the other person's eyes flashed again, I quickly gathered the mercury shield on my face. I saw that as if it melted, a large amount of mercury droplets flew out in an instant, and then gathered into a mercury ball in front of me, and then it seemed to explode into a huge shield around me in an instant, just blocking me Behind. However, unlike the mercury shield used to block artillery shells this time, the surface of the mercury shield this time does not have the curved structure and various uneven patterns like the general shield. The surface of the shield I formed this time was completely a smooth plane.

I didn't know the reason for blocking the pupil before. Now that I know the reason may be because of the mercury reflection, then I naturally want to maximize the effect. Compared to the reflective effect produced by mercury in the feather state, such a smooth and shiny mirror surface will definitely have a better reflective effect, so if it is really because mercury blocked the previous attack, it should be able to completely or partially block it at this time. The power of mydriasis is at least much better than the last one.

The moment the Mercury Shield completed in front of me, the demon's eyes flashed sharply, and then I felt that the Mercury Shield was slammed back by a sudden force, and I myself The reaction force started to slide backwards along with the shield, and at the same time, outside the edges of the shield, the ground seemed to have been burned by laser weapons. The entire surface instantly burst into smoke, and even the soil was evaporated.

The demon came out with a prepared hate this time, and his attack power was more than several times stronger than the last time he and I attacked Yinxue. Although the Mercury Shield did seem to work, I still felt as if my whole body had been inserted into the meat by countless small needles, and even a layer of green smoke appeared on the surface of my armor. However, although it seemed scary, after more than three seconds of hard-topping, the pupil's pupillary operation finally stopped, and I did n’t seem to actually hurt anything except my body was not very comfortable. However, the health value does decrease, but it is not too much, at least within an acceptable range.

I came here to test the effect this time, and didn't want to start fighting with the demon immediately, so I immediately gestured backward after blocking the attack. The next group of great gods quickly used my skills to pull me back when they saw my gestures.

"How? Really able to block it?" As soon as I was pulled back, the great **** who had discovered the secret of Hitomi immediately said proudly.

I nodded and said, "It's really because of the mercury reflection. But pure reflective materials can't work." I waited until those great gods asked me to continue to explain: "I just deliberately flattened the mercury surface to resist the attack, so that it could be used as much as possible The possible reflection of light, as a result, the damage I received was significantly better than the effect of the last time the mercury shield was attached to the wings. However, I still suffered blood loss after the attack, and I could feel the surface temperature of the armor at the moment of the attack. It has risen sharply. My mercury shield is able to carry this attack because of its magical protection. If general protective equipment is used, I estimate that it will likely be melted shortly after the attack begins. At that time, it can at most block some of it. Attack power, it is unlikely to want to use it repeatedly. "

"Isn't it just you who can approach her alone?" Suzaku asked a little worriedly.

I thought about it, and it seems to be true. Although the demon's attack method can be blocked by reflective objects, the problem is that ordinary objects can't last long. It's not difficult for the great gods to make something reflective, but can't they bring a bunch of mirrors and change them every time they attack?

"If only I can get close, how can this demon kill?" I asked Bi Ling and said, "I used to calculate that everyone's shifts might not work for a week. Now I'm the only one. That ’s not a month to chop. To kill her? If so, I guess it wasn't that I hacked her to death in the end, but she exhausted me first. "

"You said that too," Golden Tianlong said, "It's really too slow to rely solely on you to completely kill the demon. Besides, the demon came out after such a long time to explore two methods of using demon power. If the time **** The Throne of India will be a little longer. I am afraid that she will gradually understand all kinds of magical powers. At that time, we will be troublesome if we want to deal with her again. "

When the Golden Dragon said this, the gods were also in a state of contemplation. The problem at hand is really tricky. That demon's offensive ability is too strong, others can't rely on it. The only thing I can get close to is not enough damage. If you continue to attack, it will take too long to seal the throne, and people may find a way to replenish blood. No matter how I think, this demon is not easy to deal with.

We were frowning and trying to find a way, and suddenly I heard the voice of the **** of war in my headphones. "Zi Ri, how are you doing there?"

"Don't you see it?"

"The picture I observe from the sky here is not very detailed, and I can only see a rough picture. According to the image I saw, it seems that the casualties of the Russian military camps are very large. According to my latest calculations, I think we The plan can be changed. "

"What do you mean?"

"Before to reduce losses, we adopted a defensive strategy, but now it seems that the Russians have lost more than we expected, so I think the most cost-effective strategy is to take the initiative to drive them back completely Russia. "

"Is there such a heavy casualty in Russia?"

"Do you want to see the pictures returned by Babelta?"

"No, I look at it in the past anyway. But your suggestion is rejected."


"You focus the image of Babelta on the demon in the middle of the Russian military camp and you know what's going on."

The voice of the **** of war was silent for a while, then suddenly said: "It seems that as you said, it is not suitable to fight back now. Do you have no way to deal with that monster?"

"There is a way, but it takes me a month to call alone."

"Why? Don't you have a bunch of helpers?"

"The monster will have a special attack. The group of gods I invited can't even stop it. The only one on the scene who can directly confront that attack is me, but my attack power is very small for that monster. If only I went up to fight, she would have to work 24 hours without stopping for a month, and she would not have the opportunity to replenish blood during this period. "

"Isn't that tantamount to being useless?"

"Yeah, so we are all here to find a way."

"Then wait a moment, I will let the think tanks in the meeting see if there is any way to solve it."

No wonder Matsumoto Majestic was so envious of the think tank of our guild after joining us. The problem on my side was just passed on, and there was a solution in less than three minutes.

"The way the think tank came up with is this." The **** of war conveyed to me: "You can let those great gods find a way to temporarily pass on their power to you, so that your attack power alone can be equal to many people Even if it is not 100% inheritance, as long as they can inherit one tenth of each of their combat power, that is enough to greatly improve the efficiency of the attack. "

"But what if no one here would transfer offensive skills?" I asked.

"Then use the door of truth to do a task with such rewards, and then ask the gods to help complete it. I believe that with their combat power, even a 3S-level task should be easy to get."

"Good way." Immediately after getting this solution, I told the method to the gods. After listening to them, they were very excited. After all, this method is not only very feasible, but also simple to implement.

The great gods present did not have a way to transfer their attacking power, but the think tanks said that the great gods would use the door of truth if they couldn't, so I took the group of gods back to Isinger to use the door of truth.

Although the requirement to transfer attack power is not simple, it is not too high, so in the end, the gate of truth helped us customize a task that is not too difficult. Of course, such a task is just not difficult for us, not for everyone. Because the content of this task is war-like, that is, to participate in a war. But because I am carrying more than a dozen Protoss elites to do the task, this task is a bit different. From the moment we received the task to the end of the calculation, it didn't take ten minutes to count. The original mission content was to help a small country win the war, and then after entering the mission, we met the king of the country in need, and after listening to the content of the other party for about minutes, I felt that nothing had happened before. The four sacred beasts who helped out took a joint shot and destroyed the opponent's country and the army with the city in a single act of destruction. Seeing this result, the king who begged us to help slip out of the throne directly to the ground, but although this method of completion was slightly different, the task was completed anyway. So in the end, we still got the mission reward previously requested, which is the combat power transfer function.

"Is this all right?" Back to the battlefield again, Suzaku looked at me with a black crystal ball, confused and asked.

The reward for the previous mission of Truth was a set of crystal balls, one of which was white and the others were black. According to the instructions for use, those who need to inherit the combat attributes need to carry the white crystal ball with them, and they cannot be put into space equipment. As for those black crystal balls, those are for those who need to provide attributes. Those who are comfortable with the attributes need to hold the black crystal ball in their hands, and in the process can not let go. These crystal **** are all disposable items. After I start it, if the person holding the black crystal ball releases his hand, the crystal ball in his hand will burst immediately, and then I ca n’t get the attributes inherited from him. Already. When all the black crystal **** burst, the white crystal ball in my hand will burst with the last black crystal ball. Of course, if I actively close the white crystal ball, it will also cause all the crystal **** to burst at the same time. It can be said that this method of use is super simple, just grab it anyway. However, this thing also has a disadvantage.

"There are only eight crystal balls. Who is it for?" Asked in embarrassment at the few crystal balls.

An old fairy with a white hair said, "I ca n’t help but let Ziru Daoyou look at our personal attributes, choose the eight most powerful attackers in the Seal of God's Throne per unit time to provide attributes, and the rest are responsible for protecting those The person who provided the attribute. After all, what Ziri Taoyou lacks now is that the attack ability is not defense, so he should choose the person with the strongest attack force to provide the attribute. "

"That makes sense. Zi quickly look at our attributes." Qinglong urged.

I nodded and began to look at the attributes of the remaining personnel. Because it was in team mode and the other party did not intend to hide, I easily read out the attributes of everyone. After comparison, the eight most aggressive people were selected. Come out.

I don't know if it is because of racial characteristics, none of the eight attackers selected were the most powerful. Except for the three national guards, Bi Ling, Jin Tianlong, and Yin Xue, all of the four sacred beasts were listed except for basalt, and all six were from **** beasts. None of them was cultivated by humans. One of the remaining two places was obtained by a beast with a horn on his head, but because he has maintained a human form, although I judged from the horn that he is a beast, I don't know what it is. The winner of the last place was a beautiful fairy wearing a colorful dress. According to Suzaku, she seemed to be a demon, but the original race was unclear.

The identified people each received a black crystal ball, and then everyone else was responsible for protecting them. According to the instructions, after I start the white crystal ball, the attributes of the person holding the black crystal ball will drop to one tenth of the normal value. Although the selected ones, even if only one-tenth of their combat power is left, cannot be set by ordinary people, it is always right to be careful. Of course, they still have one-tenth of their combat effectiveness, which is not to say that I can get another 90% of their combat effectiveness. In fact, the transmission ratio of this crystal ball is only one third, which means that the person holding the black crystal ball loses 90% of the combat power, and I can only get 30% of it. However, the eight strongest attacking gods each gave me 30% of the attack power. This value is also scary enough. Besides, my own attack power can already hurt the demon, but the previous strike effect is too low, it takes a long time to seal the throne to kill the demon, and now inherits the attributes of so many people, the speed can at least be faster Several times.

In fact, the reason why it is calculated to play for a month before it is calculated, but now only a short time the reason for the Seal of the Seal of God is not because the inherited attack power is much more than before, but because the current attack power has broken through the threshold.

For example. For example, my original attack power can produce six points of effective damage each time, and each effective attack I take takes about five seconds to seal the throne. The demon's own blood recovery speed is one point per second. Then in the process of six points of damage every five seconds, the demon will return five points of blood automatically. As a result, she loses only one point of health in these five seconds. So if the total health of the demon is one hundred, according to my speed of five seconds, one hundred points will take 500 seconds to fix. So, what if my attack power doubled? Six points of damage every five seconds becomes twelve points, and subtracting five points of automatic recovery, I can produce seven points of damage in five seconds. Then it is also a hundred points of health. The time taken by the Seal of the Seal of God will definitely not be only half of the original, but it will take more than 14 seconds to kill the demon. It used to be 500 seconds, but now it only takes more than 14 seconds. What is the gap between them? But my attack power has only doubled. So, the values ​​I inherited from these eight people now don't seem to increase my total attack power many times, but the attack effect produced by the Throne of Time Seal of God will be greatly improved.

After confirming that the eight gods who provided attributes were ready, I also put the white crystal ball on the back of my hand. The back of my armor has a hole for eternity, and this white crystal is just as big as that hole, and just fits in. But because the white crystal does not fix itself in the groove like eternity, so I let eternity separate a little bit and wrap it on the outside of the crystal ball to fix it on the back of my hand. This way you don't have to worry about the crystal ball being broken or falling off in battle.

With the start of the white crystal ball, the eight people holding the black crystal ball felt a soft body at the same time, as if suddenly a serious illness, but this feeling came quickly and quickly, without waiting for their reaction After that, the feeling disappeared, but their attributes such as strength actually fell to one tenth of the normal value, and with their sense of weakness, I felt a whole body full of strength. Just want to vent the feeling. Along with this feeling, my attributes rose like horse watches under my watch.

Although we used to pick the big **** with strong attack power to transfer attributes, but that's just to get the highest attack power. In fact, this crystal ball transmits not only the attack power, but also other attributes of those big gods. . However, only basic attributes are transmitted, such as strength, magic, etc. Skills are not transmitted.

Because the attributes of each of the great gods are different, and each person's strength is also biased, after I stabilize my attributes, the increase results of various attributes I see are not exactly the same. Of course, the most improvement is the attack power of the screening target. I have increased this attribute by more than three times, which means that my current attack power is almost four times more than before. Except for attack power, the improvement of other attributes is not so obvious. The weakest defense has only tripled. Agility has increased more than three times, but not as much attack power. The magic power has been increased by exactly three times. Health increased by less than three times. Mana has been increased by two and a half. Other basic attributes such as endurance have also been improved, most of which are between double and triple.

"How do you feel now?" Qinglong looked at me and asked.

"I feel like strength is all over my body," I answered truthfully.

Suzaku said, "Our strength has come to you. You don't think it's strange that our body is full of strength. Well, you have to deal with that demon quickly. But don't let us do white work."

"Understand." I said, took an infinite return of Motan directly from the gourd and threw it into my mouth. It's been almost an hour before tossing, and the magic has been unstable for a long time. Although there is still some time before the limit of the Seal of the Seal of God, but in order to concentrate on the next battle, I still ate an infinite infinite magic in advance Dan.

Once the magic problem is solved, I will be completely worry-free. After turning eternity into a hook sickle, I will instantly become a cloud of smoke and dissipate in the air. The demon who is madly exploding next second suddenly feels behind him. More individuals.

During the time we left, the demon in the throne of Sigil did not take the opportunity to escape at all. When she suddenly burst into cyanosis, it actually meant that her rationality had basically collapsed. Now it can be said that it is the demon's instinct that dominates her. The reason why she can explore the alternative magic power of pupil pupil so quickly without any guidance is precisely because of the benefits of the demon's instinct awakening. But, like most things in this world, everything has its advantages and disadvantages. This demon instinct greatly strengthened the demon's demon consciousness and combat instinct while greatly reducing her intelligence to a state close to zero. At least if she still has a sense of reason, she should run away immediately after we left, but she didn't think of this problem at all, but started to get angry with the Russians around when she couldn't find us. Of course, I also have to feel the demon's wild instinct, otherwise the casualties of the Russians would not be so great.

Because in the state of instinct, the demon's ability to dominate her own ability has been greatly improved, so the moment I appeared behind her, she already felt my presence. There is no need for brain calculations at all. Only the instinctual demon suddenly turned around and slaps at me as soon as I appeared, but I was faster than her. Even if she only has instincts left, she can never match my superhuman reaction speed.

Just as the devil's Xiaonen fan came over, I directly threw the hook sickle in the right hand to the left hand, and then only heard a click, the blade claw on the right wrist popped up, and the surface was covered with the eternal blade claw sharp The blade directly greeted the tender little hand, and then there was a bang. Three blade claws actually penetrated the palm of the small hand and three bleeding blade tips emerged from the back of the hand.

After seeing this result, I was also a little stunned. After all, the previous attacks were invalid and I have become accustomed to the situation where I can't cut the guy. I did not expect that after inheriting more than three times the attack power, I could hurt her.

Although I was excited about the inherited attack power, my movement was not slow at all. After piercing the demon's palm for a moment, while the other party was screaming, I directly leaned up and hit a hammer on the other's forehead. I have armor on my body, and the helmet behind my body still has almost the same amount of protection as the helmet of the Shenlong suit, so it is naturally impossible for me to suffer from this hammer.

The demon stepped back a few times with a hammer hitting me, and while she was backing, I grabbed a sickle of the hook sickle with both hands, and a nearly three meter long hook sickle took The whistling wind was sharply cut on the demon's left shoulder, and it was chopped into the meat instantly, until it was cut to the bone and stopped.

With a sore shoulder, the demon howled and reached out to grab the eternal gun head, trying to control eternity. But in the moment when her hand was put on eternity, eternity suddenly broke into a small steel ball on the ground, and then it bounced to the remaining half of the gun handle in my hand and formed a new hook sickle in an instant. gun.

Looking at the empty palm, the demon finally broke out again. She aimed sharply at my side, and her eyes shone again, and I quickly retracted the gun, and at the same time, the Mercury Shield cast a flat mirror reflection shield in front of it. As the demon's eyes flashed, the red light Instantly fired on the Mercury Shield, but instead of passing by, it smashed and splashed like a wave hitting a reef.

Immediately after the demon's attack was over, the blue smoke on my body had not disappeared, and I rushed forever with a wave of eternity. The mercury shield automatically divided into four in front of me, forming four small mirrors suspended by my side. Ready to gather again to help me resist the attack.

The demon who had just completed an attack was about to gather energy again, only to find that I rushed up. Although she had no instinct, she was not surprised, but she couldn't react because of the sudden situation. However, I will not give her a chance to respond. Before she is ready for the second attack, I have rushed within three meters in front of her, and the hook sickle accurately pointed her left eye. Stuck in the past.

Although this guy's instincts have been awakened, the level is still very low, and the combat ability is incomparable to me. The key is that her eyes are almost the same as the positive electron guns. The power is too great, so I want to dispose now Drop her eye. Although she can still sense objects with demon power without eyes, at least she cannot use the weapons of mass destruction.

Despite her instinctual decline in intelligence, the demon still knew that the eyes were her main means of attack, so when she saw the tip of the gun pierced into her eyes, she immediately backed away and turned hurriedly to pass the only one. Left eyes.

Because the demon turned suddenly, my hook sickle just brushed her ears, and only cut a gap in her right ear. What made me unexpected was that the demon actually kept energy gathering while turning, When she turned back again, her eyes just reached the limit.

As soon as I saw those eyes, I knew it was going to be bad. I hurriedly pressed the hook sickle gun in my hand and forced her head to turn to the side ~ ~ At the same time, I took a step forward and tried to stick to her as much as possible, not to her. At the same time, my head bent desperately to the right, hoping to avoid her sight as much as possible. However, despite doing so many moves, I was still unable to completely clear her attack range. I just felt a sudden sudden pain, and my entire left shoulder burst into a cloud of blood instantly. The left arm, which had lost most of its connection, was hung on the side of the body against a layer of skin and almost broke. I don't care if I get bombarded with an arm. Anyway, I'm fit now. With Xiaofeng's attributes, any injury can be demobilized, including limb regeneration. What scares me is that the crystal is on the back of the left hand. If it is suddenly disconnected, my attributes will instantly fall back to normal values, and this short-armed state, once my attributes return to normal, then Can't wait to die.

Although my shoulder was blown up, my fighting consciousness was not good-looking. At the same time that the demon blew my left shoulder, my eyes also shone in a flash of light, and the petrified eyes from Yeyue started instantly, and the left half of the demon's left neck and half of his head became stones. Sealing her head is not the point. The point is that after the neck turns into a stone, she cannot turn her neck to aim at the target, so her attack speed will drop a lot.

This time we had our own gains, but the situation in front of me made me deeply apprehensive. It seems that things are not as we think. Defending attacks in battle and hiding attacks in the distance are completely different things. It is far from simple to want to kill this demon alive.

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