Starting from Zero

Vol 19 Chapter 28: Pick up Tokyo

Volume 19 Chapter 28 Picking up Tokyo

"The whole army assaulted." Masamoto Matsumoto floating in the air shouting at the Tokyo city ahead, and the ghost dragon player below and the guild members who followed Matsumoto Masa withdraw from the Fulcrum City at the same time ran out of hiding The jungle rushed towards Tokyo city ahead.

It's been a whole day since Matsumoto left their fulcrum and the Throne of the Seal of God has passed. In fact, the team has reached the outer area of ​​Tokyo as early as a few hours. The reason why they started to attack now is to make Time for the Seal of the Seal of God to give players a rest, but also to wait for the appropriate attack time, the Seal of the Seal of God.

When Matsumoto congratulated them when they left the Fulcrum City, it was almost early in the morning when the throne of the Seal of the Seal of God, a day of trek, actually arrived in Tokyo in the evening of the same day. At this time, the players were basically exhausted, so Matsumoto Masaka gave up his plan to attack the city immediately, but immediately ordered everyone to use the online sleep assistance system for deep hibernation.

When the Throne of Time Seal reached 5 AM, the Japanese player who had been sleeping for a night had just recovered his energy, and at this time the Throne of Time Seal was also just right. It was still dark at five in the morning, and the Fulcrum City was captured yesterday. The defense of Tokyo would not relax for a reason, so the midnight attack actually had no raid effect. On the contrary, the guard who had been on guard overnight at five o'clock in the morning started to relax and weary, and this time was also the best time to attack.

After a simple reconnaissance, Matsumoto Masaha finally shouted a slogan of full attack at 5:10, and with his order, hundreds of small red missiles with red light tails suddenly flew from the ghost dragon society. The rear of the team vacated and flew into the city of Tokyo.

The guilds that followed the Guilong will not know that Guilong will still have this kind of thing, but they are also relieved to see those things flying towards the city. No matter how powerful their own secret weapon is, at least bombing the enemy, it seems to be more reassuring than flying out a few things from the city.

As soon as the hundreds of small missiles flew into the sky, they were dispersed into several clusters and flew towards the city, and then four of the larger ones suddenly broke away from the formation and rushed towards the city. Those in the small guild were wondering how the missile could change into an array. Suddenly, the first two missiles hit the left and right and hit two large crystals suspended above the corner of the wall.

The crystal Japanese players floating above the corners of the city walls are familiar. That thing is a major branch of crystal technology from the Frost Rose Alliance-the crystal defense tower. This kind of thing can not only attack the enemies outside the city like a high-energy laser beam, but its main part is the basic component of the city defense array. As long as the four crystal towers surrounding the city do not fall, the magic barrier outside the city will not Disappear, which means that if you want to break through the defensive array, you must first kill four crystal towers. But the problem is that these four things have their own attack capabilities, let alone destroy them. Usually Japanese players ca n’t even get close to that thing. They ca n’t break through the defensive array except to use a lot of attacks to consume the energy of the shield. The casualties to be paid are really sad for Japanese players.

It is because the crystal tower's ability is extremely horrible, so the Japanese players who participated in the battle had already made plans to break through the defensive array after a lot of sacrifice, but what they did not expect was the two missiles that were closest to the city. As if in a no-man's land, they directly attacked the two crystal towers on the top corner of this side of the city wall. Looking at the crystal tower that was blown into the sky and the pieces crashed down, the Japanese players on the charge did not even know what to say, this happiness came too suddenly.

Before the Japanese players were excited, the third and fourth missiles that followed the first two missiles dragged the long tail flames across the city and hit the top corners of the city walls on the other side of the city without distinction. Of two crystal towers.

It took less than thirty seconds for the battle to bombard four crystal towers, and Tokyo's defensive circle was disintegrated almost instantly. Japanese players never expected that the protective cover that would have cost the attacking troops a third of their strength to break through would have been so easily removed. This contrast is so great that many Japanese players are running while charging I'm still taking the time to find out if I'm dreaming.

After bombarding four groups of crystal defense towers in succession, the missile group approached the city quickly, and then more than one hundred of them suddenly broke away from the array and shot into a horizontal line and rushed towards the city. After approaching the city wall, the missiles in front of it slammed into the city wall suddenly and neatly.

Boom ... An almost completely overlapping explosion accompanied by hundreds of fireballs suddenly covering the entire middle area of ​​the city wall. This large area of ​​the city wall including the city gate was lifted instantly, and the entire city wall was destroyed. Exploded into a huge gap.

"I x, is this us fighting?" A Japanese player rubbed his eyes and said, "How do I feel that Frost Rose is bullying us? When did we have such a missile?"

"I don't know." The player next to him said, "But I know one thing, that is, we are absolutely right when we follow Matsumoto to leave Fulcrum City. You can see how efficient this siege is, we are several kilometers away from the city wall. They blasted both the defensive formation and the city wall ~ ~ If this group of maggots followed the fulcrum city, they still don't know how many people will die before they can capture the city wall. "

The last remaining batch of missiles in the shouting excitement of Japanese players also added smoke passing through the city wall and flew into the city. After crossing the city wall, the missiles were suddenly divided into hundreds in the air like scattered flowers. The trajectories flew towards various places in the city, and then everyone saw hundreds of fireballs rising in the city. As for where they were shot, it was not clear to people outside the city. However, there is one thing that Japanese players can be sure. From the style of the previous batches of missiles, these missiles flying into the city are not random bombs. They should only attack key parts.

In fact, the Japanese players guessed very well. The positions of those missile attacks were all garrison points and teleportation arrays in the city. Once they landed, the remaining troops in the city were cut into unrelated ones. Small communities, and these communities themselves have been attacked by missiles. Now the remaining troops in the entire city of Tokyo may not even reach 10,000. Let ’s not talk about defending the city, even several important buildings in the city. Can't keep it up.

Looking at the excited Japanese players almost ran into the city almost all the way, Matsumoto Masako was facing the military Shinto side of the communicator: "Although now everyone knows that our military in Japan is empty, but is this too exaggerated? ? There are less than 10,000 troops left in such a big city? This is too outrageous, right? "

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