Starting from Zero

Vol 19 Chapter 29: Strategic movement

Volume 19 Chapter 29 Strategic Movement

Regarding the worry of Matsumoto Masa, the military **** did not mind at all, and simply said, "Is there a little 10,000 remaining combat power?"

"Less?" Masamoto Matsumoto said exaggeratedly: "That's not a problem anymore, but it's like an empty city at all. Okay, Tokyo, is it all good for us in Japan? How about a big city like this? Three to five thousand people pretend to be pretending? What about this ten thousand people? I know you must have installed a monitor in the city. Look at what these Japanese players are doing now. Is this a war or a hide and seek? ? "

"What you are talking about is just your feelings. The facts are not as exaggerated as you think." Army God explained: "Tokyo does belong to a very large city, but according to the system settings, the minimum combat quota of the city in a wartime emergency is actually Only 50,000 people. "

"It's 50,000. What is this 10,000?"

"Five thousand is the data before death." The **** of war asked in return: "Remember our words?"

Matsumoto immediately replied, "Remember. The city is empty, have you been transferred from the army?"

"That's it." Army Shinto: "All field forces can be transferred, and the only remaining city in the city is the urban defense team. Remember the missiles I asked you to drop? Their landing point is the urban defense team. Barracks, so before you entered the city, more than 40,000 people were 'killed'. So ... "

"That's how 10,000 troops are calculated?"

"Okay, don't worry about it. According to our plan, you were accidentally" killed "by 80% of the troops in the early stages of the attack, and the remaining troops were enough for your people to toss. Founder has one-eighth of your ghost dragon club They are all ours. As long as they are not allowed to come in contact with the troops we left behind, the person with the remaining 10,000 troops should still be addictive. "Speaking here, the army **** added:" This is also acting anyway. It doesn't make much sense to invest so many troops, do we also need to save costs? "

"You don't save money that way, do you?"

"Okay, you still have to command well. Remember to let the people we arrange for you to lie more about the record so that those people will not feel strange."

"Well, anyway, it wasn't me who was unlucky." Matsumoto reluctantly cut off the ties and led his subordinates into the city range and began to pretend to fight against non-existent enemies in the city. , But because Matsumoto is surrounded by the people we arranged for him, it is not easy to wear this kind of performance.

Since there were n’t many people left in the city, despite Matsumoto ’s hard-working performance, the battle ended in less than an hour. So it ’s still Matsumoto ’s intentional use of several underground buildings. It took only a few minor offensives to delay so much time for the Throne of the Seal of God, otherwise the whole battle could be completed in less than half an hour. To be honest, this play is indeed a bit excessive, after all, the area of ​​Tokyo City is there. If it is normal, let alone a big battle, it will take about half an hour for a player to rush from one end of the city to the other. As a result, a siege battle ended in an hour.

After the system announced that Tokyo City was occupied, many Japanese players involved in the attack were temporarily unacceptable. "It's occupied? Isn't it too easy?" Many players have this idea, but no matter how smooth the occupation is, after all, it's a good thing, most people haven't delved into why the battle is so simple. The majority of people, driven by most people and covered by various favorable conditions, should only think that they think too much, and no one really finds out what the problem is, after all, except that the battle is too easy to win It is really impossible to find any flaws.

"Long live victory" Although hesitated for a while, Japanese players quickly responded and began to shout excitedly.

Matsumoto looked for a tall building and stood up, and then started the city sound reinforcement magic circle. "Everybody's attention, I'm Masamoto Matsumoto, president of the Ghost Dragon Society, and now I'm issuing a new combat order. All Ghost Dragon Fighters and all members of the guild following us will gather at the East Gate of Tokyo, and we will immediately run to the next City. I know that everyone wants to enjoy the feeling of newly occupying the city, but we do n’t have much time for the Seal of Throne. We ca n’t stop in any city until the Chinese respond, this will slow down our offensive rhythm, And once we slow down, we will no longer have the opportunity to occupy more cities. So, now I announce that all of us will meet at the East Gate of Tokyo, and we will be out. "

Although as Matsumoto said, it is very like feeling the martial arts. The sacred king will make the sacred king to kill the gods and seal the throne at night. Force the abandonment of the Shaozhou Zhou royal family to marshal the night to kill the gods and seals the throne to seek the magic and pride of the world nine strongest days. Regained city, but this time with Matsumoto Masa who left Fulcrum City, either the ghost dragon society or the admirers who worshiped Matsumoto Masa are very admired. These guys are like the Japanese young military officers during World War II. All of them are physical reactions. Guys faster than the brain, when they heard that Matsumoto said that they would continue to attack, these fanatics immediately gave up their plans to enjoy the newly occupied city and rushed to the east gate of the city.

Due to the recent victory, the Japanese players are now extremely emotional. The entire assembly process took less than 20 minutes to complete in this unusual state of excitement, and when the big troops left Tokyo and rushed to their At the next goal, the Throne of Time Seal of God has just reached 7 am.

Matsumoto's next goal is Chiba, which is very close to Tokyo, which is similar to the previous Tokyo. This battle was also completed by God. Chiba Castle's protective cover was raised, and the crystal tower was bombarded by missiles. A row of missiles bombarded the city walls. The last dozens of missiles blasted important buildings in the city, waiting for players who Matsumoto took with him. Basically, I did some cleaning work when I arrived in the city. The whole battle was not even the time of the First World War in Tokyo. After all, Tokyo was a capital, and the defense was definitely better than Chiba.

After the occupation of Chiba, it was not necessary for Matsumoto to order those Japanese players to automatically gather in the square area in the center of the city, and then with the command of Matsumoto Masa, they all poured into the port of Chiba City and grabbed some small wooden boats. It was crazy. Crossed Tokyo Bay and reached Yokohama across the strait. Since the attack was from the sea, the attack was not as smooth as expected. After all, there were turrets on the coast. Even if the Yokohama guards were all evacuated, the port turrets could not be removed, and the natural turret soldiers had to remain, so we could not camouflage in this regard, and we could only let Matsumoto Masahe attack the turret with people. However, due to the existence of those mysterious missiles, the turret group did not play a large role. Although a lot of boats were bombed, but because the boat was small, there were not many people on board, so the casualties would not be large. In the end, when Matsumoto Masahiro conquered Yokohama and counted the casualties, the number was still small and negligible.

After fighting Yokohama, the fighting still could not be stopped. Matsumoto Masahiro rushed to Urawa with all the people and attacked Urawa directly without any preparation. However, to the group of real Japanese players of the Ghost Dragon Club and the guild members who followed Matsumoto Masahiro, they were surprised that Urawa City turned out to be an empty city. Unlike the empty city of defense force like Tokyo, Urawa is an empty city in the true sense. There is no defense force at all. It is almost impossible to find combatants except for some city inspections that maintain order. The city is free everywhere. bsp; For the state of Urawa's empty city, Masamoto Matsumoto has known for a long time, this is also a part of the plan, but although he knows, he can't say, he can only find some explanation in the city in front of those Japanese players, Japanese players finally knew that Urawa was originally guarded, but after the fall of Tokyo, the Chinese guards were all transferred.

Unlike Tokyo, Urawa had a small-scale battle some time ago, and the city defense suffered heavy damage. Later, it was a field force rather than an urban defense team stationed in Urawa. The biggest difference between these field forces and the defense team is the defense. The team cannot leave the city a certain range, but the field forces can run around.

After learning that these field forces stationed in Urawa evacuated, Japanese players and Masamoto Matsumoto gathered together and analyzed the reasons for our withdrawal. Then we arranged for Matsumoto's people to guide them so quickly. Japanese players have come to our conclusion that this is to shrink our defenses and concentrate our forces to defend key cities. This reasoning is very reasonable. After all, dispersing those troops in so many cities can only be defeated in the end, and if the defense is contracted, at least a few cities can be maintained. Comparing the two methods, everyone knows that contraction defense is Good way, so Japanese players believed in our arrangement without any doubt.

So what does the fact look like?

The fact is certainly not that we really want to shrink the defense, at least not for the purpose. We did withdraw the troops and gather them together, but not to shrink the defense, but to bring these teams together to follow the elite troops to find the gang of people in Fulcrum City.

Masamoto Matsumoto is our agent in Japan. Those who do not listen to Masamoto Matsumoto do not listen to us. There are only two ways to treat such people. One is to obey him, and the other is to completely destroy him. Now we need to concentrate our efforts on knocking these people together and let them know that we must confront us without cooperating with Masamoto Matsumoto. Those maggots dared to grab the fruit with Matsumoto Mako but absolutely didn't dare to confront us, so all they could do was humble and follow Matsumoto Mako, because they only need to be careful and we won't dare to fight again Attentive.

In accordance with the usual style of our guild, there is usually no one purpose for doing one thing, and the same is true for the troop deployment. In addition to the purpose of drawing troops to attack the Fulcrum City, of course, we have a second purpose besides the purpose of beating the maggots mentioned above, and this purpose is to speed up Matsumoto ’s attack and operational efficiency by the way.

Staying behind in the city is actually a very uneconomical thing. On the one hand, these garrison troops have reduced Matsumoto's occupation of the city, and on the other hand, they have consumed a large amount of funds of our guild. After all, these troops are not in vain, that is all money. However, it is not appropriate to not arrange troops if you are defending the city. Otherwise, the current problem of Japanese players is not very good, and the guard force must not be too small. Just like the previous Tokyo city, more than 10,000 guards Matsumoto Masa also said that it is less. Even if a guard only needs 50 crystal coins, more than 10,000 would be more than 500,000. Do you say that we are losing money for this kind of money? So we thought of a way to send all the troops out to attack the Fulcrum City. Even if all these troops were killed outside the Fulcrum City, it would be at least as efficient as possible. It would be more cost-effective than playing with the people of Matsumoto Masa. You need to know that the people of Masamoto Matsumoto and those who can be regarded as us, both sides fight each other as if their left and right hands are facing each other, which side hurts and hurts ourselves, is it not worth it?

With no one in Urawa, the occupation rate was surprisingly fast, but Matsumoto Masayoshi did not let these people leave immediately to attack the next city, but began to reorganize the troops and make some supplies.

The four cities Tokyo, Urawa, Yokohama, and Chiba must win quickly because the four cities are connected to form the Tokyo circle, which is a defensive system centered on Tokyo, in which Tokyo exists as a rear base. Yes, Urawa, Yokohama, and Chiba on the outskirts are three tentacles that extend out. They can intercept enemies close to Tokyo in any direction as long as they are strong enough. If the enemy forces attack Tokyo, any two of these three cities can send troops to cut off the opponent's back at any time, and if the opponent attacks one of them first, then Tokyo and the other two cities can provide the attacked city. Support. The cross defense formed in this way is almost an unbreakable endless cycle as long as there is no problem in strength. Be prepared to pay a lot of losses no matter which side you play first. Matsumoto Zheng He Xun's occupation of these four cities is to take this defense circle first under the pretext that our troops are empty, so as not to find an excuse to start later. We don't want to pay so much for the city.

Taking advantage of the team reorganization, Matsumoto sent his staff to scout the surrounding cities separately, and those who were not assigned to the reconnaissance task were asked to hurry up and take the time to rest. The Indo Throne requires a long battle of the Indo Throne, so you must seize the rest of the Indo Throne all the time, otherwise it may be inexplicably kicked out of the game because of the player's mental condition.

It was almost noon when the Occupy Tokyo Circle was occupied, and after most of the guild rested, Masamoto Matsumoto gathered the people in the guild who we supported him and asked them I went out and occupied some scattered small cities in the Tokyo circle. Of course, there is no need to fight in this process. Anyone participating in the war is our guild spy, all know the inside story, as long as there are no Japanese players nearby to see it.

These small cities in the Tokyo circle were not usually guarded. We ordered again. After the Matsumoto people came, our guards immediately surrendered to complete the transfer, and the city was "occupied". By 2 pm, when those unaware Japanese players who were asked to rest came back online, the entire Tokyo circle, including the small cities inside, had been completely controlled by the ghost dragon society, and it was noon. Suddenly there were a lot of bsp in these cities; "I x, what's the situation?" Japanese players who saw so many troops present were almost looking straight. Before the noon break, their team was almost the same as the guerrillas. I did not expect that the guerrillas would wake up and change into an armored army group. This contrast is unacceptable to everyone.

"Well? Why did you get up so early? Didn't you let you sleep to ...?" Seeing the guild presidents who followed him, Masamoto Matsumoto deliberately pretended to be surprised. Of course, in fact, he knew that these people would not be able to wait ... so he put an hour of security time on the Throne of Seals.

After hearing Matsumoto's inquiry, the presidents immediately said, "Where do we sleep at this critical moment? The two-hour sleep is possible thanks to this sleep assistance system, which is similar to hypnosis. Otherwise, we estimate one minute. He couldn't sleep. "One of the presidents suddenly asked," Yes, what's going on with these troops? "

"Oh, this is what I just bought." Masamoto Matsumoto said casually, as if he hadn't bought so many troops, but bought five batteries. Of course, in fact, he didn't spend any money, because we paid for it. Moreover, these troops were not all just bought. There are indeed many newly purchased troops, but more of them are our troops that 'surrendered' within the past two hours. Because those who did not know the inside were forced to sleep by Matsumoto by order, so within two hours, Matsumoto was in a complete surveillance vacuum period. At this time, we secretly did not do Less hands and feet. In addition to giving Tokyo the entire "peaceful transition" to Masamoto Matsumoto, the take-out also sent him a large group of guards. Of course, this cannot be said, and it was purchased by Masamoto Matsumoto.

"Just bought it?" The presidents asked in surprise: "Where did you get so much money?"

When Matsumoto was conversing, he smiled and said nothing. When you begged me, I told you the expressions. The chairman of the group was all trying to guess what was going on. Judging by Matsumoto's expression, this seems stranger than money, because it belongs to sources of accidental wealth, otherwise Matsumoto's smile cannot be so strange. Thinking along this line of thought, all the Japanese presidents suddenly responded. "Do you have cash that the Chinese haven't taken away?"

The system has cancelled the virtual currency system since the beginning of the national war. In the past, the money on players was displayed in digital form. Generally, players did not see the actual currency. But now it's different. Now the currency of the players has been changed to physical currency. Unless you have space equipment, you must put a money bag on your body to take the money away. Players ’personal funds are better, guilds, especially rich guilds like ours. Guild funds such as ours are all up to hundreds of millions, and it is impossible to calculate all of them according to crystal coins. There must be a large amount of gold, silver, and copper coins in them, so the volume of the currency is quite amazing.

Because of this change in the system, each guild has built its own vault, or used the existing system bank to store currency. Of course, system banks have to pay storage fees, so except for small guilds, large guilds generally open their own banks to save money. The banks that these guilds open must have a facade, as well as the system bank, and they all exist physically. The only difference is that no one at the system bank dares to move, because there are generally god-level guards in it. Except for people like me, most people cannot attack. Besides, even if you can grab the money in the system bank, it will make the system default you to reject current accounts. This is a very serious problem, especially for guild organizations. Therefore, almost no one dares to think about system banking. As for the guild's own bank, if anyone dares to move, it depends on the guild's own ability.

Seeing those chairpersons seemed to guess, Masamoto Matsumoto simply followed their words and confirmed: "Yes. Although Frost Rose League has repaired many banks on our land, there are two large vaults in total. First, Fulcrum City, and second, Tokyo. "

When the guild presidents heard this, they suddenly realized: "No wonder you rushed to Tokyo nonstop without leaving the Fulcrum City. We thought you were in Tokyo's defense circle system."

"Haha, that's just one of the reasons." Speaking of this, Masamoto Matsumoto suddenly lowered his voice in a small voice: "Hey, since you followed me, then I won't hide you, in fact, when we left, the vault in Fulcrum City We were evacuated. "


"Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh?), Matsumoto shouted desperately to keep these people down. "Bai Sheng Zhang. This thing is a few of you except for the people of our ghost dragon society. Don't say anything about it. Hey, although the maggots know how to find a vault, they don't have the intelligence support like me, they can be found soon. The place where the vault is located. Now the troops you see are bought with the money from Fulcrum City Treasury and Tokyo Treasury. "

"How many troops are there?" These guilds that followed Masamoto Matsumoto are not large guilds, so there are not many people. I heard that the money in the two cities' vaults bought the troops, and I guessed that there would be so much money. How many people buy.

Matsumoto said intentionally and proudly: "Not too much, it's just over 10 million."

"More ... how much?"

"More than ten million," Matsumoto explained after pretending to misunderstand, "Do n’t look at the small number of people here, I ’m separating the troops. There is only about 200,000 troops in Urawa, Yokohama and I also left 200,000 in Chiba, and 400,000 in Tokyo. There are 1 million in the four cities, which is enough for a while depending on the defense of the city. "

"Where are the more than nine million troops?" Someone asked.

Matsumoto Masako immediately said: "Did I not tell you? Now is not the time to rest, even if we want to strengthen our defense, we will talk about it later. Now we must assault and then assault, and take advantage of the time now to seal the throne. You can invest as much as you want. Although these cities are now going to invest in soldiers, they will be gold mines in the future. I urge you to invest in some soldiers if you have money. When the time comes, I will According to the system's recorded combat contributions, you can divide the success. If you invest more troops, you might be able to divide one city. "

After hearing this from Masamoto Matsumoto, the thoughts of those presidents immediately became alive. I used to leave the Fulcrum City with Matsumoto Masaha just because these people have a strong sense of justice, not that they do n’t love money, and now that there is such a good opportunity to grab money, it can get practical benefits and a good reputation. This is a good opportunity for a fool.

After a brief discussion, the chairpersons quit and went to find members in the meeting and said the words of Masamoto Matsumoto, and then they started to encourage everyone to raise funds. Although they are small guilds, if every member throws money into it, they can still buy a lot of soldiers. Although this is a bit risky, after all, the form is good now. There is no such shop in this village.

After some ideological struggle, most of the members of the guild finally decided to invest in their capital, and then they went offline to raise money at a difficult rate, then quickly exchanged the money into the game, and finally all concentrated on the chairman Register there. These presidents came to Matsumoto Masako again with money, and then gave their money to Matsumoto Masa, who was responsible for buying them soldiers.

The reason why these presidents do not buy their own soldiers is that Matsumoto Masabu ’s purchase volume is definitely a discount. Second, the troops bought them must fight with Matsumoto Masaga. If they buy them, the troops ’command will need them. The transfer will affect the combat effect. It is better to buy all for Matsumoto Masa, and you can also unified command. Anyway, they are not afraid that Matsumoto Masa will not accept the account.

After Matsumoto received the money to repurchase the troops and assembled the troops, the Time Seal of the Seal of God had reached more than four in the afternoon. At this time, the air cavalry scouts sent by Matsumoto at noon also returned to Urawa City, and they It also brought back amazing news.

"What? All empty cities?" A president almost clutched the scout's shoulder and dislocated his arm.

The player quickly explained: "It was all I saw with my own eyes. I didn't lie to you. I didn't believe me. I also used a recording crystal to record images. The cities from Fukui to the north of Nagoya's frontier are almost empty."

"Map, fast." With the shouting of several presidents, a huge strategic map was rolled out. Xun looked for it on the map, and these presidents soon found out what the problem was.

A chairman asked, "What's happening south of this line?"

"Some of our scouts reached Nagahama and saw massive Chinese troops."

"What is mass?"

"There are too many opponents and we can't count specific data during the exercise. Anyway, what we see is that there are mountains and mountains everywhere. It is estimated that the total will not be less than 20 million people."

"What? How can there be so many?" The presidents almost collapsed when they heard the number.

Before waiting for the air cavalry to answer Masamoto Matsumoto, he said, "Don't guess, they must have transferred all the troops from Nagoya to the north of Fukui to form such a mixed army."

Masamoto Matsumoto just said that he was next to a member we arranged for him and then said, "No. Seeing the Chinese position is clearly to focus on the fulcrum. If they move Nagoya to the north of the Fukui line, The defensive forces were all drawn out, so they must have pulled out the troops south of the fulcrum. So the troops that finally reached the fulcrum outside the city will be more than 20 million. The actual data is definitely more than this value. I guess it may About 30 million. "

"But the Chinese sent all the guards to attack the Fulcrum City, wouldn't all other cities become empty cities?" A chairman asked inexplicably. "Are they not afraid that scattered forces like ours will occupy these?" city?"

Matsumoto nodded and said, "Yes, they are not afraid."


Still the member explained: "It takes a period of time for a city to change from occupation to full control, which means that the newly occupied city does not have much defense. The Chinese concentrated their attacks on the fulcrum city because of the fulcrum city. Just after it was occupied, the Fulcrum City in the Seal of the Throne of God will not have too high defense power at this time. As long as they are in full swing, it is entirely possible to recapture the Fulcrum City. As for other cities in Japan, even if they are occupied, the new city has no defense After the occupation of the Fulcrum City, they will be able to rebuild the transnational teleportation array. In addition, the port of Fulcrum City will soon be filled with Chinese troops. At that time, we can pick up one of these cities in vain. Take the seat back again, and it is not difficult at all with their strength. "

"Then we will not lose this battle?" The chairman who asked the question asked nervously.

Matsumoto shook his head and said, "That may not be the case." Then he went to the side of the map and knocked on the position of the next fulcrum. "Here is the key. Just like we occupied the fulcrum city to pry the whole Japanese war, China People want to use the same method to return the balance to its original position. Fulcrum City, Fulcrum City. The name really is appropriate, with this support point, everything is possible. "

"According to this analysis, shouldn't we just let the Chinese people not get the fulcrum city?" A chairman asked.

Matsumoto said: "It's more complicated than that." Seeing those presidents didn't seem to understand, he had to explain: "You may not realize it clearly. As a former Japanese player leader, my reconnaissance ability against the Frost Rose Alliance. But I was very impressed. We separated from Fulcrum City and independently occupied Tokyo's defensive circle. The Frost Rose League must have known that. "

"So they won't let us undermine their plans?"

"That's right," Matsumoto said. "They will definitely send someone to attack the Tokyo defensive circle in order to hold us back and prevent us from supporting the Fulcrum City."

"Then we want to give up here?"

"Give up?" Matsumoto sneered: "Give up here to win the Fulcrum City Guard War and then hand the Fulcrum City to the maggots? No, no, I'm not so generous. And, with the greed of those guys Personality, it is estimated that after we throw all the troops we just bought into the big pit of the guard war, they will take the remaining troops to **** out all the cities we occupy, and then squatting on the side of the road like a beggar We spit again or stepped on it. I've tried it once in that day, and I don't want to come back to death again. "

During the time after Matsumoto Masabu stepped down, not many people knew about the Seal of the Throne, but everyone knew that the Seal of the Seal of Matsumoto was a lot of humiliation, so I saw Matsumoto say this No one dared to say anything to him. However, after all, this is related to the overall Japanese war situation. All of them still asked euphemistically: "But if you let it go, and wait for the Chinese to occupy the fulcrum city and then vacate your counterattack, aren't we all going to be empty?"

Matsumoto shook his head and said, "That may not be the case. It is affirmative without the support of the army. Our own city must be put in place. As for the fulcrum city, although the maggots are certainly untenable, but since we have helped They intercepted the enemies at sea, so they insisted that the Seal of the Throne should be okay for a while. We can use this time to continue to expand the area of ​​the occupied city and continuously rob the land. As for the help of the maggots, we We can use the excuse that our own city was also attacked, and we can also justly say that we are recovering our lost ground so that we occupy the moral high ground. As for the fulcrum city, just as I said to you before That way, if they want to exchange with us, after we help keep the fulcrum city, the city must be handed over to us unconditionally, and we can also use the city seized by the throne of the Seal of God during this time. Their character will definitely agree. "

Those chairmen heard this and remembered that when they left Fulcrum City yesterday, Masamoto Matsumoto described the plan to them. Now it seems that the plan is indeed very feasible, and it seems that the possibility of success is very high.

A president said while analyzing, "If you follow this plan, not only will the fulcrum city be in our pockets, but we will also get a lot of urban resources throughout Nagoya-north of the Fukui Line. This benefit It's too big. "

"Wrong." The chairman interrupted them before coming to celebrate Masamoto Matsumoto: "Now those cities are not in our pockets, but we have the opportunity to turn them into our pockets. , So now is not the time to delay, let's hurry and grab the city. "

"Yes, hurry up. Now the whole Nagoya to the north of the Fukui line is a vacuum zone. You can send a 20,000 or 10,000 people to grab a city, and then you can keep it a thousand people to guard and other people can continue to go and grab other cities. , I missed such a good opportunity, but never again. Everyone hurry to organize troops to rush. "

After clarifying the matter, the presidents no longer doubted this doubt, and threw their coffins to Masamoto Matsumoto, and bought a lot of bsp here again. Since these cities were all unguarded cities, they occupied Don't need too many people. Those chairmen simply did not follow Matsumoto Masa, and they took their teams separately and started to go it alone. After all, everyone gathered together in a city and a city was too time-consuming, and the throne of the Seal of God was not scattered. Blossoming, anyway, the Chinese people's strategic intentions are already obvious. Even if they are loose, the Chinese will not come to trouble them, and there is no need to worry.

This kind of fighting method that is almost stealing money has put all the ghost dragon clubs and those who follow them in guilds all crazy. All night, these guys fought around the island of Honshu, Japan, like a **** chicken, all night. Between the whole area of ​​Nagoya on the Honshu Island and the north of the Fukui Line, almost all of them were collected by Matsumoto Masahiro. Of course, such occupation does not actually have any practical significance other than nominal occupation. What can a thousand people do to defend a city? Now no one hits them. If anyone hits them, they can't hold any city. Unless the city is full of masters like me and Masamoto Matsumoto, otherwise what can a thousand people do in urban warfare?

By the day of the next day, the proud members of the Ghost Dragon Club and the players who followed them were all in a weary period. Looking at Hokkaido Island north of the Tsugaru Strait, these people were considered to have a thorough heart. And lack of power. However, they are not worried about Hokkaido, because now both the maggots that grabbed their land and the Chinese are in the area south of the Nagoya to Fukui line, and they control the northern part of Honshu Island, which means that if they do not take the sea If these two forces have to pass through their territory before they can reach Hokkaido, what else is there to worry about this kind of land blocked by their own territory? These Japanese players who followed Masamoto Matsumoto are convinced that Hokkaido becoming their territory is only a matter of time.

All the people who struggled all night were forced to go offline to solve physical problems such as eating, drinking, and drinking Lazarus under the compulsory order of Matsumoto Masa, and then they were concentrated together to assist in deep sleep. Of course Matsumoto Masa himself also rested together. . Although he has deliberately saved his physical strength, Matsumoto, the commander in chief, has many things after all, and it's definitely not possible without rest. Fortunately, we arranged a lot of insider spies for Masamoto Matsumoto. These people can completely replace him for a while while Matsumoto Masa is absent, and there will be no time for these people to take shifts. The Seal of the Seal of God appears blank.

While Matsumoto was congratulating them, the guild and the guys in Fulcrum City were not idle. The work of our guild is relatively obvious, that is, to consolidate troops scattered throughout Japan to form a unit. Although these tens of millions of people have been scattered across the territory of Japan, they are quite impressive in concentration. At least the Japanese in the fulcrum city had to deal with it carefully. After all, their total military strength is now 40 to 50 million. This is still the number of new troops bought after the war in the fulcrum city to fill this number. If we only rely on the troops remaining after the war, there is not much to do if the total strength is not good. Of course, in the Fulcrum City, they are defenders, and we are attackers. According to the general practice of siege warfare, the siege side usually needs several times the strength of the opponent to win, but this is calculated in general. Once, "Zero" is a diversified magic game. There are many powerful things that can destroy the advantages of the city walls. Second, the troops of our guild always have two to three times more fighting power than the troops of other guilds. So this number advantage and city defense advantage are really nothing. According to those on the sidelines of other countries' forums, that is-the outcome remains to be seen.

Just because they couldn't keep it in the end, the guys in Fulcrum City could only prepare according to their best efforts. If they couldn't keep it, they couldn't help it.

"Damn, at this time we are in danger. Matsumoto is still congratulating that guy. He is still occupying the land. This kind of guy who does not care about national and national interests should really die."

One of the heads of several major guilds in the Fulcrum City Conference Hall could not help yelling, and there were many guild leaders sitting around them, although they knew in their hearts that Matsumoto Masa was run off by them. , But at this time connected to their own interests, their ideas are different. Regardless, the Fulcrum City is now Japanese territory, and they all think that it is not right for Matsumoto Masa to come back for rescue. Of course, if they are swapped with Matsumoto Masa, they will definitely not be more generous than Matsumoto Masa ~~ www.wuxiaspot. com ~ But that's just, they are not in the position of Masamoto Matsumoto now, so they can continue to scold Matsumoto Masa while shamelessly thinking about gaining for themselves.

"You scold him now and he can't hear it. I don't think it's as good as we told him to ask Matsumoto Masa to come for reinforcements?" Another guy who was even more shameless than the one who just stood up and said.

A guy with a bit of normal thinking said: "We ran away at him like that before, and we ran away and now think of him. Will he come back again?"

"Huh, the Fulcrum City is the strategic center. He doesn't help defend the city is to sell the country through the enemy. We will announce the current situation, and do not believe he will not come back." It is definitely dare to say that he has trained his skin to the protective layer of nuclear base It's even thicker, and most people have a limit for being shameless. It is absolutely impossible to say such a thing without such a thick skin.

The one who had scolded Matsumoto Masako before, stood up and said, "This is a good way. Doesn't Matsumoto Masako want an image? Let him come. Here he is a national hero. Don't come He is a traitor. "

"A sneeze ..." Masamoto Matsumoto, who was far inside Tokyo at this time, suddenly sneezed. "Damn, this must be the guys in Fulcrum who are thinking about me."

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