Starting from Zero

Vol 19 Chapter 71: Devastation

Volume 19 Chapter 71

"I ... I ..." The Chairman of the Black Alliance was there for a long time and I couldn't finally say a complete sentence. On the contrary, the team outside our city moved faster. {}

After all the heavy infantry had disembarked from the airship, the huge airship slowly rose again, and the air cavalry following our guild began to land in nearby open spaces. However, before most of the air cavalry had landed, the second airship slowly flew over and landed smoothly on the ground.

Seeing that there were more than one airship in our guild, the people in the Dark Alliance were more anxious than before. Being able to take out an airship can only show that we have the ability to make airships, and the meaning of the two ships represents that we can mass produce this kind of thing, and this gap is not generally large. However, what the Dark Alliance is most worried about at the moment is what is installed on our airship. The first airship just dropped almost three thousand multi-infantry infants, and so on. If this airship is still a transport soldier, the number is definitely more than three thousand, because in addition to heavy cavalry and puppet troops , Heavy infantry is already the heaviest standard soldier on the ground. Except for Warcraft troops, heavy infantry is the third heavy arm in the ground.

Although the Sun Alliance was worried that the second airship would bring in another 3,000 heavy infantry, when the second airship dropped its arms, the Sun Alliance regretted that the ship did not carry 3,000 heavy infantry. . Because the second airship put down an artillery regiment that was stronger than the heavy infantry in the siege battle.

The only entrance to the Black Rock City of the Black Sun Alliance is a naturally soluble ng. This NG mouth has been sealed with a wall by the people of the Black Sun Alliance. Except for the gate opened in the center of the city wall, all other places It was only the firing hole that no one could drill. In the face of such a city wall entrance, it can be said that the general method is difficult to rush in, because in the general siege battle of the city, the attacker climbed up the city wall by means of ladders and other tools and then attacked the city wall and rushed into the city . But the problem is that the top of the city wall of Heiyan City is followed by the top of the wall. It is impossible to climb over it. Similarly, in the offensive and defensive battles of ordinary cities, the attackers can also suppress the attack of the defenders on the city walls against their own forces by throwing arrows. However, because the walls of the Black Rock City are facing the ng top, the projectile weapons cannot be used at all. Fly over. As for the direct sight weapon, although it may be possible to hurt the people behind by firing, but the accuracy requirement is high, and the killing effect is certainly not much better. Therefore, for Black Rock City, what they fear most is not the number of enemy soldiers, after all, no amount of soldiers can hold the city walls. What they are most afraid of is that there are more guns on each other, because the cannons are capable of bombing the walls.

"Erase the cannons." On the landing ground outside Black Rock City, a guild artillery commander was holding a communication crystal and shouted, "Each gun position will be in place soon. Artillery position. The airship over there, take off quickly after things are unloaded, and do not affect the artillery fire. "

With the urging of this player, the artillery units of our guild quickly started to enter the shooting mode, and the heavy forces in the back also all the artillery shells to the gun position, and finally all the airships were unloaded after all the cannons were in place The shells began to lift off.

When the airship left, the commander immediately turned his head to look at the good wind direction and counter on the ground next to him, and shouted at the communication crystal: "Attention all gun positions, the distance from the front is 3,800 meters. The wind direction is 3060, the wind is 18, the full gun position is aimed on standby, the reference class is loaded with blasting incendiary bombs, and a test shot is fired. "

boom. Almost immediately after the order was over, there was a loud noise on the gun position. I saw a light spot with red light flew into the molten ng where the city wall of Black Rock was located, and then banged with a bang. A large pit emerged, and the sprayed combustant formed a large cloud of burning fire at the top of the ng, and continued to fall down on Mars, as if a flame waterfall was hung at the ng mouth.

The commander looked at the impact point with a telescope and ordered again: "Decrease the elevation angle by three, load the ballistic marker bomb, and try again."

boom. There was another loud noise. A bright spot of light broke out of the muzzle instantly, and after flying over a hundred meters, it suddenly began to pull out a trail of red smoke behind the tail. In the end, that track penetrated into the molten ng and He flew all the way to the top of the wall of Heiyan City, and then burst into a big burst of burning marks.

After seeing the clear ballistic trajectory, the commander of the artillery group immediately picked up the communicator and commanded: "Pay attention to the full gun position, rest the positive coordinates, reduce the elevation angle by four, load the high-explosive shattered ammunition, and twenty free shells.

Immediately after the order was over, the artillery group rang out immediately, and a large group of artillery shells slammed into the walls of Heiyan City like a heavy rain, and the entire wall was completely covered by flames.

The members of the Dark Alliance standing behind the city wall did not expect our artillery to be so violent. Although the city wall blocked most of the explosion impact, they thought the blasting was too dense, so almost every firing port sprayed a fiery flame inward. Almost all members of the Sun Alliance standing at the shooting mouth were blown out by the wind, and many people were directly cooked by the fiery anger 1ang.

As the first round of neat shelling ended, the subsequent shell rain began to rise gradually, but even the slowest firing position took only five minutes to complete all twenty shells. At this time, if you look at the city walls of Heiyan City, in addition to the broken wall at the bottom of the ng, you can still see traces of the city walls. The original city walls are almost completely gone.

"Boss, the walls have been cleared, can we withdraw first?" After seeing the entire wall disappeared after the bombardment, the commander of the artillery group directly inquired with the communication crystal.

I looked at the effect of the bombardment and confirmed that there were no problems before I agreed to the withdrawal of the artillery group, and then ordered the infantry troops to advance. Of course, our heavy infantry team does not advance alone, and there is a circle of mobile angel guards around them. These mobile angels are all 6-combat suppression types, which are powerful ground units. In case there are any remaining bunkers and other buildings in the Sun Alliance, these mobile angels will come in handy.

When our infantry first started to move, the defense forces of the Sun Alliance were almost completely unresponsive. The previous shelling was too violent and the entire city wall was collapsed, resulting in heavy casualties for the defense forces of the Sun Alliance. In addition, the Dark Alliance is a guild. Unlike our guild, it has so much money to buy n troops to assist in the battle, so after the city walls were bombed, they could hardly find anyone to defend the city.

With the gradual advancement of our guild, the shock of the neat pace finally awakened some members of the Dark Alliance that were crushed under the rubble. As a pile of rubble was pushed away, several players with gray faces were finally drilled from under the rubble, and as they drilled out, some 6 nearby people climbed out of the rubble pile.

"Are there any living people?" The Dark Sun president who had emerged from the rubble pile shouted nervously, but his voice was very few in response. There are more than two hundred people in the entire Dark Alliance, and the n troops only have a thousand people. Just now, the number of remaining personnel is less than two hundred people even if the player takes n. It can be said that the round of shelling just killed more than 80% of the members of the Sun Alliance. This formal battle has not yet been fought, and they are reduced by 80% just because of gunfire preparations. Basically there is no need to fight in the subsequent battles. Originally there were not many people, but now there is simply a bunch of remnants left to lose. It would be unreasonable to win.

"President, let's run away? It doesn't make sense to fight like this!" A player with gray dust all over his body shouted to their president. Not far ahead of them, our guild heavy infantry regiment was almost in front of the ruins.

The chairman of the Dark Alliance looked at the neat square array on the opposite side, and looked at the people around him. Finally, he could only helplessly ordered: "After the whole n stays off, the player walks with me. Road left. "


The n forces of the Dark Alliance are not the kind of expeditionary forces in our guild, but the urban defense teams. Once the city is destroyed, these n will not be taken away anyway, it is better to stay to delay our offensive rhythm. As for the players, there are only 20 or so people left. It does n’t make much sense to stay or not. It ’s better to run away together and to lose the reputation of not leaving a companion.

Let the guys from the Sun Alliance go to desperately with us. They must be reluctant to push the three obstacles, but let them run away, these people are faster than one. The president just ordered it here, and someone turned around and ran into the city, and the president himself froze. However, the sound of footsteps getting closer and closer let the president and other players quickly recover and join the ranks of escape together.

Just as the president of the Sun Alliance ran away with their members, outside of Black Rock City, I was complaining about the previous priest mm. "Don't you promise to inform me?" Exclaimed the priest mm.

"Don't I call you this?"

"But you have all entered the city. What are you asking me to do?"

"You can't blame me! I notified you when I was out, but you haven't arrived after our people arrived. And I didn't expect that the Sun Alliance would hit them without hitting them in five minutes. The defense line was lost, and I thought we would toss outside the wall for more than half a year! "

"I ..." Faced with my answer, the priest mm really didn't know what to say. After all, I'm talking about the fact, how can a siege battle between guilds enter the city within five minutes? This can't blame us all. The main reason is that the Frost Rose Alliance and the Dark Alliance are really not a guild. We used to face foreign joint forces or some guilds. Few battles against such guilds have rarely occurred. Therefore, we are also accustomed to calculating the combat arrangement according to the way of dealing with those guilds. As a result, who knows that the Dark Alliance and those guilds are not an order of magnitude at all. People can usually withstand our shelling for an hour or so, but they didn't reach it for ten minutes.

"Okay, okay, don't blame me here. You might as well go and see if you can pick up a few leaks, and it's estimated that even the mice in the city will be killed."

"That's what it said." The priest mm turned around and waved as soon as he heard it, a black space door suddenly appeared in front of her, followed her to step in, and the door closed again the next second.

Seeing this priest mm suddenly disappeared like this, I also stunned. When I saw her last time, I heard from the Dark Alliance that she seemed to be called Blood Scythe. At that time, her fighting style was obviously very strong, but it may be because the enemy was too weak, although she felt that her fighting ability was good. But I didn't care much about her strength. However, just now, my ability to show this seems to be far more than what I saw last time. At least this ability to open portals is quite good. I do n’t know if this portal is for a single person or she can take someone through. If she can bring someone, this skill can definitely be regarded as one of the quasi-bug skills.

It seems very necessary for me to pull this together. If we can dig into our guild to train and give her a complete set of equipment, I will not be able to train a master like Kristina. After all, at least a large part of a person's combat effectiveness is determined by equipment and his or her own genus. Individual combat intuition is only possible if the two genres are similar. Otherwise, even if you beat the world's invincible players in reality, you won't be able to use a 100-level number to defeat a 1,000-level player. After all, it is too much difference. A range of attacks came out, and no matter how good your skills are, you're finished. Moreover, according to my current observation, this priest mm's own combat literacy is definitely at the top level ~ ~ and his profession and genus xìng also seem to be good, that is, the equipment is slightly worse and the level is a bit low, and it seems I haven't seen her summoning a pet to help. It can be said that as long as I help her match these external things, she will immediately become a first-class master. If such a person can dig it up, it will definitely be stable.

Since it was decided to dig the corner, then the priest mm could not be allowed to go in alone. Unfortunately, although I would teleport, but I did not have the degree she had, I had to ride the night shadow and chase up. Fortunately, it was not far away and I was soon caught up.

In fact, the priest didn't pass much distance. She just teleported from the place where we stood before to the heavy infantry regiment, but she came a little later. As soon as Priest stepped out of the space door, he heard a humming buzz of bowstrings behind him, followed by a dense arrow rain flying over his head, shooting more than one hundred n in front of her into a hedgehog.

"Damn, it's too late!" The priest mm looked at the corpse in a sullen mood and was only anxious.

"It's not too late." I rode over to the side and watched the priest mm. "The people who listened to me reported that the chairman of the Dark Alliance ran away with twenty or so players. These n It ’s after the break. Are you going to chase with me? Or complain here? "! ~!

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