Starting from Zero

Vol 19 Chapter 72: Solicit

As soon as the priest mm heard that there were people running away, he immediately pulled my saddle and turned over and jumped behind me. I was startled by her.

After the priest mm jumped up, he saw me still for a long time, and patted me again. "What are you doing? Chase!"

"Oh!" After the reaction, I didn't say much. Others didn't care about sitting behind me. What else did I care about? Directly at Ye Ying's belly, Ye Ying immediately stunned forward, and the priest mm, who was shocked, hugged my waist quickly, otherwise her hand had to be thrown away.

"Your horse is really powerful!" Said the priest, mm, before the night shadow ran evenly.

"Which of your eyes can I see as a Malay?" Ye Ying could not help but ask a question before I spoke, scaring me to quickly pull the reins and let him turn his head back.

"You look at the road with your heart! I don't want to hit a rock!"

Priest mm looked at the night shadow in surprise, and then said, "What kind of horse is your mount?"

"Please, can't you see such an obvious nightmare?" I looked back at the priest mm and asked.

"Nightmare?" Priest mm nodded with one hand and thought, "Nightmare I have heard of it, but didn't you say that nightmare is a fire of mouth and nose?"

"The dragon will also spit fire. Do you usually have a nostril when you see the dragon?"

"Oh, I see. Nightmare fire is also a skill."

"That's not it. But this kind of special is not always seen. Oh yes, I am more interested in you than my mount. I looked at you like a priest before? Why did you take it?" Not a staff but a sickle? "

The priest mm was very upset when I asked: "Do you think I think? My profession is not a priest originally."

"Aren't you a priest?" The previous plan to summon priest mm into our guild was mainly to see that her priest skills seemed to be very good, but I didn't expect to just understand it in depth. She actually said that she was not a priest. big. "You are not a priest, what kind of occupation are you?"

"Guess what career I was before?"

"Can it be a warrior?" Since she said that she was not a priest, and she had a sickle in her hand, it is estimated that the warrior might be very large.

Sure enough, the priest mm replied: "Yes, the profession I chose when I first entered the game was the Black Samurai. After that, I got a 3s evaluation for the professional advanced task, and then the person in charge of the transfer gave me a hidden task. I was so excited at that time that I did n’t even see the reward and ran to do it, and then turned me into the shadow knight directly in the last part of the mission. "

"What? Are you a knight?" Hearing the priest mm said that her profession is knight, I almost slipped off the back of the night shadow.

"What's wrong?" Priest mm looked at me with a rare and strange expression.

"You you you ... where are you dressed like a knight?"

"Does anyone have a dress code for knights?" Asked the priest, unwillingly.

"No rules, but shouldn't the Cavaliers focus on defense? How many defenses can your robe add?"

Priest mm said helplessly: "Do you think I think? The team I belong to has not joined any guild, and the equipment is played or bought by us. There is nothing good at all. This robe is a brush. ss came out unexpectedly, although it is not the right way for my profession, but because this robe itself is relatively high-level, the defense and the like are much higher than my original set of equipment. I want to sell this robe Replace a set of better knight equipment, but you also know that it takes time to exchange the easy information of the class, and it will not be changed as soon as it is hung up, so I can only change it. Get dressed first! "

After the priest mm explained, I understood. In fact, it is not uncommon for her. Because there are too many types of occupations in "Zero" and the corresponding equipment is more, it is usually impossible for players to directly hit the equipment they can wear. The most common way for everyone is to find the best suit that can be worn in the equipment you get, and wear everything else to sell for money. The best set on your body is linked to the same level as the others. Equipment suitable for your own occupation, so that everyone can meet their needs by taking their own needs. Of course, because of the unstable appearance of equipment, the equipment of various occupations is not immediately changed. Also, the equipment of occupations like ordinary soldiers and mages will be easier to change. Because there are many people selected and the explosion rate is high, they can often be seen. However, people with special occupations such as priest mm or me are more difficult to get equipment. After all, although our profession is very good, but it is often very small, the corresponding equipment may also have a much lower xìng, and it will be extremely difficult to change.

In fact, like a priest mm, there is a set of good things that can be hung out and waiting for others to change. It is considered lucky, after all, she still has a little hope. The worst thing is that there isn't even good equipment that can be exchanged, and that kind of person can almost wait to get good equipment for the corresponding occupation. However, if you join the guild, especially the large guild players, the equipment will be much better. On the one hand, it ’s easier for the insiders of the guild to adjust each other ’s equipment types. On the other hand, large guilds like our guilds may have specialized equipment manufacturing facilities or equipment missions. Type equipment. In such a guild, even if special equipment is not available, at least a set of equipment that is basically sufficient can be worn first. Anyway, it's better to ride a donkey to find a horse than to sit and wait for the horse?

"Eh? No!" I suddenly responded, "Is the guy who heard the Dark Alliance said last time that you are not the blood knight?"

"We are just an employment relationship, just like the robbers who attacked us said that they are the Dark Alliance, but they are anchored under their guilds, and are not full members. Do you also have a reserve in the Frost Rose Alliance?

"This is not the same. The reserve of our Frost Rose League is only paid less than the regular members. From the system guild list, the reserve is still officially compiled by our guild."

"Oh, then we are a bit lower than the reserve, probably the same type of contract workers."

I nodded and said: "Then I understand. Well, yes. Now that you are free, are you interested in joining our guild?"

"What? Will Frost Rose League accept me?"

"Do you have a bad record or is it mediocre?"


"Why don't you take it?"

"But don't you just collect the elite?"

"You're not wrong, but it's a bit off. In fact, we don't just accept elites. In fact, we also accept chicks, and you are chicks."

"Where's my chick?"

"You are very young in your robe, as well as your sickle. By the way, aren't you a knight? What about your mount?"

"No." The priest mm replied simply.

"No mounts? Do you mean that you, the Shadow Knight, don't need mounts or don't have them for a while?"

The priest mm looked at me with a pitiful expression and said, "Do you think you have the spare money to buy a mount like me?"

"Don't you buy it if you don't have the money to buy it? Even if the high-level mounts are not easy to find, at least ng a horse first, right?"

"But the problem is that my shadow knight profession can only use the undead creatures as mounts to swing the professional genus xìng. Mounts of other professions are the same as no rides."

"Undead? Is darkness unfortunate?" I felt **** hurt when I heard the mount of the Undead. Imagine you are sitting on the spine of a skeleton horse. What's the difference between sitting on an awl?

As soon as the priest mm heard about the Darkness Department, he immediately complained, "Please, I'm only 810, OK? The darkest thing can ride is at least 700th grade. At my level, do you think I grabbed it? Are you here? "

"That's it too. What do you mean you can ride?"

"Of course. As long as it is a mount of the Bone, Shadow, Dark, Demon, and Dragon mounts, I can play professional xìng. But at present I can only get the Bone by the strength, but you also know, Creatures can't even ride! "

The priest mm was right. Speaking of which she can ride includes five series of creatures, but the creatures of the shadow system are non-physical below a thousand levels, which means that if you want to find a mount, you must go up at least a thousand levels. But at that level, the strength of the priest mm of more than 800 levels didn't even think about it. Dark creatures can be used as mounts when they are over 700 levels, but they are not good for xìng, and they are not easy to find. Besides, the 800-level player wants to catch the mount, at least one hundred and two hundred levels higher than the mount, otherwise it will be difficult to successfully arrest. As for the demon and dragon, these two lines need not be considered directly. Dragon mounts are very strong, the problem is that they are too strong, they can't fight at all, and they can't catch them if they want to catch them. The devil department is even more terrible. If the number is small, the skills are still strange one by one. If you really catch it, you may not know who catches it.

"It's really miserable to hear you say that, but if you join our guild, I can guarantee you a complete set of special equipment and mounts, magic pets and other things, and if you perform well, we will The conference can also provide you with reinforcements and specialized personal mission assistance to ensure that your strength may have a leap in the short time of the Seal of Throne. How about it? Are you interested? "

"This ..." Priest mm looked down after thinking for a while and said, "Subjectively I don't object to joining the Frost Rose Alliance, and even said that I actually want to join your guild. After all, your Frost Rose Alliance's treatment is famous Good. It is a first-class international guild in itself. It is a good choice in any way. However, I have several requirements. If I can guarantee that I will meet, I will join. "

"You can talk about it first."

"The first and the most important one. I have two very good teammates, and we are friends in reality, so if you want me to join, let them also join."

"This one……"

Seeing my unwillingness, Priest mm asked a little worriedly: "What? Is there a problem?"

"There is indeed a problem." I solemnly said, "The rules of our guild are to only accept the elite. Before I went to dig up those senior talents like you to join our guild, they also carried out a non-joint strategy, regardless of No matter how close people are, they are not allowed to take the meeting casually. Although you are also a talent with good potential, I can't break the rules of our guild for you alone, so even if you refuse to join, this is absolutely unacceptable. Yes, of course, I can test them, as long as they meet the income criteria of our guild, I will accept them even if you do n’t ask. But if the door is not up to standard, then I ca n’t help it. "

Although the priest mm is indeed a talent with good exhibition potential, but like I said, the rules of the guild cannot be broken for one person, even if it loses the opportunity to recruit her master, it is worth it.

Although the request was rejected, the priest mm actually wanted to join our guild. She didn't think it would be too much to ask for a request. I didn't expect that I would reject it so simply, she got a dilemma.

"That one……"

"Actually, you don't have to worry." I reminded the priest mm: "We can test your two companions first. If you pass, you don't have to say anything. If you fail, can we think of another way? . "My statement can be regarded as temporarily giving the priest mm a buffer time for the Seal of the Seal of God. At least before the test, she doesn't need to worry too much, and if the test passes, she won't have to worry about it.

The priest mm himself has no good way ~ ~ He can nod his head and say: "Then I will call my companion to test it before the battle ends."

After I reached a temporary agreement, I began to urge Night Shadow Plus. In order to allow sufficient time for the Seal of the Seal of God to engage the priest mm, I deliberately slowed down Night Shadow. Now that I haven't talked about it anyway, let Night Shadow returned to normality.

This Black Rock City is not big, plus the time we talked, the night shadow in the Throne of the Seal of God, even if it slowly slowed down, went a long way, so when we added it, it only took a few minutes to reach ng The deepest point of the hole.

"Why is there no way?" Priest mm asked in surprise, looking at the rock wall in front.

I did not directly answer the words of the priest mm, but waved a large group of ghost worms. As soon as these ghost worms left me, they began to scatter along the nearby walls and the few artificial buildings in the city. Although the dark channel designed by the Dark Alliance is quite hidden, it was eventually turned out under my ghost beetle carpet search.

"Do you say there is a tunnel underneath?" Priest mm asked in surprise standing in front of a huge pool.

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