Starting from Zero

Vol 19 Chapter 74: Underground exchange

Volume 19 Chapter 74 Underground Exchange

"So big?" Priest mm was clearly shocked by the city in front of him.

In fact, the area in front of this city is not too large. In our country, cities of this size are not limited to one hundred and eighty. However, those cities are built on flat ground, but this city It was cultivated under the ground. Not to mention how difficult it is to find such a huge rock ng, even if such ng caves are everywhere, it is necessary to transport building materials to such inconvenient places to build a city, and the workload is definitely the same as that on the ground. Cities require two or three times more labor, so it is definitely a miracle to see such a huge city under the ground.

Although shocked by the size of the huge city in front of me, to be honest, I would never choose to build a city here. Not that the dungeon is useless, but because of the location of the city.

Even if the city in front of us is so big, we can only see the building area in front of us. Just now the priest and I were shocked because we saw the whole picture of the city, and the reason we could see the whole city was because we were now higher than the city. That's right, it's higher than the city.

In front of the city, it is not known which designer whose head made the donkey kick, and its main body was actually built below the water level. The highest place in the whole city is the port area where we are standing, and this whole port is a piece of thing that can be said to be a city wall or a dam. After passing through this port area, there are three relatively wide bridge-like roads connecting the city below and this port which is dozens of meters above the city's ground. In addition to these three wide bridges, the edge of the port is also There are many types of stairs and manual lifts.

"Master, someone is here." Me and the priest mm were watching the city below, but Chili suddenly reminded us. I turned to look in the direction that the pepper was pointing, and then pulled the priest mm into hiding behind a pile of cargo.

The area where we stand is called the port area, not because it is really a port. Although the water area we just climbed up was underground, it was not closed. The way we entered that water was just a crack in the rock formation, and this water was connected to two wide channels. The maximum width in the range we can see in these two water channels is more than 50 meters, and the top of the water channel is 60 to 70 meters high from the water surface. As for the water depth below it, it is more than 100 meters. In other words, if the extension of the waterway is the same as the one we saw, then this waterway can definitely be used as a canal, and this is still a rather large canal. In addition, the accumulation of materials on the port and the dock where a ship is not far away also show that the port is indeed open to a certain place, otherwise it is impossible to repair the dock here and absolutely not accumulate so many materials.

When we all hid behind the cargo stack, a team of n patrols walked around us in neat steps, but it is strange that although this patrol was very neat in pace, the n that formed the team was obviously not One arm. The occupations and ranks of the five members of this five-person patrol team are completely unrelated to each other. Such lineups are very common among player teams, but among the n teams based on scale and collaboration, Such a non-brand army is strange.

"That team just now ...?"

"Are you showing up?" I said as I watched the patrol go away. "If I'm not mistaken, this city should not be a city built by one guild alone, but a multi-line guild. It ’s a common city. The members of these patrols should be a mix of troops provided by multiple guilds, so this is the only thing. "

"Is that so?" Priest mm asked the patrol looking away. "Should we go into the city to see the situation? If the guys in the Dark Alliance have no status here, we might as well just go in and catch them." Those guys will go. "

I thought about it and said, "If they are just ordinary people here, then there is nothing to worry about. They are afraid that they are not ordinary people. If the people here are with them, we are not afraid of them. It's just that things will get quite troublesome. "

"Anyway, let's take a look first," said the priest mm.

I nodded and said, "Let ’s take a look at the advanced city. Anyway, this is a city shared by multi-guilds. The personnel should be very complicated. As long as we are pretending to be ordinary, it should not attract attention. But we must first Leaving this port area again, this place seems to be a closed area, and our presence here will certainly alarm the managers here. "

"Then let's leave here and talk about it."

After finalizing the plan, I asked Emmys to disguise the two of us first, and then put away Sha Yezi and walked out of the port with only peppers.

Pepper's telepathy is basically similar to bioradar. Any thinking creature will be found in this area, so we can go back and forth between the dense cargo and buildings in the port area without hiding at all. In the end, no one touched the edge of the port area directly.

Unlike the previous port area full of goods and buildings, the edge of this port area is not so good. I want to go down from here to the city below, except for the three large bridges, only stairs and lifts can be used. The problem is that both the manual lifts and the stairs are exposed in the dam-like port area. Outside the wall, that is to say, from the top of the stairs to the city below, which is equivalent to more than a dozen floors, we will be completely unobstructed. During this period, as long as any guard below lifts One head, then we will be exposed immediately.

In fact, there is another way to safely go down the stairs to the ground without being seen, and that is to use stealth. With Emmys' illusion skills, it's really easy to keep us completely invisible. However, it is a pity that this method cannot be used at all, because the stairs in the port area are all metal. After we were invisible, no one really saw us, but no one's metal ladder ringed in that jingle 1uan. Could the guard below be a fool? As soon as they heard that the ladder was ringing, they could not see anyone, and they immediately thought that someone was invisible. At that time, when the alarm sounded, the next block, we were useless. As for the manual lift, although the thing is hand-cranked, it has a crew box like an elevator. If the crew box moves by itself without anyone, it will definitely attract a large group of guards faster than a metal ladder. So the invisibility trick is useless here.

Looking at the height of more than forty meters from the ground, I thought for a while and suddenly turned around and asked the priest mm, "Do you mind if I hug you?"

The priest mm asked me a moment, but quickly responded and nodded: "It's all right."

Now that everyone agrees, I'm welcome. Quickly retracting the peppers, so that Amenis added a large area of ​​invisibility to us, followed by jumping out of the edge of the port area, the wings behind them instantly opened to hold the weight of both of us. Since I only need to land on the ground, I do n’t even need a fan, so I let myself slowly glide to the roof of a building in the city. After two short steps to stop the figure, I jumped from the back of the building and fluttered to the ground before releasing the priest mm and revoking the stealth to continue the illusion to disguise as two very ordinary players.

"Okay, don't be nervous when you go out, just go shopping in the system city."

The priest mm nodded and said, "Relax, I'm not stupid." I could only smile when she said that, and then took the lead out of the alley behind the building and turned onto the street.

The situation in the city really is similar to what I thought. There are a lot of pedestrians on the street, and there are all kinds of people. Without the two of us, we ca n’t see the strangeness at all. Priest mm was a little nervous at first. Obviously it was the first time to sneak in in disguise, but her ability to adapt was very good. It completely recovered to normal within two minutes. It seemed as if she was shopping casually.

"What city would you say would be built here?" Asked the priest mm while looking at the shop on the side of the road.

"The system is repaired." I said casually.

"The system was repaired?" The priest mm was stunned by me, and then asked in doubt: "Don't you say here that several guilds jointly manage this?"

"Yes, this city is indeed managed by several guilds, but you just asked who built the city. This city is a system city, so I said nothing wrong with the system."


"No need, but this situation is well explained. Although the city was systematically repaired, it was beaten down. Now these guilds are managed together, so now the city actually belongs to these guilds."

"So it's so strange that the city is so weird. But how do you guess that this is a system city?"

"I didn't guess it but I could see it." I pointed up and said, "I saw the palace when I was just down."

The palace is actually the guild headquarters. Even if a player guild establishes a city, it is impossible to make the entire city like a barracks. In the city, there must always be business districts and living districts. The guild headquarters are generally guild offices or office locations. Various administrative orders in the city must be distributed here. The system city is a city that was established in the early stage of the game. Of course, it also needs an administrative unit with a decree. However, the system city does not belong to any guild. Therefore, it is impossible to build a guild headquarters and only build a palace. Because it is a systematically built administrative building, there are only a few architectural styles in total, and the structure is very different from the building repaired by the player. I just glanced at the sky just now and found the palace, so I made sure it was a systematic city. However, at the time, I still saw several guild flags on the outer wall of the palace, so I can conclude that it has been beaten down by the player guild.

The priest mm also responded to my explanation, but before she could speak, our attention was attracted by the movement of the crowd in front. I saw a crowd of people in front of a shop in front of them, and many people in the vicinity were rushing there. Although we really want to know what is going on there, but because we are afraid of revealing our identities, the priest mm and I did n’t dare to ask people casually, so we had to squeeze over to see for ourselves.

Due to the distance, many people had already entered by the time we reached the entrance of the store, but the outside seemed less crowded. The priest mm and I followed the crowd's tail and entered the shop. Who knew that when I crossed the threshold, I felt a flower in front of me, and then when I restored my vision, I actually entered a huge space. Look at the area and the height of the building. Space technology is definitely used, because the space inside is larger than the house outside by dozens of times.

The internal structure of this shop looks very strange, not like a shop, but like a waiting room at a station. Located in our left hand is a long row of counters. Behind the counter stands more than thirty n's forming a row like a ticket window. On the opposite side, the wall directly opposite the gate and the wall on our right are rows of skids. On each side of the skids, two people stand on the edge of the skids, each of which has a specially written sign. Then push to the center of the slide, and these connected words can form a row of text content.

I roughly took a look at the text hanging on the slide, and the content was basically some task requirements, and there were task rewards in the back. Judging from these tasks, what is hanging on the two walls is actually equivalent to the task bulletin board in the professional union, except that the arrangement used here is a bit more advanced and can display more content. Of course, if it is our guild, we can simply use the crystal screen directly, which is definitely more convenient and faster than this type of slide that also needs to be changed manually.

Although we roughly understood the function of this shop after reading the task bulletin board and the row of counters, the tasks hanging on the wall surprised us, because none of the tasks shown above were normal tasks.

The so-called normal task is the legitimate task of the system or the guild or even the personal cloth. For example, how long does a low-level player find someone to take their own leveling and how much the God of Throne promises to pay, this is the normal task of the personal cloth. Some guilds sometimes issue tasks such as collecting resources, which are also considered normal tasks. There is also a variety of tasks through the system, which are also considered normal tasks.

However, the task here is different. The bulletin boards hanging on the two walls are all abnormal tasks, such as one of them. "Revenge quest: Kill the designated player at least once. The client is responsible for providing the target location information. The target character is a level-level thunder mage, which belongs to xìng. The reward is crystal coins for each kill of the target. There is no need to collect items. The time limit is one week. "

A task like this is completely a task of entrusting others to help revenge. If it is based on the actual situation, this is basically a business that is run by evil forces, which is similar to buying murder. Of course, in addition to such tasks, there are many more exaggerated tasks. For example, there is a task to destroy the collective leveling action of a certain guild, and another task is to sneak attack on their damage output personnel while some people brush b, and so on, basically, it is not a good thing anyway.

"Is this the mission center of the underground forces?" Priest mm said in surprise, watching the mission on the wall.

Compared with the idea of ​​priest mm, I think more. The Dark Alliance had nothing to do with our guild. Even for money, it didn't make sense to put the target on guilds such as our hedgehogs. If you contact the situation where the boss of the Dark Alliance ran away after we hit the door, it is likely to indicate a problem. The task of the Dark Alliance to attack our guild is led here. That said, there may be others who are truly hostile to us, and the Dark Alliance may be just an executor.

"What are you thinking?" The priest mm said several words to me during my stay, and he couldn't help pushing me even after seeing my reaction.

"Huh? Oh, I was wondering why the Dark Alliance attacked our guild would also be responsible for such a task here?"

The priest mm was about to answer, but suddenly pointed at the wall on the right hand side and said, "Look at it, the third row from the top down is the row where the brand is being changed."

I listened to the words of the priest mm and turned my head, and immediately realized that a new task was hanging on the slide she said, and the content was ... "Assault me?"

That's right ~ ~ The newly hanged task on that slide is to attack me. The content requirement is to attack me at the designated place of the throne of the seal of time and drag me to the throne of the seal of time . The task clothier will be responsible for directing me to the place of the Seal of Throne at that time, and the group receiving the task just need to wait to hold me there. Mission requirements The mission-receiving group must ensure that even players bring n or more than two thousand people, and their combat effectiveness must not be less than one thousand. The mission reward is five million crystal coins and a twelve hundredth-level unknown breed magic egg.

"Fuck, which stupid task is this? Who dragged Ziri for a while, who dares to take on such a task?" I heard a person complaining just after watching the task board.

That guy's words seemed to resonate with many people, and just after he finished speaking, someone answered: "Yeah! Is this unknown nonsense? Do you want to hold Ziri for a while? Is this possible? As long as Ziri doesn't want to stay Who can stop him from succeeding? I think if anyone can hold Ziri for five minutes, it will be regarded as the top master in China. "

"Actually, there are no people who can hold Zi Ri for a while." Someone cha said: "Unfortunately, those who have the strength are basically in the Frost Rose League. The best people here can also hold Zi Ri ten. The minutes are overwhelming. But speaking of this reward is really u! Unfortunately, I have no ability to take it! "

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