Starting from Zero

Vol 19 Chapter 75: Tongue delivered

Chapter 19 Chapter 75 The Tongue That Comes To The Door

A group of people over there were discussing this newly posted task, and here the priest mm joked with me: "I can't think of you as being worth money."

I didn't care about the priest's joke, and said with a smile: "Fortunately, I have some skills, otherwise, isn't it difficult to protect myself?"

Priest mm was about to answer, and the bulletin board opposite was suddenly replaced with a row of bulletins.

"Intercepting mission: It is required to set up an ambush at the designated place of the throne of the Seal of God at a specified time, and intercept one Frost Rose League column. The total number of the team is as follows: ..." Looking at the messages one by one, they shook their heads in surprise.

"Which idiot is this task? Who dares to take on such a task?" Someone said.

Another humane: "But the reward of this task is also quite u. You can actually get an artifact sword and ten thousand crystal coins."

As soon as this talent was finished, someone immediately said, "Don't dream. Just look at this task and know that it is organized by the one just now. The reward given here is higher than the one that blocked Ziri, indicating this team. The overall combat effectiveness may be higher than that of Ziri. Whose brain is broken to take on this task, isn't this to kill him? "

"Yeah! This task is purely an idiot. Let's find a task that is more practical." The crowd said that they would no longer focus on the two high-reward tasks and went to some other tasks.

I and the priest mm stood for a while in the middle of the hall. During this time, someone kept seeing the right task and went to the counter on the left hand side to pick up the task. As long as the task was taken away, the bulletin board would immediately undo this. Tasks, and then replace the withdrawn tasks with new tasks. Judging by the update of their task, the number seems to be quite huge. To be honest, if someone told me that there is such a large-scale dark mission in China, I would never believe it. Although the guild's intelligence collection work has always focused on foreign countries, after all, we are the first guild in China, and the intelligence system is also first-rate. Such a large-scale black task change center can actually hide the scale of our operation to the present day, and the confidentiality work of the operators here can be regarded as thorough enough.

"Two." We were watching the situation nearby, but several players approached us.

"Huh?" I looked at the group suspiciously. The other five people stood in front of us. It didn't seem to be trouble, but we didn't know each other, so I wondered what they meant.

Seeing our eyes turned back, the person who just spoke said: "Excuse me, can the two people fight the task?"

"Fight the task?"

Seeing the suspicious gaze of me and the priest, the other side reacted immediately. "Oh, the two are new guys? Haven't you done a mission before?"

The priest mm nodded and said, "Well, we haven't really done it yet. Do you mean cooperation?"

"Yes, yes," the man explained as soon as the priest mm guessed it. "Puzzle assignments are our jargon, and they have the same meaning as carpooling and tables, which is a task shared by everyone. Sometimes cloth tasks. The number of people needed is a little bit, or the team that takes the task feels a little overwhelming to complete the task with their own strength, so find another one or two foreign aids. This is the task. "

I asked, "Are you guys trying to find us a task?"

"Yes, we took on a very rewarding task, but it was a bit difficult to do. I think the equipment of the two seems to be very good, and the strength should not be worse. I do n’t know if I am interested in joining us. task?"

What they said was good for our equipment, but what they saw was actually an illusion on us. The illusion of Emmeniska on both of us is the shape of two sets of middle-grade equipment, so after seeing the illusion, others will think that we are two ordinary people with good equipment. If they can see the illusion, it is estimated that Will be scared to death by my dragon suit.

"Sorry, the two of us are fighting in a special way and can't cooperate with others, so ..."

"It's okay, it's okay." As soon as I heard this, I knew we didn't want to participate. The person who asked the question immediately said politely: "We just asked, since it's not convenient, then forget it. Goodbye."

The man said hello to us and took the team members to other places, and the priest mm turned to me and said, "Although this place is dedicated to dark missions, but did not expect the quality of the people here to be good? .I thought this place was full of people who looked like lumps! "

As I looked at the group of people who were away, I said, "Don't try to use a certain range to determine the quality of people, as if you said that prisons are all bad people. This sentence must be wrong because There will also be injustices in prison, but only a relatively small number. Similarly, if you say that people with culture must have quality, it is definitely not right. Quality and cultural level have nothing to do with direct relationship. Hooligans are also very common. Although this place is dedicated to dark missions, the people who take up such missions are not necessarily bad people. But ... "I paused here deliberately, and then said:" But just that Helping people is really the kind of person you imagine. "

"Which kind of person?"

"Bad guy."

The priest mm was surprised when he heard me, and then turned to look at the people, but I twisted her head back by grabbing her shoulders first. "Don't look."

The priest mm realized that when I heard what I said, I could n’t look at those people, otherwise he would be violent, and he pretended to be very sweet and leaned on my shoulder to speak, while pointing his hand at the bulletin board. As if discussing the task with me.

"How do you know that they are bad people?" Priest mm asked me while pretending to be a mission bulletin board.

I also said in conjunction with the action of the priest, "I just put a scout bug on him when he was talking to us, and now they are discussing how to follow us for a while."

"Can you hear their conversation?"

"My ghost worm is very useful, but it can only be heard by me."

"Isn't that enough?" Asked the priest, "Why are they thinking of us?"

"It looks like we have equipment in us."

The priest mm heard the equipment and looked down at the armor on her body. Now she still wears the holy spirit suit I gave her, which is really a good piece of equipment, but it belongs to the profession of xìng and priest mm. It's just a match.

I saw that the priest mm looked down at the equipment on her body and knew that she had forgotten that there was a camouflage on us. She pointed directly to the top right and let her continue to look at the bulletin board. Are they hallucinations? They see that the equipment on us is different from what you see. The hallucinations on your body do not affect your own vision, but others look at us in a different way. "

The priest mm then remembered that we still had illusions, and followed the road: "This kind of place specializing in underground business really has a lot of bad people, and actually stared at our equipment without doing tasks. These people know our equipment How dare you start, aren't you afraid that we will fight back? "

"They just tried to talk to us just now, and now they are sure we are new, so they dare to start. A few of them just came in for reconnaissance, and there were people waiting for them outside. Listening to what they mean The mission here is actually anonymous, and they plan to attack us after we complete the mission, then **** our equipment and bring our mission credentials back to receive the mission reward. "

"Is that all right?" Priest mm asked in surprise.

"The secret way of the dark forces is definitely to keep confidentiality as the top priority, but because the confidentiality is too much, the task itself cannot leave various records like Zhengyi for checkups. When you take the task here, you only get one. The numbered voucher proves that you have accepted this task. When the task is completed, only the voucher will be recognized and no one will be recognized. Anyone who returns with the voucher that received the task will be paid. "

"The dark forces really are the dark forces, they are so impersonal." The priest mm said again and asked, "What do we do now? They keep staring at us like this, how can we detect the situation here?"

Upon hearing the words of the priest mm, I immediately made an evil smile. "Hey, I'm the best at this kind of thing. They dared to make up our minds. They will regret it for a while."

Although the priest mm didn't know what I was going to do, he didn't say anything. He nodded directly and said that we would do it.

After unifying the opinions, I took the priest mm and searched the task bulletin board, and then a simple task appeared quickly. After watching this task, I took the priest mm and ran to the counter on the left hand side to pick up the task. Originally I thought that there would be some formalities to take over the task. Who knows that they don't need anything at all, and directly asked us which task we want to take. When I reported the task number, the other party immediately said, "The task reward is 200 crystal coins, and the deposit is half of the reward." After that, the n in charge of the reception put out a hand and waited for me to pay.

I didn't expect to have a deposit, my class was depressed. I took this task just to attract the next group of guys to follow up. I didn't plan to actually complete it, so if the deposit went out, it would be like I couldn't get it back. I hope that those guys in the back will collect more than one hundred crystal coins, otherwise I will lose this time.

Helplessly the money, then n immediately handed out a numbered magic seal on it, and then said: "This is the mission voucher. Within three days, bring back the voucher and the video when completing the mission to receive the deposit and compensation. After three days , Come back to the mission within six days, refund the deposit, and the compensation is cancelled. The mission will automatically expire after six days. If you understand, go to complete the mission and start timing now. "

Dizzy, this **** task flow is really ruthless, and no identity credentials are needed. Whether it is the person who takes the task or the person who does the task, they don't need any identification, just give the money. It's a pity that I won't do this task, that one hundred crystal coins is considered a draw.

After receiving the mission, I and the priest mm left the mission agency together, and then walked directly towards the port area with such a big swing. We came out from the port before. The port area is actually not forbidden to pass, but only to buy tickets. As long as there is a ticket, it is equivalent to having proof of identity, and you can stroll around the port area without causing doubt.

The priest mm and I went outside the harbor area and bought two tickets, and the other hand gave us a folded card. The fold line in the middle of the card can obviously be torn apart, and the paper on both sides of the card respectively shows outbound and outbound ports, which is obviously used when boarding and disembarking.

The result of entering the port with the ticket was unimpeded traffic, as long as a patrol appeared, and the ticket brightened. However, we didn't know until we got to the water's edge that the ticket we bought before was not a boat ticket at all, but a port ticket. This place deserves to be a city established by evil forces, and money is needed everywhere. The ticket I bought before only allowed us to enter the port. If we want to leave from the water, we have to find another way. The more common method is to wait for the ship, which is a boat like a bus. It comes one at a time and can hold many people at one time. You can sit on it with only two crystal coins. There are two other ways, one is to rent a boat and the other is to swim by yourself.

You swim or use your own water to leave the World of Warcraft, then you don't need money, but because there are not many people who ride in the water, this situation is actually rare. Of course, if you don't want to swim by yourself and don't want to wait for the bus, you can only spend money on chartering. The cost of chartering a boat is definitely more expensive than using a public boat, but the exact cost depends on what boat you charter. If you just rent a wooden boat that can only take six or seven people and row yourself, it will be cheap. However, if you plan to hire a large cargo ship, it will be quite expensive.

The purpose of the priest and me was just to lead the people behind, naturally we did not need a big boat, so we both rented a boat that we rowed ourselves. The advantage of not being a boatman is that you can covertly kill the trackers, and this can reduce our ambush cost. I just spent a hundred crystal coin deposits and I was depressed enough. If I spend more money for this boat, then I really want to lose money.

When the rowboat left the shore, the boatman responsible for receiving the ship dropped the exit coupon on the port ticket in our hand, and the other half is said to be available after disembarking at the opposite port.

We just rowed away from the shore, and then slid down the river downstream. After leaving the shore for a while, I put my hand into the water in a pretend manner, and a huge dark shadow flashed out of our ship and disappeared invisible. Located on the water behind us, the group of guys who tracked us also rented a rickshaw larger than ours, and the guy who had talked to us before urged the humane to paddle: "Quick Hurry up, don't let them run away. "

As soon as the talented person urged him, he felt that the hull of the ship suddenly slammed forward, followed by a straight rise, as if a motorboat chased up towards our ship. The man standing at the bow of the ship still felt tǐng excited and thought his urging had worked, but soon he was wrong. The boat under their feet has been getting faster and faster since the beginning, and now the entire bow has left the water, as if a hydrofoil was running high on the water. Even if the guy has no common sense, he knows that this degree is definitely not the degree that can be achieved by manpower paddling, even if all the men who row in the back are muscle men.

After responding, the man turned back in panic and wanted to ask what was going on, but he was just stunned by the situation before he turned around. Although it has been found that this degree can not be achieved only by rowing, but after the guy turned back, all the people who should be rowing actually stayed there with the pulp, and their boat was rowing without anyone. Rushed in the state.

After the abnormal situation, the man was about to say something, and suddenly saw his men pointing towards the bow, and seemed to want to tell him something. He quickly turned back but just saw our boat looking at them across the water in front of him. He just wanted to remind his heart that the boat under his feet suddenly stopped suddenly, and the people on the boat included this collar. In an instant, they all flew out of the hull and fell into the river ahead.

Immediately after the group of people fell into the water, a huge shadow appeared immediately under the water surface, and the shadow rose sharply from the water surface, and all the people who fell into the water were also supported on the water surface until At this time, the leader realized that the huge black shadow turned out to be a dragon's wings, and the dragon looked as if it had been seen somewhere.

"Team team ... Captain."

"Why?" The captain who was thinking about where he had seen the dragon was interrupted by his men and thought to be very angry, but his men did not show his anger, but called directly.

"Zi ... Zi Ri ... that's Zi Ri's dragon."

"Zi Ri?"

"Yes, Captain. The dragon is the lucky one of Zi Ri. I have seen his picture on the forum. The lucky dragon horn has two golden hoops, exactly like this one!"

"What? You mean ...?"

Before the captain's words, I suddenly felt that my neck was stuck by something ~ ~ followed by his body was suddenly lifted, and then turned around in the air and was sent to me On board.

When he first saw me, the guy didn't respond, but when the illusion on me was canceled, his two tuo trembled immediately. "So what ... President Ziri, I didn't mean to follow you!"

"Hey, hey, you are too silver-three hundred here, right? I said you did n’t follow me before I even spoke. Is it unknown that you are following me?"

"This one……"

"Okay, look at your idiot, I have no time to play with you. I'm not waiting for you here to deal with you, you are not worthy of my shot. To catch you is just to ask you something, you won't Say? "When I was talking, luckily cooperated and took a claw behind me to pick the teeth. The sharp dragon claw rubbed with the teeth of Mars and splashed, and the fool could see the threat in it. Say it.

"Ask, don't hesitate to ask. As long as we know it, we will all say it. If we don't know, we will tell you when we inquire!"

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