Starting from Zero

Vol 19 Chapter 76: Plan

Seeing these guys so cooperative, I asked, "So, how long have you been here?"

"First time, this is definitely the first time."

"the first time?"

"Yeah!" Said the guy who took the lead, "We used to take tasks to make money. Recently, it was mainly because we were waiting for money, and we happened to see a group of people robbing other gangs and robbing equipment. After that, we also I just want to imitate it, so I'll start with you. I promise, this is really the first time. We have never done this before. "

"Okay." Seeing that guy seemed to have the intention to continue, I couldn't help interrupting them: "Don't say, I'm not asking you how many times you stopped others, I'm asking you to pick up these How long has the black mission. "

"Oh, this!" The player was relieved when he heard that he was not asking about robbery. "Some of our group joined later. I started with Datou earlier. We were there when we were still in Beicun."

"Wait, wait! What Kitamura?"

"Don't you know?" When the man heard this, I was surprised to say 1ù, "You don't really know, right? Beicun is the predecessor of the mixed 1uan city. The original Beicun was mixed with this 1uan It ’s the same place in the city, but it ’s still very large at the beginning. It does n’t have as many tasks available now, and the profit is much lower. At that time, many buddies could n’t stick to it, and finally went to the right line. Yes, like the Bright Alliance that was annihilated by your guild.

"Where is the Bright Alliance going out?"

"It's not here, it's Beicun, its predecessor. The boss of the Bright Alliance killed a lot of people, that is, the shadow dancer who was re-trained later, in fact, he was the same person. He was the first to lead a team to take over tasks in Beicun and made a lot of money Only then did the guild come, but unfortunately I met you and it was planted. "

"I didn't expect that the Bright League of China had such a history. But hearing what you mean is like I should know Bukchon. Is it famous?"

"It is very famous in the community of people like us, but the news channels for ordinary people are not clear.

As for you ... don't you really know? "

"Should I know?"

The player nodded and said, "Isn't Kitamura your guild dying? Why don't you know?"

"Have we also attacked Kitamura?"

"Not an attack" was completely wiped out. Among the managers of the current mixed 1uan city, the one with the most influence is the owner of the original Beicun. The other parties are the better teams that originally mixed in the northern village. However, they are now running a city full of money, and they are no longer taking on tasks. Unless it is a particularly large task, there are many types of rewards, "otherwise they are only middlemen."

I nodded and said, "The situation you said is also normal. It may be an attack order issued by other members of our guild. The Frost Rose Alliance is not the only one who can use the army alone, and our guild has a lot of troops. If It is a battle of less than a thousand people, and may not be reported to the high-level. "

The man nodded after hearing: "That's right. Although the team that attacked us was Frost Rose Alliance, only a total of five or six hundred people came. But those people are really amazing! The guards of Beicun met them Just like chopping melon and chopping vegetables, let them chop them up. "I heard that many people who took the task bought and escaped and were killed together. Thanks to the day I went on a mission, otherwise it would be unlucky. However, I was not fair enough to talk about it. After completing the mission, I returned to Beicun, but I have no place to complete the mission. The entire mission was done for nothing. The cost of fees. "

I raised my hand to stop the guy from continuing to poke, "he asked directly," Do you say that the managers of this mixed city are still taking on tasks? "

"Yes, but they only take on large tasks, and the pay is high enough."

"What kind of task is considered high enough?"

"I don't know about this, but in my opinion, I have to get tens of millions of crystal coins, and there must be additional rewards."

"Do you know what is required for the missions here? I mean missions specifically for those city managers."

The guy in front of him was obviously a ghost spirit, and immediately after hearing what I said, I guessed my intention. "Don't you want to lead them all out with a task and then get rid of them completely?"

Instead of denying my intentions, I continued to ask, "Do you know how to do this?"

When the guy heard my question, he didn't answer me right away, but lowered his head and thought for a while, then said, "Can you borrow a step to speak?"

"Dragon Girl." A huge ball of light suddenly wrapped me in with that guy, and then moved to the surface of the water and quickly sank to the bottom of the water. When the sphere completely touched the bottom of the water, I said, "Now I can say Right? "

The guy first looked around at this huge hollow water polo, and then said, "You originally wanted to get rid of this mixed 1uan city. It has nothing to do with me, but the helpless brothers all rely on mixed food here, so if you put Shovel here, although we will not say that we will be hungry in the future ", but at least life will be greatly affected. But, to stop you ... we don't have that ability and don't dare to do that. "


"So I want to discuss with you, if you can give our brother a way to make money, we will of course help you wholeheartedly. After all, the task of the mixed 1uan city is not so easy, it makes a little money. Once the mission fails, it will be nothing! If there is a safe way, who will do this? Do you say no? "" What can you do for me? "Although this guy is a little slippery, his mind Very sober. He only asked me for a way to make money, not for me to pay them, so that they can show for a long time, and it is not easy to cause me to dislike it. After all, the way to make money is just a way. If they want to make money, they have to work hard to create wealth themselves. That is to say, even if they provide such a way, I don't need to pay them directly. It is because they are making money to support themselves. It will be easier for me to accept it.

The guy knew that I had a door as soon as I asked him what he could do, and hurriedly explained: "To transfer all the guys, it must be a large task, but the other party is very careful in taking the task. If it is your guild or Those irrelevant people you find in the guild come to the task. You need to pay the full amount of the task in advance, and the other party may not take over your task. After all, the heart of doing this can make the task of the stranger of the thousand years ship basically. Not answered. But it would be different if I came to do it. I said before that I and the big head were mixed in when they were in Beicun. I am an acquaintance for them, so if they were introduced through me The credibility of the task will be much higher. In addition, the most important point is that if I introduce it, I do n’t need to pay all the task rewards in advance. I can make a tenth deposit first and take out a collateral or Put the money in a place and send someone to take care of you, and then wait until the task is completed, so that you do n’t need to cost them so much. If you did n’t calculate to kill them all, the deposit you paid could be Get it back. "

I nodded and said, "This is really useful for you."

In fact, this guy hasn't said one thing yet. They already know our plan, so in case I don't agree, he can go back to tell the truth. It's just that this offends us the Frost Rose League. In the second place, he won't get any benefit, so he didn't mention it at all, lest I think he was going to hit me, but it would have an adverse effect.

"Since President Ziri agreed, then we ...?", "We will have a kind of low-end monster puppets for sale, but currently the sales volume is not very large, of course, as long as we do not pay much attention to the reason for sales . I can give you the agency right for this thing. Even with the current sales volume, it is absolutely no problem to ensure that you have enough food and clothing. If you are willing to work hard to expand the sales area and increase sales, it will not be impossible to make money. " President Ziri. Then we should lie to the guys to come out now or wait first? "," Wait first, it takes time for our guild to gather troops, and the Seal of the Throne, and we just annihilated the Dark Alliance, their The president came here, I guess this may cause the managers here to be vigilant, so it ’s best to wait for a while before the throne of the Seal of Insignia. In addition, we may need professional intelligence personnel to come and investigate the details here, you can Cover our intelligence first. ""

"You can rest assured that I will do it."

After talking to this guy, I asked the dragon girl to send us to the water again, and then he and his companions told us about our agreement. His companions were very excited about this, after all, our guild belonged to the level guild. It's a big deal for them to start any business casually. I was not idle when they flowed with each other. Through the crystal communicator, I let the army **** on the side of Isinger find me a few intelligence personnel from the guild to the nearby area to stand by. We have to wait until we go out.

After we had flowed on both sides, we re-boarded our respective boats and drove down the river. Of course, the work of pulling the boat was still fortunate. His tail shaking in the water was much faster than our paddling.

According to this Neiying we bought, there are actually two underground cities going up the river where we are now, but these are system cities, and they are not as large as this, and there are almost no players in them. Downstream, which is our current direction, only one city exists. That city itself is the exit of the river.

Driven by luck, we quickly reached this city as an exit, and then we saw the hidden means here. It turned out that the exit of this underground river was blocked by an artificial building, and the water from the underground was connected to the Yangtze River in the distance by an underground tunnel that was artificially excavated, so that no one would wonder why the port in the city would be There is so much water flow.

Ships coming out of the underground river can only stop at secret ports in the city. Goods must be transferred here to the outside port for loading in order to enter the Yangtze River system. People also disembark here to change the way to leave here.

If you don't know the inside story, you can't find an underground river passing under the city, let alone know that the warehouse behind the city is actually a secret port.

"Is this city controlled by the administrator of the mixed city?" I asked the guys after leaving the port.

"You can say yes or no."

"How do you say it?" "This city is actually just a system city, but the managers of those mixed 1uan cities have a lot of power here, and their guild headquarters are also repaired here. The hidden warehouse that we just came out of is one of the guild industries, so the management of the system city cannot be managed there. "After listening to this guy's introduction, I also understand their operating model. The entrance to the underground river was actually repaired in the guild's warehouse, where people and goods would be diverted and transferred, and the river water would be secretly discharged into the Yangtze River through the underground passage. Externally, there is a big city with a systematic hat on it, so no one will show any fuss in the city. Even if someone enters the city, they cannot enter this guild industry without the permission of their guild. "The camouflage warehouse" so that they actually blocked the entire river channel, making the three underground cities connected by the river channel their unique city.

Although I understand the situation here, because I don't plan to attack here immediately, the information can only be recorded for the time being. When the group of guys we bought over introduced us to the situation here, our guild intelligence personnel finally arrived here and successfully merged with us.

This time, God of War sent eight people in total. I divided them into four groups. One of them joined the team of the group of guys we bought as new players. ”So they can follow this group. People thoroughly investigated the intelligence of the city of Luan 1uan. As for the other six people, I was divided into three groups on average, and they will operate separately. One group cooperated with the group of people in that team to investigate the situation of the city of Luan 1uan. , And the other two groups will be responsible for exploring the situation of the two system cities upstream of the mixed 1uan city. According to what I mean, if we want to eradicate the mixed 1uan city, it is better to drop the upstream of the river by the way The two cities and this exit city are controlled together, because the water system formed by these four cities is just a natural secret underground stronghold, which can be used to house some factories and personnel that need to be hidden at least with a little modification.

After arranging the intelligence personnel, nothing will happen to me here. After watching them return to the underground river together, I went with the priest mm to the Blood Pond City and pulled up the two companions of the priest mm. Then the four of us returned together. Isinger.

According to the discussion I had with the priest mm, I need to test her two companions first. If they are qualified, then the priest mm does not need to ask again, and if they are not qualified, we must continue to discuss How to do it. Of course, it will be decided after the test results come out.

After arriving at Essinger, I took the priest mm and her two companions through the outer city to enter the area of ​​the guild which is not open to the public. The sacrifice mm and her two companions kept on the surrounding environment along the way. Pointing out the sound of admiration, obviously they were all attracted by the inner city environment. Although the public open area of ​​Isinger and the area of ​​our guild are not much different in architectural style, "but the details are very different. At least the dense Goblin troops in the inner city and the advanced Warcraft are not outside the city. See you.

After crossing the streets of the inner city, I led them all before an extremely magnificent building.

In front of this huge temple-like building, there is a staircase with more than 300 levels. I climbed to the top of the ladder and then passed through a row of huge pillars that looked like sky pillars, and then officially reached the gate of the building. But when I entered the gate, the three behind did not follow me.

"Why are you standing? Hurry up?" I turned around and now the three of them were standing together under the doorpost, so I called out to them.

The sacrifice mmmm pointed to the door above him in surprise when he heard my shouting, "What kind of building is this? Why is it so big?", "Here is the guild library of Isinger, all of which are open to members. Of books can be found here, "which includes a variety of materials, literature and many learnable skills. ""

"You mean there is a skill book here?", The archer brought by mmmm sacrificed asked ~ ~ I nodded and asked: "Is this strange? It seems that it only needs to be slightly up The guilds of the same level will have their own guild skills to learn from Hui Yan, right? We Frost Rose League is also a world-class guild, it does n’t make sense to not even have this? ”, The archer quickly heard me. Explained: "I didn't mean that. I mean that your guild has so many skill books that you need to build a library, which is too scary, right?" "Skill book" but our guild book can really fill a medium-sized library to be true. Well, if you can become members of our guild, "You can read these books for free. If you can't become our members, then I'm sorry. So, let's do a test now?"

When the three heard me, they nodded and followed. After taking them into the library, the three of them were surprised by the book catalog area of ​​as many as a dozen floors, but eventually they followed me and turned into a door on the side of the first floor lobby.

"Dr. Haas? Where are you? I brought San Mou over to take the test. Dr. Haas?" "Ah!" "With my shout, a loud noise came from the side, followed us to the ground. A huge pile of books appeared on it, and a ladder was crooked beside the pile of books. In addition, we also saw a hand waving in the air at the side of the pile of books. Well, the nerd was buried by the book again!

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