Starting from Zero

Vol 19 Chapter 84: An unexpected mysterious goblin

Volume 19 Chapter 84 Unexpected Mysterious Goblin

As the guy activated several robot arms on the top of the metal netg, he suddenly dropped a piece of ng armor just in front of the ng of that demon, and then clicked and fixed it to the connection device of the demon.

After hanging the ng armor, the metal netg under the puppet suddenly started to tilt forward, and finally changed from horizontal to almost vertical, and after the iron netg was completely erected, the puppet The two big eyes on the head also glowed blue and white.

Seeing that demon stand up, I also held eternity in my hand and prepared for battle. After all, the mobile angels of our guild are best at sudden explosive attacks from extremely silent to extremely dynamic. Maybe this imitation has a similar function, so in order to prevent overturning in the culvert, it is better to be careful. However, just as I stood up and prepared for the battle, the opposite puppet was out of shape.

The weird-looking demon had his eyes lit up after being erected by Iron Netg, but instead of suddenly rushing to attack me, he stood there. The other group and I stood so stupidly and stared at the puppet for more than ten seconds, but the puppet still stood there like a wire pole.

"Hey, did you make this puppet or puppet? Why didn't you respond for a long time?"

At first glance, the puppet didn't move for a long time, and the other side was already very depressed. I was so angry that Li Ma went up. The guy walked directly to the demon doll and kicked it, then cursed: "You waste, go and kill that guy!"

After this guy kicked, the demon doll really moved, but instead of coming straight to my side, it suddenly grabbed their long neck and lifted it from the ground. At the same time, a rather mechanical and stiff voice said: "Attack behavior is detected, and the counterattack mode is activated."

"Let go, let go of me quickly. You idiot, I am your master, and the enemy is over there!" The guy who was brought up kicked and fought against the puppet, but the pure metal puppet I don't know what it hurts. I didn't react at all and grabbed the guy. He seemed to be increasing strength and seemed to choke their president directly.

At first glance, his own puppet attacked his chairman. Several people next to him and the researcher hurriedly surrounded them, dismantled the parts and dismantled the parts. The wrench pointed by the wrench wanted to help them grow up, but regardless No matter how they troubled them, the devil did not react at all, as if he identified the guy he mentioned as the one who killed his father and his enemies.

"It all flickered away." Seeing that the ordinary method was invalid, followed one of the president's soldiers and shouted the big sword behind him, followed by a sudden jump and waving an epee to the devil's wrist and beheaded. Go on. However, his sword seemed to be very powerful, but when the sword hit the puppet's wrist, it only made a sound, and then the guy was bounced to the side, and the puppet except the wrist There were no signs of damage beyond the white seal.

"I depend, what is this guy's hand made of?" After the swordsman landed, he raised his sword in front of him and saw that there was a gap in the blade, and he was also a shocked wrist. hemp.

This guy is still sighing there, the chairman being carried over there can't help crying. "Hurry ... help ... I'm panting ... I can't ... I'm angry!"

Looking at their president was dangerous, and the researchers behind were anxious. One of them jumped onto the puppet's head, then took out a special tool and chased it from the puppet's ear, and twisted it hard, only to hear a click, the puppet's head actually opened an opening. The researcher quickly gave u a piece of iron-like moon cake. And as the thing left the body of the puppet, the light in the eyes of that puppet dimmed immediately, but the hand of the puppet didn't mean to loosen it anyway, still holding them tightly. neck.

Seeing this I have lost my interest in competing with this thing. No matter how mechanically this thing can be, with this idiot-like control system, I really can't imagine what kind of combat power this thing can have. What good is a puppet that can't even distinguish an ally from an enemy?

Looking at the puppet that has basically stopped, I was planning to directly kill these people and leave here immediately, but when I was about to start, the ng mouth of that puppet suddenly flashed, a layer of faint blue Suddenly, the light film completely wrapped the whole puppet inside without any warning. The moment I saw the faint blue light, I stopped the movement on my hand, because I felt the familiar power from the light, the power of the undead.

"Damn, get me ng down!" Seeing that light appeared, the chairman who was still carried by the demon in the air immediately screamed nervously, apparently he knew what it was.

With the call of the chairman, the group of people under him also hurriedly wanted to ng him down, but the whole body stopped after the puppet became unresponsive, and the arm holding the long neck was dead at all. It can't move, and it is useless to cut with a sword.

When the crowd was busy and sweaty, the faint blue light had flowed through the whole body of the puppet, and then only a click, the lid of the puppet's head closed automatically, and then The tarnished eyes suddenly lit up again, but the red light appeared in the original blue and white eyes.

With his eyes lit up again, the puppet suddenly turned his head and stared at the guy still hanging on his back, scaring the researcher there. However, the puppet's gaze stayed on his face for only a second before moving to the metal mooncake-like thing he was holding.

The researcher reacted immediately after the attention of the current puppet moved to the metal moon cake in his hand. He suddenly kicked the puppet's back and jumped out, but the puppet almost At the same time, he released the chairman in his hand and turned sharply to take the researcher who had jumped out of his body and took it back in the air. The researcher now throws the metal moon cake in his hands and throws it away into the distance without even thinking about it after being caught, and at the same time shouts to his companion: "Catch it."

Unfortunately, although the fellows of the researcher have already responded quickly to pick them up, their degree has not kept up with that of the puppet. I saw that the puppet swayed his left hand directly backward, and threw the researcher behind his back like a drag rack. At the same time, his right hand was also lifted forward by the power of the left-hand sway and aimed at the fly in the air. Metal moon cake, followed by a crisp sound of ping-pong, a flying claw similar to my dragon tendon structure was suddenly shot out. The three-pronged claw head automatically opened in flight, and caught up with the flying metal moon cake in the air. Then the three metal claws snapped together, and the metal moon cake was grasped in the palm of the hand. After the grapple hook locked the metal moon cake, the rope connecting the grapple suddenly tightened and recovered, and the researcher who was about to catch the metal moon cake almost pulled it towards the puppet when he almost caught it. When the metal moon cake was pulled back by the grappling hook, the grappling hook suddenly loosened, the puppet gently extended his right hand and gently held it, and the metal moon cake flew to his hand automatically according to the custom.

After catching the metal moon cake, the demon puppet glanced at the contents in his hand, and then suddenly a strong hand, saw that the metal moon cake immediately began to deform and crack in his hands, and finally, with a click, the puppet The palms of his hands were finally completely closed, and the metal moon cake became a fragment of the ground.

After successfully destroying the metal mooncake, the demon doll turned his eyes back, and after glancing at the situation in the ng acupoint, the demon doll walked directly towards the analysis stations in front.

"Stop it for me." The tossed-out president finally calmed down at this time, but he didn't seem to have learned his lesson, and shouted at the puppet as soon as he got up. Hearing the sound behind, the puppet was walking towards the workbench as if he hadn't heard it, but the idiot president, without fear of death, chased in front of the puppet and blocked his way. "Did I stop you and hear me?"

The puppet stopped after the guy blocked the road, but after looking down at the chairperson, he suddenly raised one hand and followed only a gurgling sound, three like my blade claws. The blade bounced off the puppet's wrist, and then saw him slamming his blade claws down, and the chairman broke into several pieces in an instant.

After killing the guy who blocked the way, the blade claws on the golem's wrist closed again, and then he walked forward as if he had passed the chairman's dead body as if nothing had happened.

"Chairman!" Seeing his boss was killed, the remaining players screamed, but called back, they were not stupid enough to block them in front of the puppet as if they were president to kill him. To these people's shouts, the puppet was completely indifferent to continue his own affairs.

The devil walking to the workbench looked down and looked around first, as if looking for something. Soon he had a sudden meal and walked straight towards a workbench on the side. Reached for the head part of a mobile angel on that workbench, then reached out and pulled his head directly, and then put the mobile angel's head on his head. After moving his neck from side to side, he turned around again after confirming that there were no problems.

I couldn't help glaring when I saw the puppet who turned around again, because the head part of the puppet that had just been replaced was originally a big hole. Although the hole is still there, But there was a blue electric light shining, and the ng was healing quickly with the degree visible to the u eye, and even the internal parts seemed to be reborn. I have seen a lot of undead creatures that can recover injuries with the degree that u can see, but those are all u-body creatures. This is a puppet! Has anyone ever seen that a puppet is broken and can automatically heal the wound? It is understandable to be able to repair itself, but that guy is not repairing at all, that is, growing. The metal parts on his body are growing and healing like the muscle tissue of a living body. This is definitely not what a puppet should have Features.

After quickly growing the parts on the head, the puppet dragged off the external armor in front of the ng, and broke all the parts inside, and then he lowered his head and pulled out many parts of the body. Then, the vacated positions automatically grew a new set of parts. Finally, when all the parts were grown, the puppet actually found a large tutu of the scrapped mobile angel from the shelf around him. When I first saw that guy picking up this tutu, I was still weird. He is using the original big tutu of Mobile Angel now. Even if he wants to change one, he should not take a bad one. However, my suspicion was answered by the puppet as soon as he appeared, because he actually passed the tutu in front of him, and then suddenly took a bite.

"How is this possible?" I even couldn't help but shouted out of surprise when I saw the monster even started to lift the big tutu of the mobile angel. Not to mention why the puppets eat, even if the high-level puppets really need to eat, the head parts of the mobile angels produced by our guild are not equipped with a "mouth" function! However, although I can't figure it out, the puppet is really a big tutu with a mouth opening and holding a mobile angel in his mouth, as if it was not a puppet made of a bunch of metal parts. Big tuǐ, but the grilled golden crispy jītuǐ.

That demon puppet was so indifferent that we took out the entire metal tu tuo in our surprised eyes, and then saw that he actually returned to xìng to pick his teeth with the blade of his finger, and the result really made him Get a screw cap.

After finishing the tuǐ demon puppet, the light flashed again. Before the ng, a layer of smooth ng nails began to grow, and it was still growing. Soon, the ng nail was completed and grown. All covered. Except for the lack of wings at this time, this demon is no different from the mobile angel of our guild. Even if you have to find something different, it may be that this guy's shape is thinner than the ordinary mobile angel, and it looks like a high-mobility mobile angel.

After repairing the body, the mobile angel turned and walked towards the gate. It seemed to be leaving. At this time, those players in this guild knew that they could not stop it. They hurried over and shouted, "You can't go. . "

Alas. With the flash of silver light, the strange puppet's clean sword cut all the people in front of the road into two sections, and the fast-moving opponent fell down without even responding.

After solving the group of people with lightning, I thought that the puppet would just leave like this. Who knew that he suddenly threw a flying knife towards me, and then went to the door without seeing it. He walked as if he knew he had hit the moment he threw the flying knife.

Ding. The sudden sound made the puppet's body turned suddenly, and then he turned back again. Although the puppet's metal head could not make any expressions, the surprise in his actions was obvious.

While playing with the flying knife sandwiched between two fingers, I watched the demon with fun and said, "You really have a thought, and you are actually surprised. But that's right, if you don't have a thought, then It's not worth my attention. "

The puppet staggered for a moment, then looked me up and down, followed his arms, and the blades on both sides of the arms bounced out immediately. This posture made it clear that he was going to do something with me.

"If you think about it, you must take the shot, but there is no chance of recovery."

Hearing me, the demon still walked towards me as if he hadn't heard it. Obviously, he didn't plan to negotiate with him. Since he didn't want to talk, he had to convince him before talking.

Looking at the blade claws that came out to me, I simply scattered eternity on the blades of the whole body, and then my arm trembled, and the blades of both hands bounced out. The puppet saw that my blade was stunned, obviously wondering why I had the same weapon as him. What he didn't know was that the blade on his hand was a copy of my blade. When the guild's mobile angels were designing weapons, those designers felt that my equipment was very good, so a lot of equipment similar to my dragon set was hung on the mobile angel. For example, the grab that the guy used to grab the metal moon cake, and the current blade claw.

Although hesitated for a while ~ ~, the puppet didn't mean to stop there. Three steps and two steps approached, the guy, relying on his height and long arms, stood outside my attack distance and cut a claw towards me. However, although he had a long arm, he did not consider that his weapon and mine were not of the same level at all.

This guy ’s arm is the arm of the original mobile angel, which means that his material is only special metal. Although it is quite strong, it ca n’t be compared with an artifact. Besides, my eternity itself is a class weapon dedicated to breaking artifacts, and it is definitely cut off and cut off against ordinary weapons.

The guy waved down his claws. I not only did not retreat, but suddenly leaped forward on one side, and waved my right hand from bottom to top. With only one sound, the three puppets of the puppet were cut off and flew together. I went out, and I continued to rotate my body with the opportunity of stepping on my side. The whole person rushed into the puppet's arms during the rotation process, and then the stabbing blade behind the right elbow popped up instantly, using the force of rotation to smash it. It was on the puppet's stomach, and the entire blade of more than one foot was chased into the puppet's belly.

If it is a living creature, this blow can basically be regarded as ending the battle. However, the greatest advantage of the puppet is that as long as it does not hurt the key parts, no matter how many knives are stabbed on him, the effect is the same as that of the unpuppet. But ... will I know that it's useless and continue to chat?

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