Starting from Zero

Vol 19 Chapter 85: Sturdy special ability

Chapter 19 Chapter 85: Sturdy Special Ability

Of course, I will not continue to poke around knowing that it is useless, so I have a purpose in this knife.

As my elbow edged through the puppet's belly, a large group of flames and thick black smoke spewed out instantly from the place where the blade pierced the back of the opponent, followed by the giant puppet to move backwards. After two steps, he put an unbelievable tone of ng on his stomach and pointed at me suddenly and said, "You ... how can you ..."

"How is it possible to know where the core of energy is?" I looked at the puppet and said, "The answer is very simple, because your body is originally a puppet under my control. He was designed and manufactured by my guild. , I have seen the location of all the parts inside. "

"It turns out ... so!" The puppet sighed and took a few steps back. With the thick smoke and flames behind him, his body was weakening rapidly, and he couldn't stand looking. After the energy core is destroyed, due to the special energy circuit design of Mobile Angel, part of the energy will circulate in the power pipeline, and it will show a layer-by-layer attenuation characteristic. That is to say, even if the mobile angel is destroyed by the energy core, it will not suddenly lose its power, but the power will decrease first, and then it may support the God of the Throne for three to five minutes depending on its load. The remaining time of the Seal of the Seal of God is equivalent to emergency power for the mobile angel. At this time, the Seal of the Seal of God is enough to temporarily withdraw from the front line of fire and seek the protection of its companions. Because the mobile angels of our guilds generally do not act alone, this design can avoid accidental losses caused by power issues. However, the monster in front of him borrowed the body of the mobile angel, so he obviously inherited this special feature. Of course, even if he can support for three or five minutes, it is useless because Mobile Angel's three-minute energy is used to find asylum, but he has only one. Even if he can support for thirty minutes, he should not expect to find asylum.

"Can you talk now?" I asked again, looking at the demon who was already half-kneeling on the ground because of the continued decline in motivation.

The puppet seemed very unconvinced. When I heard what I said, I wanted to stand up. As a result, not only did I not stand up, but I became a kneeling position, and my hands were forced to stand on the ground to ensure myself. Did not take it off. However, just when I thought he would give up, the guy suddenly turned his head to look at the group of researchers standing there, and then when I did n’t know why, he suddenly supported his left hand. Pointed at a researcher, followed by the grappling hook on his arm, he immediately flew out and got stuck on the researcher's face, then quickly recovered the grappling hook, and dragged the researcher over.

Looking at the golem catching the researcher, I didn't mean to stop it at all. The ranks of these researchers are too low, and in our guilds we only match the real researchers. I have no interest in such personnel, so their lives are simply irrelevant to me.

"How? Do you still want to use hostages to threaten me?" Watching the demon pull the researcher in front of me, I deliberately sneered: "Kill them if you have the ability, kill them all, and see if I blink Just a glance. "

The puppet suddenly heard my words and looked up at me and said, "I know you don't care about the lives of others, so I have no intention of threatening you at all."

After hearing that guy's words, I was going to ask him why he still arrested someone, who knew that the puppet had done something that surprised me. I saw that he suddenly pulled the researcher in front of him, and then opened his mouth wide and sucked sharply at the researcher's face, and I instantly saw a blue light group flew from the researcher's head and flew into the demon. Even in the mouth of the researcher, the researcher suddenly stopped struggling and collapsed as soon as the blue light was removed.

"Soul swallowed?" When I saw the puppet eating the blue light on the researcher, I immediately knew what this guy was doing, and as soon as I shouted this sentence, the puppet's blue light flashed suddenly. Stand up from the ground. I watched in wonder as the creeping doll climbed up again and asked, "Can you drive this body with soul energy?"

"Huh, not only the soul, I can eat everything, but in contrast, a strong soul is the best tonic. Unfortunately, that guy's soul is too weak just now, and it is not enough for me to jam my teeth. You are so capable Beat, the soul strength must be very good. "At that point, the puppet suddenly rushed at me, while shouting:" Let me eat you. "

To be honest, I didn't expect this demon to be so crazy. When I saw him suddenly rushed at me, I quickly lifted Tu ǐ by kicking him on the ng mouth, and the whole person shoved backwards. However, what I didn't expect was that his hands suddenly grabbed from the left and right, grabbed my shoulders and pulled me back in front of him, and then he suddenly opened his mouth and sucked hard against my head. ...

The expected thing didn't happen. The guy didn't have anything after taking a breath. I was still me, and he was still him. There was no change at all. The puppet looked at me intact. I stumbled for a while, then tried to **** again, and the result was still the same.

"What? Has your soul devoured it?"

The puppet looked at me in surprise and asked, "Why are you ... your soul ..."

"Why can't it suck?" I followed the words of the puppet: "How can I explain to you? For example. If you put a rope around a jī's neck, and then let a person pull the rope, this People can easily pull the jī in front of themselves and eat it. This was the case when you ate the researcher just now. It is still tied to the neck with a rope, but it is tied to the head dragon, and then returned. What do you think will happen to that person? "

"Impossible. My soul is strengthened, at least tens of times the strength of ordinary people. How can it not pull your soul? Even if your strength is high enough, it cannot be tens of thousands of times that of normal people! "

"My soul is indeed not as strong as tens of thousands of times of a normal person, and at most it is hundreds of times as high. But ... you know that I am an animal trainer, so my soul is connected with dozens of them Magic pets and thousands of summoned creatures, even if their soul strength is only a standard, my soul pull is definitely tens of thousands of times higher than normal people, not to mention that there are still many gods in my magic pets. Their soul strength has already reached tens of thousands of times for ordinary people. Even if you are one-on-one with them, they may not be able to take advantage of it, not to mention that it is still a group fight. If I had something to ask you, I just took your hand. The soul is torn down. What ’s not fun is to fight with me for the strength of the soul, even if you are the **** of the soul.

After listening to my words, the puppet didn't mean to be subdued. Instead, the dog jumped off the wall suddenly and pulled me forward, and then bit it into my head.

When he just sucked my soul, I didn't move because I knew nothing would happen, not that I couldn't react. Now this guy still wants to bite me, of course I can't let him succeed. Taking advantage of his mouth to bite, I lowered my head directly, and then slammed my head up. The dragon-shaped suit helmet's middle blade, which extended from the center of the eyebrow, resembled an antenna, and instantly penetrated the puppet's upper jaw, followed me. He tilted his head back, and cut the blade straight along his upper jaw to the bridge of his nose. Because I scattered Eternity on all the blades of my body before, now the sharpness of this counter blade on my head is also the same as Eternity, so I did n’t have much effort to easily cut the puppet's upper jaw Two halves.

"Ah!" The demon puppet threw me out in a sudden scream, then backed up with his hands on the net and nose.

It turns out that everything has two sides. This weird puppet inherited the shortcomings of the u body at the same time as the body was able to heal it-pain. I had already appeared when I stabbed through the core of that guy's power before. This puppet had a different pain sensation than other puppets.

"Even I dare to bite, your teeth are really good. Now I give you one last chance to cooperate with me honestly and let me know what I want to know, otherwise ... I will disassemble you into parts , Then research what I want to know for yourself. You, choose for yourself! "

For my ultimatum, the demon had no intention of accepting it at all. The blue light flashed from my body, and the wound just cut off by me automatically recovered. Then the guy suddenly turned around and rushed into the group of researchers, then grabbed the two nearest researchers and sucked out their souls. Other researchers saw this situation immediately, but they were all civilians, and their athletic ability was basically single digits. Except for a few smart people who came to me and did not dare to chase, the other was almost nothing. Fortunately, all the soul was sucked away by that guy.

After sucking the souls of twenty or thirty people in one breath, the demon puppet suddenly burst out of blue light like the blood of jī, followed by seeing him turn around and look at me, and then suddenly growled. . All the mechanical parts in the entire ng hole seemed to be attracted by the gravitational field. All of them suddenly flew in the direction of the puppet, and then the guy was stuck with those parts like a magnet.

After attracting a large number of parts, the guy's blue light burst again, and then he saw his body turned into a mud, and all the parts sank into his body. I was wondering what he was planning to do. Suddenly he saw a big bag on his shoulder, followed by the big bag and started to extend to both ends, and soon formed a one-meter over the guy's shoulder. Long bars.

Although the thing hasn't been fully formed yet, I didn't need it to complete it, I already guessed the use of the thing. If nothing else, it must be a powerful long-range weapon similar to a cannon. However, what I really care about is not what it is and how powerful it is. What I really care about is, what kind of ability does that guy have to turn the absorbed parts into weapons? Before that guy's ability to heal wounds and grow limbs like an animal had been exaggerated, but now it seems that his ability is far more than just healing and growing. His abilities include at least the ability to devour and absorb and transform and create body parts that did not exist. The source of this series of capabilities, and whether it can be widely used, is what I really care about.

Because I wanted to know what kind of ability this guy has and how powerful his ability is, I didn't organize his transformation process. However, his degree of change is not slow. In five or six seconds, the protrusion of the Seal of the Throne of God completed the final form and instantly changed from a liquid state to a solid state. At this time, the appearance of a door was quite gorgeous. The artillery weapon finally showed its shape.

The whole thing changed by that puppet feels a bit like a more futuristic energy weapon, but the hua pattern on the surface and some prominent crystal decorations make this thing look quite old. In short, this thing feels like an antique full of science and technology. Although it is contradictory, it does.

After the thing was formed, the puppet didn't delay at all. He stretched his right hand directly under the weapon and held a handle that popped out of the weapon, while the left hand held the side of the weapon to stabilize its angle. After posing for an instant, he aimed the thing at me, and I stood still without moving, but the ring of commandments behind me flew out and formed a shield in front of me. Although I really want to test the power of this thing, my heart is always right. Defending with a rule-type weapon such as the ring of commandment can guarantee foolproofness.

Although I saw that I had set up a defense, the guy didn't mean to stop at all. I immediately pulled the trigger, and a bright blue ray hit the center point of the ring of command immediately, and then I saw a sudden support in front of me. A regular barrier was created, and a white layer of ice formed instantly within a few seconds. Eventually, a huge ice wall with a radius of three or four meters and a thickness of half a meter was formed in front of me. It is conceivable that if it was not blocked by a commandment ring, I would be sure to be sealed in ice.

"It's extremely cold rays! It seems that there are a lot of secrets in you." I said as I closed the ring of commandments, and then reached out a little on the ice wall, only to hear a click, the ice wall burst instantly. It's broken into pieces of ice.

Seeing his weapon was useless, the guy didn't panic at all. He lifted it straight up, and the weapon turned over to his back automatically, and then saw a bunch of liquid metal **** suddenly split from his ng mouth. That thing seemed to be separated from his mouth after weightlessness, and then it was automatically divided into 32 parts, and then gradually flattened to form 32 mine-like devices.

When I saw those things, I thought he was going to throw the stuff over to blow me up. Who knew that those things suddenly flew lightningly around the guy's body to form a regular three-dimensional enveloping circle that completely wrapped the guy in the middle. Then, the blue crystals in the center of those devices suddenly lighted up at the same time, and then each device suddenly radiated a large number of arcs to the surroundings. The arcs from the adjacent devices bounced back and forth between each device and eventually formed a The space sphere consisting of the arc completely enveloped the puppet.

The moment I saw the formation of the electric ball, I knew it was bad. Unfortunately, at this time, it was too late to stop it. At the end, I only came to open the Fenglong space and shouted forward: "Dart. "

When I shouted the dart, the electric ball just reached the critical point. The entire electric ball suddenly became bright, and then the entire space suddenly darkened, leaving nothing but a noticeable burnt smell. The place where the puppet just stood has now become a completely empty area, and even a shallow pit appears on the ground. The surface of the pit is smooth as if it had been polished, and the objects on it have disappeared completely. No, only the cut surface of the halo was left.

"Damn, where on earth did you guys get this stuff from?" I turned and asked the researchers who had fled behind me.

"Report ... Master. That puppet was assembled only with the damaged parts of the mobile angel produced by the Frost Rose Alliance. Many of the key parts could not be repaired, so we can only imitate some, but xìng is far from the original. "

I yelled at the smooth smooth section in front of me: "This is a big difference in xìng? When will our mobile angels in the guild have space teleport function?"

"This one……"

"Do you want to die?" I immediately threatened loudly, seeing those guys obviously had something to say.

In the end, my deterrence still played a role. As long as the attitude was a little bit fierce, Lima generally persuaded. "We said we said! In fact, those parts are repaired parts, xìng can be far worse than the original mobile angel. As for why it becomes so powerful, I guess it is because of the core controller in the middle."

"Core controller? What? Is it an intelligent circuit?"

"No, no," a researcher quickly explained. "Do you remember the metal moon cake we were fighting for?"

I nodded and said, "That's the core controller?"

"No, that thing is an intelligent circuit. We designed it specifically for that puppet."

Hearing this, I suddenly gripped the researcher by the neck and lifted him up. "Do n’t you know anything about the puppet technology when I am not a researcher? The intelligent circuit is equivalent to the puppet's brain. He crushed his brain and can move?"

The researcher I mentioned was speechless by the pinch of me, and the researcher who was next to me rushed to explain. "Master, don't be angry! We didn't lie to you. The crushed one is really an intelligent circuit. However, the ng port of that devil is also equipped with a core controller. We are the director of that thing. It is said that it was acquired from someone. Its function is similar to that of an intelligent circuit, which can control the body of the puppet to perform various complex actions. However, the core of this control does not know why it seems to have its own independent personality, and it does not listen at all. Command, so we could n’t add a seal to it to suppress his independent personality, and then created a control loop to take orders and give instructions in place of his personality. Of course, our technology is not enough to create a maneuver like The advanced control circuit in the angel's body, so we use a simple circuit we made to send a fuzzy signal to this control core. The control core can translate simple commands into complex body movements and then work, so we can simulate the mobile angel That kind of netbsp; "You used to call the mobile angel's netbsp the situation where the enemy and me were indistinguishable; when the researcher asked me, the researcher was ashamed He lowered his head and explained: "This is what we imagined. If it were not for your appearance today, the test machine should be performed the day after tomorrow, so this is the first time it has been started, and we did not expect it to be so large. Question. As for the situation later, I think it should be that the personality in the control core was awakened after we pulled out the control circuit, then replaced the control circuit and started to erect the puppet's body. The various things we saw later did not meet the normal situation. This phenomenon should also be the core problem. After all, neither the parts of the mobile angel nor the parts we designed have the function of automatically healing the wound. The only one in the whole puppet that we do not know the working principle is the control core. .and so……"

When I heard this, I tossed the guy I was carrying to the ground. Although what they said was only their guess, according to what they said, I think they should be right. After all, the parts of the mobile angel are normal parts, and other mobile angels have no similar function. It is impossible to repair the puppet, which is assembled with a bunch of parts, only has such a function. As for the parts they made themselves at the guild ~ ~ think of their technology, it is absolutely impossible to have such a powerful function. So, the only thing that can be problematic is the control core.

After knowing the answer, there is no need to stay here. I directly asked the researchers to find out where the research materials are stored, and then swept them all into the Fenglong space. In the end, even these researchers first asked Yeyue Petrochemical, and then thrown into Fenglong Space together intends to bring back the use of our guild waste. Even if the technology is worse, these are still researchers, and it is better to bring it back than 1ang.

After sweeping all the technical achievements here, I turned around and walked out of the mountain gate. Just at the last moment when the magic puppet started the space jump function, the dart with light movement ability successfully broke into the power grid. In other words, the puppet has teleported with the dart, and the dart and I can sense each other's position with the connection of the heart. So now as long as I follow this feeling to find a dart, I will definitely find the puppet. As for saying that the puppet wanted to get rid of the dart tracking, it was simply a dream. With the dart's ability to move light, as long as the dart doesn't want to be hit, no one can expect to hit him. And if the puppet wants to teleport, the dart can also penetrate into his teleportation range at the last moment of the start of the teleportation, and immediately after the end of the teleportation, the throne of the Seal of God will break away, so that the puppet can't catch him and can't run away. .

"Hum, want to run with so many powerful abilities in front of me? Dream it!"

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