Starting from Zero

Vol 19 Chapter 87: Slice

Volume 19 Chapter 87 Sliced

Ling held the light sphere in his hand for a while and said, "This soul is quite special and should not be the soul formed by ordinary creatures."

"Is this also visible?" I asked in surprise.

Ling nodded and said: "After all, I often contact the soul, and I still know the soul of the creature. If the soul of the general creature is particularly weak, it usually exists in the form of a spherical flame, such as a fragment of free soul. But As long as the soul has a certain strength, the external form he displays will be a form recognized in his memory. For example, a person's soul, he considers himself a human, so his soul is human, even before his lifetime. The looks are perfectly reproduced. "

After hearing Ling ’s explanation, I immediately understood why Ling said that this guy is not a soul formed by ordinary creatures, because even if this guy has become a soul form, he still maintains a puppet form, and his form is actually a mobile angel. The form is just missing the pair of wings.

The current form of this guy is exactly the form of the puppet whose soul has just been lost by Lingu, but the problem is that the puppet has just been put together, and the soul of this guy is obviously not put together Formed in a puppet. As for saying that he may be the soul formed by a mobile angel, I think it may not be very big. Mobile angels are advanced constructing creatures that our guild has only recently put into use. Not to mention how strict our guild will be over mobile angels, even if mobile angels form an independent personality, under the soul matrix of our guild, The personality of this guy should also be biased towards our guild. Besides, our guild has never heard of the complete loss of Mobile Angel. Therefore, the soul of this guy is definitely not born from the body of the mobile angel, but why does he think that his form is like the mobile angel?

"Can you figure out how he formed?" I said to Ling.

Ling didn't nod or shake his head, but said with uncertainty: "This is hard to say, and I'm not sure if I can figure it out. I can use soul reading to try to read the memory of this soul, but doing so is very difficult. May cause this soul to collapse. In addition, even if it can be successfully read, it may not necessarily know its origin, after all, the birth of the soul precedes the establishment of personality and consciousness, and memory is something that can only appear after consciousness. Most creatures don't have memories about how they came about. But many creatures can understand their origin through instinct or later ethnic education, just this guy ... "

Although Ling's words did not finish, the meaning was already clear. This guy is obviously not like a normal creature, even if he is a normal creature, it is a construct creature. It is strange to construct the creature's soul, and coupled with the special xìng of this guy, it is difficult to guarantee that he must have something like racial heritage. So he may not know how he came, even if we read his memory, it may be busy.

"Is there no other way?" I asked helplessly.

Ling thought for a moment: "It's not that there is no way. If you are not in a hurry, we can talk about it later. There are professional equipment over there that can safely read his memory, and I think if this guy is really Constructing creatures, reading his memory is not as good as reading his soul carrier directly. "

Ling's soul carrier is a special component installed in the body of the organism. Its function is to prepare a place for the soul to rest. Because most of the metal cannot be fused with the soul body, the constructing creature cannot attach the soul to the entire body like the u body creature, and must have a part in the body that can attach the soul, so that the puppet can obtain independent intelligence through this soul. And personality and thus upgraded to construct creatures.

Because the soul carrier is a sustenance for the biological soul, this thing often has many brain-like functions, such as memory. Moreover, the memory that a creature's soul can remember is actually not all the things he has experienced, but just some superficial memories. However, although there are not many memories that the soul can record, living beings have body parts that can record all the memories, such as the brain of the u-body creature and the soul carrier that constructs the creature. Therefore, as long as we can find the soul carrier of this guy, it may be better than reading his soul directly.

After listening to Ling's suggestion, I nodded and said, "Then go back and talk. Everyone goes back to training space first, throws that guy's body into Fenglong space, and we return to Isinger first."

After taking back the pet and the body of the puppet, I teleported back to Isinger, and then transferred to Xinda 6 Floating Island. Although there are a lot of Essinger's equipment, Xinda 6 Floating Island is the real research base of our guild. If the equipment is complete, the world may count as the second place. .

After arriving at Xinda 6, I didn't rush to the Soul Institute, but ran to the Magic Machine System Research Center first, and let the main researchers and a lot of equipment be sent here. .

I found a relatively large room at the Soul Institute. Then I asked the technicians to move in all the equipment for soul research and magic machine dynamic research. Finally, I waited for everything to be installed. Only after I released Ling and put The puppet was released along with the researchers who had been caught in the city of hún1uan.

"How does this puppet resemble the mobile angel of our guild?" The technician at the Magic Machine Research Center I called immediately called out as soon as the puppet threw it out.

"This is what the other guilds collected from the guild battle lost mobile angelic wreckage and patched it up," I explained.

"No wonder it looks so mobile-like." The researcher who spoke before asked afterwards, "Chairman, since this is a refurbished part of the mobile angel of our guild, then you are called so much with fanfare ... ...? "

"It would have been nothing if it was just refurbished, but there was something unexpected in the middle." I said, and took out the video of the previous battle directly to show them again.

After reading the battle records, the researchers did not need to explain it to me. They directly directed the two mobile angels they helped to carry the puppet to the workbench, and then a group of researchers surrounded them together. The feet were ready to be disassembled to see the internal results of the puppet, but unfortunately they found this guy for a long time and did not see a screw seam.

"Strange, why are there no traces of connection? It can never be a seamless splicing technique?" A researcher doubted.

Another researcher said, "Stupid, haven't you read the combat record just now? This guy can heal even the wound, so maybe the joint has grown well?"

The two were discussing there, and suddenly they heard a mechanical roar coming from behind, and then they saw another researcher pushing the wheel cutter and rushing over, and they were still shouting, "No matter if he has a seam, Just cut it straight. "

Although the puppet strengthened the metal on the body with the power of the soul, after all, the soul is no longer in it, and the shell is still the original metal. Because the mobile angel is a mass-produced equipment, the material used for its casing must not reach the hardness of the cutting machine. As soon as the cutting machine is attached, the armor is immediately cut out like a tofu. As the researcher's heart moved the cutting machine along the line that was supposed to be the mobile angel armor splicing line, the ng armor on the puppet was soon cut off.

With a click, the researcher quickly pulled the cutter. "Hurry up, help." As the researcher yelled, the mobile angels on both sides immediately walked over to help raise the heart of the cut ng part.

Although this demon changed some structures on the body, after all, this body was originally the body of a mobile angel, and the armor of the mobile angel is notoriously thick. Even if the body of the arm of the researcher ’s arm is only a piece of ng, they It can't be moved.

Looking at the two helping mobile angels, they lifted ngjia a little, and several researchers next to them quickly took a few things like flashlights and drilled to the side of the puppet. They shot inside from the gap on the side of ngjia. . Under the mobile angel ng of our guild, there is a safety wire connected. Once the ng armor is abnormally dropped, the self-destruct system of the mobile angel will start. If the shutdown command of the mobile angel's intelligent circuit is not received within one second, The whole mobile angel will explode. Although this devil was spelled out with scrap parts, in order to prevent accidents, the researchers checked it with heart.

"It seems that no safety wire is connected," a researcher said after watching for a long time.

One of the researchers in the opposite group followed, "Neither here, maybe they just didn't install it."

The researcher with a higher status here said to the mobile angels around him: "Lift up a centimeter to see." The two mobile angels lifted ng Jia up by one centimeter in accordance with the words, leaving a relatively large gap. Now you can clearly see that there is no safety wire connected inside. "It doesn't seem to have a security line. Okay, take ng Jia away."

After the two mobile angels lifted ng Jia away, the researchers surrounded them and observed. While they were studying the structure of the puppet, Ling and I had put that guy's soul into the soul detector and started the soul test.

The so-called soul detector is actually a soul signal intensity reader. It detects the current state of the mind by capturing the movement of the soul body, and if there is a soul master at the level of Ling, it can also actively search and read this. The memory of the soul, even the superficial consciousness of the soul, can read out.

Under Ling's work, everything in that soul's memory was quickly turned out, but it turned out to be useless. That guy really did not know exactly how he was born, as Ling guessed, and a lot of things in his memory were hún1uan. According to Ling, before this guy formed a soul, the soul carrier that his soul entrusted might be prepared for the soul of another creature.

"How can you tell that his soul carrier is not for him?" I asked suspiciously.

Ling explained: "This can be seen from the very complicated things in his memory. This guy's soul has a lot of very strange theoretical systems, but there is nothing in his memory about when he studied The memory of this knowledge. That is to say, he does not know where this knowledge comes from. Generally speaking, if it is a dedicated soul carrier, the memory should have detailed source information, but this guy's soul cannot read it. These things indicate that his soul is not compatible with that soul carrier, and this situation is generally only born under one condition, that is, the soul carrier is not loaded with the target soul originally set. "

After hearing Ling's explanation, I said helplessly: "Anyway, I now know that we have nothing in this soul."

"That may not be the case." Ling suddenly said: "This guy's messy knowledge system has a lot of knowledge about magic puppet technology. Although the content is very great, I think I can always sort out some useful ones. East and west. In addition, this situation of external personality leading to the independent personality of the soul carrier is also worthy of study. "

I nodded and said, "This is for professionals to deal with, let's go and see how the puppet analyzes."

Since the soul has been confirmed to be of little value, there is no need to spend more time on the throne of the Seal of God. In contrast, the body of the puppet may be more valuable. After all, the soul carrier is likely to be in In the body of the puppet.

"How's your analysis?" When I came to the magic crew, there was nothing left of the demons that had been demolished by this group of guys. Instead, there were a lot of demolishers on the table next to it. Down parts.

After hearing my question, the researcher in charge of the team said: "The throne of time and the seal of God is too short. We just removed the parts belonging to the mobile angel." He pointed to the table next to him and said : "These are all dismantled parts. We have checked them all, and they are basically the same as the original ones. But the rest on the table are things that were not originally found on the mobile angel. If there is any secret on the puppet, then On these parts. Although the number of these parts is not as good as the number of removed items, but the total amount is not, it takes a lot of time to complete the analysis and study of the throne. "

I was about to speak. Suddenly I saw the researchers standing by the silly standing next to me. I didn't expect that these guys had been staying for so long, and they had no effect. But if you think about it, people have just been captured. Now they must be nervous. How can they devote themselves to research?

"Hey, what are you silly standing up to? Come over and see if there is anything you know here?" I beckoned and shouted at those guys like the wooden people.

The researchers were originally because they were in someone else's place, and now that they are my captives, they did not dare to crowd with the researchers in our guild for research. But since I called them, they couldn't hold back anymore.

After running according to my orders, the researchers looked at the puppet for a while, and pointed at several parts and said, "These are all imitated by the mobile angels of your guild. Parts, because these parts in the collected wreckage are always severely damaged, so we can only copy them by ourselves. We can be sure that these parts have not changed in any way from our original design. "

After hearing what they said, the guild researcher immediately waved his hand: "Then quickly remove it, remove all the irrelevant things, and the rest are the key components. By the way, have you copied these few things? Where did the other things come from? "

One of those researchers said: "In addition to these, we have also copied some, but I do n’t know why, the shape seems different from the original design. It should have changed during the process of his body healing and growing. , So we do n’t know if it ’s the changes caused by these parts. ”

When I heard him say this, I suddenly remembered that a researcher had said that there was a foreign part on this thing that they did not know. If there was any secret on this guy ’s body, it was in that thing. Maybe xìng is over 99%. "Hello, didn't you say there was a foreign part before? Which one?"

"Foreign parts?" There was no part in the previous battle record where I spoke to the researcher, so the researchers in our guild did not know what foreign parts were.

The researcher I brought back hurriedly told me what had been told to me before, and the researcher at our guild immediately excitedly asked: "Don't say this kind of thing early? Tell me soon What am I? "

"That's it ~ ~ The researcher pointed at something that didn't seem complicated at all.

"Hurry up, tear it down quickly." Our guild researchers excitedly directed a few people around to take the thing apart, and put it on a special stage. In addition to the two low-level researchers continuing to dismantle the mutated parts of the puppet, several other researchers around him quickly gathered around and began to observe this special part.

The removed thing is nothing special in appearance, and its structure is a bit like a men's watch that has been enlarged many times. Of course, this refers to the similar appearance, but there is no pointer and dial on this thing.

Because there was nothing special in appearance, the researchers quickly thought of their usual method of dismantling.

Anyone who does research likes to disassemble things. Biologists like to slice animals, and mechanical experts like to disassemble machines into a bunch of parts. There is obviously a protective shell on the outside of this thing, and the core structure cannot be seen without opening. However, just as they were about to start working on this thing, the thing suddenly made a surprising change.

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