Starting from Zero

Vol 19 Chapter 88: Weird soul installation

Volume 19 Chapter 88 Strange Soul Installation

"Wait!" Just as the researchers were ready to start, a faint blue light suddenly appeared on the unknown device on the test bench, and the researcher in charge called out.

As soon as he called for a pause, the researchers who were preparing to stop all stopped, and then everyone stared at the thing in doubt. While everyone is observing this thing carefully, it is also continuously growing that kind of blue light, and this light does not make the light stronger after it is formed, but gradually forms a gel like jelly.状 光 体。 Shaped light body. This kind of light body with strong light transmission is obviously not a solid body, because it is spreading in all directions while accumulating on the surface of that part. It's really going in all directions, even under the cropping table. The blocking ability of the worktable made of hardened ceramics is basically zero, and the thing can be shuttled up and down at will. After that, as the blue light body increased, it actually began to show some biological characteristics.

"Is this thing alive?"

In our observation, the surface of the light body actually gradually protruded more than a dozen long whips, like a pile of tentacles, slowly and regularly swinging gently in the air. Obviously, this phenomenon can not be done by ordinary energy bodies, and mechanical bodies generally do not vibrate unconsciously. This kind of swing is like a biological body's response.

We're staying there, and suddenly I heard someone in the group studying the soul behind him say, "Strange, how does the soul monitor read so high?"

A researcher next to him immediately said, "How is that possible? I haven't netbsp the subject container yet." So how did the readings on my side come out? "

I glanced back at the soul research team, and then thought about it, and suddenly thought of a possibility. "Hey, you push the machine over to see if this blue matter is a soul matter?"

"Yes, President." The two researchers immediately lowered the record book in their hands and pushed the experimental machine over, and then one of them pulled the detector's probe out towards the blue light body. Aiming at that, the other researcher who was looking at the readings immediately screamed. "Oh my God!"

"What's the matter?" I asked quickly after hearing his exclamation.

The researcher glanced at me first, then pointed at the number on the display and said, "... the counter is over!"

When I heard the researcher's words, I hurried back to the back of the machine. As a result, it turned out that there was no number on the counter, only a huge red cross was displayed.

"Do we have machines with larger readings?"

The researcher heard my question for a moment, then immediately responded. "We'll get it right away."

When those soul researchers went to find the machine, the light body was constantly growing. At first, the blue light just enveloped the entire unknown instrument and formed a body about the size of a basketball and a dozen centimeters long. The tentacles, but after ten minutes, the thing actually increased to the size of a micro-furnace, and a tentacle of nearly one meter long was oscillating randomly in the air.

"Back down, don't let this thing touch. This thing is likely to attack the soul." I said to the researchers.

After hearing what I said, the researchers hurried backward from the danger zone, and I hurried out Ling and Princess and Sha Yezi. After all, this thing has a soul reaction. All three of them know the soul and should be able to help.

As soon as the princess saw this thing, she said, "I can't help this thing." Seeing the look I asked for, she explained: "This is a soul body without basic personality. I hope it will be guided in part. This thing has no personality. I can't help it at all. "

At this time Ling came over and waved her hand to send the princess back to the training space, and then said, "Sha Yezi, can you feel the instinctual consciousness of this thing?"

Sha Yezi nodded and said, "This thing has no advanced personality, and its instinct is stronger. I can feel it very hungry now."

"Hungry?" The researchers around the word hurried back again after hearing the word, for fear that the thing would grab them to eat.

"This thing really eats people?" A researcher asked with some worry.

Sha Yezi shook his head and replied, "Exactly, it wants to replenish soul energy, but the souls in you are all soul energy, so it can also be said to eat people."

Compared to this group of technical researchers, I probably know a lot more about the soul. After listening to Sha Yezi's words, I also asked: "Although this thing hopes to add energy, the living soul is not to say You can eat it. Does it have such a strong soul strength? "

Sha Yezi said very surely: "Sure it does. I can feel that its soul strength is very high. Although it is nothing to us, these researchers are just ordinary people in terms of soul strength. If they are touched by that tentacle, , It will definitely be eaten. "

When I heard Sha Yezi say this, I turned to the researchers who had been arrested by me: "Who did you collect this thing from in the first place? Is it so abnormal?"

Those researchers listened to me and started to talk to each other. Finally, the more extroverted researcher who had spoken to me said, "We do n’t know exactly who we got from. After all, we are doing research, not population. The census. However, at that time, I heard the chairman said that the person who sold this thing also bought a high-level magic pet from our guild. "

"Fuck, there are more senior pets. How can I find out just by knowing this?"

The researcher knew what I had misunderstood when I heard what I said, and quickly explained: "No, this high-level magic pet bought by this person is relatively rare and belongs to the rare type that is rare in the world. Many people from abroad have come to bid, and the intensity of fire is unprecedented! "

"High-level magic pets that are rare all over the world?" I heard that there are still such magic pets that I can't help but start to wonder. After all, as the world is rare, even my magic pets cannot meet all the requirements. It can be seen how much it is cherished. "What kind of magic pet is it? Is it a high level? Or can it be played? Or else it has a very special ability?" Hearing me, the researcher not only did not tell me what the magic pet was, but some Jammed. Seeing that he didn't answer for a long time, I urged again: "Ask you, what kind of magic pet is it?"

After hearing what I said, the researcher knew that he couldn't hesitate anymore. After all, they were captives now, and they did not perform well, but they didn't eat any good fruit.

"Actually ... In fact, the combat power of that magic pet can only be regarded as a bit lower than the top level. If you only look at this aspect, it can only be regarded as a powerful magic pet, not to mention the rareness in the world."

"Then why is this magic pet listed as rare in the world?"

"This ... this ..."

"What the **** can't you say?"

After thinking for a long time, the researcher didn't answer me directly, but instead asked, "What do you think of doing that?"

"What is it?" I was stunned by this guy.

The researcher said with a flushed face: "It is the work of men and women to make the next generation."

"What's my attitude to this matter and what's yours? Tell me what kind of magic pet it is, and never mind that I cut you off believe it or not?"

"Xinxin, I believe!" The researcher was frightened by me and finally dared not to go round anymore, and said directly to me: "In fact, the reason why the pet pet is said to be rare in the world is because she is only a mutant succubus queen. "

"Fuck, I have seen more of the succubus. Even the queen is not a talented grade, where is it rare in the world?"

Anyway, the researcher has said it, and the researcher no longer talks about it, directly explaining: "If the succubus queen is not a rare world, the key is that it is an extreme variant, which is said to be because of participating in the Asia-Europe Protoss border Friction was involved in the refining demon set in the Chinese heaven court, but after killing all the demon in the demon, she was not refined into an elixir because she had exceeded the upper limit of the enchanting, and fled instead. It came out. But when she just left the enchanting, because of continuous fighting and just being promoted, she drained her energy. As a result, this lucky period made a lucky guy a big deal. But that person also knew this top He couldn't hold himself, so he took it out for auction. "

I know this thing about practicing enchanting, and I have seen it. In general, the principle of this kind of thing is similar, that is, put a bunch of powerful creatures in a closed space, and then force them to tear each other out by means of law. All the essence of the creature killed in the enchanting will be absorbed by the creature that killed him, making the creature that killed him more powerful. However, because the number of creatures in the enchanting is fixed, and it is impossible to reproduce in the enchanting, only the strongest creature remains in the final enchanting. This creature becomes extremely powerful because it absorbs the essence of all previous creatures.

Of course, the enchanting is not a poisonous sting, the goal is not to cultivate a level creature, but to use the creatures inside to alchemy. Therefore, in the end, the strongest creature will be killed and broken down by enchanting forces, and its core energy will be refined into elixir, which will produce many powerful effects. However, because of the different strengths of the people who arrange the enchanting, the enchanting levels are also different. In addition, the strength of the trained creatures is not exactly the same, and their absorptive capacity is not fixed. So, how strong a creature will eventually form in the enchanting is actually uncertain. If the enchanting level is too low, the binding power is weak, and then a creature with strong absorptive capacity is won, and its combat power exceeds the upper limit of the enchanting limit, then the creature will not be refined into elixir It is also possible to break through the restrictions and run out. This is obviously the case for this mutant succubus.

Succubus was originally a relatively large branch in the Demon race, and the number of races was not low, so many people knew about it. This succubus is queen-level, so it can be said that she is not weak in the enchanting. In the early stage, she will definitely kill many creatures. As for the later stage, she will even take advantage. You must know that the succubus itself evolved through other male xìng creatures and absorbed its essence, this enchanting was basically prepared for them. Ordinary creatures can only absorb 50% to 60% of their strength after killing opponents in enchanting, but the succubus can absorb more than 90%. In this way, the succubus basically kills and grows stronger, and finally becomes the last remaining creature. Not surprising. As for her ability to break through the enchanting restrictions, this is also well understood. The original owner of the enchanting must have roughly calculated the upper limit of the enchantment, so the creatures put in are theoretically impossible to break out. However, because the succubus' absorption capacity is much better than that of ordinary creatures, the succubus when it finally formed a level creature may be more than 30% stronger than the strongest biological strength expected by the designer, which seriously exceeds the enchanting load. The upper limit, breaking the **** is a matter of course. The only thing that was more surprising was the guy who picked up a mutant succubus queen, and this luck was really good.

"You said that the succubus had mutated because of practicing enchanting, so what did she become? What about xìng?"

"I don't know the specific xìng. I only heard that her rank has evolved to the level of 4,800, and because the Seal of the Throne is a bit late, her body has become half an elixir."

"What is half an elixir?"

"It is that she already has the function of elixir. It is said that as long as she kisses it, she can get all three genus xìng strengthening, and the strengthening ratio seems to be tǐng high. Also, her saliva can be relieved including bleeding. All negative states within. Her body fragrance can form a strong recovery field, and all the people in this range can get the effect of health and recovery. And the most important one is that she can become rare in the world. The reason for the level of magic pet is to do that with her, each time you can increase the strength, agility, and physical fitness of the three genera xìng each; you can increase the endurance limit by one minute; increase the magical attack power by every five minutes; Every time you add 10 points to the whole magic resistance xìng. In addition, each time you do with her, the experience value gained within 8 hours increases by 15%. "The researcher paused here, and then said embarrassedly : "Of course, it is said that if you do that with her, you will experience the ultimate enjoyment that you can never experience under normal circumstances."

"I rely, is this a magic pet or a special service girl?"

The researcher said: "So that talent will be auctioned in places like ours that specialize in dark and easy. The special feature of this magic pet is reflected in her ability, and this ability can be said almost in the country. It ’s a very inspiring topic, so it ’s impossible to place an order at a regular auction house. Even if the order is placed according to the general magic pet, other regular auction houses will not give him advertisements of too much bone, which will definitely affect the auction price, so that person will I found the underground auction house of our guild. Anyway, all of us are black and easy, and any advertisements for bones will be dared to be shot, otherwise, even foreign players will not come to snap shots. "

"Then how much did this devil sell for?"

"700 million."


"Crystal coins."

I nodded and said, "If the genus xìng you say does exist, the price is not an exaggeration."

Although the 700 million crystal coins are indeed a very big one, but if the magic pet is really such a bull, then the price is not exaggerated at all. In fact, I think others are willing to pay so much money, the key is not yet those that belong to xìng, but the "ultimate enjoyment that can never be experienced under normal circumstances" that the researcher finally said. You can think about what the rich people want so much money for? Isn't it just to satisfy all aspects of your enjoyment? For physiologically normal men, the pursuit of xìng is almost inevitable.

"Zero" game mode is virtual signal brain access, so it can simulate a variety of thorny jīxìng signals in the human brain. For example, in the games that many people have tried, the delicious effects that cannot be achieved in reality can be produced here, because it is difficult to make food delicious in reality, after all, everyone has different tastes Not everyone can find the taste that suits them best, so you can hardly experience the ultimate taste. But it ’s different in the game. If you want someone to eat a very hot and delicious food in the game, as long as the game helmet transmits the spicy neural signals to the player ’s brain, and then pass the signals that are particularly comfortable and enjoyable together, the player What appears in your mind is the feeling of a very spicy and delicious food. If you want to make food more delicious, then you only need to strengthen the intensity of the signal that represents delicious enjoyment. As long as the human brain can bear it, this signal can continue to strengthen until the limit of the human brain, which is extreme enjoyment. . Therefore, in the game you can eat delicious food that can never be eaten in reality.

By the same token, in "Zero", it is not forbidden to make contact between players who reach a certain standard, so the enjoyment in this respect is also virtual. However, because some people had anorexia in reality because they ate too much delicious food in Zero, the enjoyment of that aspect in Zero was limited to the same standard as in reality. After all, food will starve to death if you do n’t eat it, so even if the food in the game is delicious, there are still very few people who have anorexia. But in reality, if you do n’t do it, you ca n’t die, so in order to prevent Everyone only did that in the game, which caused the decline in the natural fertility of the population in the real world, which caused opposition from other countries ’governments, so the enjoyment in" Zero "was strictly restricted.

However, although large-scale enhancement enjoyment does not work, if it is only an individual case, there will be no problem. Now this mutant succubus is clearly the only real standard in this area. It is no wonder that the wealthy werewolves all over the world have gathered to compete for this class of alternative magic pets. Of course, this succubus can strengthen the characteristic of the owner xìng while doing that, which is very good. After all, there is no upper limit to her reinforcement method. In theory, as long as you keep doing it, the strength can be infinitely strengthened. of.

Such a special magic pet is really special enough to say. With this clue, it is much easier to find the person who owns this magic pet. After all, once this magic pet is sold, many people will definitely want to grab it. . Even if the other party had a hidden identity at the time of the auction, it was useless. After all, the auction was a black easy auction house, not a regular auction house. It may be that they would sell the auction information if the price was higher. In this case, the one who bought this magic pet People will definitely be known by many people. I believe that as long as I send someone to investigate, I should soon find this person. Anyway, I just want to know where he got this magical device, but not his magic pet, I believe he should not refuse me.

When I discussed the succubus' time with that researcher, the volume of the light body was once again larger. Now it seems that the freezer selling cold drinks is almost on the street, and the tentacles on the surface have changed. It became almost two meters long, waving in the space like a giant octopus monster.

"Isn't this thing going to get bigger like this all the time?" I asked, looking at the thing that was one more lap.

Sha Yezi said: "It shouldn't. Its energy is always limited. Supporting such a large volume will consume more energy. If no more energy is replenished, it should start to shrink soon."

Sha Yezi's words soon became a reality. Within a few minutes, the thing began to shrink gradually like when it became larger, and the degree of shrinkage was significantly faster than when it became larger. After waiting for a few minutes, the blue light body was completely retracted into the part as it appeared, as if we had seen all illusions before ~ ​​ ~ coming. "The blue light body disappeared less than two minutes before hearing a shout from the outside, and then saw the person from the soul research team who had left before rushing in with a large machine." Well? " Why is the Northeast missing? "The researchers who rushed in quickly became abnormal.

"You're late." I said helplessly.


"Yes, that thing was taken back by itself."

The researcher heard the word and quickly instructed the others to set up the newly pushed machine, and then opened it for a look. The display board indeed showed a green value, and it was still lowering. "Oops, that soul is going to disappear!" The researcher anxiously rushed to the side of the device to save the soul body, but just as he was standing next to the stage, I suddenly showed the green value on the display It ’s climbing up madly, and the value changes to yellow in less than two seconds, and then turns to red in the next second. At the same time, the blue light body that had disappeared on the device suddenly burst out again, and just fine As can be seen, several tentacles caught the researcher at the same time, and the researcher pulled himself forward.

"Ah ... help ..."

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