Starting from Zero

Vol 19 Chapter 97: Mine mine is mine

Volume 19 Chapter 97 Mine is mine

When I was about to capture the mouse, I noticed that the light above my head seemed to change a little, so I looked up and almost didn't jump. "Damn, where's the source of my divine power?"

Just when we came in here, the number of divine sources above our heads was unimaginable, but just after the explosion, there were only eight divine sources in the ng acupoint, and three of the eight divine sources They kept flashing, as if they might go out at any time.

"Oops, forget that there are still so many sources of divine power here!" It was also at this time that Ling Hechun noticed that the sources of divine power above his head were less than half, and the remaining ones were also likely to go out at any time in the wind and rain. Look.

"What can we do? In addition to the divine power of this deity, the source of divine power can only be pulled by the divine power of other deities. If we let Wei Na bring them with the source of divine power, it will take a few minutes. "Jun also anxiously.

"Anyway, let them know first, and you can grab the next one." I said, then contacted the **** of war with a communicator and told him to come over as quickly as possible, as far as I tried to use magic Keeping those few cores of magic power that have begun to flash endlessly, but if you can keep a few in the end, you can only listen to fate.

While we are busy maintaining the stability of the source of divine power, Isinger is busy turning the sky. Wei Na, they heard that there were eight sources of divine power that were about to disappear, and they immediately burst. The entire Isinger player heard a loud bang. With the sparks and the Peacock Pluto, Weiner slammed hún1uan and the roof of the Order Temple into a hole, and then converted into three streamers and shot into Isinger's In the teleportation array, three people reached the exit of the underground river in the next second.

A group of players standing by the teleportation array at the exit of the underground river was preparing to enter the teleportation array. Suddenly, the teleportation array flashed, and the three goddesses suddenly appeared in the teleportation array. Suddenly seeing the three goddesses of our guild approaching, those players are ready to salute after a moment's glance. Who knows that the three goddesses just flew left and right and suddenly flew out. The two winds brought by the wind were almost close. Also fly out.

"I rely, what happened in front of me so hurry?" Asked a player who was almost overturned when he stood still.

The player next to him said suspiciously: "I just came out of the three cities have been occupied, what else can go wrong?"

"No," someone immediately reminded, "the chairman seemed to have gone in before."

"President? Is it the upper reaches of that river? But it's wrong! Even if there are monsters in the upper reaches of the river, even the chairman can't be sure? Even if the president can't stand it, it won't let the three goddesses do the same. Hurry and rush there? With the strength of the chairman, what can make him unable to resist for a while? "

Everyone shook their heads, and then someone said, "No matter what, since the three goddesses have passed, it's okay, let's take care of what we have."

In this meeting, the people discussed here, Wei Na, they have already waved as fast as a protoss. Three people are like three missiles. They are close to the river surface of the underground river, and they straighten the river with a horrible degree. Upstream, the boats passing by our bank along the way were overturned by three people, causing a scream of curse. However, the three of them could not hear these screams, because their degrees had already passed, and the subsequent voices could not reach their ears.

The total length of the wide part of the entire underground river is about 35 kilometers. It took almost three minutes for the three people to fly over this area, and then the three of them slammed into the river and sunk into it. Once in the water, the river slammed as if it had exploded, but the three did not care about it. Before the river was officially raised, they had reached the entrance of the fork and turned around. Come in.

Looking at the half of the rock still hanging there, Wei Na did not drill through the gap on the side of the rock without my patience. The three of them rushed straight up as if they hadn't seen anything. Half a rock smashed and then slammed from the pond with the sky water hua directly onto the shore.

As soon as they fell to the ground, they felt the unique energy movement of the source of divine power, and a little three of them appeared directly next to us.

"Two minutes and thirty seconds," Ling said at the throne of time and said, "It's really fast."

"Don't you feel happy at this time?" Wei Na said, glanced up and looked at all the eight divine sources, and then pointed at one of them and said very stiffly: "Absorb that first, the one next to it is about to collapse ,That's too late."

The Peacock Pluto immediately reached out and threw a side portal out of the space equipment. Once the door landed, it immediately established a continuity with the temple on the side of Isinger, and then a huge hedgehog-like light ball was placed between the two gods Pushed slowly out of the door.

Seeing that light ball appeared, Starfire immediately took it and brought the light ball under the light ball pointed by Wei Na, and Wei Na was pulling by the divine power against the light ball above her head, and the flashing light ball appeared immediately. A large number of dusty silver spots. These light spots quickly floated down from that light sphere and were absorbed by the source of divine power in our guild.

As the light spots in that light sphere float more and more, its light is getting dimmer. Finally, when it is almost invisible, the entire shape of the light sphere is turned into a shining dust. The light ball of the meeting sucked in, and the light ball itself completely disappeared into the space.

"Hoo, get one." As soon as Vina finished, the light ball she had missed too soon followed by a sudden extinguishment, and one of the remaining light **** that had not flashed began to flash. .

Seeing that the light ball began to flash, Starfire quickly reminded: "It's not time to rest, hurry up, these sources of divine power can hardly hold on."

"Know," Weiner said, wiping the sweat on her forehead and choosing another source of divine power that was flashing and absorbed.

In fact, judging by the erratic state of the source of divine power, there is actually not much energy left in it. The reason why they are so nervous is not simply for the energy in the source of divine power, but for another Something-inheritance.

Each source of divine power includes all the sources of faith of this protoss, as well as all the knowledge of this protoss. Among them, there may be some important events recorded, some technical information, and some experiences in cultivation. And, of course, the most important divine skills.

Because of the powerful expansion ability of our guild, it can be said that hún1uan and the Order Temple do not worry about the accumulation of faith at all. In addition, hún1uan and the Order Protoss are themselves human beings, and their energy cannot be used at all. There is no need to care about the energy in the source of the divine power. What really makes her and Xinghuo and Peacock remember those skills and cultivation methods. Some powerful cultivation methods can greatly increase the level of divine power. Even if the cultivation methods are not as good as their own, they can also be compared by comparing their existing skills. Advantages and enhancements. So regardless of whether the skills in these sources of power are good or bad, as long as there are skills, they will be earned.

Because Vena took the initiative to abandon one source of divine power and began to directly absorb the second source of divine power that will be extinguished, so the next source of divine power just caught up with the throne of time and finally the eight divine power Except for the one that Yuan gave up voluntarily, the others were absorbed by Wei Na.

"Huh, I can't do it. You send me back to Isinger. I may need to sleep for a few days, and then ... after ..." Wei Na had almost collapsed after absorbing the last source of divine power, and went to sleep. She wanted to do something for her before, but unfortunately she couldn't stand it, and she fell asleep halfway.

I looked at Wina who had fallen asleep, and I had no choice but to help Spark and Peacock: "You can send her back directly through the portal. This portal will be taken away when I leave, so you don't have to Ran."

Starfire and Peacock Pluto both nodded, then picked up Wei Na with divine power and went directly to the portal. As for any good things in the source of the previous divine power, that can only be known when Wei Na wakes up. After all, Vena is also the main deity of hún1uan and the Temple of Order. Although Starfire and the peacock are actually much stronger than Vena, but because of the rules of the main god, the source of the power of hún1uan and the Order of the Protoss is only Vena, and other protoss Even if the strength is better than Wei Na, there is no way to netbsp; after the Sparks leave, I let lucky throw the portal directly into Fenglong space, and the next thing to do is to catch the magic pet.

Just now, in order not to let the source of divine power go out, we all stopped and began to stabilize those divine sources with magic power. Although the source of divine power was basically kept, during this time, the Throne of the Seal of God caused many injured mutants nearby. died. For example, the half of the mouse I was just about to start, because it was strengthened by the source of divine power, so even if it was blown off the second half of the body did not immediately die. Ordinarily, if I were to capture it, it would definitely be successful, but it was a pity that it was delayed because of the source of divine power. Although the mouse has been strengthened by the source of divine power, after all, it has lost half of its body, and it is very bullish to be able to persist without dying immediately. If we delay so much, it will not work even if we don't want to die.

In addition to the mouse, there were many other dead creatures on the scene. Fortunately, not all the injured monsters were dead, and some of them caught me. But the more troublesome thing is that many monsters that faint in the beginning will wake up. It may not be easy to catch them simply. Fortunately, there are not many of these monsters, even if they run away, it is harmless.

After glancing at all the creatures in the ng acupoint, I directly asked the princess to have a mental shock first to put those faint monsters down again, and then fortunately went to battle with the plagued pets of their larger ones. Those monsters with less injuries and combat effectiveness were **** first. These creatures that are relatively lightly injured or simply not injured are basically full, so the success rate of capture will be very low. It will take a lot of time to capture them. If you catch them first, it is estimated that the remaining injuries are serious. It's time for the monster to die. So these basic intact creatures were commanded by me. Fortunately, they were tied up. Anyway, there are many metal chains and steel cables in my phoenix dragon space. Even if these monsters are strong for a while, they will continue to keep these things. If they are They resisted so badly that they were lucky to stun their tails.

Fortunately, they went to deal with those intact big guys, and I took Chun and Ariana to start looking for those monsters that were not working. When encountering those monsters that are not far away from death, let Chun and Azuna use the magic to heal them to ensure that they will not die within a short time. The remaining injuries were severe, but they wouldn't die again in a little while, and I started capturing them directly. These monsters will not die for a while and a half. Depending on their physical quality, it is estimated that it will return to a combatable state after waiting for a long time. Therefore, these monsters need to be captured first compared to those who are seriously injured and dying.

"Hey, don't be afraid to be obedient, just let me. It doesn't hurt anymore." I put my hand on the head of a giant bat with a wry smile. This guy didn't know what I was going to do, but he knew that I was the enemy, so he saw my hand stretched out and waved the broken wings and wanted to stay away from me, but unfortunately, it had no wings I could only hop a few times in the same place, and eventually I couldn't escape my clutches.

Hold your hand on the bat's head, and the capture skill starts instantly. The bat suddenly struggling violently, but because the injury is too severe, it can only jump a few times in place. The first capture skills did not succeed, of course, although my capture skills are probably the highest in the game, but in the face of such advanced monsters, the success rate is naturally not high.

Although it is impossible to succeed twice, I have four advantages over others. First, my level of capture skills is high enough, and the success rate is much higher than the average person. Second, I have enough magic powers. If I ca n’t do it once, I can do it again for the second time, and the third time until I succeed. Third, my time is very abundant. Some pets help me suppress these monsters, and I can capture them slowly, without worrying about the monsters dying or running away. Fourth, I have Victoria. In any case, Victoria is also the true goddess of victory, and her specialty is lucky blessing. Although her wheel of fortune is very unreliable, her ability to improve luck is very powerful.

After more than thirty consecutive capture techniques, the bat finally obediently turned into a magic pet egg. Put this baby egg directly into Fenglong space, and then I started to go to the next target, as for the other monsters behind, they have been arranged in a row under the command of Ling, as long as I follow this order Just catch them one by one.

My side is capturing the magic pet, and the rest of the ng acupoints are not restless. My unicorn warriors were visiting guest miners with a bunch of pickaxes, crowbars, or whatever. So many crystals in this ng hole can't be charged for 1 ang, of course, you have to dig them all back. However, what hurts me more is that I haven't touched the only few rubies in the ng acupoint. As for the reason ... you can see that Mira is so happy next to An.

Mila's race is a ruby ​​dragon in the material dragon family Gemosaurus belonging to the Dragon family. Listening to this name, she knows that her body is composed of rubies. So ... so my ruby ​​is gone.

In "Zero", whether it is the player or the player's magic pet, it needs to eat. Except for a few creatures, such as necrotic creatures or constructing creatures, that have some differences in how they eat, most creatures eat regularly. As the person with the most magic pets in the game, I naturally prepare food for them. Moreover, according to the system description, different food combinations can actually affect the combat effectiveness and subsequent promotion of the magic pet. As a tamer professional, I naturally have a certain understanding of the breeding of magic pets, but because I have Fenglong Space, an almost unsatisfactory level space, I usually buy food that I can eat for a few months. Enter the Fenglong space, and when the magic pets are hungry, they will eat it without me feeding it every day. After all, humans like Ling Ling are more intelligent than many people. Do they want me to feed like a horse?

However, in addition to the food used to sustain life, each creature actually has several special types of supplementary food. These things can be eaten or not eaten, but if you can eat them often, it will definitely be beneficial to the promotion of this creature. And Mira is a gem dragon, her auxiliary food is-ruby.

Frequent xìng swallowing rubies can make Mira's body bigger and bigger, and at the same time can continuously strengthen all her genus xìng. In theory, as long as I have enough rubies, Mira can be strengthened into the existence of the main god. Of course, if all the crystal coins needed to buy these rubies are piled together, it can definitely be used to kill a main **** ~ ~ The so-called high investment and high return, it is estimated that this is Mira. Fortunately for them, these dragons do n’t need to eat gems, otherwise I wo n’t be able to hold them back even if I make more money.

"Master, we haven't seen this thing before, don't know if we need to put it back together?" I was watching with regret that Milla put the last ruby ​​in his mouth, and a unicorn warrior suddenly held a foot that was as big as a person's head. Black stones ran over.

Hearing someone shouting behind me, I quickly turned around, and when I raised my eyes, I saw the black stone handed up by the unicorn warrior. Reaching out a hand, it feels very soft, not like the feeling of rocks, it is like plastic products. "Wait a minute." I took the stone and weighed it. It felt much heavier than expected. It is estimated that even such a large piece of gold is unlikely to be so heavy, and this thing is still soft like plastic. In my hand, I could sink my whole hand because of the weight.

Although I don't know what it is, I have identification skills, so it's easy to know what it is. An appraisal was thrown up, and the genus xìng came out immediately.

"I trust, what the **** is this place? How can I do this kind of thing?" Seeing that thing belongs to xìng, I was surprised by the contents of this ng for the third time.

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