Starting from Zero

Vol 19 Chapter 98: Too many benefits, is there any fraud?

Volume 19 Chapter 98 There are so many benefits, is there any fraud?

The thing that the unicorn warrior handed over was not a metal I haven't seen, but a rather commonly used metal-black gold.

Black gold is a metal similar to gold, with a very low hardness. The xìng quality is a bit like plasticine, but it has a high density and is heavier than gold. Of course, its color is also black and coal, so it is called black gold.

Black gold is very versatile because it is a special material used to describe magic circles. Although it is not a necessary material, its substitute can only use half its effectiveness. That is to say, if the two magic arrays are respectively described by black gold and black gold substitutes, even if all other factors are the same, the magic array with black gold added will be more than twice as powerful as the other one.

Because xìng of black gold can be so important, its use in the description of the magic circle is also very amazing, but like all materials that xìng can stand out, the output of black gold is also low to an appreciable level, otherwise Because the amount of black gold used in the magic array is also very small, it is estimated that the price of black gold is likely to become one of the most expensive materials in the magic array through dragon blood and various gems. Of course, the above price refers to the total price of black gold in a magic circle. If you want to divide by weight, black gold is already the most expensive material. After all, although gems or dragon blood also cost a lot of money, the amount used in the magic circle must be dozens of grams, and it doesn't feel so scary on average to the center of each gram. However, although the black gold in the magic circle does not account for much money, its amount of use is only a few grams every time. The average unit price is definitely one of the most expensive magic materials.

In fact, in addition to the magic array, black gold itself is also one of the necessary materials in advanced equipment. Because black gold itself is a kind of magic stable material, no matter it is for magic transmission or storage, as long as it is not the part used to release magic, you can almost add some black gold, and the black gold genus xìng can add its transmission and The storage medium should dispel magic as little as possible, so that the stability and accuracy of magic can be guaranteed, and the success rate and power of magic release can be improved without increasing the use requirements.

Such an important and commonly used thing can be said to be a substance often seen, but why didn't I recognize it before? The reason lies in the volume of this black gold in my hand. This black gold is actually as big as his grandfather's head. You must know that the black gold mined previously was associated with gold mines, and the output was amazingly low. The volume of natural black gold is basically no larger than that of soybeans. However, there is such a big person in front of me. Of course, I can't think about Hei Jin. This is like if you suddenly look up and see the sky over the city covered by a giant creature with eight tuǐ and a pair of large pliers, you will never think that it is a crab, because according to the general Common sense, crabs don't grow that big. This is the situation I have now. The reason why I didn't recognize it for a while was because I didn't expect black gold to have such a head, and listening to the saying of the unicorn warrior, it seems that there are many such black golds over there.

"Where did you find this thing?"

"That way." The warrior Kirin pointed a direction behind, and I followed his fingers to see that there was actually a ng mouth over there. It was about knowing what I was wondering about. The unicorn warrior directly added: "It was just a ng mouth, and there was a ng cave that was about the same size as this one. There was such a thing everywhere, and it was under the ground. I do n’t know how deep it is. By the way, there seem to be a few weird nests over there. Lin Beast seems to be hostile to those nests, but we do n’t feel any power to move. It may be that there are monster eggs inside . "

"And monster eggs? Take me there right away."

The "Warcraft" in "Zero" does not have any childbearing methods like in reality. Most of the Warcraft here are egg-born. Even if there are viviparous or special breeding species, it is very rare. Of course, this is not the point. The point is that no matter whether the cub of Warcraft hatched or not, it is equal to the crystal coin in my eyes. The unhatched Warcraft eggs are actually magic pet eggs, and even the capture is saved. As for the hatched ones ... is there any difficulty in catching a cub? Therefore, as long as it is a beast that has not yet emerged, whether it hatches or not, it is valuable.

Follow the Kirin Warrior to the ng mouth that I saw before, and after passing through a passage of about three meters long, the eyes are dark. Although there is no lighting in the ng hole itself, but because mining is needed, I specially let Jun add lighting to the entire ng point, so it should be very bright here. However, this ng hole here is really dark, because in this ng, whether it is the ng wall or the ground, even the ng top is covered with a layer of black black gold. Look at this, even if it is only the surface. The layer is black gold, I'm afraid it has to weigh more than ten tons. It is important to know that although black gold is widely used, the key is that the proportion of addition is very small. Even with the exaggerated consumption of our guild, it is estimated that these dozen tons of black gold will not be used up within half a year. And, what if the black gold here is more than just the surface?

"Come here." After glancing around at the situation in ng acupoint, I waved a handful of Qilin warriors. "You will immediately scatter around the ng cave and dig me down to the ground to see the buried thickness of this ferrous metal, as long as you dig to the boundary layer."

A few unicorn warriors nodded and stood separately at various positions in the ng cave and started digging down. Originally I thought that the black gold output here would not be very exaggerated. They would soon be able to dig into the demarcation layer, but I did not expect that there was indeed a unicorn warrior who soon dug into the demarcation layer, but only two unicorns dug into the demarcation layer Samurai, the remaining six unicorn samurai actually dug for more than ten minutes before one person dug into the boundary layer.

"How deep is it now?" I asked, walking next to the unicorn warrior who had just stopped.

"About half a meter." The Kirin warrior said after looking at the pit he dug.

I nodded and looked at the pit dug by the first two Kirin warriors who stopped. The black gold where the two pits stopped first only covered the ground to a depth of less than ten centimeters, and the latter pit has a depth of fifty centimeters. If the depth of the other pits is within fifty centimeters If you count, the black gold conservative estimate here is enough for at least one year. However, looking at the pits dug by the other five Kirin warriors, it is estimated that the depth of those five pits is more than fifty centimeters, so the storage capacity of the mining area is quite terrible. Moreover, this is just to estimate the depth of the ground and then calculate the wall and the ng roof as only one layer on the surface. If there are many mineral layers behind the ng roof and the wall, the reserves can be terrible.

"God of War." Although the ground part has not been dug yet, if the depth of the wall and the ng roof is uncertain, the total reserves of the mining area cannot be calculated. However, if you rely on large ng, the estimated value is accurate and inaccurate, let alone say, this engineering amount is enough to kill people. So, I thought of a better method, which is quick and easy.

"What's the matter?" After receiving my call, God of War immediately asked.

I briefly explained my plan to the army god, and the army **** immediately said that he could do it, and then arranged it myself without waiting for my order.

In fact, my method is not complicated, and there are three points in total. First, the black gold distribution of the entire mining area was scanned using the pepper's mental detection capabilities. Second, use the newly recruited Aurora Beast's mind network and the princess' conscious connection to transmit all the black gold distribution maps scanned by Pepper to the **** of war. Third, use the space computing power of military-grade computer to calculate the accurate reserves of the mining area.

Originally, if you let the army **** directly come here to connect with the pepper, you don't have to trouble the Aurora Beast again. However, because the **** of war must always monitor the guild's crystal communication network, his scope of activity is limited to Isinger. Once he leaves Isinger, our guild's command system will fall into the unsupervised state. Although it may not cause any problems, it is always bad. Moreover, because wena brought a space door when they came before, there is no need for how far the aurora beast runs, as long as there are three to four aurora beasts, it should be enough to establish the connection.

Under the command of the army god, the personnel were obviously in place much faster. Within ten minutes, a few aurora beasts came to us through the newly opened portal, and then established a spiritual network according to the requirements. After the network here was ready, Chili immediately began to scan the entire mine with mental strength, and soon a detailed distribution map of black gold came out.

With the computing power of God of War, the volume calculation of this irregular figure is almost equivalent to letting college students do single-digit addition and subtraction. Almost only the pepper side has just finished scanning, and the God of War has reported it. data.

"More than 11,227 tons," said the **** of war and asked, "do you need more accurate data? I can be accurate to within one gram."

"No need." I just need a rough estimate anyway, not so precise. After speaking, I thought that in the future our guild would no longer have to buy black gold, and my face unconsciously put on a proud smile. But in order to be assured, I asked the **** of war. "By the way, God of War, help me calculate how long the current black gold can last? Three or five years?" After that, I smiled and waited for God of War to give me a satisfactory answer. I lie underground.

"According to this storage amount, if non-production consumption is not calculated, it should be enough for three to four months."

"What?" The original plan for three to five years was only enough for three to four months. This shrinkage is too serious, right? "Why only use this time for the Seal of the Seal of God? Three to four months? Our guild can use more than 2,000 tons of black gold a month?"

"I didn't need that much at first, but didn't you just bring back a puppet Jiaha?"

"What's up with him?"

"Because he reunited with current Jia Ha and Noreen, the three merged their respective theories. With the variable metal technology of the magical Jia Ha, they plan to upgrade all of the mobile angels in our guild into new ones. A version of the transformable mobile angel. The new design has arrived at me within 30 minutes. The sister Rose and the two vice presidents signed it. Because the new variable mobile angel involves a large number of fusion matrixes, it needs to be more than existing Mobile Angels have more black gold as a magical stabilizing material. In addition, due to the fusion and splitting ability of the puppet Jiaha, the guild ’s mobile angel production will be greatly increased, so the consumption will also increase simultaneously. Based on the above data, about three After four months, this part of black gold will be used up. In addition, during this period of time, we may need to purchase an additional 3,000 tons of black gold, so as to ensure the full replacement of the new mobile angel. After the replacement , There is no need to produce a large number of mobile angels, and the consumption will then drop significantly, but it may still reach three per month More consumption, after all, too much magic part of new technology, increased consumption of stabilizing material is the inevitable result. "

"Well, I can see it clearly. The one I brought back is not a scientist at all, this is a ancestor of hua money!"

The **** of warrior replied without emotion: "Although the investment is large, the efficiency ratio of the new mobile angel is much higher. In a comprehensive calculation, we are actually making a big profit."

"Okay, don't I just complain. Okay, there is nothing for you here." After closing the connection with the army god, I sent the Aurora Beast back to Isinger through the portal. Of course, since the storage here is so large, it doesn't seem appropriate for me to summon creatures to mine, after all, they are not miners. If the quantity is small, it is okay to take it back. It is not appropriate for them to dig such a large vein.

After solving the black gold problem, I began to shift my target to the huge nests above me. The nest just reported by the warrior Kirin is on the top of this ng hole. From below, it looks like a huge drop of water is about to hang on the top of the ng. These nests are all composed of a purple translucent material, which looks smooth like glass, but the interior is full of all kinds of velvet. As for how many pups there are in the nest, they can't be seen below because of that layer.

I selected a nest not far above my head, and then I pulled out the cord of the dragon's tendon and attached it to the Avenger's shot, followed by raising my right arm and aiming at the ng pin next to the nest. With a bang, Long Jin Suo hit the ng top with a long cable line, and then directly embedded into the black gold of ng top after a bang sound.

Originally I was hoping to hang myself up, but forgot the xìng quality of the black gold thing, and I just pulled the rope as soon as I tried hard. The hardness of black gold is like plasticine, and it cannot bear the weight at all. The indestructible "a" -shaped expansion barb in front of the dragon's cable cannot lock such a soft thing at all. Black gold is torn and loosened.

"Fuck, it's broken." I cursed, and then just spread my wings and flew up. Although it is dangerous to fly in the ng acupoint, I ca n’t help but get up.

The heart is controlled not to hit the ng top, and then my heart is close to the nest above my head. After half a circle around the nest, I found the entrance located diagonally above the nest. From here, you can clearly see the three magic pet eggs lying quietly in the nest.

"Haha, it hasn't hatched yet.

The undegraded Warcraft eggs are actually equivalent to magic pet eggs. Compared with the magic pets that the animal trainer captures from adult Warcraft, the only natural difference between eggs produced by wild Warcraft is that they can hatch naturally. The magic pet eggs transformed by the captured skills will only hatch after the player confirms the ownership of the magic pet eggs by using blood drips, etc., but the wild magic pet eggs can hatch into wild warcraft themselves as long as the temperature is appropriate. In addition to this difference, Both eggs are exactly the same thing.

Although the three eggs here are wild eggs, as long as they have not hatched now, once they leave the nest, they will naturally lose the appropriate temperature and environmental factors. As long as they don't happen to encounter the same environment as their nest, they will not Naturally hatch. Besides, even if the eggs hatch, it doesn't matter. The success rate of catching the cubs with my catching skills is definitely not less than 80%.

After confirming that the three eggs are all intact and have vitality, I threw the three eggs into Fenglong space, and then continued to fly to other lairs. After turning around the whole ng hole, I found a total of twenty-seven magic pet eggs. If I sell them all, I will definitely make a profit.

When I first collected the magic pet eggs, I identified the genus xìng, and now they all belong to the kind of giant bats I have seen before, and the bats themselves are a kind of monsters of class 1200.

According to the current market price of magic pet eggs ~ ~ A one hundred and two hundred magic pet eggs can sell almost five million to ten million crystal coins, and the price is only ordinary twelve The price of a hundred magic pet eggs. The price of flying magic pets is generally ten to twelve percentage points higher than that of the same level, and magic pets with special abilities can be so much higher. If they can fly and have special abilities, the price can be at least higher. Out half. This bat not only flies, but also has two special genus xìng, sound detection and venom bite, so if you really want to calculate, this thing can sell at least 10 million or more.

However, considering that there are more bat eggs this time, the price may be a bit moving. On the one hand, a large number may lower the price. On the other hand, if the same kind of pet is purchased by a team, the price may increase a lot, so the final price cannot be estimated temporarily, but a price of 10 million yuan should still be able to It is guaranteed that the final price will only be higher than this, and it will never be lower.

After clearing up these magic pet eggs, the smile on my face did not increase, but was full of sadness. This ng acupoint looks like a treasure house, the total value of the contents is estimated to have passed two billion crystal coins. The system is not buggy anymore, how could somehow give me so much money for nothing? Then, in accordance with the system's usual style-equal danger and benefit. Suddenly I get so many benefits, does it mean that the system has arranged for me a lot of trouble? The **** system might as well tell me directly what the trouble is, knowing what the specific problem is. I feel more at ease. Now this feeling of waiting for death is really more painful than death!

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