Starting from Zero

Vol 19 Chapter 99: Things are getting worse

Volume 19 Chapter 99 The matter is getting bigger

As the saying goes, this world news comes fast, but I didn't expect it to come so fast. I just stowed things neatly on this side, and heard a booming sound over there. The top of the ng hole was smashed through a big ng. I followed my instinct to raise my hand, and when I heard it, my blade claw and one The large-handled knife slammed together less than two inside on top of my head. If it weren't for me to stop fast, the handle-knife must be embedded in my skull.

"Who is it?" Just then, people shook a bit in the future, because I didn't know the identity of the other person, so I used to ask out loud.

The other party didn't seem to take me seriously, but when I heard my question, I just answered, "The one who killed you."

Now that the other person has said so, wouldn't it be incompetent to look at me again? "Huh, let's talk to death." After I said it, I also bounced the blade claws on the other hand, and eternity melted quickly onto the blade of my body.

"It's you who want to die." The comer shouted and suddenly rushed towards me, but instead of making any resisting gesture, I turned slightly and rushed out towards my own left front. .

The guy was wondering why I didn't prepare for defense but ran forward to the left, but before he thought about it, he suddenly felt a horrible magic movement behind him. He was too late to look back in the crisis, and simply made a little cheaper to his left, trying to flash the attack behind by changing the running route. However, he had just turned, and immediately felt a huge amount of heat coming to his face. In a panic, he could only protect his head and face with his arms, and a pale yellow light curtain that tightly wrapped his body also rose. Arise, blocking the flames all out of the light curtain.

The guy originally thought that this was my last move. I didn't expect that the light curtain had just risen, and his left side was suddenly hit by something that gave birth to an earth-shattering big explosion. The impact instantly lifted him out horizontally. The guy who flew halfway suddenly found me in front of him, and it was only then that he realized that when I came here, I did n’t run a senseless exercise at all, but he would have been blown away already. Here, I'm waiting here in advance.

Looking at the guy who was directly blasted over, I said nothing to catch his shoulder in the air, then flipped his hands, and directly rotated him into the air, following the eternal moment on me from the whole body The blades of various places converged into my hands and reconstituted the Eternal Sword.

"Eternity-God's Thunder Flows."

With the start of the skill, I shot the sky directly from the ground, and later overtook the guy who was thrown by me before, and then burst into the sky with a sword-like light when I contacted him in the air. As we saw, a space channel suddenly opened above us, and a thunderbolt flew out of the middle of the channel and shot him directly to the ground. The guy's whole body flashed on the ground with a flash of 1uan, and then bounced again, and then suddenly felt a black in front of him, and followed him to change direction and flew out again.

The guy who was slapped by the lucky slap before he landed, saw that the plague was already standing sideways, holding his tail and waiting. When the guy flew over, he turned around fiercely with a huge tail tip whistling. The gust of wind raged over netg's mouth and smashed him back again.

Fortunately, when I raised my slap in situ, I was going to give the guy a second time. I didn't expect that the guy just flew halfway and heard Lingling shout: "Holy Sword Verdict." Then a white light flashed, and the guy flew in mid-air. Suddenly his body turned into two sections, one continued to fly along the original path and was shot down by Lucky Claw in front of Lucky, while the other section fell in place.

"Boss, this guy seems dead." Fortunately, he pinched the guy's head with two nails and lifted his upper body off the ground.

"Brother!" Before I could speak, I heard a scream coming from behind. Looking back, it turned out that a woman descended from the ng that had been punctured before, but unfortunately she just happened to see Lucky carrying the guy's half-length upper body in that dang.

Seeing the guy's body and us, the woman immediately shouted a sword from the back: "I want you to pay your life. Return my brother's life ..."

Only half of that woman's words were photographed on the ground by a huge red dragon claw, followed by Mira dropping from the air and the woman who was still struggling to get up stepped back on the ground.

"What's wrong today? Where are there so many lunatics?" I said, looking suspiciously at the red-eyed woman on the ground.

"Hum, you demon, sooner or later, you will be killed by heaven."

When I heard the woman's words, I looked up, not because of fear, but because of surprise. "Are you from heaven?" Although the guy who just rushed in was wearing Chinese armor, this thing is not unique to heaven, so I didn't even think about it for a while. As for this woman, the equipment on her body looks like a little heavenly costume, but the style is a bit outdated, so I didn't expect this at first.

After hearing what I said, the woman thought I was afraid of the name of Heaven, and immediately arrogantly shouted, "Huh? I know you are afraid now? It's too late. You killed my brother, Heaven will not let you go. "

Watching the woman who was struggling underfoot and struggling crazy, I walked towards her as I retracted the blade claw and Eternal and said, "Well then, since you are a dog with a master, it is obviously not a fight with a dog. It ’s appropriate, let ’s take you to ask your master. ”I said, and walked over to lift the woman off the ground, but the woman immediately struggling violently in an attempt to escape from my hand. . I gave her a slap in the face, and then brought her to the front and said sternly, "Either you give me something honest, or I try to make you honest, which one do you want to choose?"

"Go to death." The woman directly pressed her forehead with one hand, then slammed forward, and a red light flare shot from her forehead instantly. As soon as I lowered my head, the light bullet hit the helmet guard of the Shenlong suit and was ejected instantly.

"It seems that you did not understand me well, then ..." I said, and suddenly threw her up, only to hear the roar, lucky, plague and two heads on both sides bit her, respectively. My limbs and two tu ǐ, and under my gesture, the three dragons slammed in four directions and only heard a tear-like sound and the woman's scream sounded at the same time. The woman's limbs were instantly All of them were pulled down, and the body of the skull was dropped directly from the air. I caught it with one hand and mentioned it again. Pure healing instantly followed, and the woman's limbs were cured before she died of excessive blood loss. "I said, I'll let you down, so now, let's meet your master."

Put away the magic pets and summoned creatures, and by the way informed the army **** to send people to receive the supplies, I myself teleported directly to Isinger and switched to the teleportation array outside Nantianmen.

The four kings at the gate saw me carrying a woman out of the teleportation array, but they looked very unhappy, and they didn't talk.

After crossing the Nantianmen Gate, I asked a fairy casually, and learned that Emperor yù was in the Ling Xiao Bao Dian, and I went directly to it.

At this time, Emperor Ling Xiaobao was discussing the matter with the gods, but unexpectedly two shouts came from outside the gate. "Stop, Emperor yù is ..." With the exclamation, the two guardian gods will fall directly into the hall.

"What's going on?" Emperor Yù immediately looked at me with a woman who had been cut into a stick, and the god-man who fell to the ground, immediately questioned loudly.

"I'm the right one to question." I threw the woman directly in front of me, and allowed her to roll all the way under the steps in front of the emperor's frame before being stopped by the steps.

"Is this ... isn't this the spirit fairy? How could it be?" The white star Venus next to Emperor Yù looked at the woman in surprise and said nothing.

When I heard the words of Taibai Venus, I immediately said, "It seems that this woman is not lying, so please ask Emperor yù to explain it to me?"

The emperor yù frowned when he heard what I said, but instead of answering my question, he asked, "Isn't it you who entered the battlefield of God?"

"Remains of Divine War? What?"

Taibai Venus quickly explained: "It is a ng cave located in the ground, which contains a lot of ..."

"Core of Divine Power?"

"It really is you!" The emperor yù heard me talking about the core of divine power, and immediately cried, "Do you dare to step into the forbidden area?"

"Forbidden? Do you have a cha sign to pull the cordon? Have you told me?"

"This one……"

"Even if it's your forbidden area, I'm in the wrong place. Your people actually kill as soon as they meet. Thanks to my ability, otherwise I have no place to blame even if I die. What do you say now?"

"Bold." A slender maiden in a robe stepped out of the queue and yelled at me: "You enter the forbidden ground first, and the killer under our guard is also a matter of course. Besides you are not injured , And also crippled our guards. It was so arrogant before Emperor yù, where is the mortal in the lower world, where are you in the court? "The fairy said here and suddenly stared angrily at an immortal behind her: "What do you pull my clothes for?"

The goddess obviously knows that I can't mess with her. Pulling her naturally keeps her from talking, but this fairy obviously doesn't understand the meaning of others. When she said that, the fairy was embarrassed to cha her hand again, and she simply stepped back and shrank to the back of the crowd.

I didn't speak immediately, but turned my head and looked at the fairy so straight, and stared at it for almost a minute, until she was ready to soar again, and said, "Are you new here? I don't know who I am ?"

"Who cares who you are? Observing that you have no aura and are not immortals, it must be the person from the lower realm. It is more difficult for you to enter the court of heaven. How dare you speak wildly?"

After hearing this, I turned my head and looked at Erlang Shinto: "Where did this guy emerge? Going to work on the first day?"

I probably couldn't see it, and Da Riru, who had been sitting at the position of Emperor Yù, said, "This is Yan Luozi, the eleventh palace, special staff of the court, you should step down first."

"Exterminate yù?" I heard the title and glanced at the fairy, and then said, "It's true that the name of the deity has disappeared when I see this respect. I still have to look at it for a few seconds. So as not to survive even in the future, it's over. "


The fairy was about to yell at her, and Taishang Laojun interrupted her with a sudden voice: "You step down first." After speaking, Taishang turned to me and said: "Zi Ri, don't be fooled here. We feel Two guards were dispatched to the forbidden ground. Now one is beaten by you, and the other is estimated to be fierce, right? Originally, you had made mistakes. I did n’t say anything about this loss, so you do n’t want to. Cunning again. Even if you are cunning, this thing will always be handled? "

"Notice that I didn't make mistakes first, but I didn't make any mistakes at all. Did you say that the forbidden area was there? You did n’t make a label and did n’t send someone there. How would I know if the place was forbidden? If you just point One place is the forbidden ground. Then one day you say that Essinger is a forbidden ground in heaven. Do I have to move? "

"Let's go, do we think we should go wrong first?" The emperor yù had no choice but to make a compromise first.

"Note, it doesn't count, this is simply the case. Don't push your mistakes on others. If you want to talk about things, first put everyone's status flat, and you can only talk on the equal level."

"Yes, it's all up to you." Emperor Yù said, "I didn't mark the forbidden area and didn't notify you in advance. This is all our fault. This is considered improper, but you also killed our people, so this matter is temporarily leveled. Okay, so we can talk about the business? "

"I have no opinion, because you have always emphasized that I am not willing to talk. Now that you have finally decided to talk frankly, I am naturally willing."

Although I knew it was being played by me, Emperor Yù still held back no fire, but asked politely: "This forbidden area is indeed our forbidden area, but you do n’t know where it is, and you broke into the forbidden area Just be dead. But, what's in this forbidden area ... "

"Mine, it's all mine." I yelled before the emperor finished speaking. What a joke, everything is eaten into the mouth, how can it be spit out?

"Okay." Emperor Yù quickly calmed me when he saw me again: "Those things should be given to you, shall we not need them?

"What did you send me? That was my present, so it was mine."

"Xing Xing Xing is your thing." Emperor Yù quickly said, "Everything is yours, nothing to do with heaven."

"Well, that's pretty much the same."

Emperor Yù continued after seeing me calm down: "That, the contents inside are yours, we don't care, but there is one thing that belongs to us in heaven. You have to get us back our things, right?"

"Are you sure? It's not a bunch of things of the same type?"

"Yes. Just one. There are many more things of the same type, but we only need that one."

Although knowing that Tianting is so anxious to go back is definitely a very valuable thing, I also know that this thing must not be left. Although I often play rogue with heaven, I am not the kind of húnhún who knows nothing but can only play rogue. In the style of heaven, if I really just acted as a rogue, I would have been killed by heaven, how can I tolerate me till now? The reason why I often cheat with the heavenly courts but has been fine is that I know the size. Some benefits can be given or not given to heaven. I will not say anything about this kind of thing when I insist on coming down, but I will never touch something that shouldn't be touched.

"Tell me what the bottom is?" Although Emperor yù's attitude of whispering and catering to me can be seen that this thing is a must for heaven, but superficial work still needs to be done. After waiting for the Emperor to say something, I will give it back to him. Anyway, there are a lot of things in the ng. It ’s okay to give Emperor yù one or two. Be a good friend. Why not do it?

Emperor yù roughly guessed that I was about to return the things to them, so he immediately said excitedly: "Hey, in fact, it is not a particularly valuable thing. You ca n’t sell it even if you take it. Although useful to you, it can also be said to be of little use. "

"What the **** is that?" Emperor Yù said that the thing could not be sold ~ ~ I was suddenly in my heart, shouldn't Emperor Yü be talking about that thing?

Unfortunately, I'm afraid of what comes. Emperor Yù said, "It is the core of the divine power in ng or the source of divine power."

When I heard the name, I was a little stunned. The source of divine power in that ng was all blown up by Ling Hechun, and the rest was absorbed by Wei Na. Now, Emperor yù asked me for the source of divine power. What should I give him? Just now that he knew the scale, something happened to Lima. Now even if I know the size, it won't work. Let ’s not talk about the part that was blown out. Even the ones that Weina absorbed, we ca n’t spit it out!

"That one……"

"Yeah." Emperor yù looked at me expectantly and waited for my following.

Looking at the expressions of Emperor Yù and the group of gods around me, I don't know what to say even if I have a thousand mouths. Tell them directly that the source of divine power has been absorbed? Doesn't that mean that the source of divine power does not kill one? However, even if I don't say it, the result is not the same? This is terrible, whether it is a death or not! If you refuse directly, it is estimated that I will have to be killed once now, and then the heaven will rush to Isinger with a million heavenly soldiers before I resurrect. But if I agree, what do I give?

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