Starting from Zero

Vol 19 Chapter 103: Improved status?

Volume 19 Chapter 103 has improved its status?

Because I said not to account for this matter, and let these gods come to our guild at any time to work part-time, so these gods are very happy one by one. However, because North Star Jun said he was coming back soon, these guys could not use this gap to become coaches. Anyway, the time for the Seal of the Seal of God is not long. Even if it has not been done for an hour, it is still dry. It is better to rest here. Of course, I wouldn't let that group of gods sit idle. When they were not doing anything, I also introduced them to other guild jobs that were suitable for them to work part-time, and I promised that as soon as they returned, they would introduce others Gods come to work, I can give them commissions. The stronger the gods they introduced, the larger the number of people, and the longer the service time of the gods and thrones who came here, the more their royalties.

With this reward from me, all the fairies have begun to plan which familiar fairies to pull back to work together. As for us, that rebate is not at all. The act of hiring a fairy to work for us like us is actually equivalent to turning the fairy into our mercenary. Although the protoss will be restricted in many things, there are many things they can chase. At least when our guild is busy with foreign wars, the country can temporarily let certain gods take care of us, even if someone wants to be in us With the knife behind us, we can safely fight outside.

When we talked to the group of immortals on the side of Essinger, it was almost in the heavens.

"Yù emperor, did you know about this?" Polaris questioned Emperor yù angrily.

The emperor started to ask some embarrassed answers first, but thought of his identity again. Slamming the table, Emperor yù pointed at the North Star King and said, "Extremely, have you forgotten your identity?"

The Polaris Jun was just dizzy, and now he seems to be out of breath. Even if Emperor yù did wrong, after all, he was Emperor yù, and his identity was there, so he couldn't turn him to blame Emperor yù.

"Yù Emperor forgive me. I was just confused for a moment. But this time it was really overdone. Even aside from me and Zi Ri, do n’t you know what Zi Ri is? ? On the basis of his eloquence that can make a three-pointer without reason, this time let him take so much reason, can we let us go without spitting a few blood? How can this be a loss!

The emperor yù sighed after hearing the words of the North Star King: "Well ... we were also confused for a while, but now that things have happened, it is important to quickly resolve the matter."

"Yù emperor, come to my disciples ...?" A fairy asked with red eyes.

Emperor Yù said with a helpless look at him: "This position is inherently unsafe. Now that you have seized this opportunity, you should bear this risk. Now that the situation is a foregone conclusion, we can only sacrifice broad acceptance!"


"No, but" said Yili emphatically, "unless you want to go to war with Ziri, don't say anything."

Being so frightened by Emperor Yù, the deity could only retreat helplessly, and the Polaris King came out in time and said, "Er Emperor. This secret information is easy to handle, as long as you really find it A guilty fairy can do just that. The key lies in how to appease Ziri. Listening to the passage he explained to me, although it wasn't explicitly stated, the meaning is enough to understand. He clearly has determined that this is us Arranged, if we don't give him a benefit, we're not expecting the information to come forward! "

"This is a problem." Emperor Yù thought that there was no good idea, and eventually left the problem to his subordinates. "Is there any good way for everyone? Please express your opinions. The Zi ng is not so easy to fill, we must think of a solution."

Tai Shang Laojun said: "This matter is actually basically determined. Ziri knows that we are calculating him, and we have not taken it apart in person. This is an obvious charge for us. So now, what we really need to decide is to give more. Fewer questions. "

Da Ri Rui also said: "It is true. This Zi Ri has always had a big appetite. If there is less stuff for him, he will borrow the question, and then we will have to pay more. However, if we give more We are not worth it! "

The Polaris Jun suddenly said: "Although I shouldn't be talking about this, I think it's better to talk about it. I know the xìng grid of Ziri relatively well. In fact, his behavior is very regular, although it seems that he often makes some mistakes. Strange ideas, but to put it plainly, he still follows the values ​​of an ordinary person. If you give him one, he will give you two, and if you owe him one, he will steal ten of you. Therefore, I suggest that the sealing fee for Ziri should be more or less. If we give a little more, we can't eat too much. If it is less, it will be endless. "

"Xingjun's words are bad." A fairy stepped forward and said, "Zi Ri is nothing but a mortal. Even if we take care of his feelings, we don't have to act as if we are afraid of him. I see this issue of compensation , It's better to be less. "

"Dingxian's real person is right. Ziri is just a mortal, no matter what, we shouldn't be so afraid of him. When does the court of heaven apologize to mortals? This case can't be opened."

"What a mortal." Polaris Jun was also a little angry, turned to the two immortals who stood without speaking back and said, "Do you two really don't know or fake? Zi Zi is mortal? He is really a mortal Let ’s talk about it again. Why are gods better than mortals? Is n’t it because our gods are better than mortals? If mortals can fight more than gods, do you think that gods can be more noble than mortals? The combat power of Ziri is not you I do n’t know, just because of his strength, does it make sense to say whether he is mortal or a protoss? When Zi Ri really turns his face then, you two will be responsible for blocking him and it is feasible? If you are willing to rush in front, then I have no opinion, thing Just give more and less, and you're in charge. "

Said by the Polaris King, the two immortals immediately became dumb. It's easy to talk big, but they dare not hit me. There are not a few in heaven who suffer for this.

"Okay, it ’s meaningless to make noisy, I think the North Star is right, I just do what the North Star is saying, we still give a little more, even if I eat some blood and lose some blood, and I am in heaven again What's the problem? Couldn't heaven be short of those two treasures? "

The words of the emperor yù can be regarded as the final word. With these words here, the following part is easy to handle. The gods were in that total, and soon a compensation slip was drawn up. However, in order to prevent accidents, Emperor Yù asked Polaris Jun to bring a special gift for Polaris Jun to decide whether to send a second item based on my performance after seeing the first gift.

When Emperor Yù discussed the list, the guilty deities needed to be prepared were brought over. This time this guy is obviously different from the last one, because he looks so immortal now, even his popularity is almost gone. But think about it. The criminal in heaven is naturally impossible to make him feel better. It is not the criminal who wants to support him in vain.

After picking up the gift according to the gift list, the Polaris King brought two other gods together and took the guilty deity to Essinger again. The reason why he did not take the last two is that the Polaris King is mentally miserable and the second is afraid Upset me.

At Isinger's side, we were having a good time chatting, and the Polaris King ran back with people. When I came up, I didn't speak, but glanced at the guy being escorted.

Polaris is also a man who understands. When I look at my expression, I immediately say, "I didn't know the last thing, but this time I can guarantee that it is absolutely true."

I nodded and said, "I still believe in your character, but how does this guy behave like a ghost?"

Polaris Jun glanced at the immortal and said, "This guy was thrown into the punishment pot 300 years ago. It has been determined that he hasn't been tortured into a madman for so many years. Hearing that he can be reincarnated after half this time He ’s almost jumping for joy. But after all, it ’s been a long time since the throne of God ’s Seal, the soul is relatively weak, so it looks a bit miserable. "

"Now come with me."

Ask Shang Wei Na to take this guy and the two gods in charge of escorting down to the guild's source of divine power. Under the watch of the two gods and the North Star King, Wei Na opened the peace for that guy. The same permissions, and then the guy started reading the information.

Because I very much hope that the reincarnation will not suffer from the torture. This time the goddess cooperated very well, and soon finished reading the information. Then, under our gaze, the information was condensed into a soul fragment and given to the Polaris King.

"Ok, the mission is complete. Bring that soup. I want to watch him drink it." I said to Polaris.

Polaris Jun breathed a sigh of relief when he got things, then nodded and took out the previous soup and poured it into the guy. Of course, the soup was fed by myself, but the main purpose was to allow me to identify the effects by the way. Fortunately, the reality of appraisal can indeed be completely and clearly remembered, and I seem to have realized that this thing has some extra uses.

"Okay, you guys are done. But before, the court was going to pit me ...?"

Since the Polaris Jun had brought the gift list, it was naturally well prepared. When I said this, I immediately took out a gift and handed it over. "Heaven also knows that this incident is really a bit shameful, so ... this is a little compensation."

I took the gift list with a skeptical expression and swiped briefly, but it surprised me for a while.

Because I have a lot of fights with Tianting at this time, I also understand the behavioral habits of Tianting. Judging from my knowledge of heaven, those immortals are very clever. It may be a bit too much to say that they are Tie Gong, but they really can only pull one or two. If you think of more, that is simply a dream.

However, this time the heavenly court turned out to be uncharacteristically, and gave me an absolutely generous gift list in one breath. According to the habit of heaven, it is absolutely abnormal to be able to issue such a gift list.

"Today the sun is coming out west?" I asked, looking at the gift list in amazement.

Polaris Jun smiled slightly: "In fact, you should not be surprised. The gift list is mainly based on your personal strength. Because your strength has increased, so now the court pays more attention to you. Naturally this gift It can't follow the standards of the past. "

When I heard the words of North Star King, I was quite clear. In the past, the court of heaven only required me to help them occasionally, so to me is like a boss to employees. As long as you maintain basic respect and don't deliberately degrade me, that's almost the same. But now, as the strength of our guild increases, especially after the destruction of the Russian Protoss, our strength can obviously not be measured by a simple mortal organization. Heaven has put us in the position of cooperation partners rather than wage earners. Although our cooperation partner is still a small organization compared to Tianting, anyway, we are already in the same order of magnitude as Tianting, and this treatment is naturally impossible.

After thinking about the reasons, I don't think there is anything strange about the list in front of me. After all, we are now in a different position, so it's better to get more.

"Polar Star, this gift list is not bad. I accepted it. However, I also want to talk to Tianting for business. I hope Tianting can help me."

"You can just say it." Polaris Jun listened to me saying that he was just talking about business and not paying attention to other conditions. After all, I have done business with Tianting many times. From my habits, although I like to mess around, But tǐng is reliable when doing things.

Now that even the Polaris nodded, I no longer hesitated to say directly: "In fact, I have two business here. One of them is to hope that the heavenly courts will deceive the gods who are guilty of the heavenly courts and need to be arrested. Those monsters and whatever powerful individuals are sold to our guilds. "Seeing Polaris King seems to be talking, I quickly said," You can rest assured, I am not trying to release these people to be under your control, so it will not threaten the heavens Benefits. These people are used to make some props in the guild, so for the heaven court, they are equivalent to the soul flying away. I think the heaven court should not refuse it, after all, those who are detained in the heaven court are also kept. Keep it, do n’t say it, it ’s a hidden danger, is n’t it? ”

Polaris Jun thought for a moment and then said, "Although I can't take a direct shot now, I think there should be no problem. Of course, it is probably impossible to buy all the criminals, and some characters are impossible to sell, but most of them It should sell to you. "

I nodded and said, "Then wait for you to go back and ask Emperor yù before replying. As for another business, this is the **** I want to ask the heavenly gods to come to our guild to help when you have time. Do you think this is feasible? Of course, it ’s not voluntary labor. Those who help will get paid, and every time they come to help, based on the rewards they receive, I will also return 1% to the court as a court to support those gods to help. Those immortal jobs can be decided freely by the quality and time of the Seal of the Throne. Our guild provides jobs that require the help of the immortals, and each position will have a corresponding remuneration according to the work. The immortals can freely decide what to choose. Work, do you want to do it, how long does the Seal of the Seal of God decide for themselves. Shouldn't this be a problem? "

After listening to the North Star, he said, "Since it is such a free agreement, I think it will pass. When there is nothing in heaven to call the fairies, their time is also free, so they do Whatever court of heaven is basically ignored. Of course, if you are willing to give something good, I think Emperor Yü will actively encourage those immortals to help. "

When I heard the words of the Polaris King, I was thinking, "The Emperor yù doesn't support it. It's strange. The fairies work for his good. Where is this good thing to go? I guess when the Polaris King goes back and tells him, he will have to be every day. Send people to us, it's not him who works anyway. "

Although I think so, I certainly cannot say so. After the North Star Jun agreed, I asked him to communicate with Emperor Yù on behalf of this matter. As to whether it would be me, I was not too worried. After all, this was a reciprocal cooperation, and heaven was also good. With the shark xìng that is excited when it smells the blood, they do n’t blame for anything good.

After talking to Polaris King with the additional information, I took him back to the upper parlour. Then Polaris returned to the heaven with the hundred gods to return to life, and the fairy who had become a blank soul Was thrown directly at me. According to the agreement of the court of heaven, this guy should be sent to reincarnation, but since the court of heaven has no time to control him, I naturally greedy this soul, anyway, our guild will still need a lot of such souls.

After watching all the goddesses left, I quickly turned and ran to Wei Na, stretched out her hand, Wei Na watched me blink and blinked, as if asking what I wanted to do. When I saw Wei Na pretending to be stupid, I had to say, "What about the fairy in the heaven?"

"Aren't you holding one in your hand?"

"I said that before ~ ​​ ~ Oh, you said that." Wei Na said as I remembered, "It has been absorbed by us."

I didn't mean to believe her when she heard what she said, but asked Chang Yin with a long voice: "Oh? Really? If you don't obey, you will be banned."

According to the status in the game, Wei Na should be higher than me. After all, she is the **** we worship in the guild, and I am only the guild leader. But because we all have the actual u-body in reality, Weiner is actually more afraid of me.

When I asked Wena this way, I knew that her lie was unsuccessful. Annoyed, she slaps a seal stone into my hand, and then turns away in a huff, and keeps saying: "Hum, Little stingy! "

I can only laugh at Wei Na's troubles. I took the seal stone in my hand and looked at it, and then said, "I hope you can meet the requirements, and don't blame me for offending Wina for you!" I said, and closed the seal stone and walked out of the temple.

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