Starting from Zero

Vol 19 Chapter 104: Jia Ha's new plan

Volume 19 Chapter 104 Gaha's New Plan

Holding the seal of the previous Protoss, and the other one who was just tainted by me and had become an idiot, I went directly to the treasury of the temple and asked the guard for a large box. , Then threw both the immortal and the seal stone into it.

After fixing the box, I found a peacock to help me add a layer of divine power to the outside of the box to block the magic array, and finally dared to take this box to leave the temple. After letting the four carrying boxes go all the way to Xinda 6's teleportation array, the guards here helped me carry the boxes to the newly established Mobile Angel Transformation Planning Department.

Thanks to the joining of the magic puppet Jiaha, the guild's constructing biotechnology has made progress in xìng. Therefore, Jia Ha and Jia Ha decided to join Norin and the apprentices of Jia Ha to open a new type of mobile angel, a class mobile angel.

It wouldn't have been more complicated to make improvements based on Mobile Angel alone. However, the trouble is the trouble. After the two Jiaha and Noreen have recognized each other, their emotions are a little out of control, so the two old guys and Noreen vowed to design an unmatched and powerful constructing creature.

Just because of this vow of the tech madmen, they started to collect all the technical data and resource information that our guild has. According to the magic puppet Jiaha, since our guild has so many ready-made technologies, if it is not used, it is 1ang fee, so he wants to move all the research power of our guild completely to create an unprecedented , Different from the ordinary goblin's, level-building creatures.

I now take these two immortals to the institute, that is, because the two Jiaha and Noreen's plans need to use the soul of the strong, and the higher the soul, the more likely the puppets will be made. The stronger it gets. Jia Ha, since they said yes, based on the principle that technology is strength, I naturally want to do everything I can to give them ng.

"Jiaha. Ghoja. Noreen? Is anyone there?" After arriving at the institute, I met a guard at the door. After inquiring, I learned that Noreen had gone to the weapons laboratory, so I moved to In the laboratory where the space-time door of the Institute was connected, it just surprised me that the experimental equipment here was piled up well, but I didn't see Jiaha. "Hello? Anyone?"

After I shouted loudly, there was still a dead silence in the whole experimental field, let alone a response, I couldn't even hear a little echo. wrong. echo? The construction style of this experimental field is similar to the ancient Roman Colosseum, and the center of the field should have a good echo environment. If you don't hear an echo here, it must be blocked by something.

"Amenis, anti-stealth."

A qi 1ang visible from the u's eye instantly dang from my side, and the entire site was instantly brushed by qi 1ang. At the same time, two figures appeared next to me, both of which were very close to the mobile angel in appearance, but only in shape More slender, more rounded.

Almost immediately, the two mobile angels moved. One of the mobile angels behind me suddenly flashed blue light, and the whole mobile angel flew to me from a few meters away at the same time. At the same time, three blades on his wrist that were exactly like my blades also bounced. Come out, and stabbed at my waist with a high charge.

Seeing that the puppet actually walked up and down my waist, I quickly ran a sideways flash of his swipe, but what I didn't expect was that the puppet suddenly singled his front body when he rushed past me, and then With only a sound, two large blades suddenly popped from above his feet, and they nailed into the ground instantly. With the fixation of these two nail claws, the mobile angel turned around sharply to stop the impact of the moment when he passed me, and turned and swung one claw towards my waist again.

No matter how strong his strength is, a person like xìng still has to work. However, this mobile angel can actually use its own powerful power output and the grip of the nail claw to achieve v-shape deformation, which is a life-threatening design. An enemy that is almost unaffected by habitual use is definitely a terrible opponent.

I hurriedly felt that the blade claw was about to touch my waist, and I quickly lifted tuǐ to hold the opponent's blade claw with the long blade that popped above the knee joint, and then waved forward with the right hand, when The punch hit the side of the Mobile Angel ’s helmet, and the moment when my fist hit, it was a bang, and the blade on my wrist bounced out and instantly penetrated all the mobile angel ’s head armor netbsp I didn't stop to finish the blow. After all, I'm the president of the Frost Rose Alliance, and I really understand the mobile angel's ability. The heads of these guys are not weaknesses at all, and even if they are cut off, there will not be much problem, so attacking his head is not a victory at all.

In order to watch the mobile angel attack me, I sharply lifted the tuǐ that blocked the puppet's blade claw forward when the blade claw penetrated the guy's head, and my toes hit the mobile angel's The ng mouth produced a huge thrust, and instantly pushed me away from the mobile angel.

However, as soon as I landed here, I immediately felt the sound of the vanishing blade behind me. I did n’t even think about turning around and I just got a kick. I just felt a strong force coming. My kick not only did not kick the enemy, but almost made me lose my balance. However, although this foot felt a little worthless, but finally did not let the mobile angel behind me.

While the demon was kicked by me for a while, I paused for a while, I rushed at him immediately, stepped on his knee and jumped, and the other tuǐ went forward, The long blade on the knee joint slammed in from the maneuver angel's jaw, and the pointed edge of the long blade penetrated directly from the top of the maneuver angel's head, and I took the maneuver angel back in this posture with me He flew a mile away before falling to the ground because he was exhausted.

The puppet temporarily lost its ability to move because it was penetrated by my head. When it landed, it had no balance control at all, and fell directly on the ground with an eight fork, making a loud noise and smashing the ground into one. The shallow pit of the human shape, and I rolled forward in the direction of the fall when I was about to land, basically without any impact.

After rolling out the ground to remove the impact, I climbed up, and at this time the voice of Jia Ha, the puppet, also passed from outside the field. "Chairman is really strong enough, this level of mobile angels can't hurt you. But ..." He said here after a deliberate pause, then said proudly: "Unfortunately this kind of blow can't hurt I design a mobile angel. "

Although this monster puppet Jiaha has joined us now, he is obviously not convinced to me, but today he just convinced him. Just after the guy showed off the words of xìng, I suddenly lifted up an explosive crystal slowly, and then pressed it lightly.

boom. I just penetrated my head, but now the heads of the two mobile angels that have re-elevated suddenly burst out. A huge fireball accompanied by heavy smoke and 1uan flying debris completely destroyed the puppet Jiaha. Arrogance.

Throw away the fragmented detonation crystal. I patted the dust that did not exist on my body, and then walked directly between the two mobile angels who were still standing, but I just walked past, and the two necks were still floating. The smoke mobile angel suddenly planted forward together and completely lost its energy response.

Walked across the experimental field, walked directly past Jia Ha, who was still alive, and then patted him gently on the shoulder. "When can I create a mobile angel that I can't handle alone, then show your pride! As for now ... it's better to keep a low profile, otherwise it will be very shameful." After I said it, I went straight back to the promise on the stand. Lynn walked over.

Jia Ha, who stopped behind Jia Ha, gave out a mechanical arm and patted Jia Ha's head and said, "What did I say? President Ziri is very cattley. I just joined the meeting. I also doubted Ziri's strength at that time, but now I understand that the president is invincible. But this is not a bad thing for us. The stronger the president, the stronger our guild will be, and The stronger our guild, the more experimental materials we can get, the more adequate the equipment, and the easier our research will be. Of course, the premise is that you don't go against the president, otherwise you will die very miserably. . "

After a long stint, Jiaha turned to Jiaha and said, "I'm not trying to challenge President Ziri's authority. I just want to prove to him that I'm very useful and worthy of his investment!"

"If he doesn't know, he won't give you such good conditions. You don't need to prove anything." Jia Ha said again and again: "Let's go over to Noreen. The chairman must have run over suddenly and there must be something, Don't let him wait. "

"But those two new mobile angels ...?"

"Oh, you don't care about that kind of defective products! Just now you offended the chairman. At this meeting, the mobile angels were replaced. We don't expect to pass the level without showing something that looks like it."

When hearing this, Jia Hao also said, holding her head, she said, "I wouldn't provoke the chairman if I knew it already! Isn't it that I am not happy for myself?"

"Now you've figured it out. I didn't know who said who to persuade and who was in a hurry." Jia Ha proudly shook out the puppet Jia Ha.

"Okay, well, I'm afraid you can do it? Don't say it! The president is really angry if you don't pass it!"

Seeing that Jia Ha and the puppet Jia Ha ran over, Noreen immediately grabbed them and said, "You absolutely can't think of what the president found for us."

"What did you find?" Jia Ha asked me suspiciously. "Did you find any high-power energy ore?"

Noreen jīn said, "It's better than that. The president brought us two protoss."

"Protoss? We want Protoss to do ..." Jia Ha said that he suddenly got stuck, then looked at me in surprise and asked, "Is it for us ...?"

I nodded with a smile and said, "Yes, these two are gods in heaven. The soul strength should be a lot stronger than that of ordinary protoss. But you must pay attention to confidentiality. The origin of these two protoss is not very good. It's legitimate, so the fewer people you know, the better. "

Jia Ha, the puppet, nodded and excitedly said to Jia Ha: "Ha ha, my plan a can be executed now. I knew it would not be the **** plan b!"

"What a, a, b?" I asked Jia Ha with suspicion.

Jia Ha explained: "Don't Jia Ha, the puppet, proposed a plan to improve the mobile angel?"

I nodded and said, "Yeah. Isn't the soul of this Protoss the necessary material in your plan application?"

Jia Hao said: "Yes. The original plan really needed the soul of the Protoss, but then we thought about it and thought it was still very unlikely. Although you said that anything needed would help us, but we still feel that the Protoss soul is too Exaggerated, so plan a is not appropriate. Without the soul of the protoss, the mobile angels in plan a would not be able to meet the design requirements. "

"So you came up with plan b to solve this problem?"

Jia Ha, the puppet nodded, "We also feel that you are too burdened, so did you lower the standard!"

I nodded and pointed to the two mobile angels lying down behind me and asked, "That's Plan B?"

"No, no, that's plan c. The experimental type of plan b is just to verify the feasibility of plan b below."

"So it seems that the results are not ideal?"

Jia Ha, the puppet, nodded a little embarrassedly, "It is true, and even if we prove the feasibility of plan b, we will not create plan b creatures."

I smiled and said, "Because there are better options, right?"

Guppy Jiaha nodded: "Yes. I planned to use plan b just because I felt that the materials needed for plan a were too harsh and could not be collected. Now that this level of concern is no longer available, it is not a time consuming to use the outdated plan. Is the seal of the throne? "

"It ca n’t be 1ang taking the time to seal the throne, because we can use low-level mobile angels to sell to other guilds, so we can make more money, and then buy more materials to make better high-end Mobile angel. When we have a more advanced mobile angel, we will sell the obsolete products and then continue to cycle, so that we can always be ahead of others. Isn't this a good method? Let's talk about it. Your plan a Protoss souls are needed to produce qualified mobile angels. I do n’t care if you find three or five protoss souls to experiment with, but do you want to overproduce? Protoss is not Chinese cabbage. If our guild produces every A mobile angel of the kind you said would need to sacrifice the soul of a Protoss, so how do we produce it in the future? Do you want me to be a Protoss hunter? I haven't gotten that big!

"That's what it is!" Jia Hao nodded. "That being the case, it can be considered. But the low-level version does not necessarily require us to do it, and can be let other researchers in the meeting. Anyway, it's not just a few of us who can be demon dolls. As for this top version of the mobile angel, I think it is necessary to make it. Even if it is not energy-producing, with your ability, dozens of units can still be made. As long as there are such top-fighting mobile angels, even if there are only ten, it will be enough to reverse the situation at critical moments. "

"That makes sense. Okay, let the three of you decide what you want to do. Let's go and see the fairy I brought to you now."

"Yes, yes, yes." Jia Ha, the one who had interrupted me before, forgot this stubble, but now it reminds me that I haven't done it yet. "Fast, let's go and see how the souls of the two protoss are. If they are strong souls, I can use a more extreme adjustment, so xìng can be a lot stronger. But if the souls The intensity is low, then I can only use a conservative adjustment method. I hope you bring a very strong and strong soul. "

"I don't know if they are strong or not, because the two immortals are not dead yet. But if they want their souls to be simple, just kill them directly."

"What? They haven't died yet?" When I heard that the two gods weren't dead, both Noreen and the two Jiahas were all looking at the sun rising from the west, and I thought What did you do wrong?

"So what? Do you have to kill first? Is it different now?" I asked heartily.

In the end, Noreen first responded, holding me while running and said, "Why kill? It's better to live than to die? Hurry, don't let those two immortals die, The living spirit can be used as the core of the level, which is more than ten times stronger than the dead! "

I guess it ’s too moving. Noreen did n’t think about my feelings at all. Martial King of Heaven and King made the holy king to kill the **** and seal the throne at night. The throne asks the demon to be proud of the world, the nineth heaven is the strongest to abandon Shao Zhou, the royal family, martial arts, and the king will kill the **** of the world, and the throne will be the strongest. Forcibly abandoning the Royal Family of Shaozhou ~ ~ actually exploded her limits. I was dragged behind her by a hand and fluttered behind her like a kite. It is estimated that this look would have to be stared out if it was seen by an amateur player. After all, the image of Noreen belongs to the type of bird and bird that needs to be protected. Anyone who sees such a gentle beauty and drags a ragdoll like me must be scared.

"I said Noreen? Did you put me down first? Then those two immortals are not fish out of the water, so how easy is it to die?"

"No, I must rest assured to see it."

Under Norin's insistence, I was finally carried to the institute hall by her like a doll, until I pointed her to the box containing the fairy. ... It looks like I don't know where I got dumped!

I sighed at seeing Noreen rushing to the box. It is a pity that Noreen's energy core was successfully produced by the original Jia Ha by accident. Now, neither of our two guilds can replicate the core of Noryn ’s body. Otherwise, what other mobile angel plan do we have? Directly follow Noreen to imitate a lot of puppets of the same model, and then armed them, then what heaven will we be afraid of? I promise they wo n’t be able to find anything!

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