Starting from Zero

Vol 19 Chapter 158: Completely messed up

Because Staines said that he was in a hurry to find me, I had to show that I had suspended the task of running the World Tree and returned to Isinger. From Essinger's side to Tianyu City and then to the Dark Temple, Di Tans already greeted the people in the temple. As soon as I saw me, two **** guards took me directly into it. The first insider took me directly to a room to wait, and Di Tans came in with a group of people a few minutes later.

"What the **** did you call me back in such a hurry?"

Di Tans motioned for the followers to close the door, and then asked the seat next to me carefully, "What the **** did you let me find?"

"Isn't it telling you this book?"

"What book has such great power?"

I was very puzzled about Di Tans's question, turned to look at him and asked, "Excuse me, what is the power of such a large group?"

Di Tans probably found that he was asking too abruptly. Hearing my question, he quickly turned to call some of the guys in the black cloaks who followed him. The number of these guys wearing cloaks is quite large, there are as many as fourteen, and each of them wears a huge hood to cover the entire face in the hat. Although this kind of dress is relatively common in the dark temple, it is a bit unbelievable to look at it in the back room. However, these people did not let my curiosity wait for a long time, after they walked to us they immediately opened their cloaks.

Hidden under the cloak are not shocking faces. On the contrary, the looks of these people are basically normal. Although they are basically seductive, there is no such thing as a super handsome man or a peerless beauty. According to the classification of one hundred points, these people should be regarded as the type between 80 and 90, which belongs to the type that is relatively even, but definitely not an exaggeration.

It should be said that such a group of people should be nothing special, so I focused on their occupation and equipment, and found that these people except for the undead knights are vampire swordsmen or dark mage occupations, basically These are the more common types of occupations in the Dark Temple. To be special, it may be a higher level, and the others are nothing special.

Generally speaking, these people are a relatively ordinary group of fighters in the dark temple. At most, they are more elite. Others can't see anything special, but Ditans' clear eyes and behaviors tell me that these people have problems. .

Di Tans didn't interrupt me, so I continued to stare at these people, and it wasn't until more than a minute later that I suddenly realized that these people were special.

"Well? Di Tans, where did you find such a group of multiple babies?" Exactly, this group of people is special because one of them is a normal person, but they are all multiple babies.

Di Tans waved to those people as soon as I found out what the problem was, and the group immediately formed five columns in front of us. The first five are five different people, but except for the one on the far left, who is the only one who stands behind him, the other four are exactly the same. They should be their twin brothers or twin sisters.

Standing on the far left of my column is a petite female vampire, wearing a red evening dress, looking quite **** and enchanting. She is the only single member of the team. To her left was a tall undead knight, with his twin brother standing behind him. To the left of the undead knight is a male black mage wearing typical dark mage equipment, with his two triple brothers standing behind him. To the left of the black mage is a pretty female undead mage. The race seems to be a complete Lich, that is, a complete ghost form. Of course, this guy is also a multiple baby, and is a quadruplet. It looks exactly the same. To the left of this column of Lich is a relatively rare list of Shadow Assassins. They are also four people, but because the Shadow Assassins' faces are all entangled with mummy, they ca n’t see if they are quadruplets, but before In the face of several people, 80% of these four guys are also quadruplets.

After I asked him where he found so many twins, Dietans immediately ordered the team of Lich and said, "You tell him who you are."

Immediately after receiving orders from Ditans, the four Lich sisters stood up in a row and said in a neat voice: "I'm Olivia Walker, the great Lich."

I heard four people announce their names in a unified voice. I didn't respond at first, but soon realized that something was wrong. "Wait, what are you talking about? Are you Olivia? Is that the daughter that Dietans used to show off?"

It's not news that this guy from Di Tans has a daughter, and it can be said that everyone in the Protoss is well-known, because Di Tans's daughter is a genius undead mage. As a gifted child, Di Tans can't help but brag about his daughter's genius so often that as long as he has dealt with him, whether he is an enemy or a friend, he almost knows that he has such a daughter.

Because this daughter of Di Tans is so famous, it is naturally impossible for me as his partner to not know the existence of this young lady. However, the young lady I know is just one, and the one in front of me is ...

"How did your daughter turn into four? Was it originally a quadruplet?" Although I thought it was impossible, I still asked this question that was destined not to be answered.

Sure enough, Di Tans shook his head: "I did have only one daughter Olivia, but now ..."

"Don't tell me they're all Olivia?"

Di Tans nodded again: "The first five are the people I looked for to help you find that book. In order to ensure foolproofness, I even sent my daughter out, but the team was not Young returned, but Olivia became four. "

"Wait a minute, I'm a bit messy." I stopped Ditans' complaining first, and then thought for a moment: "You mean, you sent five people including your daughter Olivia I went to Antarctica to help me find books, but when the team came back, there were more people, right? "

"Yes, when I was originally sent out, there were five people, but when I returned, I became fourteen, almost three times the number. How do you say you want to compensate me? This time, I ’m even my daughter for your business. It's all paid in! "

"Stop it. Let's just declare that you haven't lost anything. Not only did your daughter have more, but you also had three more. Presumably you made it."

What are you talking about? As soon as Di Tans heard me, he immediately became angry. OK, do you say you made money? In that line, you call your wife, I will let him take him to Antarctica to make a circle, get you eighteen people back, I see how you make money?

Don't do it, just kidding. It ’s not that I have n’t figured out the situation yet, but suddenly you can copy the eighteen wives ’sluts. It ’s okay. Then, is n’t my backyard upside-down?

Hmmm, you know, Ditans said. My daughter changes to four. Although it is not too much trouble, it is also disturbing enough. Tell me what book you are going to get? Why are you bringing people out for nothing?

Please, I have n’t seen that book. It ’s a quest item. I ’m looking for it according to the quest. I do n’t know what he has. Besides knowing that the book should be one of the three books in the world, I know. Not as many as you! Can you talk to me first to find out how many people are there, okay?

Di Tans called me to understand the situation, so he did not stop me, but let Olivia explain to me. As a gifted child, Olivia's logical thinking is still very clear. It took me more than ten minutes to tell me the whole incident.

According to Olivia, the five of them transferred all of them to Antarctica at one time using the large shadow projector of the Temple of Darkness after receiving orders from Di Tans. The process of finding that book was also very simple and basic. It didn't take long to find the book's underground ice cave. However, after they got down to the ice cave, the problem came out.

After they entered, there were traces of fighting left on the walls and on the ground. There were still a lot of messy frozen monsters nearby, but the living things were never seen.

Although very puzzled about this battlefield, they continued to deepen, but soon they found themselves lost. Below the ice cave is basically a super labyrinth. This labyrinth is completely excavated between the ice layers, and it is different from the general surface labyrinth. This is a three-dimensional labyrinth. During this period, there are many up and down passages. Good people will get lost after a few laps. Moreover, because this maze is completely excavated in ice, the surrounding ice is ice. Although these ice layers look quite beautiful, they have seriously affected everyone's memory, so that they cannot find the north as they go around.

Originally, if it was simply trapped in the maze, it would not be what it is now, but then everyone walked back to the place where the body and the traces of the battle were originally found. Somehow I remember that location because it happened to be The first bifurcation of the maze. And this intersection is like the palm of a person. The passageway into the cave is the widest, which is equivalent to a human wrist, while the other five forks are relatively thin, similar to five fingers leading to different directions, respectively. This obvious feature is that it is particularly recognizable here, but when five people arrived here, they were afraid to confirm that this was the way they came in.

The reason why they are afraid to confirm the location in an area with such obvious features is that the corpses and traces of fighting they have seen here have all disappeared. The corpses on the ground can be considered as being removed, but the wall The scratches also disappeared and it was a bit abnormal. Even if someone takes the body, are they still responsible for repairing the wall?

In order to confirm that this is the hall they entered, they chose the thickest passage, because if this is really the passage they came in, then this road should be on the ice field outside the passage.

The last five people went up the road, and as a result, they reached the outside, and they also found the magic mark they left. This is actually an emergency teleportation point, corresponding to the emergency teleportation scroll on the five people. If they are in danger, they can use this scroll to directly transfer to the place of the magic mark, so this thing cannot be forged. After all, the magic mark and the teleportation scroll are one-to-one correspondence. If they are wrong, the scroll cannot be matched with the mark. resonance.

However, just as the five heat confirmed that this was where they entered and began to think about the disappearing corpses and battle trails, a weird thing happened. Originally the magic mark of teleportation disappeared, and everyone saw two figures falling out of it, one of which was Olivia, and the other was a shadow assassin who had become a quadruplet.

The two people teleported suddenly appeared to be teleported during the battle, because after emerging from the teleportation array, they were still retreating, as if teleportation was used in the process of being smashed into the air, and the shadow assassin came out He fainted, and Olivia was seriously injured.

Five people found that they had the same kind of companions suddenly, and surrounded them immediately. If it were not because the two pretenders they thought were already injured and were about to die, they might have fought them at that time. However, because the other party was obviously injured, they did not have a chance to do it. In the treatment and process, after the two parties communicated with each other and verified with each other in the past, they discovered that the other party was their own.

After confirming that the other party knows a lot of things that only they know, the two guys who suddenly felt the same as each other began to carry out a secret verification with the other one, and finally concluded that the other party was themselves, and because Olivia is the big Lich, so the possibility of spiritual reading and soul copy is excluded.

During the enquiry that followed, the five groups learned completely different things from the sudden addition of two populations. The memory of the two was the same as the five of them before entering the cave, but according to them Five of them did not encounter a corpse after entering the cave, and at the time they entered the fork at the same time as the five of them. After that, they fought in the cave. The opponent was an ice monster, but according to their, Describe that the so-called five-man battle team killed the monster and the other five saw the dead body. The two said that they had encountered a super powerful one after many consecutive battles. Frost Dragon, then the two sides fought a battle near a huge ice pond. In the end, the Frost Dragon couldn't beat five of them, so they called for a bunch of ice monsters to help. As a result, the five were outnumbered, and the undead knight took the initiative behind the temple. The earthquake shattered the ice cave and was smashed into the ice block. One of the remaining four of them then fell into a hidden door while escaping. Then the direction was unknown. Finally, the female vampire was also attacked by a sudden attack of an ice monster. Later, they were surrounded by a large number of monsters. They reluctantly started the scroll to escape, but they did not know why only the two of them were teleported out. The injured The female vampire didn't come out with him.

The experiences of the two men and the situation encountered by the five people can be said to be completely different, but they decided to return to the ice cave and investigate again, and this time they also made a lot of marks to avoid getting lost again. However, things are worse this time than before. When they returned to the lobby again, it was miraculous that they saw a group of people rushing out of a fork in the road, and these three people turned out to be Olivia, the shadow assassin, and the black in their team. Master.

As last time, the three people were immediately on alert when they saw the seven outside, but because of one experience, the crowded side did not take the initiative to attack but tried to communicate with each other. After waiting for them to talk, It was found that, as before, these three were their players. Then after they absorbed the three, they continued to go down, but they were lost again without accident. Of course, they finally came out, but when they came out, they found that there were four of them standing at the entrance. The two of them were dumbfounded, and then they exchanged ideas. .

Unlike the previous trio, the last four of the team claimed that they had seen the same team in the hole and that they were two.

When I heard this, I couldn't help interrupting Olivia and asked, "You mean, there are at least 28 of your brothers and sisters in that cave?"

One of the three Olivia, who had been standing behind, suddenly stood up and said: "The team we saw was not so many people, but ten people, and although we saw them at that time, they were separated by an ice wall. And we ca n’t converge in the past. We can see each other with each other, but we ca n’t get through. The ice wall must have some special power to protect it. Even our magic is hard to wear, let alone the shadow's ability to penetrate the wall It failed, so we and the other person just had to look at each other for a while and had to be separated. "

After listening to Olivia's explanations, I thought for a while: "According to your statement, you haven't actually broken that book at all, but just somehow copied it many times, right?"

The first Olivia nodded and said, "Yes, we basically didn't run into anything, and it turned out that there were so many more of us exactly the same."

The Olivia who added last added: "My team is not in the same situation as them. Our five-person team had the same experience before entering the hole, but we met monsters in the entrance hall, according to their descriptions. The corpses and traces of battle they saw when they first entered the cave should actually be left by us, but I don't know why they could not find those corpses and traces when they came out later. "

"Did you see it later?"

"I haven't," said Olivia. "When I met them later, I went back to see the hall and confirmed with them the original battle trail and the location of the body. We just confirmed the body they saw. It was the monster we killed, but the corpses and traces were weird when we went back to confirm. "

After listening to their descriptions, I was in a state of thinking first. Di Tans also knew that I was thinking about the problem and didn't bother me. After waiting for more than ten minutes, I suddenly opened my eyes and raised my head and said to them: "Trouble you Can it be separated according to different batches of teams? It is divided into several teams according to the moment your team joins. "

Upon hearing this, fourteen people immediately moved into a five-man team, a four-man team, and a three-man team and a two-man team. After the four teams separated, I turned to Ditans and asked, "When did you exclude the team?"

"It was after you left."

I thought about it and turned to the five-man team again and said, "How long have you been sharing the moment from the moment you stood at the South Pole to the Temple of Darkness?"

"Eighteen days," Olivia replied calmly.

"What?" Di Tans jumped from his seat almost instantly. "You said you stayed there for eighteen days?"

Olivia looked at Di Tans in amazement and said, "Yeah. We got lost in the ice cave, and then took a lot of detours to get out."

"How is that possible?" Di Tans recoiled as if suffering a major blow: "But you only set off the night before!"

"What?" Olivia was surprised this time, and all four of her team were dumbfounded.

In fact, the calmness at the beginning of Di Tans and the current excitement are normal reactions. The reason why Di Tans was so calm before was that according to their description, things seemed very clear.

In Di Tans' idea, this five-member group should be the five people he sent out, and then the three groups with different personnel have two possibilities ~ ~ meaning they are highly skilled The impersonator, not even the impersonator, can confirm the authenticity. Another possibility is that they are all duplicators who do not know when they were copied. Anyway, his daughter Olivia is definitely not wrong in that fivesome.

However, according to my question just now, all the speculations of Di Tans before are obviously not valid. Regardless of whether the following teams were copied or impersonated, the front team is definitely not the one sent by Di Tans. In other words, Ditans's true daughter Olivia may not be among these four Olivia at all.

"Zi Ri, you bastard, you return my daughter!" It seemed that Di Tans, who was stunned for a while after being hit, suddenly recovered without knowing what to do, and then quickly rushed over and pinched my neck. Shocked, I wonder if he thought he was going to kill me for revenge.

"Cough ... cough ... quick ... let go ... you don't want to find your daughter?"

This repetitively huge magic moment made Di Tans stop, but he still didn't let go of me, instead he squeezed my shoulder and asked, "Come on, how can I find my daughter?" ~!

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