Starting from Zero

Vol 19 Chapter 180: Conspirator

"Shadow, you have to give us an explanation for this time, otherwise you don't blame us for not talking about brotherhood."

Sitting in the starting position, Shadow II suddenly stood up from his seat, and then asked in excitement: "Do you believe me?"

Suddenly all the leaders of the Free Front who were asked like this were stunned, and finally the judge said, "Of course we believe in you, but Ziri is a Chinese player leader after all, and although Ziri is not good enough in some aspects, Generally speaking, he is a very capable leader. Although Zi Ri has not been decisive and has less courage in expanding abroad, at least his style of work is relatively stable. So far, except for the recent Japanese counterattack incident because of Russia, Apart from the human troubles that have made the Japanese successful, it can be said that there are basically no obvious mistakes. For such a leader, I don't think there is any reasonable reason to attack him. "

"This is your point?" After listening to the judges, Shadow II immediately glanced around the crowd with a questioning tone, and finally even said with a little anger: "As a group of people who understand China's social truth best, you Don't you understand at all? "

Everyone looked at Shadow II who was suddenly angry. There was a moment of doubt, and the judge finally said, "Just say what you have. We can accept different opinions."

Shadow II immediately said impassionedly when he heard this: "Okay. I'll show you the true face of Zi Ri. But before that I need you to give me a guarantee, because the next content involves my previous true identity, You must guarantee that you will not interrupt me because of my identity before listening to all my information. "

After a moment of silence, the judge nodded and said, "I assure you as President."

"Well, everyone, let me know what is the truth now." Shadow II said, took a few crystal **** from his body and put them on the table. Then he activated the crystal **** one by one and projected them into the air. A pair of photos. After completing these, Shadow II took out a stick and pointed at one of them, a picture of me and Gunsong, Masamoto Matsumoto, and Axford sitting at a table. "Do you guys know this?"

One of the players of the Freedom Front said: "Isn't this the China, Japan, and the United States exchange of national instruments? What do you mean by turning this photo out?"

"That means this." Shadow II clicked on the picture, and then the picture suddenly moved. It turned out that it was not a photo, but the first frame of a video. I saw that the four of us in the picture first flipped a map on the table, and then the picture gradually approached. As the distance approached, the voice of our conversation gradually became clearer.

I stood on the edge of the map and pointed to an area: "Here, here and here, these areas are the focus of our guild defense in Japan. Matsumoto-kun, you must form at least 60,000 players and at least 100,000. At that time, I will transfer the senior troops here in the name of military adjustment. At this time, you can organize manpower to launch a counterattack. I believe that the probability of your victory is at least 70%. "

Matsumoto Masahiro said excitedly: "This is great. If we win the city, I will pay 20 million crystal coins and some strategic materials to you as agreed."

The Gun God smiled and said, "Your voices are done. What about ours? Ziri, your sphere of influence in the United States is a bit too broad. Do you need to limit it?"

In the picture, I directly stretched out **** and rubbed: "No problem, but what about the benefits?"

The next picture is a bargain. I am a street hawker. The difference is that I don't sell low-priced commodities but the interests of the country and the guild. After that, the content was getting more and more unbearable. In addition to bargaining and betraying the national interests, there were actually a few beautifully dressed up beauties who began to accompany food and drink. Finally, even restricted-level lenses appeared in the picture. Only However, the fogging effect was forcibly added by the system so I could not see the details and could only judge that it was really doing the job.

"Is this purple day?" After watching the scene, all the people present couldn't shut up in shock, the judge was emotionally pointing at the last frame in the picture when I was passionately launching in a woman. Shouted: "How can he do this? Is this the first player in the country we see in peacetime to be exactly two people?"

Shadow II deliberately yin and yang said weirdly: "Public figures are also humans! How can we not have the affection and six desires? But they are public figures and cannot let everyone see his bad side. Fortunately, people like them always have Ways to control public opinion, so he does not want you to see what you absolutely can't see, and what you can see is what he wants you to see. This is politics, this is class. "

"Where did you get this video?" A player asked.

"This is about my previous identity." Shadow II said, "Have you heard of the Bright Alliance?"

"You said that the Alliance of Lights who had been destroyed by the Frost Rose Alliance through the enemy and the traitor?" The judge asked.

"Ha, let the enemy sell the country! What a hat!" Shadow II asked, "Who have seen the evidence of the Bright Alliance selling the country, haven't you?"

"what do you mean……?"

"Yes, I am the former vice president of the Alliance of Light. Through the enemy and betrayed the country? Hahahaha ..." Shadow II said with tears in his face and laughed wildly: "The king is defeated, our guild is only unintentional I got the image you just saw, so they were completely banned by the Frost Rose Alliance. They destroyed our city and slaughtered our members. It ’s not even true, but they also spread news everywhere that we sell our country through the enemy. Go to his mother "It's their Frost Rose Alliance that knows the enemy and sells the country. We are just a bunch of unlucky people who were killed because we saw their trade."

"Why don't you post the message to the forum?" The judge asked.

Shadow II's body shook slightly, but he quickly suppressed the abnormal response and quickly cried in a more abnormal state: "Do you think we didn't send it? But was it useful? The forum moderators are all gamers, and Frost Rose League uses their power to intimidate these people. You know, once it is related to their immediate interests, many people will consider themselves first, not to mention that many moderators are not Chinese themselves. Compared with their hungry interests, this matter is not a problem at all. These moderators eventually deleted our posts. During the period, someone may have seen them before, but there were definitely not many. Therefore, the mainstream controlled by Frost Rose League Under the propaganda, most people think of us as traitors. If you think about it, we are for the country with a passion and we are treated as traitors. Do you know what it feels like? Do you know What kind of mood do we have? Can you imagine that kind of humiliation? "Speaking here, Shadow II was sitting in his seat crying as if he had lost all his strength. stand up. Seeing his emotions were so exciting, even if someone present didn't believe what he said, it was not good to say anything. The judge could only helplessly waved his hands to let everyone go out first, but he went to Shadow II and patted him on the shoulder, handed a handkerchief, and then sighed and left the conference room.

Seeing that the main leaders of the meeting all came out, members of the Free Front who had been waiting outside the meeting immediately gathered up and asked, "What the **** is going on? What is the vice chairman doing?" Are you going to kill Ziri? "

Those leaders of the Freedom Front were so noisy that so many people didn't know how to answer. They were trying to keep everyone quiet, but suddenly they found that the crowd was quiet, and when they looked back, they realized that they would grow up.

Seeing the chairman came out, those members were also honest. One of the more courageous players stood up and asked, "What's going on with the chairman, the vice chairman?" This guy asked the original quiet crowd again, and everyone noisily asked how it was Going on.

The judge reached out with a headache to stop everyone's noise, and then said, "This time there is something hidden, we are still investigating what is going on for the time being, because we cannot make a judgment for the time being, so please exercise restraint. Try not to conflict with other forces for a while, wait until we investigate the whole thing. "

Hearing the judge said that although the people below were not very satisfied, they finally became a little quieter. The judge and several other leaders in the guild left the crowd outside the meeting and walked outside. A guild leader followed the judge and said, "Chairman, although we can temporarily press down here, but What should I do over the Frost Rose Alliance? It's impossible for the Frost Rose Alliance to give up. They will definitely send someone to handle this. "

The judge said: "Of course I know that they will send someone, and even Ziri may come by himself, but just looking at the shadows, can we ask now?"

"But what should we do when the Frost Rose Alliance comes? Reception or ...?"

The judge said with a frown: "Look at the other side's attitude. If the other party is still polite, we will receive it. If the other party comes up and yells, we don't have to worry about them."


They have just finished speaking to the judge here, and suddenly there was a member running up and down over there. Finally, because the speed was too fast, the brakes almost hit him.

"What's going on? What's so fast to run?" The judge asked slightly dissatisfied after holding the guy who almost fell.

The player didn't pay attention to the judge's tone, just shouting incoherently in the direction of the gate: "Come ... come ... he's coming ..."

"Slow down, who is here?"

"Zi Ri. Zi Ri is here!"

"What?" Not only the judge, but everyone else beside him also cried out.

The member who came to the letter thought that the president did not hear him clearly, and said quickly: "Zi Ri has come to our guild and has now reached the gate of the city. They led someone to block the door, and Zi Ri said let you go Talk to him. "

"What? Why is the big idiot blocking the door?" The judge said anxiously and angrily, and then thought that this matter could not be delayed, so he ran to the gate of the city while pulling the guy with the message, while still talking "How many people did Ziri bring?" He asked.

"Just a woman, I don't know."

"Did they not rush the gate?"

The guy who reported the letter didn't respond and asked, "Isn't the gate of the city blocked by big heads?"

"Idiot, with the strength of Zi Ri, if he wants to come in, do you think he can be blocked by your gang of Wuhe?"

"Boss, it would be too much to say that we are the members of Wuhe?"

"Why do you still feel like you are an elite?"

The scolded guy suddenly lost his voice, but even if he wanted to refute, there was no chance, because they had reached the gate of the city. Although the Freedom Front has more than 1,000 members, it can only be regarded as a small and medium-sized guild. Based on China's population base, a guild with a population of less than 10,000 should actually be considered a small guild, with a number of 10,000 to 100,000. In the meantime, it can only be regarded as a medium-sized guild, and only a member with more than 100,000 members can be considered a large-scale guild. Of course, there are exceptions to this. For example, our guild is a typical guild with a small number of people. If the guild is based on the number of members, it can only be regarded as a large-scale guild. However, in terms of combat effectiveness and expansion capacity, we absolutely count Super Guild.

I was discussing things with Rose outside the gate when the judge brought the people to the wall. The gates of the city of honor have been closed, the walls are also densely guarded, and members of the Freedom Front around the city are rushing here one after another. According to this speed, players in the guild can take ten minutes. Can focus on the wall.

Seeing our judges waiting outside the city was finally relieved, what he was most worried about was that he would fight with me before he rushed to their guild. In that case, even if there was nothing, he could do something. .

"Big head." Seeing that Rose and I seemed calm outside the door, the judge immediately called the guy in charge of the gate guard.

A guy with a long, round head and a big head came rushing over with a big knife, still shouting, "Boss, I'm here, are you going to fight?"

The judge directly slapped the guy's head and slaped, "Come on **** and let you go out. Have you ever played Ziri? Immediately give me an order not to take the initiative to attack without my order, I will go out and Zizi Try it out. "

"What? How can this be done? Aren't you going to die?"

"Idiot, do you think he can't hit me when I stand on the city wall? Zi Ri's skills are the same as playing a city wall. As long as he can determine my position, he can penetrate me even if he comes to the three city walls again, so Even if I stand in front of him, it's not much more dangerous than the walls. "

The big head heard it and said, "I'll go with you, then?"

"Have you ever been to Ziri or what? If you did n’t come to fight, you would n’t have any use. If they came to fight you would still be useless. You said that you were useless both inside and outside, what would I do for you? ? "


"Stop that and that, and hurry up and give me an order, don't really provoke Zi Ri to go to war and say we are not right?"

"Oh." After listening to the big head, he immediately turned around and sent orders to everyone, and the judge directly jumped off the wall and ran into the gate hole to let the guard open the gate, and in order to show us his attitude, he also ordered the guard Do n’t close the gate anymore, anyway, I really want to enter the city. There is no difference in this gate.

Rose and I were discussing how to deal with this matter outside the city, and suddenly I saw that the closed gate was opened again, and a person came out of the gate. I have seen this material before, so I recognized the identity of this guy at a glance.

The trial judge brazenly braced himself and walked in front of me and Rose with a light expression. He didn't notice it at first. When he got closer, he found that the rose looked familiar. Then he suddenly thought of Rose. Identity. In fact, anyone who really understands the situation knows that in our guild, it is the real event that a rose appears. In contrast, what I am present can only say that it is an important battlefield, but it may not be a major event.

"President Ziri, Miss Rose, I'm sorry my people reacted a little bit before. You should also know that before ..."

As soon as the judge's words came to half, I suddenly felt wrong. When I looked back, I found that a group of cavalry rushed out of the gate, and it looked like this was coming out to fight, and it made him even more angry that the wall rushed up. A team of archers threw an arrow rain to this side.

Seeing such a blatant provocative act, the judge was so scared that his soul was about to fly out. He hurriedly turned and shouted to me, "President Ziri, you should hide first. This must be something wrong. I have ordered it. Attacks are forbidden! Really, please believe me! "

Looking at the judge who had changed his face, I was not in a hurry to say anything, but just a little, Jingjing suddenly appeared in front of me, and then raised the shield in my hand to launch skills. "Guardian of the Divine Shield." A light curtain suddenly appeared, blocking all the arrows that flew down. However, the second round of arrows was quickly shot on the city wall, but compared to the first time, this time the arrow shot was not even one fifth of the previous one ~ ~ because the people on the wall themselves There was confusion. Many of the people who got the order tried to prevent the new team of crossbowmen from putting arrows. Some of the new arrivals had players. Some of them stopped after the surrounding people stopped. Some of them stopped. However, he insisted that he had received the order, but he insisted on archery without listening to the command. As a result, the crowd on the two sides fought on their own. This of course prevented some people from shooting arrows, but some arrows still came out, but the density was much lower.

The Judge had felt despair after Jingjing appeared, but when he closed his eyes and waited to die, he heard a banging sound from his head. When he opened his eyes, he found that the angel I called was released. Skills also protected him.

Immediately after discovering this phenomenon, the judges turned around and explained to me: "President Ziri, please be sure to believe me, this is not my order. I have ordered them to ban attacks before I come out!"

Rose stood out and reached out to stop the judge's explanation, then reached out in his worried eyes and pointed at the cavalry who was rushing towards us: "Of course you did not issue the order to attack us, because this order was issued by him of."

Following the rose's finger, the judge quickly turned around and looked at the cavalry behind him. Before he patronized the explanation and didn't pay attention, he now discovered that the cavalry's team leader turned out to be Vice President Shadow II.

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