Starting from Zero

Vol 19 Chapter 181: Conspiracy after seeing the light

"Shadow, how do you ...?" Seeing Shadow II rushing over, the judge tried to let him go back, but he shouted halfway and felt that I put my hand on his shoulder, and the judge immediately wondered. Looking back at me.

"Haven't you understood yet?"

"Should I understand?" The judge looked at me in wonder.

I shook my head reluctantly, and then said, "He just wants you to die together."


"Of course to let the people on the wall attack me together?"

"My member?" The judge turned his head to look at the city wall, and then he saw his own crowd in a scuffle, followed by him and suddenly reacted. "Do you mean that the shadow wants to kill me with me, and then say that you killed me, and then use this as a reason to ask the people in our guild to attack you?"

I nodded and said, "It's very simple, isn't it?"

The judge immediately shook his head and said, "It's impossible. I'm not. He killed me and I will be resurrected. Will I explain everything when I return?"

"But it will be too late when you return." Seeing the idiot's expression on the judge's face, I could only helplessly pat my forehead, and then said to Rose: "I'm going to block the cavalry, or you explain to him Right. "

After I left, Rose stood a little funny to the judge, and explained, "In fact, things are very simple. For some reasons that we don't know yet, Shadow II has a very extreme effect on us, the Frost Rose Alliance, or the Purple Sun. Strong hostility. You should be able to analyze this from the previous fruit of the wish. "Rose said that she paused deliberately until the judge nodded and she understood." Because of this hostility, So he very much hopes to harm our Frost Rose Alliance or Ziri's interests, but he knows how powerful we are and how much harm we can do to us alone. "

"So he wants to drag us into the water?" The judge finally responded.

Rose smiled, "Look, isn't this easy?"

The judge frowned and continued his reasoning. "As long as he takes someone to kill me, the people who are too far away from the wall can't see the details at all. He only needs to say that I was killed by you, and our people will believe him, and then they will attack you. Even if I come back later to clarify the facts, you must have already started a counterattack because of our active attack, so at that time we have to resist, which means that the truth I brought back has no meaning at all. "

"That's right." Rose nodded. "But you don't have to worry about the success of his plan, because we won't let you be killed by his people at all, and even if you are killed, it doesn't matter. We know this is his plan. So even if he kills you, we will leave for a while and wait for your resurrection. As long as we don't fight, his plan will be completely useless. "

The judge said, "It doesn't look like this time!"

"That's what he said?" Rose keenly grasped the keywords. "He means Shadow II? What did he say? Our bad words?"

The judge directly took out a crystal ball, and then released an image, which was exactly the image that Shadow II had shown to the judge before them.

"This is ... no, this is not the real scene." Rose pointed directly at a place in the picture and said, "Pause." The judge quickly paused the picture, then looked at Rose. Rose pointed at the stone pavilion where we had talks in the picture and said, "This is not the original stone pavilion. Note that this pavilion is intact. When Ziri and the negotiators first negotiated with each other in secret, After the reaction speed, the gun **** secretly fired a shot and was blocked by Ziri. However, the bullet knocked out one corner of the pavilion. You can see that all eight corners of the pavilion are intact, obviously not right? . "

"So this is a fake image?"

"The pavilion hasn't disappeared, you can check it, and you don't know how many versions of the video about the incident on the forum. Just go through it yourself."

The judge frowned, "The videos that have been on the Internet for a long time can't be faked. If you dare to say that, it must be true. In this way, the identity of the shadow is questionable. By the way, he told before We said that he was the vice president of the Alliance of Light, and that the Alliance of Light was once an anti-Japanese guild. As a result, they were destroyed by the guild after they got this video. He also said that their guild was a traitor. What you do is a lie that you control the public opinion in order to black them out. "

"He really can say that. The public opinion in the game is not the news units in the real world, which is so easy to control? And this guy is not the vice president of the Bright Alliance. There are three vice presidents in the Bright Alliance. One is called Shadow II. But I suspect that he is still somewhat connected with the Bright Alliance. It may be that he is indeed the vice president, but this number is a new one that is re-established, or it may be just an ordinary Bright Alliance. The leader said that he is the vice-chairman because he wants you to think that he is extraordinary. "

"It's really possible for you to say that. No, I have to go back and stop the cannibalism in the meeting."

The judge who Rose was holding away reminded the judge who was about to leave: "It is true that cannibalism is to be stopped, but the battles may not always be cannabis. You need to see clearly. I missed such a good opportunity but Will not come again. "

The judge's stun for Rose's face turned into a depressed face for Rose. In the end, Rose reluctantly said: "Forget it, it seems to speak to you straightforward! I was just telling you that some people in the Freedom Front may have turned to Shadow II. These people may not really know The true purpose of Shadow II, but they have undoubtedly decided to betray you with Shadow II. Whether these people have been deceived or they really agree with the concept of Shadow II, anyway, they are betraying you now. This kind of people stay in the guild is a bunch of time bombs, so you might as well take this opportunity to find out and kill them directly. If you miss this opportunity, it will not be easy to find these traitors next time. "

The judge was stunned by Rose, and after hearing Rose's words, he stayed for a long time before he responded: "Many people on the forum said that the true Rose Alliance is not because of the purple sun. This world's first combat power, but because you have a world-first staff group. I thought this was just some people made up for display, now it seems that this is the closest answer to the truth! "

"You are here to express your feelings about the strength of our Frost Rose Alliance. It is better to hurry up and organize your own guild. After this incident, although your Freedom Front will have some pains, it has cleared up the hidden dangers, just like the monks. After defeating the demon-like spirit, the path of spiritual practice will be smooth. "

The judge did not say anything with emotion this time, nodded his head and ran towards the city wall, and only then did he discover that the cavalry that had rushed out was dead.

I was riding on Yeying ’s back with a heavy hook sickle that was transformed by eternity. The ground in front of me was full of running horses and dead bodies lying on the ground. As for the living people, adding one is not enough. This is all, and only five of these people are still riding horses. The others have suffered minor or severe injuries, standing or sitting on the ground. In short, they have basically lost their combat effectiveness.

"Who the **** are you?" Riding on Yeying's back, I pointed at Shadow II with the tip of a sickle-gun. "You should have contacted me, but I'm not sure who you are. Let me guess. Are you the shadow dancer?"

"Ha ha ha ha ..." The other laughed, but didn't answer me. The guy pointed directly at me, and the four knights next to him immediately rushed towards me.

"Even if you don't want me to know, then forget it, anyway, you are still a little person even if you are resurrected ten thousand times. So now ... let's see you for a while." I said, and suddenly directed the eternal hook sickle directly to Shadow Two. The world threw it over, and the hook sickle quickly shortened during the flight, eventually turning into a flying axe and smashing into Shadow II.

The four knights who rushed to me saw mixed reactions after seeing the flying axe. Three knights flashed away directly, but the last one reached out and tried to pick up the flying axe. Unfortunately, his position was not right. , Just hit the axe. Ordinary weapons can't stop eternity at all, the guy's weapon instantly cuts off the eternal axe of flying axe, and the flying axe continues to fly forward.

Looking at the axe that was flying towards him, Shadow II immediately turned his axe over the axe, and then he sneered disdainfully to show contempt for me, but found that I did not change my expression after humming. He realized it was not right, and at this time I just raised my hand and prepared to catch something. He suddenly reacted and turned back abruptly, only to see the flying axe roll and fly back, and it was almost at his side. In such a short period of time, he didn't have time to completely walk away. He could only sideways, but the flying axe passed through his shoulders. He immediately unloaded one of his arms, and then the flying axe rolled back to me. Hand and stretched out again to change back to the hook sickle.

"Arrogance needs capital, otherwise it can only be an idiot. And you ... don't have that capital." I said, and then I slammed Yeying's belly, and Yeying immediately stepped forward, and the four knights did not respond Before passing by, they passed by among them, followed by the heads of the four people, and their bodies slid together toward the war horse and fell to the ground.

"I'm going to kill you!" Seeing all four of his followers hang up, Shadow II yelled frantically, but unfortunately his yelling was useless to me.

Ye Ying started the dream shuttle when the guy yelled, and immediately passed to him, I just mentioned his neck with one hand and carried him to my mount, and then he lifted only the left When his arm was about to rebel, he pinched his wrist, inserted the hook sickle on the other hand to the ground, turned over and took out a downgraded elixir into the guy's mouth and forced it in.

"What did you eat for me?"

"Poop." I said and threw him directly from Ye Ying's back. As soon as he landed, he climbed up with one hand and attempted to attack again, but before he found the weapon, Ye Ying suddenly jumped up and kicked him straight away by dozens of meters after an accurate fix. After landing, he flew with the ball on the ground and flew for dozens of meters before he finally landed. As for whether he died or not, it is not something I need to care about. Anyway, after eating downgraded elixir, this guy has only one left. There are more than a hundred levels, and this level is basically equivalent to a disuse.

"Are you done here?" Rose suddenly appeared lightly on my side, riding her white wolf.

I turned around and scanned the battlefield, and nodded after confirming that no one could get up. "What shall we do now? Enter the city right away or ...?"

"I just let the God of War watch it with Babel Tower. The city still looks scuffled. At this time, I don't think we are fit for entering."

"Then we just wait?"

"Show you something first." Rose showed me the video I had previously ripped.

"How did this come out? Didn't the system say that the video of the memory crystal could not be forged?" Rose didn't answer, just looked at me and smiled, but I quickly reacted. "They use illusions?"

The system did say that the video in the memory crystal cannot be changed, but many people have overlooked a loophole, that is, the system only said that the video itself cannot be changed, but did not say that it could not shoot fake illusions ~ www.wuxiaspot .com ~ This seems to assume that there is no technology to modify the video content in reality, and then you see the video of Zhang San's murder, can you determine that Zhang San is a murderer accordingly? What if the person in this video is Zhang San's twin brother Zhang Si? Although the screen looks exactly the same, Zhang San didn't actually kill anyone at the scene. The video here is obviously unmodified, but we can create the illusion to deceive the camera, and at the same time indirectly deceive the people who watch the video.

The crystal ball taken out by Shadow II is a system prop. The video of this thing cannot be modified, so it cannot be faked, but if you find a person who will transform into another person's appearance, or use a large illusion to deceive the crystal Ball, then you can shoot fake pictures.

When Rose saw me reacting, she asked, "Knowing that this video is fake, what can you think of?"

"Isn't Shadow II doing it alone?"

"Smart." Rose nodded. "He still has at least one team to cooperate with him. This video is not something that can be done by one person alone. Also, the process of his entry into the Freedom Front also requires internal response. His new The character was also brought up by senior staff in a short period of time, so there is at least a strong team behind him to support him. "

"It seems we have something to do."

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