Starting from Zero

Vol 19 Chapter 185: Thunder Strike

"His grandpa, isn't this bullying?"

The president of Sancai and the leaders of a guild were completely shocked by the sight before they ran out of the conference hall. Before they rushed out of the conference hall, they were still wondering what the member told them to see. After all, the range of the artillery was very long. Even if the enemy had a cannon, it would not be possible to push it into the city, and there was a wall blocking them. They were in the city. How is it possible to see artillery positions outside the city? However, when they stood outside the hall, they immediately understood where the shells from the previous member said came from, because there were three mountains floating in the sky, far away from the city. That's right, there are three mountains, three mountains that can be suspended in the air and move slowly.

In fact, the speed of the floating mountain is not very slow. Although the speed of this giant aerial moving fortress is not very outstanding, it is a flying unit after all. The reason why it looks slow is mainly because the guy is too big. It is because this flying mountain is relatively high. If you lower the floating mountain to a height of seven or eight meters above the ground, you will find that the speed of this thing has actually exceeded most road animals. Most ground mounts commonly used by players are basically not as fast as this guy. Of course, it is much simpler for the flying unit to catch up with the floating mountain, because the speed of the floating mountain is just in between.

Watching this huge thing slowly move towards the city in the air, the senior executives of Sancai immediately understood where the previous shells came from. Yes, there is a large swamp outside their city that prevents heavy weapons from approaching, but if the opponent comes from the sky, it will be different. The huge size of the floating mountain determines that he can not only be used to transport troops, he is also a huge mobile turret, but also an all-round one.

"Damn, why is there such a thing?" Sancai's senior looked at the three huge objects flying in the air and felt as if they were suddenly out of breath.

"Although I don't know how powerful the thing is, I think everyone is better prepared to evacuate." After a short period of surprise, the president of Sancai immediately turned around and said to everyone behind him, following those people. Also immediately responded to come and start commanding his men to actively defend.

As the leadership reacted, Sancai's defense work also started. A large number of defense personnel opened the city wall, but their emotions became low after seeing the three huge floating mountains above their heads. Although these people are supported by unknown funds and the equipment is very good, the problem is that no matter how good the equipment is, the infantry is still an infantry. Although their skills can hit the air, but the launch distance is very short, and even if they can When hitting a floating mountain that is a few hundred meters high, how much damage can a single soldier skill do to such a large thing? Is it a stone or a layer of soil?

Anyway, anyway, the members and members of the three talents completely disintegrated in an instant after seeing this thing.

"Chairman, don't we still have that kind of thing in our guild? Otherwise we ...?" A Sancai executive suddenly remembered something and grabbed their chair arm and asked.

Upon hearing this guy's comment, the three senior executives who were present immediately remembered it and suggested that they use that weapon to deal with the three mountains in the sky. One of the executives said, "Chairman, don't hesitate anymore. I also know that the thing exists as a hole card, but if we can't lay a floating mountain right away, we lose the city. The problem is small, and the morale of the people in the club is lost Is it big? Once everyone has formed the invincible idea of ​​the Frost Rose Alliance, even if we save our strength, we will certainly lose in the future, because no one will dare to confront the Frost Rose Alliance at that time! "

This guy ’s words eventually became the last straw that straddled the camel, and the president of Sancai finally said helplessly: "Well then, immediately take out the batch of weapons stored in the meeting, and in any case, give the floating mountain to I fight, this battle is about our future survival. "

"President Yingming."

"Wisely and unwisely, we still have to see if we can lay that **** floating mountain, but don't use our chassis and not even a mountain, then it is not wise but blind!"

"Understood, we must do our best." Several senior executives also left the chairman's side and began to devote themselves to the front to prepare for the battle, but what they didn't expect was that the floating mountain did not fly to them all the way they expected. Headed up, but stopped at a place more than ten kilometers away from the city. This distance seems far away, but in fact it can be regarded as close to the city for the three huge floating mountains, but for the infantry, this distance has to run for a while. Moreover, this distance makes the Sancai people feel very depressed, because they find that their weapon range is exactly 10 kilometers, and they are only a little bit away from hitting the three floating mountains. However, even if it is almost impossible, it is totally out of reach, because the floating mountain is not located on the ground. Ordinary weapons can continue to fly forward a certain distance even after reaching the range, but there is no way to guarantee the accuracy. However, the floating mountain is in the air. Once the application of weapon power such as fired shells will start to fall, even if it depends on The position of inertial energy gliding to the floating mountain will also drill down from below because the altitude is too low, so the current situation is that the entire city of Sancai is within the fire coverage of the floating mountain, but the floating mountain is completely at the other side Out of range.

After stabilizing the position, the top of the floating mountain suddenly flew out like a bee colony. These black spots converged in the air into a giant flying dragon and quickly left the floating mountain, then gradually dispersed and moved downward. City came down.

A member who responded quickly called out first. "Damn, give up the city walls and gather in the city to set up battles. The opponent will fight melee!"

Melee is a tactic that exists relative to formation battles. To use this tactic usually requires a relatively strong individual combat effectiveness, because under this tactic is a personal skill. However, the most proud of our guild is the combat effectiveness of individual soldiers, so we are the guild that is least afraid of melee.

Looking at the overwhelming number of aerial units that were rushing down, the Sancai people immediately became confused. Many people started running into the city, while others were at a loss as they stood on the wall.

It is said that in a defensive battle, the team should be arranged on the city wall to rely on the city wall for defense, but our people are from the sky. As long as we are not stupid, we will definitely not land directly on the city wall where the heavy soldiers gather, but will first Assaulting important places in the city where the defense is weak, even if their people guard the wall, the battle is still our victory. So the quick-responding person in the guard jumped out of the city wall and rushed to the city, just because the defense order was based on the city wall, so for a while, some people didn't know whether they should continue to keep the city wall or go with others. Formed in town. However, no matter what they choose, it is too late to react now.

A distance of more than ten kilometers may take a while for the infantry, but for the Air Force, which dives down from high altitude, it is only a matter of a minute or two. Before the soldiers on the ramparts could leave the ramparts, the first air force of our guild had reached the city.

"Hurry up, the mage team shoots at the air, knock those things down." A player captain stood in front of a team of mage and directed them to shoot at the air, but before the group of mages began to prepare for magic, they saw flying in the sky. An individual suddenly slammed into the unit and smashed into the mage group and knocked a few nearby mages directly to the ground.

The surrounding mage found that someone was spreading around in a hurry, and the dust on the ground gradually dispersed as the personnel spread. The player who directed the squad did not respond for a long time when he saw what was dropped. He thought that the opponent had failed to land and fell to himself. However, when he was going to lean on to see the situation, he suddenly heard a sound of mechanical operation and followed. A huge figure stood up from the smoke.

"Damn, it's a mobile angel! Everyone runs away!" The guy's yelling was obviously late. After standing upright, the eyes of the mobile angel suddenly flashed red, followed by raising two arms and pointing at the mage who was running away, followed by the red light on his arms as if the muzzle of the machine gun was red. Continuous flash. With each flash of that launch port, a length of red light about a foot long will be emitted, and as long as those red lights hit anyone, that person will scream immediately and fall to the ground, even if not dead at that time In a short time, there is absolutely no way to fight back.

"What the **** is this **** thing?" Seeing a mobile angel, he swept around as if holding a machine gun, and the wizard he chased down fell like a slice of wheat, and the commanding player couldn't bear it anymore. Can't help, knowing that he can't fight, he still raised his big knife and rushed up.

Seeing that player rushing over, this mobile angel didn't mean to dodge at all, turned his head and glanced at him, and then aimed one hand at the guy's head. The launcher on his wrist was not as fast as it could be. The beam was sprayed, but it stopped for more than a second before suddenly blasting out a beam that was at least three or four times thicker than before. The player was instantly blasted by the beam before the player reacted, and the entire person had not yet landed. It burned and turned into a ball of fire.

After a moment of dropping this guy, the mobile angel immediately resumed the speed of dozens of shots per second and slaughtered the mage, and those who were preparing to come around to see this situation stopped with interest. This mage group has been completely rescued, and rushing up will not only have no effect, but will put itself in for free. It is better to go to the city to assemble and then unite against those metal monsters.

Although these people have good ideas, they obviously underestimate our fighting power. As these people ran to the city, at the gate of the city's teleportation hall, a group of three talented players just gathered were facing the attack of four senior players and more than a dozen of them. Although these people are not mobile angels, they are more powerful than mobile angels.

The members of Sancai on the opposite side had just assembled, and saw a mage player on our side suddenly wave their staff forward, and then they saw the countless pale arms that suddenly stretched out under the ground and grabbed those people's doubles. Feet, and then desperately pulled down to the ground, and at this instant the ground became a mud-like existence.

In fact, this is just a compound spell that is publicly taught by our guild library to our guild players, and the system determines that the level of this spell is very low, because the basic spells that make up this spell are only the low-level spell "mud" in general skills. The evolutionary version of the "Unbound Hand", a low-level spell "Bone Hand". These two spells can be said to be quite low-level. As long as it is a player learning spells, it can be learned at a level of more than one hundred levels, and it is also no burden to use. Although the hand of restraint is an advanced skill, as long as it is an undead player, basically it will be advanced. After all, the advanced condition of this skill is only the use of the hand of the bones to reach a thousand times. so easy. However, when these two spells are combined, their combined effect is amazing.

Slime can only slow down the player's action. Although it can drown people, the premise is that the opponent must stand there stupidly and not run away. As for the restraining hand, it is simply a non-attack auxiliary spell, which has little meaning except to fix people for a period of time. However, when the two spells are combined, the power is great. It takes about one minute to completely submerge a person, and the restraining hand can make the other person basically unable to move within 30 seconds after restraining the person. It looks like the other party has 30 seconds to leave the quagmire, but don't forget that the bound hands extend from the ground. The way they fix the target is to pull down so desperately that you cannot move your legs. If it is okay on solid ground, this pulling force will at most make you unable to move for a short time, but in the mud where there is almost no force, the effect will be abnormal. When a person stands in the mud and is pulled down by these hands, he can completely drown a person without thirty seconds of muddy water, and the more he struggles during this period, the faster he will sink.

The opposite Sancai player certainly did not know the characteristics of this spell, so after being caught by those pale rotten arms, they immediately began to struggle desperately. As a result, the group of dozens of players and all disappeared in less than 20 seconds. On the ground. Immediately after the group disappeared, the mage player immediately turned to the rocky ground with a secondary auxiliary spell "hardening", and it was impossible for the people below to figure it out.

It took only 30 seconds to get so many people. The player was not so proud, but smiled happily at the people around him: "Haha, the newly released skills after the guild library upgrade is really good, this The magic power of the skill is not as high as that of the big fireball, and the effect is so good, and the system even defines this spell as a low-level spell, which can be instantaneous, which is really great. "

A player next to him walked into the teleportation hall and said, "What excitement is there for a public skill? Yesterday I just bought a strengthening skill with the guild contribution point. That power ... oh, those skills we used to play with This one is that scum. "

"Really? Put one up and let me see."

"Wait until I find a target, the enemy has let you bury the ground. I can't blow air, right?"

Just as the teleportation hall was easily breached, the city's resurrection temple was also being assaulted by our guild personnel. Just as in real wars, priority is given to occupying railway stations, airports, transportation hubs and important public facilities such as hospitals and government buildings around the city, the priority of battles in the game is to transfer the hall, the hall of resurrection, and the guild headquarters Something like that. Only by completely controlling these positions can you control the whole city, otherwise, even if you occupy all other places but these areas are not occupied, it is tantamount to not occupying the city.

Similar to the battle of the teleportation hall, the battle on the side of the resurrection temple did not last long. Due to the mistake of the previous strategy, most of the personnel of Sancai were concentrated on the city wall, and there were few people near the important buildings in the city. Our troops encountered only a few senior players and some reserve teams who were temporarily returned. Although the combat effectiveness of these people is pretty good, it is a pity that the number of these people is too small to even resist the attack of our guild's superior forces.

Compared to the Temple of Resurrection and the Temple of Resurrection, the guild headquarters building is the hardest to hit in the entire city.

The construction of the guild headquarters building is nothing special, the key is that the people in this place are basically senior players, and this place also stores city tokens. As long as this thing is snatched or destroyed, the city ownership will change. At that time, even if the three talents have the ability to drive us out, they will have to restart the city construction and complete the monster siege task.

Because of the importance of the guild headquarters, the guards here are usually the strongest. In addition, the leadership in the guild is basically here, and these high-level personnel are usually the most powerful people in the guild. The high-end combat power of this place is arguably the most dense in the city. However, even if their high-end combat power is more intensive, the result is the same. Because ... here is my responsibility.

"Purple?" Seeing me appearing at the guild headquarters with a large group of people, the president of Sancai's face immediately became extremely difficult to look.

"Since you know me, it's best." After seeing each other, I didn't have any special reaction. This guy's equipment and career are like I have never seen before, but his appearance makes me look a little familiar, but I just can't remember where I saw it. "I heard that it was your plan that harmed me with the fruit of your wish. As a victim, should I ask for compensation from you?"

"Well, what good is it to talk about those nonsense, we are the best people like you. If you fight me, you can fight, even if the guild is destroyed, we can re-establish it. Even if the personnel are killed back to level zero, we can again Practice, you can't destroy our physical bodies anyway, as long as we don't give up, you can never kill us. "

"No, no, you're wrong." I laughed. "The purpose of pesticides is not to destroy the insects, but to ensure the harvest of the crops, so I don't need to kill you, as long as you are powerless to threaten I'll do it. You say yes, bug. "


"I don't need you, mine. Are you in a hurry to die? So let's get started." I said, raised my right hand and hit a ring finger, and then pointed forward, and saw four rumbling behind me coming out A giant marine-type mobile angel close to three meters tall. Then, four mobile angels lined up in front of me immediately after bypassing me. Following their movements, they pulled out the giant slashing sword like a door panel from behind, and took the shield on their shoulders. Here, with the final finger grip, the sharp canine tooth sawtooth on the sword in the hand instantly turned at high speed to form a sharp blade with a faint shadow.

Seeing the emergence of a marine-type mobile angel, there was a commotion in the opposite crowd, and then he was crushed by the president of the three talents, and then eight more powerful blood-bull fighters rushed out.

For the existence of mobile angels, which are defaulted by the system as siege equipment rather than units, our enemies have always had no good way to deal with them. Because the mobile angel is recognized by the system as a siege weapon, he does not have defensive power and health. His defense is displayed by the defense level, and his health is displayed by the durability. Although it sounds like a different name, it's not the case at all.

Defense is a kind of calculation standard of defense degree applied to living beings, and its lowest value can be calculated. The so-called high defense generally refers to a defense force of more than 100,000 or more, and more than one million is a very rare defense degree. , Like my basic defense is almost more than 2 million, of course, it is a variety of additional attributes, my actual defense is far more than this number, but the basic defense is indeed only more than 2 million. As for the super individuals in the Protoss, the initial defense is generally this number, but because they have the cheating attribute of divine power, they have a tenfold increase in attack and defense against ordinary people. That is to say, when ordinary people attack a protoss, if that protoss defense is 10,000, when you cut it up, you will be like a guy with 100,000 defenses, because he gets a tenfold strengthening bonus of divine power. As for the bosses of various protoss, their defense might be slightly higher, but generally it will not exceed five million. The real defense force is more exaggerated to the wild super ss, especially the beast-shaped classification, the defense is generally tens of millions. Some super blood bull ss defenses, which are specially prepared for players who like to challenge the limit, can even reach hundreds of millions. Of course, this kind of thing is not prepared for a certain player, but it is specifically used to make other people European. The shape of this kind of abnormal monster is also very abnormal, and its life value is very large. Usually, a guild with thousands of people will be beaten in three shifts for a week or two in order to kill one head.

This kind of abnormal monster that is used to challenge the limits of individual players with special hobbies basically has the limit of single defense, but this is not the limit of defense, because there is a defense level.

Mobile Angel's defense is defined according to the siege equipment, so their defense is displayed by the defense level. The division of defense levels is also represented by numbers. The starting value is not zero, but one. That is to say, there is no zero defense level, and the lowest is one. In the upward direction, of course, it is increased from the lowest level to the higher level. Like a wooden fence in an ordinary village, its defense level is generally one to three. The rammed earth wall around the villages and towns generally has a defense level of three or more and a maximum of six. This data sounds very general, because the defense level is more scary, because the defense level of the masonry walls of junior cities starts from level 10. As the city level increases, this regularized wall defense level can follow Factors such as thickness, building materials, and structural design have been continuously strengthened. As for the upper limit, no one has reached it yet, so it is temporarily uncertain, but it is certain that the city wall with the highest defense level is the city wall of Essinger Twins.

The current defense level of the city walls of Essinger Twins is five million. It sounds similar to defense, but if you compare the real thing, you will find that the defense level cannot be calculated at all.

The level of defense of the wooden fence in the village is one to three. A player of level 600 needs to cut three or five knives to cut a gap, and a player of level 1,000 can make a hole with one foot. But if you think about it again, if a player's defense is one to three points, can he block the three swords of a 600-level player? Not to mention six hundred, sixty players can slash players with only three defense abilities, because only three players with defensive power have only one, that is, newly registered characters. The new character in the game has two pieces of defensive equipment, cloth and trousers. Each of them adds a little defense, and the initial defense is counted. After the new character is born, as long as the newbie equipment is worn, it will be three Defensive power. Does such a person need a level 60 player to hack? People in level 20 can hack him with three swords, right?

Look at the rammed earth wall of the village. Such walls are generally between two and four meters high, with thicknesses ranging from one to three meters, and defense levels of four to six. We calculate to the lowest standard. The two-meter-thick rammed earth wall is surrounded by a layer of stones a few inches thick. How much should this defense be? A thousand-level player must at least once or twice with high-power skills? If you are less than 800 players, then you do n’t need to blast three or more times and you do n’t have to expect to blast the wall. We also changed the attack target from the wall to the player. Thousands of players with high-power skills who can't lose a second, why should they be over 600? Even if I was hit by the high-powered skills of these 1,000-level players when I was 600-level, I would definitely die once in a while. I do n’t expect exceptions. After all, the level is 400-level. too big. However, how much defense should a 600-level player have? There are more than five or six thousand?

From this we can conclude that a defense level of four to six is ​​actually equal to a defense force of five or six thousand. Combined with the data of the previous one to three levels of defense power, we can see that the defense effect generated by the defense level actually grows faster than the defense effect. In other words, if you double the value, the actual defense effect of the defense level is much higher than that of the defense force.

Mobile Angel's defense level is calculated based on the defense level, and what is his specific defense level?

It depends on what model it is, and what armor is attached to it. The air combat type has only basic armor, and the defense level is generally within fifty. Don't underestimate these 50 levels. Players with at least a thousand levels are not enough to slash a dozen swords and don't expect to destroy the defense. As for the land-based mobile angels that appear now, unfortunately, because they do not need to consider the power of the aerial aircraft, these guys not only have their own thick armor, but also wear a layer of external armor like heavy plate armor, which makes The defense level of these guys is generally as high as five hundred or more.

What is the concept of five hundred levels of defense? A more intuitive concept is that a maritime angel with a defense level of 500 can be hard-hitted by a direct fire of a medium-caliber magic crystal cannon without any damage. If a special shield is used, then even the large magic crystal cannon can withstand it. Close shots can also be hardwired one or two times. Of course, if you are bombarded twice in a row, you still have a problem. After all, it is two concepts to pose well for defense and to be fired when the center of gravity of the bomber is unstable.

Faced with the terrible fighting power of the Marine Mobile Angels, how can the members of Sancai not be nervous? If they don't understand the Marine Mobile Angels, they are better, but they are very familiar with the performance of these steel monsters, which makes them even more afraid to come forward. Although the eight **** ox soldiers sent out were forced to come out because of the request of the president, it was unavoidable to see some of these men who were almost half taller than themselves.

No matter how advanced humans evolved, they always evolved from animals. Out of the ancestral inherited survival instincts, humans will instinctively fear things larger than themselves. Although advanced intelligence can allow us to restrain this fear to a certain extent after we know how harmful the other party is, instinct is instinct. Sometimes, even if we know that the other party is not dangerous, we can still be afraid in our hearts, not to mention that these people do know what is in front of them. Not only big, but really dangerous.

Despite their fear and reluctance, the eight men reluctantly approached the mobile angel, but although they came first, it was not them who launched the attack.

The Marine Mobile Angel is two meters tall and its arm length is about half of the body's length, which is slightly shorter than one meter three to one meter four. With such a long arm and a light sword, a giant sword with a length of two meters and two meters, the Marine Mobile Angel can actually launch an attack more than three meters apart. For normal players, unless they have a long weapon like a spear, they can only use long-range attacks. However, the eight sent were obviously melee personnel. They were not holding swords or swords in their hands. Only one had a short axe with an axe. There were no longer weapons at all, plus the height of these people. No one is more than two meters, and the attack range is naturally more than half short, so that the land-based mobile angels have already entered the attack range, but they are more than one meter away from each other.

It was found that the mobile angels did not hesitate after entering the attack range, and uniformly raised the sword, slashed, picked up, flipped, slashed and then swept. After the neat movement ended, there were only three people standing in front.

The three alive guys weren't because of their technical skills, but because they had just stepped back. The five dead-headed guys also tried to come up to fight with the mobile angel, but most of them were cut diagonally by the first one, and the rest did not escape the subsequent chops. With the exception of three guys who escaped the battle, the other five were cut into pieces. However, these three guys are not saying that they have no influence at all. At this time, all three of them have become blood. Of course, the blood was not theirs, they were all on the ground.

The sword of the mobile angel is not so much a sword as a sword-shaped chainsaw. Although these chainsaw-like weapons do look like swords when they are activated, chainsaws are chainsaws, contrary to those legendary swords that will bleed after a person cuts them. Every position is the result of flying flesh and blood. Although the three of them just stepped back to avoid the corpse's end, but because they stood too close, they were immediately sprayed with flesh and blood. The three were scared silly on the spot. As a result, a mobile angel stepped forward and swept away again. Very smoothly, the remaining three were also cut across.

After discovering that his own people couldn't stop the mobile angel, the president of Sancai immediately ordered the mage to attack freely, but the mobile angels were not fixed targets. When the magicians gathered their magic power, the mobile angels suddenly bent down and squatted collectively. I put on a track and field athlete's starting position, followed by a bang, four mobile angels spewed blue flames at the same time. At the same time, the four mobile angels rushed forward like a sudden missile, and they immediately hit the block. The melee pros in front of the mages, and then a sudden brake in the mage group began to kill the Quartet, all the mages around them could only be forced to terminate the magic preparations and start to escape everywhere. Just kidding, even the savages who specialize in melee are cut into pieces by the Mobile Angel's swords. Can their mage be approached by the Mobile Angel and not run to wait for the dumplings to be chopped?

After seeing the mage regiment approached by the mobile angel, the other party finally realized that our fighting power was not what they could resist, so the president of Sancai suddenly gritted his teeth and shouted at the mobile angel: "Give me that thing!"

As he shouted, there was a sudden murmur from the back of the opponent's team, followed by a smoke-like thing flying out of the crowd and crashing into a mobile angel chasing several mages. .

Because the ground-based mobile angels often operate in complex ground environments, their ability to respond to environmental changes is stronger than that of air-based ones. When he heard the sound, his head turned around, and when he saw the thing flying, he decisively gave up the target he was chasing and turned around, blocking the shield in front of him. Almost immediately the moment he completed the whole action, the thing banged directly on the front of the shield, followed by a loud noise, and a shock wave visible to the naked eye rose along with the blue fireball, and instantly surrounded him. The personnel flew out with the mobile angel.

Due to the direct attack, the mobile angel was blown out almost instantly, and the shield in his hand broke into seven or eight pieces and flew out in different directions at the same time as he flew out.

The smiles on the faces of me and our guild of players who were still laughing while watching the show immediately closed. The attack just now was definitely not caused by ordinary weapons. The marine-type mobile angels of our guild are proven mature products. The shields in their hands can at least withstand a direct fire of a large magic crystal cannon, but the explosion just smashed the shield and shattered it instantly. How powerful is the mobile angel that weighed two and a half tons? It is not surprising to say that the power is so great, as long as the quantity is sufficient, even the worst soil explosives can blow up the mobile angel into pieces, but the problem is that the thing just won't be more than one foot long, and it looks like that. Still very familiar. Coupled with that special blue flame, this thing is clearly a magic crystal steam bomb made by our guild.

"Isn't that the magic crystal missile of our guild?" A member behind me also recognized the weapon just now.

Another member immediately denied: "No, that thing just didn't turn, it doesn't have a seeker."

"The launch direction at that time was pointing at the mobile angel, even if there was a seeker, it would not turn."

"That's not the same." A player who knew a little bit beside him said, "If you have the guidance function, then the opponent does not need to shoot out of his own crowd. Just a moment when the thing is slightly crooked, it will hit his own person. It's too dangerous. If they have a guidance function and don't hit the sky, then the guide bomb will fall down to find the attack target, and there is no need to venture through the crowd like this. "

"That's not our guild thing. At least the shell isn't." A mage player said, "The magic crystal steam missile produced by our guild is more powerful than this and much smaller than this. This weapon does not have The guidance ability is relatively small, the volume is large, the flight speed is slow, and it also pulls smoke, which is obviously different from ours. However, I suspect that the magic crystal steam in it is flowing from our guild. "

After hearing this player's words, I looked back at him, and the other side immediately explained: "I'm just guessing. After all, magic crystal liquefaction technology belongs to high-end technology. At present, only we have this ability in China, so we see magic crystal steam products in China. All the fuel is flowing out of us. And depending on the weapon style of the other party, it should be that we got the liquefied magic crystal steam from us and went back to fill the production rocket. "The guy asked me after he said it. look.

I nodded: "Yes. We have been selling finished magic crystal steam to several large domestic guilds in China, and we have authorized them to make magic crystal steam weapons on their own. However, we cannot judge based on this. The magic crystal steam that flows out there may also be supported by foreign opposition forces, or it may even flow directly from our guild. Of course, this possibility is almost equal to zero in the end. "

The reason why it is not likely that our guild flowed out by itself was mainly because the material flow of our guild was supervised by the army god. As a large-scale battlefield command-type computer, one of the main functions of War God is logistics management, so his processing ability for data such as material flow is very powerful. Because of this, all the materials in and out of our guild have detailed tracking records. You can just ask the **** of war, and you can even find out the time, flow and last time of any item entering our guild within a year. Where to go or where to store it, there are multiple audits, not to mention that there are absolutely no loopholes, at least it is very difficult to hide. Something as important as magic crystal steam is the focus of review. Any series of magic crystal steam from production to transportation, storage, and consumption will have a track record. Even if there are people in our bank secretly looking to sell, The next level is discovered, and even if there are problems with some levels, as long as there is no problem with one level, the other party's theft will be discovered immediately. As for buying all the people in the entire process, let's not talk about how the other party knows our process rules. Even if we can figure out our process, there are thousands of players in the relevant staff. How do they buy? As long as one of them is revealed, their news will immediately leak. Besides, our guild always pays attention to the elite and quality. Its unity and loyalty are very high, and it is generally difficult to have traitors. Therefore, the possibility of a problem in our guild is very small. The biggest possibility is that there is a problem in the part of the guild that sells, because things will leave our supervision after being delivered to other guilds. Now, where is the specific thing used and how much is consumed? Although we can't say that we know nothing, at least we can't know the specific whereabouts of each bottle of compressed steam, and there are a lot of holes that can be drilled.

When we were confused about the outflow of magic crystal steam on our side ~ ~ the people on the opposite side were cheering that they finally successfully destroyed a mobile angel. However, their cheers did not last long.

Just as the cheering was over there, the building was smashed into the building by the flying angel, and two small pen-sized missiles suddenly flew out, and they were different from the previous one. It was hit from the sky. The two little things flew upward for ten meters at a forty-five degree angle, and then suddenly turned to a position behind the crowd and rushed straight down, followed by two bangs, the guy who previously launched the missile and attacked the mobile angel The nearby launching equipment was blown into pieces instantly, and the surrounding crowd was instantly swept down. Just looking at the shock wave, we can see that the magic crystal steam missile of our guild is at least twice as powerful as the opponent. This is also because our missiles are relatively small and the charge is not large. A long-footed missile with a thick arm, it is estimated that one missile went down half a street.

The explosion was over, and the Sancai personnel on the opposite side found that the mobile angel who had thought they had been killed had actually stepped out of the building again. Except that the entire left arm is completely missing, and the left half of the body is a bit dark, there is almost no major damage, and what makes the three talents panic is that a mobile launcher on the right arm of the mobile angel There were still six small missiles of the kind just mentioned, and two of them already started to spit fire.

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