Starting from Zero

Vol 19 Chapter 186: Northern League of Troublemakers

"Dammit, get out of the way!" As soon as the president of Sancai called out, the missile on the right arm of the mobile angel was launched like a rocket nest and hit all six missiles in one breath. This is not the end. The six missiles were just launched, and the launch port on his right arm was closed and opened. The eight launch ports were filled with missiles again. This time, the mobile angel still did not stop. As soon as the eight missiles appeared, they were shot out in a series of bursts. The area opposite was as if being under the concentrated bombardment of a group of artillery, and was instantly drowned by the fire. .

The launching port on the arm of the mobile angel that fired fourteen missiles in one breath quickly retracted, and then opened for the third time. The firing nest that had just been shot was filled again, but I reached out and stopped him before he could launch. . "Enough, pause the attack."

Hearing my order, the mobile angel turned to look at me first, and then the red light in his eyes jumped to blue instantly, followed by the firing nest on his arm, and quickly turned back, and his right arm slowly dropped. He got down and turned around and walked back to the room where he had been blown into before, and then came out of it with a broken robotic arm. When possible, recovering damaged parts is one of Mobile Angel's built-in instructions. There is no combat mission now. Of course, he has to recover his fallen arm as soon as possible.

After the mobile angel took back his broken arm, the explosion here was basically over. However, the smoke and dust raised after the explosion would not be able to dissipate for a while, and we could only see a large rolling wave of dust gradually drifting towards us.

"Little Dragon Girl, help clean it up."

With my voice, the little dragon girl immediately appeared next to me, followed by a single hand pointing forward, a sudden strong wind rolled out the smoke and dust, but just as the smoke and dust retreated from us, a figure But with a handle sword, he rushed out of the dust like lightning and stabbed at me straight.

Although the opponent's movements were fast and the raid was indeed sudden, my nerves could still keep up with his speed. But I didn't move because the dragon girl moved before me. Just when the opponent was stabbing with a sword, the little dragon girl suddenly turned around and walked in front of me, and then the green dragon sword in the hand stabbed in an instant, and the sharp points of the two swords collided in the air and stood there.

After the other party found that his sword was blocked, he first stumbled. After looking up at the dragon girl, he immediately tried to push the dragon girl away. Although the dragon girl was humanoid, her body was a dragon. In terms of strength alone, large creatures must be much larger than humanoids, so the other party is completely wrong. As soon as he exerted force, the little dragon girl also exerted force at the same time, and then saw that guy was easily lifted up by the little dragon girl directly. If you want to throw a person with the power of a dragon, it is as easy as a person trying to throw a mouse. The other person treats the dragon girl as a little girl with no chickens. This is completely unhappy with herself.

After easily picking and flying the opponent, the little dragon girl did not catch up, but quickly closed her sword behind her back, making one hand pinch the seal to the front. After finishing the spell quickly, she pointed forward and saw a sudden fall in the sky. Lightning flashed through the guy who was still in the sky in an instant, and we did not hear a thunderous thunder until the lightning came on. However, the thunder in the sky did not flash away, but instead chased the guy's flight trajectory in the air and it was not finished, until the guy fell to the ground and flashed for more than ten seconds before it completely subsided. Come down.

"President of the report." We have just completed the leadership of Sancai, and a member immediately came over to report: "Our people have occupied the Teleportation Hall, the Resurrection Hall, and the Occupation Hall and City Management Office. The vice president asked me to ask if you want to destroy the city token. "

I nodded and said, "Destroy right away. The city's location is not good. Even if we grab it, it won't help. We just destroy the city token directly and start the robbery mode to rob the city."

"Ok, I see."

After seeing that member left, I looked at the guild headquarters building in front of me. Now it has become a ruin, except for the guild vault and city token depository, which are protected by the system protective barrier, to avoid being killed. Everything else is gone. Although I often do robberies, I don't have to bother with this secret warehouse today. The four mobile angels came forward and shouted one or two or three to tear down the door from the wall. As for the contents, of course, all of them had to be evacuated.

I felt that there was nothing to pay attention to, and I decided to go back to Isinger to find the roses first and see what to do next, but I have n’t left yet, and the member who checked the secret library there called me Living.


"Huh? What's the matter?"

"You better come and see."

"Did you find something?" I followed the member into the secret library in doubt.

The area of ​​this secret warehouse is not small, there is no separation in it, and the whole is a room. There are some valuables stacked on the left side of the room. These things did not attract my attention, because as soon as I came in, I found that several members of our guild seemed to be looking at something around the area on the right, so when I came in, Walked straight there.

Seeing me approaching those members immediately gave me a way, and through the passage they had vacated, I had already seen what they were around before I had walked there.

This is a very large metal can, which looks like the kind of liquefied petroleum gas cylinder used in restaurants. However, unlike the dirty, oil-filled cylinders in the restaurant, the outside of this cylinder seems to be gold-plated. At first glance, it looks like a golden light, and this bottle is much larger than a normal LPG cylinder, with the smallest diameter. It is eighty centimeters in height and about two meters in height. At the bottom of the bottle near the ground, there is a protruding horizontal tube. A valve with a pressure gauge is connected in series at the mouth of the bottle. The shape is like the pressure gauge on the oxygen bottle mouth in the hospital. Of course, these are not the main ones. The main thing is that the side of this metal bottle is painted with a rose frozen in ice, and there is a paragraph of explanatory text below the ice rose, which is: special storage tank for liquefied magic crystal steam-explosive. Handle carefully, keep away from heat sources, avoid direct sunlight, and do not drop or collide. It is recommended to store at low temperature.

I actually didn't read the text below because I knew what was written below when I saw the print of the rose in the ice above. This jar was made by our guild at all. The rose in the jar is the symbol of our Frost Rose Alliance, and the text below is to remind those in the Alliance Guild. As for why the jar is golden, this is mainly due to the fine gold plating on the outside. As the magic metal with the first hardness, Adamantite also has the characteristic of magic reflection. If magic energy is replaced by electrical energy, the meaning of magic reflection is insulation. That's right, contrary to the magic superconductor such as Mithril, the fine metal is on the magic insulator, and plating a layer of pure gold on the outside of the cylinder can effectively reduce the magic scattering of the tank. In fact, if you cut this jar, you can also find that the inner wall of the jar actually has a fine gold coating. The ultra-high magic concentration of the liquefied magic crystal steam is the only way to use two layers of protection to ensure that the external magic scattering value falls within a safe range. Otherwise, if anyone releases any magic beside the jar, the jar must be transformed into an atomic bomb.

As a special storage device for liquefied magic crystal steam, our guild has produced a total of three different types of storage devices. The first type is a fixed storage type liquefied magic crystal steam storage tank. Each of these storage tanks is different, depending on the use, but it is generally very large. The second type is the liquefied magic crystal steam storage tank in front of us, but this is just a model of the special storage tank produced by our guild. We also have large liquefied magic crystal steam storage tanks and many small tanks. This is an intermediate model. This type of tank is generally used for dumping and transporting liquefied magic crystal steam weapons, and belongs to the mobile model. The last type is a one-time blasting storage tank. This tank is a storage tank filled with explosive ammunition. For example, there are one or two in the warhead of the pen-sized liquefied magic crystal steam missile. Peanut rice-sized storage tank. This tank is a disposable package, and its final use is to explode after being filled, so it is disposable.

As the most widely used type of liquefied magic crystal steam storage equipment, the storage tank in front of it is obviously an export model. The members of our own guild all know the characteristics of the liquefied magic crystal steam, so the liquefied magic crystal steam storage tank we use has nothing but a diamond mark on the outside. Only this export model, which is sold exclusively to other guilds, will be marked with the club logo and precautions.

I reached out and beckoned to the two mobile angels next to me: "Come here." The two mobile angels immediately walked to my side, then I pointed at the jar and said, "Lift it up. Be careful."

Two mobile angels walked quickly to the jar, and carefully lifted the jar.

"Cross over and let me see the bottom of the bottle."

The two mobile angels immediately struck the jar horizontally, and the bottom of the bottle immediately appeared in front of us. I saw a metal ring at the bottom of the cylinder for direct contact with the ground, and in the center of the metal ring, which is the center of the bottom of the jar, there is a row of numbers. I quickly took out the crystal communicator and contacted the **** of war, then asked: "Let me check the information of storage tank number ymz28022. Where should that tank be now?"

"The ymz28022 liquefied magic crystal steam storage tank was shipped out of the Steel City base two weeks ago. After the transfer of Isinger, it was transported by the ys8001 temporary transport team to Kuncheng, a city of the Northern Alliance. It has received confirmation from the other party. Tracking records indicate that the storage tank had leaked three days ago and should now be temporarily stored in an empty bottle in the No. 3 warehouse of the Northern Alliance headquarters. "


"Yes, the report mentioned that the storage tank had leaked due to operating errors during the loading of the explosive warhead and is now empty."

I immediately took off the communicator and said to the two mobile angels: "Turn over."

The two mobile angels immediately turned the storage tanks one by one. I directly grabbed the valve switch between the pressure valve and the tank and pushed it upward. I saw that the pointer of the pressure gauge, which was originally at zero scale, jumped to 85%. . I immediately pulled the valve back to the closed position, and then took the communicator again and said, "Immediately inform the guild executives to come back to the meeting."


After explaining the **** of war, I said to the two mobile angels: "Take this thing and follow me." Then I left the secret warehouse.

Although it was the meeting I notified, but because I was afraid to walk too fast with the jar, I was the last one to go to the conference hall. Seeing me carrying two mobile angels carrying a liquefied magic crystal steam storage tank, I walked in, and the guy in the cauldron jumped from his seat in a shock.

"I said," Boss, why did you bring this thing to the conference room? If it blows up the top of our guild, it will make you reimbursed! "

I ignored the joke of the cauldron, and let the mobile angels not liquefy the magic crystal steam storage tank in the center of the conference room, and then let the two mobile angels stand at the door and say, "This is the secret library I just got from Sancai." Moved out. "

"What? How could that guild have the liquefied magic crystal steam we produced?" Hongyue cried first.

Rose frowned. "This is an export type. If it is not the Northern Alliance, there must be something wrong with the Blood Alliance. Have you checked the information records?"

I nodded and said, "According to the records of the **** of war, this thing should now be lying in the No. 3 recovery warehouse of the Northern Alliance, and it should be empty. But ..." I went to the middle of the table and flicked the pressure gauge with my finger. Everyone around came and took a look, and all of them were there.

Hongyue said: "It seems that there is a serious problem over our allies!"

Su Mei also said: "Yes. If you only stole some of the liquefied magic crystal steam by falsely reporting the amount of use, it would be okay to say that I didn't expect that even the entire tank was removed and the Northern Alliance didn't even know it."

The eagle suddenly said, "Do you say it is possible that they actually know this?"

Ying's words calmed down the room in an instant, because the content of this sentence was so incisive. If Eagle's words are correct, then this time the problem is not simply the loss of the liquefied magic crystal steam storage tank, but it should be an alliance dispute. Moreover, as one of the three major guilds in the country, if there is a conflict with our guild, it will surely shake the basic fighting power of our country. Now the Russian army still gathers on the border and does not leave. If something goes wrong at this time inside us, then things will be troublesome.

After a little quiet time, Rose first said, "I don't think it's possible."

Su Mei also nodded: "Yes, the input and output are completely disproportionate. In the Northern Union's consistent style of stability is greater than victory, this kind of thing should not be done. However, it can not rule out unexpected occurrences, just this The odds are very low. "

Eagle nodded and said, "I'm just guessing that way, if it's not the best. Since you don't think it is likely, it means that the problem should not be too serious."

Shura Ziyi said: "Even if it wasn't for the Northern Alliance, there was such a big loophole inside them and they were unaware of it. This is not a trivial matter. I think we need to solve this problem as soon as possible."

Cauldron asked: "Should you investigate in secret first? What if the Northern Alliance did it on purpose?"

"No, we don't have time for investigating secretly." Rose said: "Three talents must know that the guild's warehouse has liquefied magic crystal steam. This time the guild city is destroyed, they will be confused for a while, but wait The first time they take it easy, they will inform the people of the Northern Alliance that the evidence is destroyed, so we have no time to investigate slowly. "

I also nodded and said, "That's right. I think we hurried to find Yanyu. The guy made it clear. If this is indeed the intention of the Northern Alliance, Yanyu's behavior must be abnormal. If he behaves normally, It means that the problem is not with him, and we will just let him cooperate with us to investigate this matter. "

Rose and everyone agreed with me, and then I announced the meeting, and then I took Rose, Su Mei and Hongyue to the Northern Alliance. What we want now is speed, and an extra minute of delay may allow the other party to clear a trace.

Because we and the Northern Alliance are alliance guilds, we can directly connect to each other's guild's dedicated transmission array with a transmission scale of less than ten people, instead of squeezing the public transmission array of the transmission hall ~ ~ The guild headquarters special-purpose teleportation array suddenly lighted up, and several players waiting to enter outside suddenly saw me and Rose and Hongyue walking out of Sumei with them, all of them were collectively stunned. Although everyone is an alliance guild, each time they come, at most, only one of us comes, such as such a president and vice president plus guild logistics, chief of home affairs and chief think tank of think tank It's rare that we all ran together. In fact, this situation has happened this time so far. At most once, we only came to three guild leaders, and my president was not among them.

As soon as we appeared here, someone immediately notified the smoke and rain. As a result, when we turned to the headquarters lobby, we encountered the rain and smoke that came out.

"Well? What's wrong today? Four of the five giants of the Frost Rose League came in one breath. Is there anything significant?"

"It's not a big deal, it's not a small one." I said, and pulled Yanyu: "Find a safe place before we talk to you."

Yan Yu looked at my expression and understood that I was serious about it, so he quickly took us into a special secret room. After all the irrelevant personnel went out and closed the door, Yanyu looked at us solemnly and asked, "What is going on?"

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