Starting from Zero

Vol 19 Chapter 191: Cause of accident

The talented trebuchet man, after undergoing precise waterfall adjustment, crashed Everest in one shot. (m talk about 5200) Of course, there are also reasons why the liquefied magic crystal steam bombs are too powerful. However, the mountain can be easily collapsed anyway, indicating that the other side has definitely done some analysis on the mountain. I even think that they may have made holes in the mountain in advance and destroyed part of the load-bearing structure of the mountain body, so an explosion blasted the mountain down. but. No matter how good their attack is, it's a waste, because the city of commandments is okay.

"" These guys are really big! ... looking at the collapsed mountains and the solitary commandment city floating in the sky. I don't know what to say.

Hongyue pointed to the mountain peak where the liquefied magic crystal steam storage tank was thrown out: "" Would you like to go and see? "

‘” It ’s okay to see ... I said, and called Ye Ying to jump up. (Speaking of 5200) Then I reached out and pulled Red Moon up.

The distance between the two sides is not very far, so we soon reached the peak. A little bit of surprise to us, this is not the picture of the Sancai personnel being tortured and tortured on the ground. In fact, the three talents are still standing there. And beside them was the intact trebuchet. As for the last tank of liquefied magic crystal steam, it seemed to be in their hands. That is. If it weren't because the mountain had fallen. They were totally free to throw up a storage tank. However, why can these three talents be intact among the many protoss? This has to move to the side of the group of protoss who are fighting next to each other.

That's right. The reason why the three talented people can stand there intact is because the group of protoss who should have attacked them fight themselves, and it seems that they are fighting fiercely, because there are already a few humming on the ground Huh protoss.

With the physical strength of the Protoss, you can be seriously injured to the extent that you can't get up, then it is definitely not a general injury. Protoss fighting is usually like two turtles fighting. The two sides can't take any injuries when they fight, but if they are really bruised all over, they must be really hit. So I judge that they are really attacking each other, not joking. However, why did the Protoss guards whom I called to deal with these three talents fight themselves?

"" Red Moon, is there any liquefied magic crystal steam on your body? "

"What are you doing?" Hongyue hurriedly looked at me when she heard my question.

I thought about it and simply did n’t ask Hongyue for it, and rushed directly to the crowd of Sancai. Three punches and two feet put down the group of Sancai personnel who were in the place, and then lifted the remaining pot of liquefied magic Crystal steam was thrown directly into the melee protoss crowd, followed by raising my hand to throw a high-pressure valve on the storage tank in the middle of the bursting fireball.

Hongyue hid behind me the moment I saw my throwing the storage tank. Immediately after I released the burst fireball, I activated the absolute barrier, and then heard a loud noise, and the surrounding area was drowned by a flame. The protoss in the original melee, like the leaves swept away by the typhoon, were scattered in an instant, and the fighting was forced to stop.

After the surrounding flames completely disappeared, I lifted the absolute barrier and flew up, watching the protoss everywhere falling under the mountain peaks. I directly yelled out loudly using loudspeaker: "" Look what do you look like? Yours Did the Lord God send you here to make you fight here? Thanks to the city of commandments, you can levitate yourself, or the city of commandments will be damaged because of you. I see what you take to explain to your Lord God

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