Starting from Zero

Vol 19 Chapter 192: Turbulent Russians

Although the protoss guards in the towering city are not under my control, but the city of commandment is our place anyway. "These guys watch things on my site, naturally they have to deal with me often, So they still have to listen to me a bit. (Talk about 5200) Besides, these guys who can appear in the commandment city are not the same as those who are far away from the land. They are not those who are far away from the land and think they are blessed. The guys who are the king of the world, they see here all the protoss from all over the world and the other mortal people who I am not afraid of the protoss in their eyes, so they are not as ignorant and fearless as their local counterparts.

Because of the natural gap in identity and my words, it really makes sense. Just now, I scolded me so much that I was afraid to reprimand the protoss. Even before I threw liquefied magic crystal steam to blow them up, they I dare not mention it.

I didn't stop after scolding this troublesome guy "but continued:" Who can tell me what happened just now? I let you over to destroy the enemies here. Can anyone tell me why our enemies are alive and well "you can't deal with yourself?"

A Protoss guard suddenly stood up and said, "Report to Lord Ziri, this is the case.

At first we did follow your instructions here, but after the Olympians arrived, they planned to come up and detain the captives, but the people in the European Dark Temple obstructed that the captives should be detained by them. As a result, the people on both sides hit the matter. stand up. Afterwards, the Protoss from North America went up to draw the frame, but they did n’t know how to do it. They changed from a draw frame to a three-way dogfight. In the end, the rest of us were also drawn into the war group. The captives were left alone. "

I nodded and said, "I know the thing, and I ca n’t punish you as my own, but I will inform your Lord God about how to deal with you. They have their decision." The protoss lowered after hearing what I said Head. I watched them accept my decision and stopped scolding them, but said to the protoss who reported, "Which power are you from?"

"Master" I am a member of the Ondalus deities of South America. "

I nodded and said, "Very well, I will increase the guard quota of your deity in the future."

"Sir, you can't ..." The other protoss below were dissatisfied as soon as they heard it, but only half of their words were called and I stopped them.

"If you don't want me to cut your share, let me be honest and execute the order." I will drive him out of commandment next time this happens again. Don't forget, the second city of commandments is already under construction, and the ring command storage agreement between you and your boss has not yet been completely determined. "If you give me any more moths, don't blame me."

After hearing what I said, Lima calmed down, but although he did n’t dare to object loudly, these guys whispered in whispers. But I did n’t hear them whispering, anyway, I have suppressed them It's not necessary to push too hard.

After scolding the group of protoss, I turned around and looked at those caddies ... corpses. Although the liquefied magic crystal steam storage tank was thrown towards the group of protoss just now, the protoss are famous for their high blood-thickness and divine protection, so although the whole body that was bombed was injured, there was nothing. It was really dead. However, this group of people will not work. Some of them are not combat personnel at all. And even the combat personnel rank is not very high. Then a large tank of liquefied magic crystal steam explodes at such a close distance. " Even I have to open an absolute barrier. How can these people not die? Hmm ... I was also said, "I'm really dead.

After a casual glance, I walked to one of the guys, grabbed a piece of slinger fragment on his body with the corner of my foot, tossed it to one side, and then stepped on his shoulder to step him back on the ground. Staring at his eyes, he teased, "Will you find a place? But no one told you to pay protection fees for hiding behind me? ","Nonsence……"

This guy suddenly wanted to support his upper body and spit on me, but just stepped up a little bit and I stepped back on the ground again, and because of the impact force, it sprayed \\ 1. Blood came out.

"Every one of you is a tough guy, but unfortunately, your brain is not so good." "Don't try to provoke, I won't listen to you." The guy pointed at the commandment over there. The city laughed and said, "Don't be proud, although we didn't completely destroy the city this time," but such a serious explosion happened at such a close distance. "There is always some loss in the city, don't you hide it, I know that There is a super secret hidden in the city, and if it is attacked, you will certainly have huge losses. "

After hearing this guy's words, I and Hongyue suspected each other a glance, and then I asked, "What information did you get to attack the city of commandment at such a high price?" "The original information is correct." That guy A proud smile: "It seems that the information we have collected is really useful."

"I'd like to know what intelligence you have collected? Anyway, your attack has been completed, it doesn't matter if you tell me? In exchange" I can release you directly and not give you this. "I said again and took out the tried and tested pill.

That guy ’s original expression of anger was pale after seeing the genus xìng. ”

But he soon returned to normal and said, "It's nothing to tell you. The information obtained by our guild through the spies installed in your guild shows that your guild will have such a very mysterious city." Even your own members could not. Enter the city at will "but you are constantly strengthening the city's defenses" so we judge this city must be of great significance. (Talk about 5200) And "our spy also said that your city has a certain relationship with the Protoss. It seems that you are using this city to help the Protoss to keep things. As long as we attack this city, you will Will be punished by the protoss, haha ​​"Now that we have successfully attacked, you are waiting to be punished by the protoss. ",

After hearing this guy's words, Hongyue and I were weird. Sancai people are obviously wrong. They thought that we helped the Protoss store things in the city of precepts because we took the initiative to deal with today ’s business, but the fact is that although we took the initiative, it is actually the seller's market in terms of supply and demand, which means that we It does not require the Protoss to put things here.

In fact, if we don't keep the ring of commandments, the biggest loss will be the protoss, not us.

In addition, in addition to mistaken relations between us and the Protoss, these guys also missed an important message that they did not figure out the defense level of the commandment city. As a city that has been strengthened by many protoss using various ethnic secret methods, let alone a city that resists close detonation, even if you throw dozens of tubes of liquefied magic crystal steam into the city, do n’t expect to blow up even if it is A brick. Do n’t forget what the city of commandments does. It is used to store the ring of commandments, and the ring of commandments itself has an indestructible genus xìng. ”The city of commandments is protected by the law of commandments "The content of its law is that it cannot be destroyed, that is to say, the city of commandments is actually invincible. Of course, we will not tell the stupid idiots about these things. If they are willing, they can attack again. Of course." They still have to stop us from attacking us again. Although the city of commandments is not bad at all, we still have to do something so that they can be attracted to them as a key target. In this way, we can safely let them attack until they really attack the commandment city and find out that the commandment city can't be destroyed. As for when they discover the true secrets of the city of commandments ... then San will still exist or not at that time.

In addition to these important points, the guy just said that he knew these information about the city of commandments through the spies installed in our guild. I think the news is that the guy is trying to be a little clever. Let ’s not talk about how strict the guild ’s admission review is. The existence of the super monitor of the army **** alone can solve more than 90% of spy problems. Even if there are still people who want to be spies, I do n’t think he can get any news. . So the so-called spy that this guy said should not exist.

After knowing the relevant information, I also let go of this guy as promised. "Anyway, he is only a small horn, and killing him is not related to the overall situation. Instead, he can make the three talents think that I have no interest in hunting down a single player, so that before The three spies we arranged became more credible.

I gave all the Protoss guards to clean up the battlefield. I went back to collect the lucky ones and recovered the liquefied magic crystal steam storage tanks. Finally, I returned to Isinger through the commandment city teleportation array. Of course, I was leaving. Before, I also sent a formal note to the various protoss, and the content was naturally a discussion of the guards of the protoss in the city of commandments.

In fact, the problem of guarding the city of commandments has been around for a long time, and this problem is something that individuals can think of. Do you think! These Protoss guards come from the Protoss from all over the world, where they are the gods who are high above them, but when they come here, they suddenly encounter a large group of peers, and then some of these Protoss are always hostile. "You say such a What good can there be for the big gang soldiers to exist together? Of course, the individual soldiers of this group of protoss are really strong, and the protoss who can be selected to stand here are considered elite even within their own tribe. Yes, but although these guys have strong fighting power, the coordination xìng is negative. As a result, their combined fighting power is not one plus one equals two ", not more than two, but one plus one is less than one, and even appears When the number is negative. What do you think a group of people can do together?

Although these questions about the guarding of the Protoss have been raised by me many times before, the various Protoss have been unwilling to reduce the number of people on the grounds of balancing the forces of the various parties "so I have been unable to take them.

But it's different now. There are only three such threats. As long as I exaggerate things, "it should be a wake-up call. Based on this, it is not impossible to believe that the protoss guards in the city of commandment are completely controlled.

After dealing with things on the side of the commandment city, I first consulted the army **** on the side of Isinger to investigate the situation in the Northern Alliance. Rose's investigation speed was pretty good. The results of the warehouse cleaning of the Northern Alliance showed that they had lost at least 10% of their supplies. This result almost didn't spit out blood and rain. In the past, I heard that there are people who steal factory equipment and production materials for resale in the real world. I did not expect that such people could be encountered in the game, and the amount of theft was so huge.

The situation on Su Mei is not much better than the situation on Rose. Under Su Mei's horrific psychological tactics, Yanyu not only found the three spies, but also turned out a mess of spies. What's even worse is that some people who have done bad things can't withstand Su Mei's psychological blow and explain everything. As a result, the last rain and rain had to remind Su Mei to pay attention to the problem of the lower scale. Let her play like this, the Northern League was dissolved directly.

Because according to her investigation, as long as the players in the entire Northern League have some positions, "Nine and a half of the ten are problematic. Unless Yanyu wants to replace all the senior players in the guild, otherwise He can only open his eyes and shut those things that are not irritating.

Thanks to this is the game world "because there is a serious personal heroism here, and the fighting power of super characters such as the president of the guild is enough to suppress many people, so even if the investigation is so powerful, it will not cause too much A serious backlash. If in the real world the leader of any country dares to conduct official censorship of this scale, he will be assassinated himself without causing a large-scale rebellion.

Based on the consideration of many factors, the smoke and rain can only be dealt with more gently in accordance with the method proposed by Rose. Let the people in the guild explain clearly what they did wrong, and because everyone is wrong, they will draw an average line to relieve everyone of some of the responsibility. "The rest of the rest is also punished as lightly as possible. Of course "Those who have problems with principles must not be tolerated.

The Northern Alliance is now busy doing "cleaning". "So much movement can't be concealed." So the army **** directly showed me a map after reading about the situation in the Northern Alliance. "Look at this."

"What is it?" I suspect that the crystal that Huò took over from the army **** was thrown into the reader in front of me ", then quickly opened the contents and looked at it.

The crystal records some trend maps of troop movements. Of course, there are time scales for comparison. According to this thing, you can easily see the time and speed of troop movements and the approximate target. I only identified one through this stuff. "The thing" is that the Russians are sending troops to the Sino-Russian border.

"Don't these **** give up yet?" I said helplessly with the map.

God of Warm said calmly: "Last invasion of the Russians did not receive any benefits, but lost a lot of things. This is more difficult to account to those Russian players if the accounts are not filled, so the presidents of the Russian guilds And the Frozen Banshee now have to continue to attack us "because as long as they do not stop the war, then the war will not be over if the Russian players can persist, and as long as the war is not over, there is no need to do post-war statistics "In this way, their losses can be temporarily not reported to the players. This can also be regarded as a temporary means of turnover."

I nodded to understand. In fact, the presidents of the Russian guilds behave like some guys who raise funds and play stocks. They took someone else's money to play the stock, and now the stock is stuck. But as long as they do n’t sell the trapped stock, it ’s not over. “They can say to shareholders who lent money to them that this is a normal bō move, because as long as they do n’t complete the stock sale, the losses are only intangible losses, and only A real cash loss occurs when he actually sells the stock. Therefore, in order to avoid being sieged by stockholders immediately, they are afraid to sell the stock. But "if you don't sell, you must face two situations. First, the stock price continues to fall. "

Then their losses will be even greater. "Of course," if the stock price goes up again, then everyone will be happy, and these guys who use other people's money to play stocks do not sell stocks is expecting this possibility.

That's what the Russian presidents think.

They also know that continuing to fight like this may make the loss even greater, and this may be very high. ”But they have no choice. Even if there is an open fire pit in front, they must also rush forward at this time, because the fire pit is placed opposite The thing is that their library expects "even if the chance of crossing the fire pit is so small, they have to try it. Not to mention they now have an opportunity. The Northern League, as one of the three major domestic popular conferences, has suddenly entered the internal review stage. How can this news not keep Russians stupid? The Northern Alliance is now in a state of basic stagnation. Even if the Russians launch an attack, they will not be able to participate in the defense, or at least they will not be able to participate fully. Without their main force, the Russians ’offensive pressure will inevitably be reduced. This is why the Russians can't wait to send more troops. Because they see hope.

Turn off the information screen and throw the crystal back to the **** of war. Then I turned around and walked out. "It's your business to transfer the troops. Remember to send a backup report to Hongyue. Contact me when you need me. Now I have to go to the trouble of the Olympians. The senior Protoss who have tied them before should cause enough repercussions. "

Before I went to Greece, I ran to the secret warehouse of the city of commandments. Of course, I did n’t come to play. ”The main thing was to find the captured Pandora, Radamantis, and Ares to discuss how to persuade Hades. Leaving Olympus Protoss to join our forces in the Frost Rose Alliance.

According to Victoria, this guy Hades belongs to the kind of brain that doesn't work well. It's not that he's stupid, on the contrary, this guy is as shrewd as monkeys in some things "but one thing is not good" is emotional intelligence. Hades has a high IQ, so he can lead the gods of the underworld of the Olympian Protoss, but this guy's EQ is negative, so he tends to look dumb and slow in the face of his own people. . The direct consequence of this phenomenon is that Hades sometimes looks timid and is easily taken advantage of by his own. For example, Zeus.

The most fundamental reason why the Hades was excluded from the Olympians is that Hades is always bullied by Zeus. Relying on the identity of his brother "Zeus always took advantage of Hades. At first Hades was not a matter, but later he was a little angry.

But angry and angry, he has never done anything excessive, at least according to Pandora's "If she is Hades, it must have betrayed the Olympus protoss. But Hades has not reacted to this. It seems that he is more generous towards his own people.

According to this special feature of Hades, Pandora thinks that if he wants to win Hades to our Frost Rose Alliance, the main thing is not to explain what we can give him, but to let Hades understand that Zeus is using him. . If he cannot destroy this relationship with Zeus and other Olympians, then there is no way to tell him to leave the Olympians.

In fact, according to the information I got from Pandora and Radamantis, Hardis does not seem to have a low EQ. Although Pandora ’s understanding of Hades is relatively comprehensive, ”there is no one in the world who can fully understand the thoughts of another person. Pandora told me that Hades ’s xìng is actually what he did to Hades. A kind of understanding derived from her own analysis. If she removes her subjective speculations and listens to what she knows alone, the conclusions drawn from my analysis are completely different from what Pandora told me.

Pandora said that Hades belongs to the kind of people with high IQ and low EQ, but in my opinion Hades is not a low EQ person at all. He knew that taking Persephone to the underworld to be his wife showed that he was not an unethical accident, at least he had a clear understanding of his emotional needs. Based on this, I think Hardis should know that Zeus is not good for him, and he should know what he should do. However, he actually did nothing. This doesn't make sense emotionally, so the only possibility I can think of is that he has a handle in Zeus's hands. This handle may be someone he cares for, a piece of information that Hades does not want others to know, or it may be that Zeus has some ability to reach Hades' death, or even what Zeus has in his hands. Hades desperately wanted. In short, it should be right that Hades is subject to people. "Otherwise, I really can't figure out what Hades must do with Zeus? Is it because of the brotherhood between them that is almost an enemy?

After understanding the relevant information of Hades from Pandora, I asked Radamantis and Pandora to write to me each of these things, which are specifically targeted at the various protoss of the Hades. With Pandora and Radamantis in the underworld, there must be many close friends or diehards around them. It should be possible to get the help of this group of people in advance using their tokens and personal letters. "This will help me to persuade Hades in the future. Of course," apart from the letter to these people " It is also necessary.

With a bunch of magic-stamped stationery written by Pandora and Radamantis, I ran to Greece again, but this time Greece has been a huge difference from the last time I came.

"I rely, what's the situation?" Watching the formation of Saints patrolling back and forth by the coastline, I thought the Olympians had turned the whole of Greece into their barracks.

"I think it's because Pandora and Radamantis were taken away by us," said Xiao Chun, who flew with me.

Ling on the other side immediately shook his head and said, "Although it is our reason, it must not be because of Pandora and Radamantis. They are just auxiliary gods of the Nether God. Although they are strong, they are because of the Nether God. The first line has always been at the bottom of the Olympus Protoss, so the Olympus Protoss will never come to such a big battle because of the two of them. "

I thought about it and summoned Victoria. "With Ling and Xiaochun originally as a staff officer, but now want to come on the site of the Protoss of Olympus, it seems that Victoria, the former Olympus, is the most suitable. As a consultant, at least she knew more than Ling and Xiaochun.

Sure enough, Victoria immediately affirmed Ling's judgment as soon as she was called. "Sister Ling is right. The status of Pandora and Radamantis determines that even if they disappear, they are unlikely to cause such a problem."

"That must be because Ares is a fool?" I asked. UU Kanshu

"Aris?" Victoria looked at me like a monster and said, "He might as well be Pandora!"

"Why? Isn't he one of the ten main deities of the Olympian Protoss?"

"The top ten gods are right, but the key is that the position of Ares has not been very stable." In addition to his record of repeated defeats, he is considered extremely unsustainable within the Protoss of Olympus. Welcome is there. Master, do you think that if such a person loses the Olympus Protoss, they will nervously block the whole country? "

After listening to Victoria's analysis, I also think it seems unlikely.

"Aris obviously has a low status in the Olympus Protoss." It is unlikely that such a disappearance would cause such a big response. Of course, it is not to say that it will not cause any action, after all, this is Aris A main god, his sudden disappearance will naturally cause some bōlan, but it should not be so exaggerated.

"That's weird. Since it's not for the reasons we arrested, why does Olympus martialize the whole country? Isn't it a bit exaggerated?" @.

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