Starting from Zero

Vol 19 Chapter 194: Weird Underworld

"Ling, do you know what this is?"

Ling shook his head and said, "We don't have this kind of thing there, but it looks like it is some kind of low-level **** creature. (Say 5200)"

Xiaochun also nodded: "This thing must be a half-spirit creature, otherwise you won't be so afraid of the Holy Light. By the way, these things can also be considered as the Olympian protoss, Victoria may know what it is."

I wanted to be right, so I called Victoria and asked. The thing on the ground had shattered into ashes, but Victoria nodded as soon as we heard our description: "I know this, I've seen this before, but I don't know the specific name.

However, we don't have to worry too much. The ability of these things is to pull people into the ground, and then absorb each other's life energy. Once the vitality is drained, it will turn into rocks. Except for this ability, they have few specialties. We just need to resist hard when we are caught. Anyway, the power of these things is very general, the power of combat personnel is certainly much stronger than it, and even the mage is expected to be able to tie him with him. These things usually attack〗 〖Free, but also have some effect. It is almost impossible to succeed in combat occupations. "

"This thing is so weak?"

"Of course." Victoria said: "This is the only way to the underworld, but the people of Hades have to pass through it often. If any powerful creatures appear here, it is not long before they are killed?"

"That's what I said." I thought about Yeying: "Slightly higher, don't move against the ground."

Ye Ying nodded and understood, I glanced at the ashes on the ground, climbed up to Ye Ying, and then took back Ling and Xiaochun to get back on the road.

Since this place is quite close to the center of the Ghost Mountain, we quickly left the surrounding mountains and entered the core area of ​​the Ghost Mountain. Unlike the situation where there are peaks everywhere in the outer circle, we have just discovered that the eyes have suddenly widened when we enter the core area of ​​the Nether Mountain. The center of the entire Nether Mountain is not the highest peak, but a huge tiankeng.

This huge pit with a diameter of at least ten kilometers is roughly circular, and the edge of the hole is basically 90 degrees vertically downward. The mountain is completely dark from the edge of the hole. Even with my dark vision, I can only barely make it. I saw a place more than ten kilometers deep, but there was no change at all within the scope of my eyes, and there was nothing else besides the invariable cliffs. (Talk about 5200)

Although the area of ​​this huge tiankeng is quite small, the core area of ​​the Nether Mountain is not just such a large pit. In fact, there is a ring-shaped plain around this big pit, but because the surrounding mountains penetrate the core area to different degrees, the shape of the outer circle of this plain is not very regular. The wide place is five or six feet from the edge of the tiankeng. Kilometers wide and narrow places are only one or twenty meters wide.

The plain where we entered was relatively narrow. After coming out of the valley formed by the mountain peaks on both sides, we reached the edge of the large pit within one kilometer. Standing here, you can see a mountain protruding into the tiankeng opposite the big pit. At the top of the mountain, a huge castle is towering and looks unusually majestic.

According to the route given by Pandora, this bottomless crater in front of me is the entrance to the underworld, and the opposite castle is the bridgehead from the underworld to the earth, which is equivalent to the first line of defense of the underworld.

Although the night shadow can walk in the void, for safety I let him go along the plain around the entrance to the underworld and circle around the castle opposite.

Just after the view of the mountain where the castle was located on the opposite side was turned around, I discovered that the mountain where the castle is located is actually not connected to the edge of this giant cave. It is like an independent pillar extending from the bottom of the big pit, and the only way between the castle and the plain here is a nearly 800-meter-long stone bridge. However, this stone bridge is not completely supported by the bridgeheads on both sides. The entire bridge will exist as an arch every 50 meters from the bridgehead, as if it were a steel cable **** in the real world. The pier on the draw bridge is the same, the only difference is that this arch is not very large, and the underside of it is not supported on the solid ground, but is completely floating. Underneath these pier-like things, there will be three layers of blue magic uppermost layer in front of it, and the lower layer will shrink in order.

Looking at this long stone bridge, my first thought was to build something similar for Isinger, for nothing else, because it looks so handsome. However, Isinger is by the sea. It seems that it is not suitable for constructing this kind of thing. Even if we dig a circle of deep pits around the city, the seawater will automatically fill it, and it cannot be repaired at all.

After admiring the bridge for a while, I let Night Shadow run up. According to Pandora, there is only one detection spell on the bridge, which detects the presence and absence of people. If it is the existence of the dark system, there will be no response, so to me and Yeying this bridge is just an ordinary bridge.

The night shadow of the 800-meter bridge soon ran across. At the end of the bridge is a stone-made “Guang field” with several thousand square meters. There are cliffs in front of the three sides of the field, and the side facing the bridge is the outer wall of the castle. In the middle of this wall, There is a huge stone gate more than ten meters wide and forty meters high at the central location.

A little unexpected is that the sculpture carved in the center of the center of this stone gate is not a huge skull as I imagined, but a gorgeous butterfly.

This butterfly almost occupies the area of ​​the entire door. Its left and right wings are located on the left and right doors, respectively. The wings are lined with gorgeous colored metal, and the middle is decorated with gems. It looks gorgeous. With another majesty.

Because Pandora did not mention the relief on this door before, this is the first time I know this thing. Speaking of a butterfly at the entrance of the underworld, it's really a bit of a blame. According to my idea, even if there is no skeleton in this place, at least a few ugly monsters can go up. The image is somewhat wrong.

Although this butterfly tǐng is strange, it is the door of others after all. How others can repair it is a matter of others, and it has nothing to do with me. According to the method given by Pandora, I put away the night shadow and walked directly to the door, and the door automatically opened in a gap enough for me to pass after I approached. After I walked through the gap, the door again Slowly closed behind me.

Behind that gate is the interior of the castle. The entrance is first a hall, but in addition to a dozen supporting pillars, there are only the staircase directly in front of it and the four gates on both sides.

According to Pandora's description, I walked towards the stairs ahead, but instead of going up, I walked along the side of the stairs to the back of the stairs. This staircase leads to the castle, and I don't need to go up. There is still a gap of more than five meters behind the stairs and the wall of the hall. There is also a gate here, but because it is behind the stairs, the gate cannot be seen at all from the entrance.

After entering the door, I entered a round room, or a stairwell. This holiday is only a small platform of thirty square meters behind the gate. On the left side of the platform is a staircase that rotates down the wall of the room, but because the bottom is too deep, I didn't plan to take the stairs at all. Jumped straight from the edge of the platform.

Although the big pit outside the castle and the vertical passage in the castle should look similar, they are actually very different. The big pit outside and the shaft here lead to hell, but if you jump directly from the big pit outside, you will fall directly to the starting point of the road of the dead, and you must pass through the road down Countless sinister environments in **** can reach the real underworld, otherwise they will be lost in the endless crevice space. However, the road inside the castle will not be connected to it. From here, it will directly enter the underworld. Compared with the large pit outside, it is definitely much safer and much faster. After all, the gap between the underworld and the human world can be exited. Thousands of people in the famous dangerous area can run out of a miracle that is all a miracle.

I drifted down the passageway of the center of the spiral staircase. The wings helped to slow down. I didn't have to worry about what would fall out, and it was much faster than walking up the stairs.

After about ten consecutive minutes of falling, I finally saw the ground below. After I controlled my speed and landed on the ground steadily, I walked out from the only door here ~ ~ There is a wide avenue directly behind the door with only a door frame, and the sides are 溧The bright huā garden and all kinds of cute little animals, if it were not for the existence of the black palace in the distance, I would never believe that this is the underworld. If there were another sun hanging in the sky, this place would be the legendary Shangri-La.

Wow. As I was attracted by the sight in front of me, there were two sounds of collision of armor suddenly, and then I heard a voice shouting: "Stop. Who are you? You dare to break into the underworld?"

I turned to glance at the talking guy. This is just an ordinary saint, but the equipment on his body is very gorgeous. It is said that the equipment of the gods of the Olympus Protoss is the best. Now it seems to be true. Even the goalkeepers wear such good armor. By contrast, Jehovah's angels were helped by beggars.

After looking at the guard, instead of answering his question, I reached out and showed a badge and asked, "Do you know where Eacos and Minos are?"

The guard saw the badge and quickly put away his weapon and kneeled on one knee. "Sorry, I don't know that you are Lord Radamantis. Lord Minos is in the trial court. I don't know where Lord Eacos is." @。

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