Starting from Zero

Vol 19 Chapter 195: Helpless

"Sorry, I don't know that you are Lord Radamantis. Lord Minos is in the trial court. I don't know where Lord Eacos is."

After hearing the guard's report, I nodded slightly and no longer managed the guard but walked directly to the trial court. Pandora had given me the map before I came here, so I know the approximate building location here.

Follow the direction indicated on the map, cross the long street in front of you, turn to the left, and follow the road to the end to see a door. This is an obvious portal because it is built on a base that looks like an altar. There was nothing behind the door, only a lone portal like a reduced version of the Arc de Triomphe stood there.

After passing through the portal, I found myself standing on a platform. There is endless darkness all around the platform, and even with my dark vision I can't see through the darkness. Facing the portal directly in front of the platform is the back door of a building. The reason I know this is the back door is mainly because the building is unusually tall, but without any decoration. The smooth outside is a large flat rock. If there wasn't a monster sculpture on the top of the temple-like building, I would have thought of it as a cliff.

走 After entering the building from the door behind the building, the first thing to see is the passage extending to the left and right. According to Pandora, these two passages actually lead to the front hall, so it doesn't matter which side you go.

After walking around the passage, I reached the front hall of the building directly. The structure here is very similar to the castle that entered the underworld before. The huge hall seems to be prepared for giants. Giant stone columns with a diameter of more than ten meters are neatly arranged on both sides of the hall to support the roof above the head, which is at least one hundred meters above the ground. On the front of the hall is a row of gates that allow dragons to easily drill in and out, and in the deep part of the hall is a stepped structure that narrows up and down like a pyramid, and at the top of this step is a huge office On the table, two heavily armed guards of Hades stood on either side of the table, and behind the table was exactly the Minos I was looking for.

At this moment, Minos was holding a thick book and flipping it. At the bottom of the towering staircase, a man in pale clothes and a pale face didn't know that he was a ghost. Interrogation, Minos above will ask some questions from time to time, as long as the guy below does not answer honestly, he will be immediately beaten by the guard.

Because the hall was so empty and few people, I was immediately spotted as soon as I appeared on the side of the hall. However, I did not intend to hide anyway, and after seeing the other party noticed me, I took the initiative to walk up the steps.

If I immediately attacked or turned to escape after being found, the other party would take action, but seeing that I came over calmly, Minos and the guards did not take any action. After all, my response didn't look like an intruder or something, and the position I appeared in showed that I came from the back of the Hades. Being able to come over there at least shows that I entered the dead in the underworld, otherwise I should have walked in through the front door.

Although the other party did not take action, I don't intend to get too close to Minos. Although I was confident of defeating him, I did not come to fight, and I needed his assistance afterwards. It is not suitable to cause conflict now, so it is necessary to maintain the necessary courtesy.

According to the precautions explained by Radamantis, I did not go directly up the stairs, but went directly to one of the two guards who pressed the dead man, and then wrote Radamantis to Minos The letter was handed to the guard near me.

The guard began to see me approaching with a little alert, but immediately after seeing the logo on the letter, he relaxed and saluted me quickly, then took the letter and ran up the stairs to send the letter directly to Minos.

After seeing the seal of Radamantis on the letter, Seminos first glanced at me with surprise and doubt before opening the envelope. After reading the letter for a few minutes, Minos immediately stood up and said to the two guards around him: "You help me take over for a while."

The two guards nodded immediately to understand, and then said, "Please be assured that we will try every sinner with all our heart."

Seminos nodded, then quickly walked down the steps and beckoned me to bypass the side post and enter the passage where I had come before.

"Ladamantis is at you?" Minos asked quietly after entering the passage.

I nodded and said, "Pandora and Ares are also with me. They have agreed to join the Frost Rose Alliance. As for the purpose of my visit, I believe Radamantis has explained to you in the letter."

Minos nodded and said, "In principle, I have no objection to joining your Frost Rose Alliance, but Radamantis should have already told you that we will not betray Lord Hades. If Lord Hades does not If we agree to join, we will not be able to join. "

I nodded and said: "Pandora has already told me about this, and now I just hope that you and Eacos can act as middlemen to give me and Hades a chance to have a good talk."

"I can promise you this request, but before that we have to find Eacos, and it is better to find someone else."



"What?" I was quite surprised to hear the name tell the truth. But it's not because how powerful the person represented by this name is, nor because I haven't heard the name, but because Firodis is actually a goddess. That's right. Pheros is the goddess of sexuality in the Olympus Protoss, and her abilities are very different, and because her abilities are too weird, even in general She is also a very unpopular presence in the famous Protoss of Olympus. Minos asked me to look for Eakos, but I can understand it, but this Philosopher is a little inexplicable.

Minos saw that I heard Philodex ’s response and thought I did n’t know who Philosopher was, but after he explained two sentences, I interrupted him: “No need to explain, I know Philodox Who is Steve, but I'm very surprised, why should this matter be called Philodes? "

Seminos directly stretched out **** and said, "One, Philotis is also an extremely embarrassing being in our Olympus Protoss, so she definitely supports us to switch to your Frost Rose Alliance."

"What about the second?"

"The second reason is that Filotus is very important to Lord Hades." Seeing me looking at him in doubt, Minos reluctantly whispered to me: "I can tell you this inside story for this matter, But you must not tell the third person that I said it. "Of course, I immediately swore that I would never tell the third person that he told me about it. Minos only whispered after getting my guarantee: "Do you know how Lord Persephone was a queen?"

I nodded and said, "Victoria is my magic pet, so I know a little bit about your Olympus Protoss. Listen to her, and it seems that Persephone was snatched from Hades by Hades."

Minos nodded immediately after hearing: "It seems that you do know a lot. Lord Persephone is indeed snatched back by Lord Hades, but it is not finished. Because Lord Persephone is not She voluntarily became a queen, so she had always been cold to Master Hades at first. "

Listening to Minos here, I immediately nodded and nodded to stop Minos from continuing. In fact, things have already been guessed here. Here you can think of Hades as a bandit on the mountain, and Persephone is passing by the mountain and unfortunately being robbed up the mountain to become the lady of the nobility. In this case, it was not difficult to imagine that Persephone's attitude towards Hades was not compromised. It would be a compromise if she did not fight with her. It is certain that she can be a little cousin to Hades. No way.

Hades had snatched Persephone's back because he really liked her, so he would grab her back when he was about to become someone else's wife. As a purse's suitor, Hardis naturally hoped that Persephone would be extremely affectionate and affectionate to him, but he didn't have much affection for him at first, and he was robbed by him later. In the Underworld, this relationship is even worse. In this case, if Hades wanted to obtain the love of Persephone from normal circumstances, it was undoubtedly a dream. So the guy Hades thought of a more alternative method, that is, let Philodis secretly catalyze the sexual desire of Persephone.

Although ooxx and love are not equal, I have to admit that most people's love is based on ooxx. If you say that you can keep in love with someone without performing ooxx activities at all, congratulations, you have become immortal.

It is precisely because ooxx has a role as a catalyst for love and strengthens the glue, so this guy of Hades has shamelessly chosen to let Philothus catalyze Persephone, and as a result, Persephone is naturally unable to stop Philosophy. The effect of the special ability yielded to Hades, and then after the two had physical relationship with Hades's deliberate courtship, Persephone's attitude towards Hades began to improve rapidly. Of course, the premise of this effect is It was based on the premise that Persephone Feneux did not know that he and Hades ooxx were the work of Philopolis. Once Persephone was aware that she had been catalyzed by the special skills of Philodes, it was estimated that she would have to fight hard with Hades immediately.

Based on the above reasons, Filotes is holding Hades's handle in his hand, so if she is present, Hades will not calm down even if she does not agree to the job change. Come up and do it with me.

After understanding the meaning of Minos, we walked through the space door and returned to the space where the Temple of the Underworld was located. The process of finding Philosophy was very simple, and this woman is estimated to have been indeed Olin The gods of Pitts are terrible for bullying, so when she heard of the opportunity to transfer, she immediately excited me to contact Hades, and I felt that she was more positive than me! However, although Philodes was found, Eakos couldn't find him. We turned around all the places he might appear, but we couldn't find anyone at all. In the end, we had no choice but to go directly to Hades's Temple of Hades without asking him.

"The two of you are waiting here, I will go ahead and talk to Lord Hades." After arriving at the Temple of the Hades, Minos let me and Philodes wait outside first. Dis is considered an outsider, and places like Hades are not suitable for us to enter directly.

After Miminos went in, Philotis and I waited outside for more than ten minutes, and just when we thought something went wrong, Minos ran out and called us in.

As soon as Philosus saw Minos coming out, he asked, "Why did it take so long?"

Minos also said helplessly: "Master Persephone is in there, we are really not good at talking to her, so I had to wait for her to leave before reporting to Master Hades. Oh yes, Aya Kos is also inside. "

Upon hearing this, Filothes said, "No wonder I couldn't find him after a while."

We talked and entered the inner temple of the Hades, and finally entered a huge room after passing through several guards under the leadership of Minos. Somewhat unexpectedly, this is not the kind of office-like meeting room I imagined. Although most of the Protoss I met before received me in similar rooms, Hades chose a room More special room.

房间 The area of ​​this room is about 200 square meters. The opposite side of the door is a floor-to-ceiling window. Through the window, you can see the outside garden, which is very beautiful. There are rows of cabinets on the left and right sides of the room, one side is full of books, and the other side is a variety of alcoholic drinks. The middle of the room is relatively empty, except for a set of gorgeous desks and chairs, there is only a couch and a huge black piano that can be used as a bed.

Honestly, this room is more like a private bar than an office. If it wasn't for Hades, the guy has more emotionally turned the office into a bar, then this is not a reception room at all but a rest room.

When we came in, the Hades guy was sitting in front of the giant piano and playing a piece of music that sounded very depressing. Although I do n’t know what this song is, I ’m sure Hades is playing it now. Definitely not a good thing.

After we all entered the room, Eakos, who was standing by the door, closed the door, and then he and Minos stood on both sides of Hades's piano, and Philosopher sat down unceremoniously. On that sofa, she felt more casual than the owner here.

I saw that they had each got their own positions, and I walked to the center of the room, but I didn't sit down and talk to Hades, but just stood there silently watching Hades playing the piano.

Hadith's strength, of course, he knew who came in the room, so he ignored me. I must be intentional. But I came to dig the corner instead of fighting with Hades, so I didn't react too much to ignore him, I just looked at him like this and waited until he finished playing the song he was playing.

After the end of the song, Hades got up from his seat and turned to look at me, but he didn't speak, but after looking at me, he walked directly behind his desk and sat down. Take a small box out of the desk drawer and place it on the table. After putting the box in place, he lightly pressed on the top of the box again, and a red crystal pillar immediately popped out from the top of the box and exuded a circle of red ripples. It wasn't until this thing started that Hades suddenly reversed his attitude and said to me enthusiastically: "I'm sorry, President Ziri, I just didn't really want to show prestige in front of you. It is ..."

I asked Interface without waiting for Hardis to say, "Is there a Zeus eyeliner here?"

Hades looked at me with a little surprise before proceeding and said, "President Ziri is indeed a normal person who can become the intermediary of the gods and take care of the commandments. But I'm curious, how did you know that I was Be watched, and the person watching me is from Zeus? "

I reached out my box and said, "Although I don't know what it is, there is also a goddess of **** around me. This kind of special energy structure used to cover people's ears is quite familiar to me. Now that you put this thing out, , It must be because it is being monitored. As for the main messenger is Zeus, this is actually very easy to guess. "

"Guess what?" Hardis obviously didn't quite understand what I meant.

"Of course." I explained: "With your Hades's identity and strength, there are only eight people in this entire Olympus Protoss who can sit on an equal footing with you. Plus Zeus is more than you To be above a level of existence, there are only nine people you really need to fear. If the other party is weaker than you, with your strength and character, you would have killed him directly, how could you be forced to pretend to deceive the other party? Eyes and eyes? So this person must be one of the nine. "

"But then there are still nine people who can guess, why do you think it must be Zeus?"

"This is about Pandora." When I mentioned Pandora, I paid special attention to Hades's expression and found that he didn't react abnormally. I said with confidence: "I talked to Pandora before I came. Regarding your transfer. Pandora told me about the position of the Hades in the Olympus Protoss. She thinks you are a very affectionate person, so she refuses to betray Zeus, but I do n’t think you are like It ’s because of feelings that I do n’t dare to betray. It ’s as if something is being pinched in Zeus ’s hands. Even if my guess is incorrect, you should have betrayed Olympus long ago because of your current situation as a god. Protoss. Even if you do n’t find someone to rely on, at least it ’s okay to stand on your own. If that person monitors your existence is really among the other eight people, you are not in the embarrassing situation of the Olympians Directly asking him for a duel should also have other fierce reactions. But you are so comfortable. This shows that you ca n’t move that person. It ’s so rigid in your relationship with the Protoss of Olympus Moment, you still can not move the characters, in addition to Zeus that I really can not think of anyone. "

"Yes, your inference is correct. The one who is watching me is Zeus." Hades admitted quickly after I guessed.

见 I saw Hades admitting and followed, "Since you don't deny this, does that mean I don't need to persuade you? As long as I can solve the handle that Zeus has held you, will you join us directly?"

Hades nodded: "It wasn't because Zeus was going to punch me. I quit long ago. Every time we fight, we rush to the front, but we do n’t have a share when we share the benefits. I do n’t want to be in such an organization. Here I am. As for joining you, I can see from your own power that your guild is strong, so there is no problem in joining you. I heard that you are still supervising part of the work of the prefecture in China, and I can help You take over this part of work. "

I nodded and said, "That's easy. Now you tell me what Zeus is trying to stab you, and I'll help you find a solution."

Hardis thought for a while and thought, "You wait here for a while." After leaving my confirmation, he left the room, and after a while he came back with a woman behind him. I know this woman, who is Persephone. I have to say that Hades was captivated by her obsession for a reason, because this Persephone was very beautiful. However, I think the biggest characteristic of her is not her beauty, but her indescribable vitality. As the goddess of spring, where Persephone will appear, you will feel as if you are on a spring field, and the air will become fresh and beautiful. Compared to the rigid and silent underworld, the breath of Persephone is simply another extreme. I guess Hades is attracted by this extreme temperament, so I can't help falling in love with Persephone. . But if I were Hades, I would definitely choose to marry Pandora instead of Persephone. Honestly, it ’s a bit strange that these two seemingly well-matched characters can develop a sister-like relationship. After all, Olympus has always been known for his incest, even if his mother, son, There is a history of intermarriage between father and daughter, and brothers and sisters are more commonplace. In the end, Hades and Pandora, who had no blood relationship, developed a pure sibling relationship, which was really surprising.

When Persephone came into the room, she glanced at me first, then turned her eyes back to Hades, but what she didn't expect was that the moment she was about to turn around, Hades suddenly pointed at her from behind After touching her neck, Persephone was instantly slumped like a robot with a battery removed. Hadith had been prepared for her, she would have fallen straight on the ground.

I saw that Hades had fainted Persephone, and both Minos and I were surprised. Hadith's reputation for petting his wife is well-known in the whole world. How could he suddenly faint Persephone with his love for Persephone?

Just when we were puzzled, Hades had already held Persephone to the sofa, and signaled that Filotus would let him go. Then he put Persephone to the sofa, and then in our confused eyes In the middle, he lifted the clothes behind Persephone, slightly, and then saw that he scratched his fingers with the clothes, and the clothes were cut open immediately.

切 After cutting the clothes, Hades pressed the clothes back to Persephone and reached out to tear the cut open, exposing a piece of skin on Persephone's back. I saw that the snow-white and smooth skin was printed with a magic array with a lightning bolt in the center.

Immediately after seeing this thing, I walked by in surprise, and then I wanted to reach out to touch, but fortunately, I reached back to half of my hand, and then stopped and turned to look at Hades and asked, "Can you ? "

Hades nodded, then I put **** on the thunderbolt chart, and it took me a few seconds before I frowned and put my hand back. "Did you feel it?" Hardis asked, looking at my stern face.

I nodded and remained silent for a while before asking, "When did this thing get printed?"

"It has been printed on it since I robbed Persephone."

"You mean before ..."

"No, it was printed when I grabbed her."

"You mean that you were shot by Zeus directly when you robbed Persephone?"

Hardis nodded. "That's right, it was called at that time."

随后 I then asked, "Is Zeus going to hit you?"

Hades shook his head and said, "No, he was aiming at Persephone, although I tried to stop it, he was still printed on it."

"Zeus is too cruel, isn't she?"

"The daughter I gave birth to my sister wants to get involved, what else do you think he can't do?"

Hadith's words gave me a slight stun. But then again Zeus is indeed a pervert. Persephone's mother was Demetrius, the goddess of harvest, one of the top ten gods of Olympus. Demetrius was actually the second sister of Zeus, and she was also one of Zeus's wives. As for Persephone, daughter of Zeus and Demeter. In other words, Zeus, an old **** man, married his second elder sister, and tried to include his daughter and his niece, Persephone, as his wife. But having said that, if this is the case, Hades is not a good bird, because Hades and Zeus are brothers, so Demeter is the second sister of Zeus and his second sister, and Persephone It was his niece. Of course, compared to Zeus' old **** cock, he didn't even let his daughter go. At least Hades had turned the corner, and Hades was at least more specific. Unlike Zeus, the entire Olympus Protoss Few women have nothing to do with him.

Seeing that we had been talking there for a long time, Filotus, who had been in a state of surprise beside him, finally couldn't help but interjected and asked, "What are you doing with that magic mark for a long time?"

"Energy disintegrates the law." I said directly to Philodes.

Philodes covered his mouth in surprise when he heard the name. "So to say……?"

Hardis nodded and said, "If it wasn't for this thing, why do you think the dead temple of life would become a garden-like existence?"

Minos heard Hades's words and they finally understood. Persephone is the goddess of spring. Her mana has certain life characteristics, and because of the energy on her back, she cannot control her mana at all. As a result, she goes wherever she goes. And the biggest feature of her mana is that it will transform the environment to give birth to various plants. As a result, after she lived in the underworld, the uncontrollable place here became a huge garden.

"That's it!" Eakos said, "Master, since this thing is so troublesome, why don't you destroy him?"

Seeing that Hades was in a bad mood now, I replied on his behalf: "The evil energy dispersal array is vicious here. This magic array will continue to cause energy disintegration. The original is the disintegration mana. This is easier to handle. , But after the mana collapses, it will start to disperse the spiritual power. If you let it go, people who are imprinted with this magic circle will soon die because their vitality is exhausted. However, if they do not know the orbit of the magic circle, they will be forcibly broken If it ’s a battle array, the magic array will gather the mana of the person printed on the battle array to counteract his energy core. For your protoss, it will impact your spirits. In the end, the mana will be completely lost and it will be a waste. He exploded on the spot and the explosion was quite powerful. "

什么 "What? Isn't that Lord Persephone? ..." Minos and Eacos were in a hurry when they heard my explanation. The biggest feature of the protoss in the **** system is loyalty. It seems that this is the same all over the world. Minos and Eacos, as the three judges of the underworld on Olympus, are naturally loyal to Hades. Now I heard that Persephone is actually printed with such a dangerous thing, and it is likely to hang up soon. How could they not be excited?

Seeing them so nervous, even Hades, who was in a bad mood, couldn't help but said, "Don't worry too much. Although Zeus doesn't care about his father and daughter, he is afraid that I will betray the Olympians. So he set a yoke for me using Persephone. The imprint on Persephone is not fully activated, it is in a semi-dormant state. Unlike the fully activated smashing matrix, it is not all the time The energy is diverted, but it is activated for one minute every hour, and then it will turn off. This consumption rate is relatively slow. The recovery speed of Persephone can offset the mana cost, so it will not cause any damage to her. However, this state will only last for one year. Every year, Persephone must return to Mount Olympus for three months to reset the law, otherwise the law will be fully activated. By that time, Persephone can only support it for about half a year. If the law circle is not closed after half a year, the law circle will start to consume her vitality, and then she will exhaust her vitality within three months. .

"This is why you killed and did not leave the Olympian Protoss?" Philothus asked.

Hades nodded and said, "I can't hurt Persephone because of my relationship. Although this is very unfair to those of you who follow me, I don't want to give up the life of any one person, so I can only in this way."

I interrupted what I wanted to say, Filotus said, "Hades has his thoughts, so don't say it again." After I said it, I turned to Hades and said, "Since things are clear, then you Just keep the status quo, don't let Zeus see anything. As for the demolition method of Persephone, let me figure it out. "

Hardis nodded and said, "As long as you can lift this circle, I will do it with you."

After 达成 and Hades reached an agreement, I released all the magic pets who were studying magic circles around me, and then I did a research on the energy disintegration matrix on Persephone. Of course, our goal is not to crack this legal array on the spot, which is too whimsical. Zeus is the boss of the Protoss of Olympus. Even if they are not very good at magic battles and the like, the magic circle that is up with Zeus' strength is definitely not something we can discuss together. Broken. The reason why we want to study this thing is just to understand the various characteristics of this thing and take it back to find someone to study ~ ~ If it is not because of the identity of Persephone, I even want to treat her Turned back together, after all, the copied records did not work as well as the original samples.

记录 After recording the various characteristics of this matrix, I and Hades agreed to come up with a solution as soon as possible, and then under the guidance of Hades, we performed another costume to do a happy look. Minos pretended to persuade us during the pretend quarrel, and was pushed by me, and then he accidentally knocked over the illusion generator, and then the content seen by people outside was synchronized with the situation in the room. . Then I said something angrily, pointing at Hades's nose. Hades wanted to chop me right away, but was caught by Eacos, and I was pulled out of the room by Philosus. .

When the door of the room closed again, I originally let go of my Philodes, and I immediately returned to my normal expression. I assured Philodes that I must find a solution to Persephone's body as soon as possible. This woman only let me go after the French formation, and I did not delay. After leaving the underworld, I even gave up the plan that should have harassed the Olympus Protoss, and ran back to Isinger.

As long as the method of lifting the disintegration method is drawn to bring Hadis together, it will be the biggest blow to the Olympian Protoss, so for this ambitious goal, I have no time to do the little things that steal chickens and dogs.

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