Starting from Zero

Vol 20 Chapter 211: Closed field

Volume 20 Chapter 211 Closed Fields

The distance between the two groups of confronting sacrifice is not far. Although I am only advancing at the speed of full-birth, such a distance is quickly over. M then cried, I stopped in front of the other person who took the lead.

This guy ’s standing position is really bad, because he is right in front of me. If he stands a little crooked, I go over him and directly face a player behind him. Most of those players will choose to let me go without his command. Afterwards, no matter what excuses are used, it is possible to find excuses for vague past. Although they lose face, they will not be too serious. But unfortunately this guy just happened to be on my way forward, and if he himself gave way, there would be no excuse to use it.

"Do you want to stop me?" I asked after suddenly standing in front of this guy for three seconds, while the other side heard my question, a big sweat ball was on his forehead Slipped down.


"Sorry I'm in a hurry. Since you don't make way, I have to make my own way out." Without giving the other person any time to speak, I just lifted my leg and kicked the guy to the ground, then rolled backwards. It can be more than ten meters away when sliding out, and several people stopped over along the way. And because of his relationship, the following battle array was directly opened out of a channel. Without waiting for the surrounding players to react, I summoned the night shadow with a ring finger, then turned over and rode up. Shaking the reins, Ye Ying immediately took a small jump and briskly ran through the passage caused by the wounded, and it was not until I penetrated into the formation that someone finally responded and shouted.

Hmm ... the first guy who reacted and rushed up suddenly fell down within two meters of Night Shadow, and the people around didn't even see how he died, until the guy fell to the ground, The crowd saw the hole where his throat was constantly spraying blood to understand where he was hurting. Then he looked up at me but didn't know when I had a heavy hook sickle with a length of more than three meters. I was slung with one hand behind my back, this position can be shot at any time, and it does not affect the movement of the night shadow.

Although the first person who rushed out fell down, the others later instinctively rushed out before they understood. After all, their boss was hit by me. Before further thinking about more interests, the first reaction of most people is definitely to help others deal with those who bully themselves, so after some people take the lead, others also start to charge. The guy killed ... To be honest, most people didn't see what was going on, and when he fell to the ground, he was already running into my attack range.

Looking at the crowd around me, I didn't have any sense of nervousness. I held the eternal hook sickle gun at each of the people who rushed up. The positions were all in the throat area, and they were pumped back with a little touch. Because the speed is too fast, many people still rush to my side by inertia before falling.

As the surrounding people surrounded them, the people on the opposite side felt as if there was an invisible barrier around me. As long as they were in the vicinity of this barrier, they would collapse like a robot that suddenly turned off the power, but in reality These people are all really dead.

Because there were too many people dead at once, and the location was concentrated, plus all the pharynx arteries I poke, the speed of blood and water splashing was quite amazing. The people behind can clearly see where I walked by After a corpse-paved blood road, blood and water flowed out of the corpse along the gap between the corpses, and finally gathered at the roadside into a small pool of blood.

Although the death of the first person did not scare the people behind, or because the speed was too fast, many people rushed up before responding, but now the dead bodies in this place should be noticed, So, with the exception of those who rushed up initially, the rest of them hurried to a sudden stop and stopped five meters away from me, because once they entered this distance, they were no longer safe. The eternal hook sickle is only three meters long, and I am not catching the end, but the eternal hook sickle can attack far more than three meters. The eternal hook sickle is eternal, and eternity is a universal weapon that can be transformed. Small things such as telescopic length are really nothing, so after so many people have died, everyone who has survived has learned lessons, not only He rushed forward, but also actively maintained a safe distance.

After looking around and confirming that no one rushed forward, I crossed the eternal hook sickle to hold it in my hand, and then the two sections of the eternal hook sickle started to collapse toward the center. It took only two seconds to become I put a red ball back into the slot on the back of my hand.

After collecting the eternity, I urged Night Shadow to move forward again. Although my weapons had been collected at this time, no one dared to rush up. After all, there were many impulsive people, but not many fools. The impulse to go forward was caused by impulse. Now when you see the lesson learned in this place, only fools and those who really mean the sky will dare to rush forward. It is a pity that neither of the above two people are here, so no one dares to come out and stop me.

After crossing the player's blockade, I let Night Shadow accelerate towards the Olympus. This time I actually came out to give Zeus trouble. There are no fixed targets at all. It can be said that it is only the stage of layout and tentative testing before the start of the battle. The real battle cannot begin until the Isinger mobile fortress is reached. Before that, I would n’t have any real mission. I just stepped into the battle. Anyway, I tried to accumulate advantages at this stage and slow down Zeus ’preparations. As for the battle with those players just now ... there is actually a reason for that.

At that time, I was arrogant to walk through the crowd. In fact, it was a very obvious provocation. If it was just for the sake of face, I would never do that. Those people who are usually invincible are either mentally disabled or their strength is not derived from themselves, so they want to show it, for fear that others may not know that he is very powerful. But my intelligence is obviously normal. As for showing strength, it must be necessary, but it cannot be shown in this way. My current strength is mainly reflected in two aspects: First, I am the first in the world combat ranking; Second, I am the president of Frost Rose Alliance. Regarding the strength of the battle list, there are not many people who don't know the truth, and at my level, if you need to show your strength, you must find some decent opponents. If the current world sprint champion wants to show his strength, he should look for top athletes or former record holders from other countries to compete, so as to show his strength. A world sprint champion runs on the road to find an old man to sprint. That is not to show strength, it is to shame. For me, the players in the two guilds are all ordinary people, so it is impossible to show their strength against them, and it will also look like I am very small. But at the time, I couldn't do anything.

Those who want to enter the hole obviously take on the task of Zeus. Their job is to detect and destroy the actions on the side of the Temple of the Sea, so letting them pass will definitely affect our plan. As for the players who guard the cave, this is thanks to the guild think tank. They had previously proposed plans that would allow Poseidon to launch a mission opposite to Zeus to interfere with Zeus. These guards of the cave apparently took on this task and helped us to do things.

Because of the above reasons, I can't help but ignore this kind of battle, but it's not enough to stand boldly on the opposite side of the defender's attack. Although Zeus has basically determined that Poseidon has fallen to my side, this is only an inference he has derived from the synthesis of various information and Poseidon's behavior. Poseidon himself has never stood up to this point. Called her to be independent. It's like some international affairs in the real world. Everyone knows the truth, but they all agree on a fake propaganda. This is a political instrument with many purposes and often complicated reasons. However, there is one basic point that will not change, and that is, unless there is irrefutable and accurate information that has been known to the public, you cannot shout out publicly even if the facts occur.

Zeus now roughly guessed that Poseidon would go out on his own, but we didn't shout out, so he couldn't shout out. Even though both of us now know that this battle is unavoidable, as long as the battle does not start, we cannot shout like that. Now if I help those players who took the Poseidon mission to deal with those who took the Zeus opposite, then it is tantamount to tell everyone that I and Poseidon are a group. And my current identity in the Protoss of Olympus should be their deadly enemy. At this time, Poseidon and me are mixed together, which is equivalent to pulling Poseidon to the dark side of morality, After that, Zeus will get a fair excuse to act on us in advance, and some neutral, undefined tendencies will therefore fall directly to Zeus.

I can't afford such a big loss, even if I don't care about the two players, I can't really do that. However, at that time, depending on the situation, the defender's strength seemed to be weaker than the other party, so I had to take another shot, otherwise it would be possible for them to rush to the Temple of Neptune and cause something unexpected. Because of this, I finally pretended to be aggressive by pretending to be arrogant, and even face-to-face with the leader of the opponent, which was all intentional. In terms of human step flexibility, as long as there are two or three meters away, you can actually avoid obstacles in advance without changing the pace. So if I really do n’t want to blame this thing, I just need to make a small turn in advance and bypass the guy. However, I not only gave up, but also corrected the wrong direction. I walked directly in front of the guy, and even shot the first shot without giving the other party a chance. This was all to help the next group of players, of course, mainly to help myself.

In fact, even if the guy who blocked me at the time really let go, I would find other excuses to deal with them, anyway, after they found out my intention, they were destined to be unlucky, no matter how they deal with it, they will eventually be attacked by me.

Leaving the battlefield of these people, I am basically no longer worried about the situation there. On the surface, it seems that I just killed some people in the other party. In fact, most of the people who died have some strength. After all, people with weak strength do not rush so fast, so at least they won't be too garbage. In addition, as long as these guys fight me, they are hit by my cursed pets and various curse attributes attached to me. Because a lot of curses are group-based, so whether or not they hit me, as long as someone in their team attacked me, their entire team would be affected. Although this effect will gradually diminish over time because I left the scene, the battle is actually the most important thing in the beginning. Winning a game first means higher morale, more preparation time, and more choices in the subsequent battles. As long as those who are on the guard side are not really muddy and cannot support the wall, they will not be gaining. My help was defeated afterwards.

I was thinking about what happened just now, and suddenly I heard a fighting sound coming from the front, and it sounded like a lot of people.

Yeying knew me for such a long time, of course, I knew I was going to watch it, so I changed my direction and accelerated towards the battlefield without using my reminder. Turning around the forest section we are now traveling in, there is a very narrow and narrow canyon in front, and the battlefield is opposite the canyon. The length of this gorge is only a dozen meters, but the widest place is a little more than three meters, and the narrowest place is even less than one and a half meters. The size of Yeying was a bit reluctant, so I simply collected Yeying Get up and walk through the canyon to the edge of the opposite battlefield.

The landform on this side of the canyon and the other side of the canyon a dozen meters away are completely two worlds. The environment on the canyon side is just like the virgin forest. The vegetation is lush and beautiful, but the canyon side is the standard rough stone hill. The surface is basically composed entirely of earth-colored rocks, but only of different sizes. Even the canyon behind me is really just a gap between two giant rocks.

In front of the canyon there is a relatively flat ground area that does not exceed the size of two basketball courts. The ground made of sand and stones seems to be pretty good, but it is completely a pit. The hard ground has no elasticity at all. The sand particles and the almost round stones on it are like glass marbles on your ground. At this point, the warring parties were almost as if they were fighting in roller skates. That position was awkward and awkward, and from time to time, people could accidentally fall.

Crossing this area, the slopes gradually **** upwards to the sides, similar to the ground, and there is also a world of stones. However, compared to the daddy site below, the hillside is more reassuring. I believe that the warring parties are aware of this, and they can understand by looking at their positions, because these people are basically moving to the hillside while they are fighting, and the people in the ground below are basically accidentally sliding down the hill. After all, the hillside is still a slope, no matter how it is inclined, not to mention the rocky mountains. The reason why those people have to go up the mountain to fight is entirely because the ground below is too cheating, otherwise the ghost would like to fight on the hillside.

Looking forward from the open space here, the front is a winding valley surrounded by mountains on both sides. Of course, the width is much wider than this line of sky I just came over, but the back part is blocked by the curved mountains, only You can see the section that is about 200 meters in front, and you can't see it any further. However, the scope of my eyes now is basically people, and all of them are scuffles. Of course, this is not the point. The point is, I don't know where to help.

The two warring parties are the Olympus Protoss. Of course, most of them are in reserve, that is, the Saints. There should be real Protoss, but there are too many people and they can't find where they are.

The clothes of these people are all in a style. Basically, everyone is a set of heavy plate armor with silver glitter, and no mage or support unit is seen at all. In addition, although the patterns on these people ’s armors are different, I do n’t see the rules at all, so I do n’t even know who the two parties in one group and the two parties in the other group are. With whom. How can you help me in such a chaotic scene?

After standing in Taniguchi for a few seconds, a Saint Seiya resolved his enemy and suddenly noticed my existence, and then he rushed towards me aggressively. I have to say that this guy inspired me, and I knew what to do when I saw him rushing over.

I really can't tell which people are Zeus and who are going to trust me, but they always know? Therefore, as long as I walk forward, and the person who attacks me is the enemy, the person who does not attack is definitely my own person. Although this method is somewhat passive ~ ~, at least it will not injure oneself by mistake.

The lower-level protoss are one sword in front of me, let alone the saint. The guy who inspired me was wiped by my lightning sword as soon as he rushed to me. Crossing the body of this guy, I walked directly to the depths of the canyon. The melee crowd was obviously not dense in the distance, indicating that the core of the battle was in the depth of the canyon. There should be enough weight there if there was no accident. Ask him or her to figure out the situation. Of course, we must first find a way before that.

As I officially stepped into the valley, a cue sounded suddenly. "You have entered the blockade area. This area will not be accessible until the area disappears. You cannot use any means to leave the area."

Suddenly I was prompted by the sound, and I quickly turned around and touched it, and it turned out that an invisible wall appeared. I tried to punch it. The system records showed that the defense force of this invisible wall was infinite, that is to say This thing is invincible. It seems that if you want to go out, you must find the reason for the poor student, but I guess it should be an individual, or a protoss. After all, the field is a high-end skill, and there should be a lot of people in the protoss. The ability in the field is just an exaggeration. As long as you can find the guy who releases the realm and kills it, the realm will naturally disappear. But I don't think it's necessary to kill the guy who released the field this time, because I have already guessed why he should release the field.

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