Starting from Zero

Vol 20 Chapter 212: Unexpected acquaintance

Volume 20 Chapter 121 Accidental Acquaintances

The closed area can be said to be of no help to the combatants, because it will not produce any auxiliary effects, it will only block the combat area. m, then, it seems strange to waste a senior protoss who can release the field to maintain this field. However, except for neuropathy, normal people will not do things for no reason. Even if some people do something silly and boring, it is still the reason, so there must be a reason for one of the two warring parties to waste one person to maintain this field.

If the closed field cannot bring any substantial benefits to the two parties in the war, then its role is not internal but external. This kind of foreign affairs can be divided into two situations. One is to prevent outside things from affecting the warring parties, such as one of them having reinforcements. The other is to prevent people inside from affecting things outside, such as someone wanting to report or someone might run away.

As far as the current situation is concerned, there is only one more reliable situation that I can think of, and that is that certain rebel Olympians are fighting here with Zeus's Olympians.

According to the content of Aphrodite that we specifically explained before, Aphrodite once told those Olympians who wish to take refuge in us. Before our plan begins, let them exercise restraint and never be found. And if they are found, in order to take the overall situation into consideration and ensure the safety of other Olympians who trust in us, we will not start actions in advance for some of the discovered Olympians.

Based on this situation, we can deduce that the Olympians who are preparing to trust us know that if they reveal their identity before the start of the plan, they will not get our rescue. And for the sake of planning safety, to prevent someone from deceiving us in the name of trust, we have to plan the content and start time, so these Olympus Protoss contacted by Aphrodite do not know the task time, the only thing they know is the plan There will be more obvious incidents at the beginning, they only need to follow the action after discovering that our plan has begun.

Contrary to the Olympus Protoss who are about to turn to us, the Olympus Protoss under Zeus must have thought of reporting to Zeus as soon as he discovered that someone wanted to rebel. Therefore, the Zeus side of the warring parties absolutely does not want such a blockade to exist, because if they have just discovered that someone is going to rebel, they need to go through this thing to report, and if they have sent someone to report That also needs to ensure that the road is clear and Zeus' reinforcements come in, so they don't need to block here. As for the possibility of raising the blockade because of fear of escape from the mutineers, I think this is minimal. After all, it seems that there is no significant difference in the number of personnel on the two sides of the war, so the number of personnel is enough to stab opponents. At this time, it is cost-effective to add an advanced protoss to help the blockade, even if the protoss cancels the blockade and replaces it with an auxiliary or curse. Field, that will control the war situation to a great extent.

According to the above situation, the only possibility that this blockade will rise is that the Olympus Protoss are ready to take refuge in us, and the reason is probably to prevent the Olympian Protoss on the Zeus side from sending people to report. It is said that someone has gone out to report and raised the possibility of blocking the area to prevent reinforcements from entering. I think this may basically not exist. After all, the closed field cannot be maintained forever, and being attacked will reduce the maintenance time, so sooner or later, the people inside will be exposed to the Zeus side, so it doesn't make much sense to not use this field. The more important point is that this field is one-way. It allows personnel to enter, but it is not allowed to leave. This shows that it is for people inside to go out to report and not outside people to come in for reinforcements.

Now that you think of these things, the situation is now clear. I just walked to the Olympus Protoss who maintained the realm, and saw who was protecting him and who was trying to attack him. It must be his own to protect him, and it must be Zeus's minions to try to attack.

With this idea, I quickly advanced into the valley. Naturally, there were many combatants noticed my presence along the way, and these people saw my response very differently. I just looked at the response of that person immediately You can know the relationship between the enemy and me. Those who see me with obvious excitement or happiness are definitely friendly. As for those who rushed aggressively, they don't need to think about it to know the enemy.

Compared with the genuine Olympus Protoss, the combat effectiveness of the Saint Seiya is really not enough. There are at least dozens of Saint Seiya who intercepted me along the way, but none of them can stop me for a second. The strength of these guys is not as good as that of the Olympus Protoss, and because of the melee, only one or two people rush up at a time. When I ca n’t form a group advantage, I just try to die.

The canyon was deep, but because I was fast, it took me a few minutes to reach the depths of the canyon. This is a strange place. This place looks like a huge crater. The pot-shaped crater is surrounded by a circle of mountains. However, the edge of the crater is very small, so although the area of ​​the pit is large, it is not that big. deep.

I had seen the mountains and mountains of Saint Seiya fighting in the canyon before, but when I looked over here, I found that the scene outside was really weak compared to here. In this huge pothole, at least tens of thousands of people are fighting. At a glance, the crowd below is full of human heads. If it were not because I was on the edge of the pit and higher than the bottom, I would not have been able to see so many people fighting Panorama. However, there are not many people in the pit. At least I saw three areas with relatively few personnel at a glance. As long as I noticed a little, I can see that in these areas, there must be several senior protoss there. Side melee, and the reason why people around are not close to here, is the reason why they do not want to die. After all, there are high-level protoss on both sides of the high-level protoss. In this unreserved attack mode, it is difficult to guarantee the accuracy of the attack. Therefore, there is no safe area around the war zone, and the soldiers on both sides have wisely chosen not to approach, so as not to be killed directly without knowing how to die.

Because the melee can't see the tendency for the time being, I can only try to find the protoss that supports the field, and it really made me find it. The person who originally supported the field must be in the exact center of the field, but because the field is too large, it is impossible to locate his position from a spatial perspective. In addition, there is no sound and light effect when the field is released, and some special phenomena cannot be used to confirm who is actually releasing the field. However, there are two things that can confirm the location of the person who released the field. One is magic induction. After all, the domain releaser is synchronizing with the domain, so find the person who is consistent with the magic fluctuation of the domain. However, there were tens of thousands of people at the scene. I couldn't sense each other's magic fluctuations one by one, so the only remaining method was visual inspection.

If it is a general combat field, the releaser will not have any special performance, but this ultra-large non-combat field is different. Maintaining this kind of field will be quite hard and requires attention, so this releaser can only do some simple evasion and movement at most, it is basically impossible to directly participate in the attack, and even he may not be able to move at all.

Although it is not easy to find a guy who doesn't move much among the tens of thousands of people, the headquarters relies on magic induction to find it much faster. Besides, I am not alone. Hula released all my summoned creatures, and then cleared out the nearby saints who were in the way, and then all looked at the people below. We look for so many pairs of eyes together, everyone's attention is definitely different, so someone soon found the target.

"There and there." A unicorn warrior screamed in a direction.

"Yes, I saw it." With his finger, everyone's attention was focused after the approximate position was determined, and soon more people noticed the position. I hurriedly collected all the warriors and other summoners to prevent confusion, and then left only a few humanoid pets around, and several pets found their locations, and then pointed them directly to me. With the guidance of a few of them, I finally saw the goal.

The target person is actually in an area where one person is relatively scarce. This is actually a matter of course. The mutinous Olympus Protoss did not want the other party to report, so the realm was released to block this area. The other party definitely wanted to send someone to report, so we must find a way to kill the guy who released the realm, so that the realm could be sent out. The Olympus Protoss on the rebel side must also know that the companions in the release field will become the target of criticism, so the most powerful of them have gathered around this companion, and the most powerful of the other naturally also gathered. Come over here. In this way, it will become a master concentration area. The soldiers around will naturally flash as far away as possible, so it will become a blank area.

I probably guessed this situation before, so in the beginning, I was looking for a target in the blank space of the three personnel, but the one I observed first happened to be not, and the unicorn warrior found the target first.

Now that the target location has been determined, we must hurry and help. Put away all the magic pets around me for a while, then I spread my wings directly towards the bottom of the big pit, and the largest empty area glide past.

Thanks to the Olympus Protoss, there are few flying gifts, and I passed through the air without any interception. Although occasionally some long-range attacks flew up, but the opponent's strength was too weak, plus one or two feather arrows, lances, etc. could not really hurt me, so in the end, it easily reached the sky over the core area.

The numbers of the two parties in this core area are just about the same, and the strength seems to be almost the same, so everyone went out of their way, and now they ca n’t be distracted, so only one person found me until I landed, because this one did n’t participate .

"President Ziri!" Seeing me landing, the protoss who supported the field immediately ran over excitedly.

"Iris?" I froze when I saw someone, because this I knew, he was the Aris star **** of the twelve-star temple. Immediately after seeing this guy, I glanced around, and it turned out to be the same as I thought. I said how far away I looked at the glittering gold here. It turned out to be the twelve-star god. The armor of these guys is the same as the golden saint in the red saint cartoon that year. Although the shape of the armor is somewhat different, the styles are basically similar, and the golden dazzling piece is inherited quite well. At least I dare not stare at these guys under the big sun at noon, otherwise I will definitely be blind. . Of course, although it is similar to the number of personnel and equipment of the twelve golden saints, the twelve star gods in Zero are the true Olympians, and the saints here are basically It is also equivalent to the level of the heavenly soldiers in the heavenly courts. Ordinary people are still okay under bullying, and they can meet immediately. ~ The most important thing is that the saints here are seriously partial, and they will not fly without saying. Actually, he still likes melee combat without weapons. If it's not the life value is much higher than the sky soldiers, these guys are simply garbage soldiers. Of course, Saint Seiya also has advantages, but those are individual cases and do not represent the overall level.

The Twelve Star Gods as a whole have always been very united to the outside world. Basically, these guys rarely act alone, and each time they are dispatched, they are in groups of at least three or five. Anyway, this group of guys rarely order like the breeding wolves. Based on this situation, it is not difficult to imagine who is fighting around.

In addition to Iris, Aries, who was approaching me, I also saw the star **** of Pisces, Paris, the star **** of Sagittarius, and the star **** of Capricorn, Campenos. An aquarius star god, Aquila, just this guy is lying on the ground vomiting blood this time, and it looks like he has been beaten.

"How could it be you?" Honestly, although I had previously guessed that a certain Olympus protoss power that was intended to be found was discovered, I didn't expect it to be a twelve-star god. After all, these guys are relatively bullish. Staff. Not only the fighting power, but their intelligence is not low. After all, other Olympians do not dare to ask someone to discuss this kind of bad life, but their twelve star gods can discuss it together. There are many more people. Naturally, you can check for any misses. As the saying goes, three Zhuge Liang can still top Zhuge Liang, how can twelve star gods exceed four Zhuge Liang?

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