Starting from Zero

Vol 20 Chapter 213: Turn around

Volume 20 Chapter 213 Turning the Trim

There is no absolute thing about the world. m Although I used to think that the Twelve-Star Gods were the least likely to be exposed among all the Protoss of Olympus who trusted us, the facts now show that they are exactly the first people to be exposed.

Of course, there is another very important reason for my misjudgment because I always thought that they were fake trusts, and I can at least be sure that when they first came to Isinger, they were arranged by Zeus, not their own wishes. As for whether their performance was sincerely trusting or playing tricks, I haven't determined for a few minutes. However, with this incident, I have less doubts about them. After all, this battlefield doesn't look like bitterness, and in terms of intelligence, it can't be justified. I made a temporary decision to turn around, and I haven't told anyone, they can't be counted so accurately just waiting for me. Secondly, the performance of the personnel of the two sides is too realistic. I am not surprised to say that there are a few of the twelve star gods who can play tricks, but even those saints are a bit exaggerated. To be honest, I don't think Olympus Protoss can cultivate so many "high-end talents". This last point is also the most important. If Zeus really wanted the twelve-star **** to play a bitter game, this scene would be too big. With tens of thousands of people fighting here, and this situation is still about to use forces, this investment is too exaggerated. Unless Zeus didn't intend to win from the beginning, but wanted to die with us, he would never do such a thing.

Zeus's personality does have a lot of defects, and this lower body animal has indeed done a lot of human violations, but so far there is no evidence that Zeus is a mental illness, so his behavior should be estimated and speculative. Because of this, I don't have much doubt about these twelve celestial gods now. If this can still go wrong, it can only be said that Zeus is too willing to pay for the blood, and I will not be wrong even if the stroke is overcast.

"President Ziri, we are really ... hey, don't mention it!" Aries, Aries sighed, "This time we are unlucky, anyway, we have been found now, and we had to fight with them as a last resort. .Please President Ziri quickly find a way to help us end the battle and leave here as soon as possible! Although I have blocked this area with a crystal wall to prevent someone from reporting, in case Zeus's minions patrolled here again and found the situation, we It may still be attacked by Zeus! "

"Don't worry, since I'm here, I won't let you suffer." I said, glancing at the battlefield again and asking, "How about the rest of you? How come so few?"

Aries said: "I was scattered while I was fighting, but it should be all in this basin."

I thought about the situation of the other two blank battle groups, and compared the number of personnel. It is estimated that the twelve star gods should be divided into three war groups, but it seems that there is only one star in the war group with a gold armor. In other words, there is a star **** who is dealing with several enemies at the same time, and I don't know who is so good. Of course, for the time being, I can't help the guy who fights alone, because compared to that guy, the Aries star **** is more important. As long as his realm does not disappear, no one can go out to report, so as not to attract Zeus' minions.

Roughly glanced at the situation, except for Aquarius who was severely injured and withdrew from the battle, the other players played smoothly, at least it seemed that no one would lose in a short time. That is to say, no matter who I help now, it is possible to end one of them immediately, and as long as one more is left empty, then even if I stop, I can make one of them a two-on-one situation, so quickly It became an extension of the victory. As the number of victories increased, the situation of the star gods would gradually improve.

After I decided, I started to act, and the first thing I was watching was the Olympus Protoss that was fighting Sagittarius. The opponent was playing a tug of war with Saori Tirrius of Sagittarius at this time. The weapon used by Saori Tirrius is a bow, so he is always trying to pull away, but the opposite is obviously a melee protoss, so the guy is always trying to approach Saori Tirrils, one chase on each side One run became the most active group of men and women on the battlefield.

The reason why I chose to help Sairi Tirils is mainly because of the bow in his hand. As a remote unit, he can support any position on the battlefield at will, and can cooperate well with others. As long as he can free up his hands, it is definitely more useful than one more melee system. Moreover, Saori Tirrius' damage output may also be the highest among the several star gods present, so whether he is idle has a great impact on the battle situation.

Finding where the two are now, I shouted as I approached there: "Saori, push him over."

The two sides fighting each other were affected a little by my shout, but the changes afterwards were completely opposite. Saori Tyrrells became a lot easier immediately after realizing that someone was helping, but the guy on the other side couldn't concentrate because he had to pay more attention to one goal. The situation became that he could only guard carefully, because he did n’t know when I would launch a raid, and Saori Tirrils was lightning fast, and he would be hit if he did n’t pay attention. Although the archers who are relatively weak in defense are almost dead once approached, the archers' output is often high for balance, so the consequences of being hit by them are also serious.

The more nervous the guy is, the more he loses sight of it. When he was staring at Saori Tirils, I suddenly pressed the shield to his arm and made a huge impact to attract the attention of the other side, and the other side was really worried because of what I had. Move your attention away. As a god-level archer, Saori Tirrius's judgment is beyond doubt. At the moment when the other party's attention shifted, he quickly opened the golden bow in his hand and fired a golden arrow composed of pure energy.

The opponent is a Protoss, which means that his magical induction is extremely powerful, so the arrow on Saori Tirrils was discovered as soon as he shot, but we didn't plan to lie to the other by this little trick. Just as the guy turned to look at the Golden Arrow and started to evade, I summoned Ye Ying at the same time and turned over and rode up, and then picked up the eternity that had been extended into a hook sickle and rushed up.

Night Shadow, who had never touched the ground at all, deliberately landed on the ground and stepped on the ground, rumbling the sound of horseshoes. Hearing the sound of the charge, the guy opposite was immediately distracted. The golden arrow, which should have been able to escape completely, rubbed his cheek and flew over, cutting a triangular notch in his ear. Although the guy didn't shout out, but the pain was there after all, so he was more or less affected, and just as he was preparing to deal with my charge, he suddenly had a numbness I lost consciousness all over my body immediately, and after I turned around, I rushed past him, and the stab of the sickle gun flew a skull easily.

"Fortunately, my crossbow can be fired now." Victoria held her golden crossbow with one hand to launch into the sky, and the look of a soldier was quite strange. After all, this one used to play in a rather exaggerated form, and it's rarely the case. However, Victoria had no direct attack power in the past, and her arrow of destiny could not be avoided at all, so the arrogance point just appeared to attract others' attention and give the attacker a chance. But now that Victoria has recovered part of her power on Mount Olympus last time, she now has a direct attack power, so she now has two modes to choose from. For a while, the light bulb continued to attract attention, and secondly, it became a crossbowman for sneak attack.

The protoss corpse without his head was lying on the ground, blood and water were flowing along the neck fracture, while his back was close to the fracture with densely packed at least a dozen short arrows. This is Victoria's credit. Although these arrows are not life-threatening at one time, I deliberately let Victoria aim at the other side of the cervical spine, so it happened, or is inevitable, that one of the arrows hit the spinal nerve. Even if the Protoss have a strong recovery ability, the spinal nerve rupture can not be recovered in a second or two. Suddenly the body loses control for a second or two during a fierce battle, which can basically be regarded as death. The guy just failed to escape my stab at the end, and didn't even react, because his body was completely out of control at that time.

"President Ziri, I didn't expect you to be here, it really helped us a lot." Saori Tirils, who finally resolved his opponent, was obviously in a good mood.

I reached out and organized Saori Tirils's maggots, and said directly: "It's not the time to chat. Your companions still need your help to support them. I will go to other circles to check the situation and confirm I ’ll be back when all twelve of you are okay. ”After that, I took a night shot directly, and the night shadow rose in the air, and ran straight into the air on a non-existent path, and then headed for another battle. Run around.

With the help of Saori Tirrils, Aries should be considered safe. Now the most important thing to look at is the star **** who fights the enemy alone. There are many other two groups of personnel. Even if they can't match each other, they can cooperate with each other to defend. The safety factor is much larger, but the guy who placed the order may hang up as long as he doesn't pay attention to the injury. After all, no one around him will provide him. Protection, once he was injured, there was no chance of treatment.

Because there are people everywhere in the basin except these three circles, the circle is easy to find. At a glance from the air, I saw the battle circle where the guy who placed the order was, so Night Shadow rushed quickly. However, we just ran near the guy, and before we could lower the height, we saw a large golden light suddenly flashing around the golden figure below. Then we saw a flash of light, and the figure suddenly sprayed forward. A large golden beam of light emerged, and the people who were in the beam of light previously seemed to have been half attacked by the tsunami and all were taken off, and some even broke up in the air and burst into a mist of blood.

"I rely, did this guy have an order or do you think it's not easy to hurt yourself by accident?" I now finally realized that I might be wrong. Although the next one is only one person, his appearance does not seem to be a siege. Instead, he seems to have rushed into the enemy's position to engage in a massacre.

Who is the Super Cowman who can open the Warriors Mode mowing in the battle of the Protoss? With this shock, I first let the night shadow circle around the empty space to confirm the identity of the person below, but I found out at a glance, not to mention that this is really a Taurus, because he is a Taurus Thors.

Entrusting the blessing of the Saint Seiya cartoon at the time, many people now think that the weakest of the twelve stars is the Taurus and the big crab, but in fact each work has its own worldview and understanding. The Cancer and Taurus in the Saint Seiya cartoon do look the weakest, but in the original Zodiac myth, these twelve are actually not high or low. However, "Zero" is obviously not based on regular legend, he also modified the legend. Although I don't have a precise idea of ​​how the Star God's fighting power in these twelfth house is now, as far as the current situation is concerned, even if Taurus is not the strongest, at least it will not be the weakest.

After I saw the face of the person below, the light column below just disappeared. The enemies that previously stood in front of Thors are now only one-third left, and everyone else has turned into a mist of blood everywhere. Moreover, even the remaining one-third can't stand up. The one with the best condition can only barely support half of the body to spit blood there. As for the others, they can lie there and bleed in seven holes. Occasionally, a few puffs are good, at least compared to those who can barely see that they were human.

"Hey, Thors, do you need help here?" Seeing these disabled people, I have basically decided not to leave here for the time being. It seems that as long as there is enough time, this person can handle everyone on the opposite side.

The following Thors had seen me before. After all, the scene was the Olympus Protoss. Of the tens of thousands of people on both sides of the war, I flew in the sky.

Hearing my words, the following Tols immediately raised his head and yelled at me with a full breath: "Go and see the others, I can do it myself."

"Then I'll see the others first." After saying hello to Thors, I immediately let Night Shadow rush towards the circle with the most people.

In the three battle circles, there are five people in the battle circle of Aries. Thors is in a group. The remaining six star gods are all in one battle circle, and many of them are said to be very powerful. However, when I got here, I found out that this group is actually the most dangerous.

Although Aries did not handle the enemy, at least it was evenly matched, and Thors would not say it. The whole road roller, but the six people here were completely engaged in a hard battle, and the reason for this situation was-Athena And Apollo. That's right, these two guys who escaped from under the mushroom bomb did not expect them to come here.

Athena wouldn't say it anymore. In the Saint Seiya animated film, she was a direct goddess of the Twelve Star Gods. These twelve men are equal to her guards. But here, they and Athena are on a par with each other, and obviously the twelve-star **** in the game is strengthened very much, and Athena should be weakened too. However, even if there are other changes, Athena is still Athena after all, and she is entangled in the three star gods by herself, and it still does not fall. On the other side, Apollo confronted the two star gods, but obviously had the upper hand. The last star **** was the most unlucky, besieged by the four Olympians, and it seemed as if they were going to die at any time. As soon as he was done, the four Olympians would immediately reinforce Apollo to assist He killed those two star gods, and then the advantage will gradually expand and affect the entire battle situation. This method is actually the same as the way I arranged for Aries.

Now that you understand the situation, it's easy to do. First of all, it is imperative that the star **** who is besieged by the four Olympian protoss can't be hung up, so here most need support.

I didn't even see the besieged. I immediately urged Night Shadow to rush down, and then directly hit one of the Olympians who besieged the star **** and ran into it.

Because it's four to fight one, the four Olympians here are obviously not as nervous as those Olympians who deal with Aries, so they have time to observe the surrounding environment. I was spotted as soon as I rushed down, but the guy just turned around and turned to face me, and he couldn't do any more.

Alas ... a very piercing sound, the guy holding the shield with an unbelievable expression looked at the hook sickle that penetrated the shield and poured directly into his chest. This guy is holding a real artifact in his hand, and it is also a shield-type equipment with basic defense ability, but even so, this thing is still penetrated by a shot in the face of the ever-changing hook sickle, as a result, It was that guy who was picked by me on the tip of the gun and knocked out.

Suddenly felt that there was one less person besieging him, and the star God who was surrounded by him immediately began to adjust his tactics. This guy is obviously also a very good guy. Being able to pick one and four and persisting for so long shows that he is very good at fighting close to the body, or he hangs up early. Now the opponent's four-man group suddenly lacked one. Under pressure, he immediately started to fight back, but unfortunately he was not as sturdy as Athena after all. One-to-three can ensure that he doesn't hang up. It's nothing more than fighting for a little initiative, not that it can really treat a few people on the other side.

However, his counterattack quickly had an effect, because after solving a guy, I went back again. The Olympus Protoss was easily killed after taking advantage of the sudden attack, but the Olympus Protoss is not a scum, so it is not easy to deal with it, especially if the other party is prepared.

When he rushed down again, a guy in the opponent's team immediately rushed over to meet me. The three Olympus protoss who besieged the star **** obviously do not know me, because if you know who I am, it is impossible to send only one person to stop me, and even if it is, you do n’t have to rush forward?

The guy quickly rushed in front of me, followed by raising the tomahawk in his hand, and bent over at Yeying's legs. This guy is obviously also a master. He understands the principle of shooting people first. Although he is not an archer, the effect of cutting horse legs is the same. It's a pity that although Night Shadow looks a little like a horse, just like you can't say that a demon is a human, there is absolutely no relationship between Nightmare and Horse. Everyone just happens to look alike.

As the guy cut with an axe, Night Shadow suddenly jumped from the top of his head, followed by the kick of his heels against the guy's **** after the front legs landed. The nightmare does not have much to do with the horse, but because the body structure is similar, the horse will kick the nightmare after the fixed point, and play more smoothly. So he couldn't get up straight after bending that guy and straight forward. The guy who was stabbed by a hoof rolled over a few times before jumping up to prepare for the ensuing blow, but when he came together, he found that he had lost his target. First, I swept around nervously, confirming that I really didn't feel fooled just by looking at the distance.

After the hoof kicked and flew the guy, Yeying and I didn't stop at all. They rushed past the position of the star **** directly in front of them, and then from them when the two Olympians who besieged him did not respond. He rushed across and grabbed the star god's hand and pulled him to the back of the night shadow, and then used the speed advantage to quickly break away from the siege of these people and rushed to the battle group of Apollo to throw the rescued star **** To the war group. In this way, Apollo became a one to three. Although he is quite good, he is not as fierce as Athena. Athena could still have the upper hand with a one-to-three choice, and Apollo would be pinched and beaten. Although it was impossible to hang up, she could only passively defend.

After rescuing the star god, the night shadow did not turn at all, it was a jump in a sudden black mist, and then the next second I intercepted the Olympus Protoss who lost my target Leaped behind.

This guy just saw me pass over him and rescued their original goal, and was desperately rushing over there, but I didn't expect that I would burst out from behind him. Although he found us in time and made a dodging action when he turned around, my hook sickle was too long, and the attack range was far beyond ordinary weapons, so this guy failed to flash away from the left shoulder. A penetrating incision was made from below to the front chest, and the lung lobe was cut at the deepest point.

After cutting this guy a shot, the night shadow jumped into the black mist again without waiting for him to react, and then the black mist rolled and disappeared within a second, but the next second came out from behind Apollo.

I was thrown by an enemy and Apollo's battle situation was a bit dangerous. Fortunately, I didn't leave to deal with him, so he was relieved, but I actually emerged from behind him within five seconds. Because it happened too suddenly and was unprepared, Apollo didn't get any surprises from me. Unfortunately, this guy is not an ordinary protoss, after all, he responded really well. Despite being attacked, the result just made me cut off half of my palm. However, Apollo, who had half the palm of his hand, was injured after all. Even if the left hand was injured, it did not affect the acquisition of weapons, but the injury always affected the combat effectiveness. In addition, being attacked by me disrupted the rhythm of the battle, so the three stars opposite The onslaught of God's sight of opportunity immediately added several wounds to him. The Apollo, which was only suppressed, suddenly became a precarious state, forcing him to give up his dignity and start asking Athena for help.

Athena had noticed my existence before, but unfortunately she could barely gain a little advantage against the three star gods by herself. There was no way to get out and help. Now even if I heard Apollo's cry for help, I could only try to take Move the battle team over there, hoping to cover Apollo. However, before she moved there, I disappeared once on the battlefield, and none of the Protoss of Olympus knew where I would appear in the next second. Night Shadow's dream shuttle ability is not space-based magic. It should be considered as a psychic system, but it has strange space-moving capabilities, so it is difficult to capture the movement trajectory, so it is impossible to predict the place of occurrence, and because this teleportation is actually similar to space. The gate-like teleportation and the night shadow have been running again, so it can't be captured at a fast speed, which has caused me to appear like a ghost on the battlefield.

The guys were nervous when they saw me again, including the three guys who had lost their opponents. They also stopped and looked around nervously, hoping to find my trace, but I saw nothing for a long time until I heard Apollo. When they asked for help again, they responded and hurried to the other side, but they were stung again after two steps. I saw a cloud of black mist suddenly appear behind them, and then the night shadow flew out of the black mist with me and a huge golden figure.

The first three people were alert to my presence, so I immediately turned around as soon as I felt a magic wave behind me, but unfortunately this reaction did not work at all, because I directly dropped the golden figure and jumped in again. Black mist, and the huge golden figure yelled at this time: "Barbarian Assault". Along with this roar, the kind of golden scattered light column I saw before appeared again ~ ~, and directly covered the first three digits. After waiting for two seconds, the golden light disappeared, leaving only three on the scene. Distorted corpse.

I didn't circle here just for the teleport just now, but I took the Taurus. All the enemies on his side were killed by him and he was slaughtering the Saints brought by the other party. Letting Taurus kill the Saints was a complete waste of combat power, so I took him directly and told him to prepare for the trick directly, and when I threw him out here, his trick was just completed, and the opponent even reacted. Before the time came, he was recruited positively, and suffered a little bit of full damage, and the result was naturally very thorough. To tell the truth, the fact that they couldn't keep the corpses showed that they were very bullish. You have to know that the people who were caught by this move are far worse than they are, not to mention those who hit directly.

Seeing the three dead, Apollo's heart was half cold. Athena was barely able to suppress the three star gods on the other side. He was beaten by the three star gods himself. There is still a Taurus and I left there. Is this unknown? What's worse is that it's blocked here, and you can't even run.

"Athena, do a trick! No more chance!" Apollo, despairing, suddenly shouted at this Athena, and this sentence made our attention instantly move to Athena .

Does she have a hole card after playing for so long?

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