Starting from Zero

Vol 21 Chapter 31: Cunning guy

After leaving the teleportation array, I did not rush to run, but summoned Bailang to start tracking the smell of ice fist. This guy's smell has been recorded by Bailang before, so now he can't escape Bailang's smell tracking. m [] [] Of course, when Bai Lang was looking for the smell, I was not idle, but I was trying to observe the surrounding environment.

The forest where the teleportation is located feels a bit strange. Although it looks not very different from the general forest, it always feels that it is different and gives a very abnormal feeling. This area near the teleportation area is quite wide, but a little further away is dense dense forest. Because the nearby trees are extremely tall, you can't see the sky at all, and you can only see a trace of light red except for the branches that stretch out.

Wait a second, light red?

At that moment, I suddenly thought that something was wrong. Regardless of the three guys around me, I jumped directly onto a big tree next to me, and then took advantage of the branches to rise, and then looked for the next foothold and continued to jump up. The branches and leaves of the tree have become extremely scattered, and you can already see a part of the sky through the gaps between the branches and leaves above the head. However, what I see is not a blue sky and white clouds, but a large dark thing.

There was another force under my feet, and the last one sprang up. As the body rose, the surrounding tree trunks were scattered enough and I opened my wings and flew up. As my body exceeded the height of the treetops, the sky above my head immediately appeared in my field of vision.

"Sure enough!" When he saw the situation above his head. I immediately understood what was going on with the abnormal feeling. Because here is not a forest located on the surface, but a forest in the underground world. The sky above us is not a sky, but a rolling cloud of fire. This cloud of fire is not bright and the temperature is not very high, but it can continuously emit light and heat, thus replacing sunlight as the light source of this underground world. However, this thing cannot compare with the sun after all. So the light emitted is a bit dim, and the color is reddish, not white in daylight.

After discovering that I was in the underground world, I began to observe the surrounding situation with my current height, and found that all around me were full of forests that could not be seen at a glance. I don't know what's going on in this place in Iceland. It seems that there are many underground worlds, and one is bigger than the other, according to the scale of two that I see now. At least dozens of times larger than the underground world seen over China. However, think about geothermal resources on the Iceland side. It's normal to have so many underground worlds here. After all, the crustal activity here is relatively frequent, and the underground environment is relatively complicated.

After seeing the surroundings clearly, I can only land on the ground again. After all, there are forests around, which is really nothing to look at. However, after falling to the ground, I was surprised to find that the still quiet ground was now in a state of tension.

Bai Lang and the three guild players are now back to back converging into a defensive circle, in the dense forest around them. And the ground on the edge of the jungle is a large crowd of monsters.

This is a fairy tale monster, because I remember this creature once appeared in a fairy tale. It seems that their names are called flying monkeys. Of course, the creature in front of you should not be the flying monkey in the fairy tale world. Because this thing doesn't look like a monkey, it looks like a baboon, but these guys really have a pair of bat-like wings like flying monkeys, but their wings are very short and don't look like they can fly. However, if the wings are not decorative, even if they can't fly, helping these guys to glide should not be a problem.

Although the creatures in front of them look like baboons, they are not as small as baboons in nature, but they look like gorillas after losing weight. It can be seen that their volume is quite large, especially the number of these things is really much larger. Almost all of the nearby dense forests are filled with this thing. At a glance, you can see countless pairs of red eyes shining with bloodthirsty in the dense forest.

"It looks like you're having some trouble."

Hearing my voice, one of the three people immediately looked at me and asked for help: "President Ziri quickly help, these things don't seem to be good!"

"A bunch of low-level monsters, don't worry too much." I said and jumped off the branch next to it, and then waved forward with one hand, a circle of invisible breath quickly rippling down the ground, and The baboons around them immediately screamed when they came into contact with this breath, and then they ran away as if they saw their natural enemies. They almost became peaceful in the blink of an eye, and they could no longer see any monsters. Shadow. [Just read the novel ~] "Look, what am I talking about. Low-level monsters, don't worry."

One of the players sighed, "It's a low-level monster for you, not for us!"

"Haha, don't worry, let's find the **** ice fist first, and then we have a lot of effort for this guy." I turned to Bai Lang next to him and asked, "Find the smell of that guy Yet?"

Bai Lang nodded and started to lead the way, and I immediately followed. Because we want to prevent the other party from shifting again, we are moving very fast, almost running at full speed, just to take care of the three towing oil bottles in the back to slow down a bit, but the speed of ice punch should not be faster than us, so This speed is enough.

After chasing for a few kilometers from here, a small mound of bulge appeared suddenly in front of him, but after walking around the back of the mound, Bai Lang actually traced the scent into a hole in the mound. Although this hole does not seem to be intended for human use, since Bailang has been drilled in, I have to follow along. Fortunately, although this hole is a bit smaller, it is not really narrow, so as long as the cat is on the waist, it can barely move forward, and it does not need to use all four limbs to crawl along the ground.

After digging into the burrow from the entrance, the internal light suddenly became very dim. Fortunately, neither Bailang nor I wanted light, but in order to prevent the next three from seeing the road, I still asked Xiaochun to add a mobile lighting technique to us, and it was still long-acting.

Following the passage all the way, after 300 meters deep into the ground, the passage suddenly began to narrow, and could have been running forward with a cat on his waist, but now he really had to climb on the ground. but. This embarrassing condition did not last long. It just widened again after moving less than five meters, and it was wider than the previous section. With my height, I could walk in it even if I nodded slightly. If you pay attention to avoiding the protruding rocks above your head, you won't encounter anything without lowering your head.

The slightly wider channel here changed again after just less than ten meters, but this time the channel turned into a huge vertical well. Our position is not the top of the vertical well. It's near the top. There is a section up the vertical well, but not many. And it's not always connected to the ground. Otherwise, you should be able to see the sky of the underground world, that is, the cloud of fire. However, even if we are not at the top of the vertical well, the difference between the distance and the bottom is still unpredictable, because we can't even see how deep the bottom is.

"Fuck, how are we going to go so deep?" Due to another small piece of rock protruding from the opening of this vertical well, several of us were able to climb out of the narrow passage. One of the players in the manager guild looked down and couldn't help complaining.

"Not necessarily to the end." I pointed directly to the opposite: "Maybe that's our goal."

It's opposite to where we are, on the other side of the vertical well wall. There is also a small opening. That opening was narrow, at best, it could barely allow a person to pass. And the opening was vertical, looking like there were more cracks than channels. So it is easy to be ignored. However, my vision is not affected by this distance, so I found the existence of the crack directly.

Looking at the crack on the opposite side and the bottom of the cave below, I thought about it and said to the three around me: "Although I don't have the power to drive you away, you also see that the surrounding terrain is getting more and more It ’s complicated. It ’s too difficult for players like you to move in this kind of place. Although I can take you there, I do n’t think I need much combat assistance, so it does n’t make sense to take you there. ”

I just said here, one of them interrupted me immediately and said, "You do n’t have to explain anything to us. We just want to follow up with it. Since the terrain is not allowed now, you just go and do n’t care Ours. "Because I knew the strength of me and Frost Rose Alliance, now the three of them are very good at talking, what they say is what they say, they don't like me at all.

Now that they understand the matter so well, I will not explain to them anymore, and flew directly towards the opening on the opposite side. As for Bailang, he was even more bullish and ran straight down the wall. As the guardian of the secret passage, Bai Lang is best at moving in complex environments. One of the necessary skills is surface walking. That is to say, regardless of the direction, Bai Lang can run on it as long as there is another surface. The same goes for hanging on the ceiling. (Read novels.)

After reaching the entrance of the opposite hole, I let Bai Lang sniff the scent inside, and it turned out that this is not the course of ice fist, so we started to run down, and as the height dropped, we found that the surrounding temperature seemed to gradually The rise indicates that we are getting closer to the depths of the crust, because the deep part of the crust is close to the mantle, and the entire mantle is composed of lava, so the closer to the mantle, the higher the temperature.

"The surrounding walls are getting hotter!" Bai Lang reminded me as he ran down the wall. Because I glide to the bottom of the cave by the wings, it is not like the white waves will touch the wall of the cave, so I am less sensitive to the change in temperature than the white waves.

When I heard Bailang, I immediately fanned a few wings to stop the falling process, and then reached out to the wall to test the temperature. The temperature was very high, indicating that the back of the wall was likely to be lava.

"No, we must have missed something." Feeling the temperature of this wall, I knew I must have run too far. The temperature around the wall of this vertical well has exceeded the upper limit of the average player. I have previously played with ice punches, and in order to understand the properties of the magic lollipop, I also read his attributes carefully. His fire resistance will never reach this position and will be steamed. So he cannot go down from here to the bottom of the passage. Well, the only explanation is that he entered another passage somewhere above. In this way, the crack-like channel we found before is not the only channel here.

Now that we know that we missed the entrance, we can only search a little bit more from here. Although the diameter of this vertical well is not very large, we must not miss any gaps. Me and Bailang alone are obviously not working, so I summoned a large number of ghost beetles directly on the wall of the cave to form dozens of dense circles. Then these ghost worms started to move up with us. Because there are too many ghost worms, they are almost next to each other, so as long as there is a passage opening on this well wall, they will not miss it.

Although my method guarantees that the channel opening will not be missed, the disadvantage is also obvious, that is not fast enough. The ghost beetle is not a speed creature, and the crawling speed is naturally not too fast. So it takes time to thoroughly search the entire well wall. Moreover, I may be unlucky today. I found all the way down from the entrance we found before, and found no other channels. but. Although we have been retrieving the entrance from below, we have not found any other passages, but the passage where the ice fist left was eventually found by us.

"Damn, it's in this place!"

The final entrance was discovered by the ghost beetles, but it was really depressing when I learned the location of the entrance, because the entrance was actually above us.

I noticed earlier that our entrance to this vertical well was not at the top of the vertical well, but just near the top. The vertical well is at least a dozen meters high at the position we entered. However, relative to the total length of the vertical well. This section of ten meters is really negligible. However, the escape route for that **** ice fist is within the range of more than ten meters. And its entrance was actually six meters above the entrance we entered into the vertical well.

You can imagine if you are a police officer. You are chasing a fugitive in a hotel. The other party was forced into a room by you. You rushed in and found no one. So what do you think of next moment? Normal people think of the balcony, and then run down to the balcony to see if the other person has jumped down, but few people think that the other person will climb up the balcony. This is a misunderstanding. When it really comes to use, a lot of people still can't think of it.

We had made this kind of mistake before. When we came out, we thought the other party was jumping down, and we didn't notice that there was a hole in the head. Had it not been for this time I carried out a net-like search with a ghost beetle, it would have been impossible to find the hole above my head. After all, the location of this hole is really disgusting. The entrance was originally small and a little indented. In addition, there were several protruding rocks below to block the view. This kind of place is really difficult to find.

Once you find the entrance, it's easy. Let Bai Lang head directly, take back the ghost beetle and follow Bai Lang into the channel all the way forward.

The entrance to this aisle is very narrow, but after entering, it is a turn less than three meters away. After passing this turn, the aisle begins to widen and heighten immediately. After climbing less than two meters, it can stand up and walk forward on its waist. After walking five or six meters forward, you can stand completely straight, and after continuing for ten meters, the passage is almost the same as the corridor in the general corridor, and you can run forward.

Because I had delayed too much time in the vertical well before, I didn't dare to waste time here. Riding directly on Bailang let him let go at full speed. If it weren't for the passageway high enough, I would even have ran on Yeying. Although Bailang can move me, he is not a pet of mounts, after all, his personal speed must be reduced, and Bailang's body is not very comfortable to ride. The spine will continue to stretch and bend back and forth while running, so riding on their backs is basically the same as playing bison. You ca n’t even sit without a certain amount of skill. Of course, even if you ca n’t fall, riding It's still uncomfortable for a long time, after all, it is more bumpy than any wheeled vehicle.

"Can you feel the distance?" I asked after riding for a while on Bailang's back.

Bai Lang replied: "No, there is no air flow here, and the speed of odor dissipation is unstable, so it is impossible to determine the distance, but it is certain that we are gradually approaching the target because the odor is getting stronger and stronger."

"That's good."

Bailang ran for almost half an hour later. When he stepped out suddenly, we flew out of the passage in an instant, and the surrounding area became an open space. Obviously, we entered another piece of underground space. I hurriedly recovered Bailang, spread my wings to glide to the ground, and then summoned Bailang again to look for the smell. Bailang just smelled it and found the direction to start running, I also summoned the night shadow to ride quickly.

There was no light in this new crypt. There are no plants in nature. The hard ground is composed entirely of solidified magma, with many pores on the surface. There are no obstacles except for things like stalagmites. This kind of space is just right for our full burst speed. If it weren't for the white waves to track the scent, I even planned to use the birds to catch up directly.

Although you ca n’t use flying birds, Bailang is not slow without the burden. At full speed, he quickly reached the other side of the underground space, and there was a passageway above the cave wall. Although it is more than three meters above the ground, neither Yeying nor Bailang cares about this height. Stepped up in one step. Then continue to run wildly. The passage is as bare as the outside, and it is wide enough to not worry about obstacles. As soon as I saw the environment, Bailang was simply closed, and then a nightmare urged him to burst out. The night shadow rushed to the top speed in an instant, and it was like a gust of wind in the passage.

Although we had delayed a lot of time in the vertical well before, our speed was still much faster than ice boxing, so. When we ran this passage for ten minutes, we immediately found the target.

At the end of this passage is still an underground space. But unlike the dark space before, there is also a light source at the top of the cave. It's just that the color is not red, but a yellowish white light. It feels quite close to daylight, but the brightness is not too high. However, although there is light in this area, there is no water, and the temperature is much higher than the previous areas. It is estimated that the ambient temperature has reached more than forty degrees. In reality, this temperature is enough to kill people.

Such a high temperature, plus no water, naturally can not grow plants, but this environment is good for me. Because there are no plants to cover my sight, as soon as I entered this underground space, I saw the target a few kilometers away at a glance. The other party had already reached the opposite position of this space, and was almost able to enter a passage in front. At this time he was not walking fast, it is estimated that he is either saving energy or thinking that we will not catch up.

I did n’t see the target speed before, but I ca n’t see it. Now I can see the target directly, even if I am afraid of him? However, instead of rushing to catch up, I flew down and found a large rock protruding from the ground and hiding it.

My purpose is to find the magic dessert chef, not to hunt down the ice fist. This ice fist is just a child with a brain shit, and it doesn't make sense to kill him. What I want is the magic dessert maker he hid, not him, so instead of chasing after him, follow him, and let him bring me to the magic dessert maker himself. It can be seen from the previous section that the magic dessert chef is very hidden. If I catch him, he will definitely not cooperate, and it will be more laborious to find it by himself.

With my strength, it is too easy to track players at the level of ice boxing, and it seems that the boy has no anti-reconnaissance experience, just an ordinary person.

After reaching the entrance of the passage over there, Bingquan finally thought of looking back and glanced into the passage in front of him after confirming that he had not seen any chasing troops. Immediately after he entered the passage, I reached out and the dart appeared in my palm, and then shot straight out, chasing behind the guy in a blink of an eye. At the speed of a dart, it is absolutely impossible for that guy to want to run. After all, a dart moves at the speed of light. Can he be faster than the speed of light? It is no exaggeration to say that the speed of darts is actually faster than that of the teleportation array. After all, the start of the teleportation array takes time, and the speed of the dartboard is the speed of light. It can go around the earth several times in one second. The teleportation to the opposite side of the earth is no more than a half circle around the earth, and the entire transmission process may take more than ten seconds. At this time, the darts have already run dozens of times. Of course, in fact, darts can't do that kind of thing. It's not his speed that is fake, but his stamina and sight. Although the dart can move at the speed of light, his endurance value is slightly higher than that of ordinary creatures, so he will end up running at most for seven or eight hundred kilometers, so even if he has that speed, he cannot keep it at that speed. Another trouble is light. Because the dart is moving at the speed of light, the light cannot be transmitted to his eyes during the movement, which means that as soon as the dart runs, it will not see anything, so he usually confirms the next one within a short distance. The target point, then run directly, then stop to confirm the next position and then run, so there will be intervals in the middle, so in fact the average speed of the darts can not really reach the speed of light. Of course, even if the average speed can't reach the speed of light, it is not something that ordinary people can hide from. Anyway, people can really move at the speed of light.

I let go of the darts even more leisurely, and followed the ride in the night shadow leisure court, as long as we did not get too far away, we did not have to chase after all.

After more than two hours like this, Bingquan went through a series of complicated terrains. To be honest, I almost collapsed along the way. I had never expected that he would hide the magic dessert master so deeply. I guess they must have had other ways to trade magic desserts before, and they were not picked up by Bingquan. Otherwise, this time would not be right. This way, at least half a day at the speed of ice fist, I don't know how far it is. If he had to come in and pick up the magic dessert made by the magic dessert chef every time, and then return, he would run on both sides without doing anything every day. However, in fact, the ice boxing time is very much, so it is impossible for him to delay too much time on this road. So, the only reasonable explanation is that Magic Dessert is not taken by ice fist, but another transport channel. It is only this time that Ice Fist went to the Magic Dessert personally, so it took so long.

Two hours and ten minutes later, Bingquan finally passed through a passage and entered a place where it was unknown whether it should be called an underground passage or underground space. This place looks like an enlarged mountain tunnel. If it is flooded, it will be wide enough for an aircraft carrier battle group to keep the battle team in the past. However, although it is so wide, this channel is even longer. The front extends to the position where I ca n’t see my head, and this is not because the channel is bent and blocked by obstacles, but because the channel is really too long. , The front is beyond my visible distance. You have to know that I have the star pupil assistance, and my vision is better than a telescope, so I ca n’t see my head, and I can see how long this space is.

After the ice fist entered this passage, it obviously slowed down, and seemed very careful. Obviously there was something dangerous here, otherwise he couldn't be so careful. But I have no time to control his performance, because I suddenly thought of something.

"Amenis ~ ~ Virtually showed me the road map we had traveled before. With my order, a three-dimensional map immediately appeared in front of me. I frowned at the map for a while and immediately thought, "Zoom out the road map and cover the Nordic map."

"Master I don't have a complete map, and the middle part ..."

"Only showing the parts you know, especially the map on the side of the entrance to Iceland and the coordinates of the area we just passed by."


The map changed again, and soon a torn road map and a three-dimensional map of the surrounding area appeared in front of me, and at this time I was shocked and didn't know what to say. "Damn, it's no wonder that I couldn't find the position of the magic dessert maker before! This ice fist ... really looked down on him before!" Looking at the map in front, although incomplete, from the marked azimuth coordinates and surrounding coordinates It can be seen from the map mosaic results that the long passage space we are seeing is probably a cross-sea tunnel, one end of which is connected to the underground world on the Iceland side, and the other end is directed to the European continent. I'm not sure where the exit is over there. In other words, the magic dessert chef we are looking for is actually not in Iceland at all. (To be continued) RQ

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