Starting from Zero

Vol 21 Chapter 32: Tail

"This ice fist is really too cunning. I actually hid the Magic Dessert Chef in the European continent, and ended up running to Iceland to sell Magic Desserts. This way I misled others. It's a real expense!"

"It ’s not quite so. M [Reading novels ~]" I frowned and said, "From the previous situation, this ice fist doesn't look like a very thoughtful person, but this hidden magic dessert chef The way is ... in short, it's strange. "

Hiding the magic dessert chef in continental Europe, and then hurriedly ran to Iceland to sell magic desserts. This kind of thing is absolutely very rare, and it is not the way people think of it. However, the previous series of behaviors of Bingquan were all very brain-impaired behaviors. I can see from his revenge for his younger brother. This is an ordinary person who has no sense of the overall situation. If he can think of such hidden Method, I think it's too accidental.

After thinking about it, I still feel that this matter is more confusing, but I still can't go to Bingquan to ask him directly, so I can only follow this fist with the doubt for the time being.

We found that Bingquan's behavior was abnormal when he first entered this super wide underwater tunnel. At the time, I guessed that the passage might not be safe, but in fact, my guess was soon confirmed. Because Bingquan really met monsters.

This is a cute-looking monster with a fluffy and soft feeling throughout the body, and its head and body are directly grown together. The neck is not visible at all, and it feels like a large fur ball with limbs. of course. This stuffy body also has eyes and ears, and the guy's ears are quite personality, short and round, like bear ears, anyway, it gives people a pinch when they see it feel. However, although the ears and body are cute, the guy's eyes are not so pretty. In fact, the main thing is that this thing has four eyes, and the distribution is irregular. It is neither symmetrical left or right, nor symmetrical up and down, but it is scattered on the front of the body, giving a rather weird feeling.

As soon as this monster jumped out, the guy in Bingquan flew into the grass immediately, and then saw one of the eyes on the monster's body suddenly shot a red ray across it. The area where the ice fist stood before, then. After the red rays swept through, the plants in that area were short.

"I depend. Does this thing come with a laser weapon?" To be honest. Before I saw this furry monster, I really did n’t take it seriously. After all, the limbs and body of the monster were too thin compared to the body, so it did n’t look like it had a strong athletic ability, and I still did n’t see this. Something ’s mouth, so I do n’t know how its biting ability is, just by its limbs, even if it has a good mouth. It's in vain if you can't bite. However, now I understand why this thing does not need strong limbs. The whole thing moved the laser fort. As long as the limbs can move, it doesn't matter if they are strong or not.

Bingquan is clearly aware of the attack method of this thing. So the first time he saw it, he rushed out. Fortunately, he flashed fast, otherwise he would definitely be as short as the wood in the back. [] But he was useless even after passing the first wave of attacks. After all, it was impossible for a monster to attack him only once, so the second wave of attacks hit the bushes immediately after he got into the woods, but His response was quick and he had already drilled out in advance.

Of course we would n’t care about that guy ’s life and death, but the problem is that we are following him now. In case he is killed, we ca n’t be sure where he will be resurrected, so we ca n’t let him die, otherwise he Fortunately, the resurrection in Reykjavik said that if he was resurrected in another city, it would be a big trouble.

Seeing that guy chased away by the monster's rays, I also had to shoot. Of course, that guy couldn't find me helping him. Taking back all the magic pets around me, I followed the psychic sensory darts. Because the ice fist was running away, the monster was chasing behind the ice fist, and from the back I was chasing after the monster.

The hairy monster is about 1.8 meters tall, and because of his round body, it looks taller than a person, but this type of body is not very suitable in the dense forest here, so the movement speed is not fast. Otherwise, relying on that sharp laser weapon, it is estimated that the guy in Bingquan has already been divided.

Quickly chased behind the monster, I thought I could raid the guy, but what I didn't expect was that this thing seemed to have a sixth sense. After I approached it, I suddenly turned around and fired a laser in this direction. Because things happened too suddenly, and this guy fired not the kind of energy weapon that looks like a laser weapon, but the real beam. Although general energy weapons seem to emit a bright line like a laser, but because they are not light beams, the flight speed has not actually reached 300,000 kilometers per second. Although this energy weapon is also very fast, as long as you can respond quickly enough, you can still fire, at least with the speed of my nerve reflection. Unfortunately, this guy fired a real laser, and I was successful almost at the moment it fired. Fortunately, although the beam propagates at the speed of light, the guy cannot move the beam at the speed of light to chase the target. So I was irradiated for a few seconds and then flew away from the attack range. Although the opponent was also adjusting the attack direction, I never hit again. As for the exposure of a few tenths of a second, it was directly blocked by the Dragon Soul suit, and did not cause much damage. Although the defense was broken, the damage was already very low, and it was almost negligible.

I have already observed the monster's attack method through the field of vision of the dart before. The opponent's firing speed is temporarily uncertain. Because the ice boxer has been running before, the monster needs time to aim, so the firing interval I see may not be The cooling time of the laser weapon may not even be able to shoot. However, at least one point has been confirmed. That is, this thing can only last for three seconds each time the beam is emitted. From the beginning of the beam, the beam must go out after three seconds, and the moment the beam went out, I stopped the dodge action and turned back to the eye where the monster just shot the beam in the middle of the arrow. The crossbow fired by the Avengers is very powerful, and the body of the thing seems to be very soft, at least the eyes are very soft. The crossbow penetrates its eyes and shoots into the monster's body, not even the arrow clusters. (Read novels.)

Although he hit an arrow, the monster did not fall down. It was the other eye above the body that suddenly lit up. I saw it once, and I knew it was a sign before launch. Immediately, I jumped out thinking about the oblique side, and then a beam of light swept over where I was just now, and swept away from me, but at this time I had The Dragon Soul Shield was erected, and the local beam weapon was obviously not strong enough to penetrate even my shield, and it was directly blocked.

During the dodge process, I kept counting. When the three seconds passed, I immediately lowered the shield and planned to make another arrow. Who knew that the shield had just fallen, and immediately a beam of light hit my brows. The tingling sensation appeared instantly. And I also instinctively lifted my arm and blocked it in front of the forehead, followed by a sting from the arm. Fortunately, the time of three seconds was too short, and the beam of light caused only a slight injury to end.

Seriously, I didn't expect that all four eyes of the monster could emit light beams. Although it seemed that they couldn't fire at the same time, they could fire one after another. When the last one is fired, the first one enters the second cycle. That is to say, the laser weapon of this thing is virtually no interval, except that it takes time to re-target. If you only hit fixed targets, you can fire until your energy is exhausted.

After I blocked an attack with my arm, the opponent's second attack followed, and I was continuously hit without any reaction time. Fortunately, the attack power of this thing is not really that strong, so it hurts me. It was not serious, and after two consecutive strikes, I erected the shield again, and the attack was immediately blocked.

Now that I know there is no interval between attacks on this thing, I do n’t need to play any tactics. Anyway, with this attack method, the only thing you can do is rush up against the attack, or fight back from the opponent's range. Now, besides attacking it, I have to pay attention that it cannot be found by Ice Fist. Therefore, the long-range magic attack is ignored directly. The most trouble-free method is close-range attack. In front of it, then directly relying on the inertia of the charge, hit the shield with the shield.

To be honest, it really does n’t hurt to hit this stuff. I do n’t think there will be any uncomfortable feeling even if I hit it without a shield and without armor, because the soft hair of this guy seems to be full of fat. The flesh, the whole body was soft like a pad of water. I almost bumped back and was bounced back by the flesh on it. It felt as if I was hit not by a monster but by a spring bed.

Although almost bounced back, I finally stabilised my body, and the monster was overturned to the ground by my heavily loaded outfit. Then I did n’t wait for it to respond. I immediately held the shield back, the blades of both hands popped out, two of the eyes facing the monster were two punches, and two beeps, the monster's two eyes burst out a green liquid, counting The one I shot before, now this monster has only one eye left.

The monster who knew that he might be killed immediately hurriedly fired the laser beam in an attempt to resist, but unfortunately the distance was too short, I let it go as soon as I tilted my head, and its eyes also had the problem of the shooting angle. I. When this round of design is completed, I directly retract the blade claw and change it to eternity, and suddenly insert the left eyeball into it, but even if all four eyes burst, this thing is still struggling and twisting there, just Its limbs are really powerless, so it's useless to struggle.

After pulling out the eternity, I went directly to the top of its head, and then filled the sword with eternity, this time the monster would not move immediately, obviously this is the key point.

After killing this thing, I finally knew why I ran away before seeing the ice fist. Even I was struggling so hard. The ice fist obviously couldn't figure it out, even if I had a slight enemy and did n’t understand this creature. The reason is, but anyway, this is a very powerful creature, anyway, three ice fist bundles may not have done one such monster.

The ice fist in front didn't know that the monster chasing himself had been killed, and was still running desperately. Until a long time I didn't see the monster catch up, I slowed down a bit. I can also see from the response of the ice fist and the information of the monsters I have. If you do not plan to kill this monster after encountering this monster, then the method of ice fist is the most correct, because this monster is very difficult to entangle. And its attack is very sharp, so it is not wise to fight with it. Considering that the limbs of this thing are short and powerless, the speed of activation is bound to be unpleasant. Escape becomes the best choice.

After getting rid of the laser hair ball, Bingquan took a short rest and started to move again, but just met a monster again without going too far. Fortunately, this is just a mob, Bingquan himself directly put it Solve it and move on. Later, one after another the ice fist encountered some monsters, but overall the grades were average. Some were solved by Bingquan myself, and some were secretly made by me. Anyway, the ice boxing went a long way without surprise.

Although I don't have to sleep. But Bingquan obviously didn't work. After a while, Bingquan finally couldn't hold on and chose to take an offline break, and my tracking plan had to be suspended.

Now that guy is escaping, of course it is impossible to go offline for a long time, but I have no plans to wait here until he goes online. Anyway, there are darts squatting there for 24 hours, and I don't have to follow around, just to explore this undersea tunnel while he is offline.

According to the action that day. Comparing the graphs, I found that we are now almost at the European continent. In other words, we have passed through this part of the sea from Iceland to the European continent in a day, and it is only tens of kilometers away from the real European continent. of course. The entrance of the passage is unlikely to be near the sea, so although it is not far from the European continent, the exit of the passage should be some distance away.

While Bingquan was away, I directly released a large group of magic pets to help me search for this area. Do n’t worry about Bingquan's discovery, we do n’t have to be cautious, just go ahead.

Of course, our arrogant behavior attracted a lot of monsters, not to mention that the level is not low, but it is almost against me. Of course, it is not true that there are no powerful monsters here, just relatively few. The next morning, Brigitte, who was exploring a dense forest, found a monster that looked like Xiaoqiang.

Many people are afraid of cockroaches, but not because they hurt themselves, but because they are dirty. Human fear is divided into many types, among which the fear of insects is mainly dirty fear, even if they know they cannot hurt themselves, they will still be afraid. However, in front of this little strong man who ate Jin Carat, he who has no fear of filth will definitely not be able to bear it, because this stuff is really too big.

I said that the big is mainly relative to the size of the real Xiaoqiang. In fact, such monsters like Xiaoqiang are not really big, at least not large creatures. They are now about five meters long, standing more than one meter high on the ground, and more than one meter wide. They look like a purplish red business car.

We should say that we have seen so many creatures, and we do n’t think it will be dangerous. The key is that the mutant cockroach-like monster in front of you is not one or two, but it is like a small strong insect. I just killed one over there, and then I saw a huge rushing out, which drowned Brigitte's body almost instantly. Otherwise, if Brigitte itself was strengthened by lightning, the lightning protection was directly activated to burn the monsters around her. It flew up, and it was estimated that this time he was thrown, he would never come out again.

Brigitte, who had swallowed the cockroach nest, notified us when she flew up, and we rushed over the first time, and then magically washed the ground and directly burned this forest to ashes, which scared those away. monster. Yes, it is not extinction, but scaring.

I really doubt this thing is a cockroach, because they are so similar to cockroaches. These guys didn't actually live in this passage. I didn't notice before, and the caves on the ground were exposed after the forest was burned out. Obviously these things live deeper underground, and they only come here to hunt through these channels. In addition ~ ~ In the magic attack, we found that many cockroach monsters would not die even if they were torn apart by the magic, and they still struggled there. Even after the head of the cockroach monster was blown up completely, it persisted until we burned out the forest. In the end, when we found this head, it was half-cooked, but even then, the big pliers in the mouth of that thing were still trying to bite. This kind of vitality I guess Xiaoqiang can I have it.

After checking the properties afterwards, I found that I called these things cockroach monsters before was really good, because the name of this thing in the system properties actually wrote directly-big cockroaches. Yes, it is the big cockroach. There is no description of demonization or mutation. It is called the big cockroach directly. Moreover, the most **** thing is that the level of this big cockroach is actually-1200. A thousand and two hundred monsters, and thousands of them appear at every turn. Do you think this thing is not a super monster? Anyway, the average player is absolutely not saved when encountering this stuff, and it is no wonder that the ice fist entered here so carefully beforehand. If he didn't make it, he had suffered in the hands of the big cockroach before, so he would be so careful.

After clearing the cockroach monsters here, Bingquan was just online, and I hurriedly recovered the magic pet and went back to follow. The reopened Bingquan knew nothing about the surrounding changes, but just felt that the forest suddenly became quieter a lot, but did not study it. Seeing his poor alertness, I finally affirmed that hiding the magic dessert chef in Europe was not his idea. This guy is definitely not so smart. (To be continued) RQ

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