Starting from Zero

Vol 21 Chapter 33: Mistake

At first glance, this guy is not a smart man, he is fighting for the hegemony. There were countless monsters in the M undersea tunnel, and he knew what was going on here, but suddenly the entire passageway became extremely quiet, but he had no doubt at all. If this were to be considered a wise man, in this world You can't find a fool.

Although this guy is a fool, it saves me a lot of trouble. I didn't notice that the ice fist that the surrounding monsters had been cleared away still moved forward against the edge of the tunnel, and because there were no monsters around, his action was much faster than yesterday's spontaneous, psychic Treacherous.

It took almost three more hours. After walking a long distance equivalent to yesterday's full day, we finally saw the end of the passage. The reason why the advance speed is so fast today is mainly because there are no monsters blocking it, making Bingquan's bravery a lot. At the beginning, he carefully explored, and then he almost trot all the way. This speed is the same as yesterday. The same posture is naturally different.

After approaching the entrance, the speed of the ice fist slowed again, but this time it was not caused by monsters but by terrain. At the entrance of the passage, it seems as if a dividing line has been artificially drawn. At the position of this line, the forest suddenly ends. This side of the line is a lush forest with large leafy trees above, and various shrubs and weeds and some vines below, but the transnational line immediately became the opposite A pile of rocks, let alone a tree, could not find the root grass.

This abrupt landform is quite weird. But because I want to follow the ice boxing, I have no time to stop to investigate the situation here, I can only follow the ice boxing forward.

Starting from that dividing line, the forward part is no longer a forest, but a gradually rising rocky slope. This rocky **** is full of large blocks of gray-black rocks, which are very large and because It's an underground environment. Lack of wind erosion, so all stones are angular. This is also in the game, everyone is wearing armor. If there is such a stone **** in reality, climbing up will definitely change the clothes of the climber into a beggar. Of course, there is absolutely no good place for people. If they are not cut, they will be lucky like squirrel mandarin fish.

Watching Bingquan awkwardly avoid the sharp rocks in front of him and head towards the top of the slope. Sometimes I ca n’t wait to help him, but unfortunately we are following. So I can only watch.

Nine cattle and two tigers were wasted. The fist of Bingquan finally climbed to the top of the slope, and then saw that he found a rock in the original pile of rocks that looked nothing strange, and pushed it inward with force, and suddenly there was a piece on the rock wall next to it. The rock receded inward automatically, revealing a hole.

To be honest, I was really surprised when I saw this stuff. I don't even think of such a hidden door without knowing such a hidden door in advance, let alone looking for it. Good-looking novel: The Plane Arms tycoon.

After the secret door opens. Bingquan immediately released the rock and turned into the hole, and the boulder automatically resumed a few seconds after he entered. The stone that used to be the starting organ also retreated automatically with the restoration of the boulder, and gradually changed to the previous state. If you don't pay attention, you can't find that there was a door here.

Because the darts followed after the ice fist entered, I didn't rush to open the secret door, and waited until the guy in the ice fist penetrated a certain distance inside before learning the ice fist to open the secret door and followed.

Inside the secret door is a rock passage, but it is very obvious that it is not naturally formed, because the foot is an artificially excavated ladder instead of the **** river bed formed by the impact of the underground river.

Following this one-person-wide passageway, it moved about fifty or sixty meters obliquely upwards, and then the stairs disappeared, and we entered a large underground cave. The structure of this cave is still without any plants, and it is dark and dark. The most annoying thing is that the cave is only 1.7 meters high. Will it hit the head? You must bend forward to ensure the safety of your head.

This underground space is quite wide, the total area is very large, but the interior is uneven, and there are many stone columns and some large-scale walls, so it feels like a huge maze. Although there is no dead end, it is still easy for ordinary people to get lost. . The main thing is that the stone pillars, stalagmites and walls will force you to bypass them, and you will find that you have lost your sense of direction, and the end result is that you can't find directions at all. As for the compass or something, don't think about it. This place is a huge magnet, and the walls and ground are all magnetite. In this kind of place, I believe the compass is worse than tossing a coin.

Bingquan is obviously unfamiliar with this place, because after entering, he has been following the signs on the ground and the rock wall. These marks are y-shaped metal spikes. In the middle, and the last section was bent, the tail of these curved spikes pointed to the position of the one in front and the one in the back. Along these spikes, you can find the position of the two adjacent spikes, so that you will not get lost whether you move forward or backward.

With the help of these spikes, Bingquan took an entire hour to reach the other exit of this cave, but it feels that this is not the only passageway here. Good-looking novel: Gangster sister download.

This exit does not look like a regular exit, because it is very narrow, almost like a dog hole, and needs to climb in on all fours. Some locations even require ice fists to take off the armor and raise their hands above the head, then like a snake. Squeeze from those cramped locations. Fortunately, the channel for this crime is not very long, and the total length is only seven or eight meters.

"Master, I'm blocked." My side was tracking the target through the dart's senses, and suddenly I heard the dart's reminder.

"I saw."

I was seeing what happened to darts because I was sharing vision for them. In front of the ice fist, after entering the entrance of the tunnel, it entered another underground cave, but that cave is much more comfortable than the cave over here, at least it is large enough and wide, and there are many unknown white lights on the top of the cave Body, although it cannot be said that the entire cave is illuminated. At least the basic light source can be guaranteed. However, these are just what the darts can see at a glance, because after the ice boxing drilled out of the ultra-narrow aisle, they turned and covered the entrance with a stone.

"What should I do now?" The dart asked me.

"Come back first."


After calling back the dart, I threw the rose vine directly into the passage, and the rose vine immediately swam to the entrance of the passage. After sticking the sticks on the cave wall for a while, the rose vine carefully stretched a tentacle under the rock, then gently pushed the rock out of a gap and slowly extended one. Perceptual tentacles with visual crystals. However, just when this tentacle just came out, I suddenly saw a dark shadow inserted towards the huge crystal head.

Pa ... 噗 ... With such a noise, the sight shared by the rose vine was immediately interrupted. At the same time, the rose vine twitched with pain. Although the auxiliary branches of rose vines can be discarded at will, the main branches with observation crystals have sensory nerves that resemble animal bodies, so injuries can cause pain. Suddenly, an eyeball was suddenly exploded, and the rose vine naturally twitched.

Because I had been sharing the vision of the rose vine before, I was taken aback when the dagger was inserted, and then I remembered that it was not my eyes, but I immediately realized that I was exposed, Alas. Those just now are obviously intentional. Bingquan apparently found my whereabouts. So, has he been pretending to be stupid before? but. If that's the case. His acting skills are too great, right?

In any case, it is exposed now, and must not let the ice fist run away. Even if he refuses to cooperate, at least he can get a little information in the dialogue with him.

After thinking about it, I no longer kept my hand, and threw the rose vine directly into the training space, followed by a liquefied magic crystal steam bomb into the channel, and then quickly flashed people. After a delay of five seconds, I heard a loud noise. The original narrow passage directly turned into a large hole where trains could run. Without waiting for the landslide rock to fall again, I have rushed past the original location of the passage and entered the opposite cave.

There was already a cloud of smoke in this cave. Although the explosion just didn't happen directly here, the shock wave in the closed cave couldn't spread. It can only advance along the passage, and its power has increased by almost a dozen times. Not only did the ice fist that hit this side fall to the ground, but it also shattered the wall of the cave a lot.

I glanced around as soon as I came over, and immediately found the ice fist half-buried in the stone, followed by a half-arm that grabbed him exposed outside and dragged him out of the cave that was still collapsed. Entered a relatively stable area outside. However, when I waited here, I found that something seemed to be wrong.

"Who are you?" I asked at the same time as the guy pulled me out.

"Are you a companion of Bingquan?" I asked after a little slap.

"Who is Bingquan?" The guy on the ground stumbled again, and then asked me back, but immediately asked: "You mean the guy who just got out of it?"

I nodded. "That's the guy. What? You're not his?"

"I just saw him,: The first guy in Daqing underworld downloads .txt."

"Then why are you attacking me?"

"Assault you? Wait, that thing is your magic pet?" The guy on the ground finally reacted, and then he quickly explained: "Just after the guy drilled the hole, he closed the hole with a stone and I asked What happened to him? He said that he was being chased by monsters, that there were very powerful monsters in it, and then he turned away and ran away. I saw that he had no equipment on him. Wait there to prepare to see what monsters attack him, and to see what the experience value is. Then your magic pet emerges, and I will insert it as a monster. "


"I didn't mean it."

"I didn't say you." I finally understood after listening to this guy. Bingquan is still a fool, and my previous judgment was fine. This player should have run into him accidentally. As a result, the enemy saw his stone blocking the hole and lied casually. I did not expect that such a misunderstanding happened. Instead, he helped him to get a rose. Vine was stabbed.

I left this guy angrily and I immediately turned around and rushed out. I just fought the ice fist just now, so I must go over to confirm the situation as soon as possible. but. The more anxious I got, the less I rushed out less than five meters and left the passage where I am now to enter a more spacious passage. Obviously I was just a fork in the main passage, but I just turned on The main aisle was uncontrollable and saw a large axe thrown side by side.

"Who?" I flashed an uppercut and hit the axe with a lightning bolt, and the whole axe flew up to the top of the hole, but it was not embedded, but hit a stalactite and fell again. Come down. At this time I had flew to the side of the cave and leaned against the wall on the side of the cave, and a group of people ran out in front and blocked my way.

"Who are you?" A female player rushed out of the crowd. The other party ignored me and asked me directly, and his tone was very bad. "What the **** did you do to my brother?"

"I don't bother you." Although the explanation can explain clearly, but now I am in a hurry to chase the ice fist, how can I have time to ink with them, Mengling (original network Menglingyou). With one hand to the ground, with a buzz, a blue ring of ice suddenly spread out, and everyone around him instantly became a piece of ice blue. Immediately after that, I passed through the crowd and chased out of the cave. The group wanted to pursue. But when I moved, I found that my body was stiff and almost unable to move. Even moving people are slow like an old man who is about to die, let alone chase me. This speed is just like slow-motion playback. Turtles are faster than them.

"Huh, I'm so angry!" I found the chase hopeless, and the woman vented before.

An older male player next to him could n’t help but said, “Do n’t complain. This time we are lucky, it ’s obvious that people are too lazy to care about you. Otherwise, just rely on this freezing skill and kill us all. Same. Do you still want to chase him? Chase him to death? "

Said by that player. Everyone around me also understood the point. It took only one move to freeze all of them. This is no longer a star point. This is just like an adult bullying a child. If they really fight, they may not be able to survive for a minute and have to account for all of them.

Not to mention the guys behind, at this point I had been chasing out for hundreds of meters, and a bright light suddenly appeared in front of me. I realized that it was the hole, but I just caught it after I got out. I originally thought that this was a remote area with few personal tracks. Several people in the cave just happened to meet players who like to venture into the danger zone. Who knew that when they came out, they saw the lively scenes of people and people everywhere, and they were scrambling around. Scramble for monsters.

"I depend!" This ghost place is actually a popular leveling zone, and it is super hot.

Although I was captivated by the sight in front of me, I quickly calmed down and started looking around for the target. As a result, I saw the fist of ice fleeing. The kid was just babbling about the monster in the hole before, but it was crooked. I was in conflict with the unknown player. Later, I overreacted and threw a liquefied magic crystal steam bomb. He shouldn't have run far at that time, apparently he heard the explosion, so he is now fleeing in desperation.

Now that it's exposed, it's no use hiding it. As long as the opponent has a little brain, he will definitely not continue to run to the magic dessert chef in this case. Although the ice fist does not look like a brain, I still don't think he will be stupid to that extent Correction sword txt download.

Since it can't be concealed, grab it directly to force a confession, it's amazing I find it myself. This guy took me around this large circle, it should not be far from the hiding place of the magic dessert chef, so it should still be found, but without his exact information, it may take a bit to find it.

"Victoria." With my shout, Victoria appeared directly next to me, then quickly entered the bow and arrow mode, and a huge wheel of fate suspended slowly behind her. At this time, the surrounding players have finally found the difference here. Although I saw that I came out of the hole before, everyone's attention was not here. I only saw one person, and no one would pay special attention to it, but now Seeing the huge wheel of destiny spin off, these talents realized that it was a powerful figure.

Since gaining her seal of power on Mount Olympus ~ ~ Victoria has now completely unblocked her original ability. At this time, Victoria can not only use her golden bow to launch arrows of destiny, but also directly use the golden bow to launch harmful attack arrows. Although this ability is not special, it is of great significance to me, because there is finally an archer-type person in my magic pet. You must know that this piece has always been my short board before.

Victoria slowly lifted up a golden arrow with a golden light from the special quiver behind her, and then opened the bow string and aimed slightly, and immediately loosened the bow string, a golden light flashed away, and the opposite ice fist was running He flew forward in an instant, and a gold arrow was inserted in the knee of his left leg. The arrow had penetrated through the knee bone in front, and the arrow cluster was still shaking behind the knee.

This time it can be said that more than 80% of Bingquan's ability to move was reimbursed. Although he got up with pain and wanted to continue running, only ghosts can run away in this case.

"You don't want me to make an arrow on your other leg, so you'd better be honest." The ice fist jumping with one leg to run away suddenly heard my voice sounded from behind and turned back in panic. Come, just see me riding Yeying standing behind him and looking down at him. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, and your support is my greatest motivation.)

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