Starting from Zero

Vol 21 Chapter 35: Candy House in Fairy Tales

The only thing left after the ice fist was taken off was the need to find the magic dessert chef, but although the magic dessert chef is roughly known from the ice fist is nearby, but because there is no specific location, it may take some effort to find it.

Of course, the best way to know the exact location of the magic dessert chef is not to find it by yourself, but to ask someone to ask. Although the hiding place of the magic dessert chef is a secret matter, it is impossible for others to know the specific location of the magic dessert chef, but since this place is a gathering area for players, there are naturally many people. It is difficult to hide secrets when there are more people. Perhaps no one knows the specific hiding place of the magic dessert chef, but there must be many people who know some clues, just because they do n’t know what the information represents, so no one cares. However, as long as I can collect and filter this messy information, I will soon find some clues for the magic dessert chef.

First of all, the magic dessert chef will never be in a densely populated area, so there is no need to find the main area of ​​the leveling area. That kind of place has been dug three feet long ago. If there is any secret, it must be revealed. So I I found a few players who were leveling directly here and planned to ask if there were any inaccessible or hidden places nearby. Anyway, as long as it was an unknown area, it might be the target.

"Is the area unknown?" Several players I asked looked at each other, then shook their heads unanimously. One of them said, "Fairytale forest is also a world-famous scenic spot, and of course there are unknown areas, but it's all in the depths of fairytale forest."

"Fairytale forest?"

"You haven't heard?" The other person was clearly surprised.

I shook my head and said, "I heard it, I heard it, but I didn't expect it to be in this position. That. What is our specific scope now?"


"That's the approximate location."

"In terms of location, we should be on the border between France and Belgium. After all, the fairy forest and the black forest are connected, but most of the black forest is in Germany, and most of the fairy forest is in our France. But Where we are now is relatively deep into the fairy forest. Because there is a medium-sized town near here with a teleportation array, everyone enters the fairy forest leveling through this. "

I nodded and said, "So, can you tell me, the depths of the fairy tale forest, which are the specific areas of those unknown areas?"

"You have to tell us this, we can't make it clear."

I passed a map directly, and the other person was obviously surprised after seeing it. Then quickly reacted and started marking several areas on the map. These places are not connected, but are divided into pieces, most of which are in France and a small number in Belgium. Another part is distributed in Germany, Switzerland and even Italy. From this we can see that the fairy tale forest is actually very large and spans several countries. Of course, it is slightly smaller than the Black Forest. It's just that the Black Forest is close to an elliptical distribution range. It looks small, but the area is not small, and the fairy forest is long. At first glance, the coverage area is large, but the total area is not very exaggerated.

I already had the approximate coordinates, so I planned to take a look. But I thought about it casually. "That ... I don't know if you have heard of anyone who makes candy with attributes around here?"

"Candy with attributes?" A few people stunned for a moment, then began to think. After most of them shook their heads and said they didn't know, a player suddenly came forward and said, "It is true that there is such a dessert with special effects, but that thing is not something that players can collect?"

"Really?" I just asked casually, but I didn't expect anyone to know.

The other person seemed uncertain, and said, "I don't know if you're looking for the place I know, but there is really a dessert with special attributes. I have seen it before. A player accidentally recruited. "

"Chocolate?" I always thought that the Magic Dessert Chef was a field. After all, it is very difficult to restrict the player's personal freedom. However, after listening to this player's introduction, the other party seems to attack other players, so the other party is not the field. Is it ... a monster?

Sure enough, the player said, "I don't know if you have heard a fairy tale called" Candy House "?"

"Candy House?" I followed it, then suddenly realized. "You're not talking about the little house made by the old witch using candy? I seem to remember that two children ate some of the building materials of the candy house, and then they fell into magic and were locked up by the old witch. The witch feeds two children every day to eat chicken drumsticks, and plans to eat them when they get fat, right? "

The player nodded and said, "This is a world-famous fairy tale. It has been adapted in many versions. What you said is a bit different from the original, but it is roughly the same. However, you know why the forest we are in now is called a fairy tale forest. ?"

"Isn't it ...?"

"Yes, this forest contains the plot content of almost all the famous fairy tales in the world, and each fairy tale comes with a small map-like copy area. The candy house story also has a corresponding copy area here."

After hearing this player's explanation, I seem to be thinking of something. Since the old witch in the candy house made a house out of candy, could this witch be a sweetener? Moreover, the candy house in the fairy tale itself is magical, that is, it is actually a magical dessert. So, in this way ... Is the magic dessert chef I'm looking for actually an ss-class monster here? I'm dizzy. How did Bingquan's **** let ss provide him with magic dessert? Among the SSs that have appeared around the world so far, in addition to showing some preferential treatment to players who perfectly coordinate with their attributes, such as inactive attacks, I have not heard of any SS that will cooperate with players. of course. I did something similar, but it was caused by the two-way effect of my coercion and glamour attributes. Besides, the ss who cooperated with me were all dark and matched their attributes. So the initial value of favorability is very high. But the guy in Bingquan doesn't seem to have similar abilities?

Although I do n’t understand, I decided to go and see the old witch who can make candy first. Anyway, this ss setting is very close to the characteristics of the magic dessert chef, so the old witch is likely to be the so-called Magic dessert chef. Of course, if that old witch is really a magic dessert chef, then how to get her to provide magic dessert to me is estimated to be a very difficult task, because no matter how you look at the old witch who can make candy, it does n’t look like The existence of the Dark Department, such words. I'm afraid I can't convince him just by my affinity and coercion. Of course, for the time being, I don't need to worry about this, can I finally control this ss, and I have to wait until I confirm whether the other party is a magic dessert chef.

"Thank you for your help. This is a little thank you." I just pulled a bow from Fenglong space and passed it, then asked, "Finally, please tell me how to find the candy house."

After the other generously took the long bow, he helped me mark it next to a circle on the previous map. Obviously, this candy house is next to one of the unexplored areas. Fortunately, this place is not too far from here. Of course, this also proves my previous guess. The guy in Ice Fist struggled to get into the tunnel without having to teleport. In order to find the magic dessert chef. At that time, I guessed that this place must be near the place where the magic dessert chef lived, otherwise the ice fist would never run far away. Now seeing the candy house so close to here, it confirms my previous guess even more.

After bidding farewell to those players, I immediately started to move towards the candy house location marked on the map, and I could see a lot of player teams leveling along the way. But the larger number are tour groups.

"Zero" is not a simple fighting game, so high player retention is not because everyone likes to fight and kill. The reason why "Zero" can have so many players. The biggest reason is that it is compatible and inclusive, not the perfection of the combat system. The best combat system can only attract players who like combat. But there are things that can appeal to anyone, such as travel systems and sleep assistance systems.

The world in "Zero" is very beautiful. Not only does it have natural wonders in reality, it also adds a lot of fantasy scenes in mythology, and the mythology system itself is based on mythological stories from various places in reality, so the cultural heritage is very Thick, even those who like to study deeply can be satisfied here. It is precisely because there are so many mythological scenes full of cultural atmosphere in various places that have contributed to the huge tourism market in Zero. However, for combat players, it ’s okay to say that it ’s ok to spend some money across the border to reach the destination and then enter the mountain adventure tourism, but the problem is that there are still many non-combat players in Zero. These people will receive additional system protection in the city, and as long as there is no siege, they will be almost impossible to be harmed. But not in the wild. In the system settings, a public area and a battle area are set for the wild environment. Those public areas only have ornamental creatures, so non-combat players can move freely, but the problem is that the attractions that are really worth seeing are all in the combat area, so non-combat players need to be protected if they go there, which has also led to tourism. The rise of the regiment.

A group of people with the same tourism goals traveled in groups, and then hired some combat players to act as guards and part-time guides, thus forming a tour group.

Since the fairy tale forest is based on the fairy tales in reality, it will naturally attract countless players to come for sightseeing. These people not only have a large number of combat players, but more non-combat players, especially There are many children.

The game "Zero" does not restrict children from entering the game. It only requires the permission of a guardian. After all, there are many things in "Zero" that are good for children, such as children's classes and other things, and can accept some natural sciences online Education can not only be used as a supplement to classroom education, but more importantly, enrich children's careers and cultivate their personality that they like to explore. These are things that schools cannot give. Of course, the main reason is that children like the various magical settings in Zero. After all, children's imaginations are obviously richer than adults. The dreamy game world is naturally more attractive to them, and parents can learn a lot by the way, and parents are naturally not against it.

Places like fairy forests, for various fairy tale reasons. That is naturally a place that children yearn for. Children from all over the world often go sightseeing with their parents. Imagine spending the night in the dwarf's dwarf house and picking mushrooms with small animals in the forest. How attractive are these things to children? Even a story like Little Red Riding Hood can participate. Anyway, there are scrollbacks and city calling systems in the game. Parents are not worried about the children's loss. Many brave little kids will even help Little Red Riding Hood fight with wolves. Of course, this is the fighting area. The wolf here is not something that the children can fight to death, but don't worry too much. After all, the fairy tale forest has a special status. It is here for tourists. Especially children will have special protection, such as presence ignore setting. Here, even if the children actively attack the bad guys in the fairy tales, the other party will not attack the children first. Instead, they will first attack the good players set in the combat players and the fairy tales. As long as the above people die, it will be the children's turn. Moreover, even when attacking children, these monsters will have special attack methods, which will make children feel a sense of shock. But there will be no subsequent pain, even minor injuries. Anyway, children won't be frightened by it.

These humanized settings allow a large number of players with different strengths to entertain in this forest at the same time, and monsters are still very powerful for combat players. It has not been weakened, and for children and those parents who are not accompanied by combat effectiveness, monsters are not particularly scary. Anyway, everyone can have fun and don't worry about anything. Of course, this is limited to some children's fairy tales, and some exaggerated stories are more dangerous. For example, the story of the dragon and the princess, the content is that the princess was taken away by the evil dragon, and then the brave man killed the evil dragon and robbed the princess to live an exciting and happy life. Although this fairy tale type is barely considered a fairy tale, really no one can participate. After all, there are dragons here, and none of the dragons in Zero is easy to deal with. Once out of the shell, it is a 200-level monster. The growth period can be raised from 200 to 2,000. The adult body is all 2,000 or more, and all attributes surpass the monsters of the same level. They belong to the fighting monsters of the monsters. It's also easy to get together, and accidentally provoke a large group, and the main characteristic of them is that they are not discussed. Therefore, all tasks involving dragons are high-risk tasks, including fairy tales with dragons appearing.

Although some fairy tales are not suitable for travel, the story of the candy house seems not to be here, at least I think it should be, because the number of tour groups seen over the road is very large, and many of them carry many children. It ’s really violent and certainly not so many parents bring their children.

Moving along the fairly wide road, the number of combat players began to decline, and the number of tourist groups was not small. After all, the system gives them special treatment, so the threat to tour groups in this place is not as great as that of combat players. Moreover, combat players are not unable to reach here. They don't come mainly because the monsters here are too high for them. Although they can play, but when leveling, they need speed. Each time they fight, they lose both. Killing a monster, it ’s okay to say that when pushing ss, it is obviously not cost-effective to deal with ordinary monsters, so when leveling, everyone will only find the monster with the fastest average experience, not the monster with the highest level.

After walking for a while, there was a fork in front of it, and it was Wuchakou. In addition to this road, there were actually four roads ahead. This place looks like a small assembly point. There is a large area of ​​open space nearby. Many players do final rest here, and there are people selling stalls on the ground next to them.

Ye Ying stopped at the fork and turned around and asked me which way to go. I didn't remember the specific route, so I turned the map out for comparison. Although I have a map of this place, it is automatically updated by our guild's library, and I didn't explore it myself. So although there is a map, I don't know the way, I can only find it by myself.

"Let me see the way down. Fork ... fork ... Oh, found, the second road on the right."

Ye Ying turned when he heard me, but we just turned around and was surrounded by a large group of people.

"Excuse me, are you going to the candy house?" A player said to me in advance: "Are you going to fight with us? Treatment is excellent."

It is very common to join groups near tourist attractions, because many players come by themselves. They may not find a tour group in advance for various reasons, they all come here to organize a group. The advantage of this group approach is that it is cheap, but the disadvantage is that it may take some time to wait for someone.

"Sorry, I have something. It's not convenient to bring a group."

"Oh, that's fine." The team leader didn't bother, and quickly left me and ran to find other passing players who seemed to be passing by. However, although he left, he also took away. Few people, some people still did not leave.

"Well, can you do me a favor to find my child?" A man stood next to Ye Ying and looked up at me. I just wanted to refuse. He immediately continued: "I beg you, he has been lost for almost six hours, and we can't help it!"

Although it was lost for six hours, the man's performance was not very anxious. After all, even if you die in the game, you will go back to life, not that people are really lost. Besides, the children who need adults to accompany them are definitely not fighting professions. The death of such personnel is not a problem at all, anyway, they have no combat level, and there is no punishment for death. of course. Even if the children in the game lose it, it's okay, but after all, the character account is still associated with a lot of things, so it is not convenient to delete the number often, and you can't find the body in the game without deleting the number. That would affect a lot of things, such as not going to travel elsewhere. After all, the character corresponding to the account cannot go elsewhere without returning. Therefore, although this man is not very anxious. It was depressed, after all, it was a trouble.

After hearing this man's words, I thought for a moment and said, "I have my own business and I have no time to help you find a child, but if I meet halfway, I will bring him back. Send me a picture of you with a child . "

"Really? Thank you very much." The man immediately handed over a small piece of crystal after hearing this. This is a carrier specially used to record images and videos in the game. The storage unit belonging to the memory crystal is stored with the digital camera. Card is one thing.

I took the crystal and inserted it directly on my wrist, and immediately saw a large photo pop out. "Which is your son?" The photo suddenly opened was not a single person, but a group photo with more than twenty children and six adults.

Hearing my inquiry, the man said embarrassedly, "Well, since you are willing to help, can you take a look at the other children in passing?"

"Other children?"

The man quickly reached out and nodded a few of them, then said, "This is all with us."

"Lost all?" I asked in surprise, because there were already eight people with the children he ordered.

The other side said, "Eight of them lost together. We guess they should want to go somewhere that we didn't plan to take them, but there are only three combat players among the guardians of our eight children, and they have gone to find Now, none of us can get in, we can't find them, we can only wait here. Please send them back if you see them. "

I nodded and said, "If I saw them, I would bring them back, but I wo n’t look for them on purpose, so do n’t give them too much hope. You ca n’t call them off with a helmet call bell, and ask for the situation. It will be easier to send someone to find it. "

"Okay, if we can't find it, we will use a call bell."

I nodded and remembered the appearance of the children, then said goodbye to the father and drove Night Shadow into the forest.

From the fork, the route becomes narrower and narrower, and the more the road goes, the scarce the road will be. In the end, the road will be almost invisible. You have to choose a foothold between the trees and the rocks. Moving forward, even I had to put away Night Shadow and walk on foot. It's not that the road here will affect the action of Night Shadow. After all, Night Shadow can fly. The ground conditions have no influence on him at all. The key is that the trees in this place are too dense, and the horizontal branches are blocking the air. I Riding this night shadow will always hit these branches, no choice but to walk down.

"This ghost place." I couldn't help complaining after pulling out a leg stuck in the mud.

Since the road disappeared, the ground in this place has become more and more difficult to walk. The mud and other things are relatively good. The most troublesome thing is that this place is rich in cannibals. These vines are distributed under the rotten leaves on the ground. You can't see them at all, but as soon as you step on them, those branches will immediately lift up and roll you over, and then pull towards those giant cannibals or cannibals. Anyway, Waiting for you is no beauty.

After struggling for a while between the trees, I couldn't stand this **** road condition, I just called out Frost and Snow, and then everything became much simpler.

A white road suddenly appeared under our feet, and as we moved forward, the road automatically extended forward. All the dead lakes and deep mud swamps were covered by thick ice, except for a little slippery, Nothing will affect my progress. As for the branches blocking the road ... in the extreme cold, it was frozen like a shortbread and it broke in a single touch, and it would not have any interception function at all.

In this way, I finally passed this extremely difficult path, and then the forest in front of me suddenly changed. Starting from a certain position, the surrounding tree species seem to be mixed. A taller and taller tree that also looks much fresher has gradually replaced those weird and strange trees that are crooked and ugly. The number of rotten leaves began to decrease, and the ground gradually became firm and safe.

Since I didn't have that annoying mud pit, I also took back the frost and snow, after all, the magic of the ice and snow path is also very destructive.

As I continued to move forward, the surrounding trees finally completely transitioned to a more normal state. I can no longer see a strange tree, and the light in the surrounding forest gradually began to return to normal. Some places can still see some comparisons. Did the cute little creature pop up a head from a distance, and then quickly retracted.

Looking at the changes around ~ ~ I also guessed that I entered the so-called fairy tale copy area, because the surrounding things became more and more beautiful. Soon, my speculation was confirmed, because just after I walked around a small dirt slope, a winding stream appeared in front of me, and there was a meadow behind that stream. A small, colorful and fancy house is located in the middle of the grass, and behind the small house is a large colored tree shining with seven colors of light.

In fact, when I saw this house at first glance, I guessed that this eight achievements is a candy house, because the bright color is obviously candy color. Although there are bright colors in nature, it is usually not so beautiful.

Now that the candy house has appeared, it means that the magic dessert chef may be nearby, glanced left and right, and after confirming that there are no people nearby, I just step over the small stream super candy house and walked over.

I originally planned to go to the house to see the situation, but what I did n’t expect was that just after I walked to the door and grabbed the handle on the door and pulled it out gently, it seemed to me The slightly short gate just fell straight out. Looking at the doorknob in his hand and the inside of the door, he looked at me in confusion, with a clown-like child full of colored syrup on my face, and I was stupid there. (To be continued ...)


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