Starting from Zero

Vol 21 Chapter 36: Witch and shit

After seeing the little farts, I was directly fooled by the sight in front of me. The children in front of M (just to read the novel) no longer have any normal images, all of them are as colorful as painters, but they are not paint, but various candy desserts, and, most terrifyingly The thing is ... the kids didn't know what architecture was, so they directly knocked off the four main load-bearing columns in the middle of the house and some of the walls.

The candy house is not entirely composed of candy. Although it is called a candy house, it is just a meaning. In fact, the components of the candy house include various types of desserts, and a large part of them are chocolates and the like. In terms of desserts, these are very top things, but in terms of building materials, these are all substandard products. It can be quite difficult to build a small house with these unqualified building materials. Now, the bearer column and a wall have been chopped off by a group of bear children. If there is no problem, then I can only Praise the magic of magic.

"Hurry up, come out for me, the house is going to collapse!"

A group of children didn't respond immediately when they heard what I said, but looked at me for a while, then one of the biggest boys, about eleven or two, suddenly grabbed a half-melted piece of hot chocolate paste. Smashed at me. "Go **** stupid." The child yelled as he threw it back.

boom. The hot chocolate that flew in front of me didn't stick to my face directly as they did in the previous pranks, but suddenly came across something when I was a foot away. In a flash, it was completely evaporated by a purple flame, and at last no **** was seen.

"Hey little shit, don't you know that pranks need big ass?"

"Don't know what is the law on the protection of minors?" The boy who threw hot chocolate at me shouted, "If you dare to touch me, I will call the police and the police will arrest you."

Although everyone's costumes in the game are like Halloween performances, the appearance of people can still see some real things. At this moment, this child makes people guess that he is an American at a glance, because children in other countries rarely use child protection laws to threaten adults. This kind of thing can only be done by American children. Of course, we can understand this as the spirit of American resistance. but. I am very upset now.

"Little shit, do you know what I do?"

"I care what you do?"

"No, you must know, because ... I'm actually a trafficker who specifically catches children for sale in Africa." I said, and just stretched out my hand on the wall next to it, the candy house that was already a severely dangerous house directly It fell down in a burst of crackling sound, and the following group of little farts were buried in a pile of candy pieces instantly.

The candy house is just a small one-story house with a simple structure. And quite low, plus it is made of candy itself. So it's not very heavy. Even if they fall, they will not be killed. However, being buried in candy is enough for them to suffer.

Originally, I wanted to wait for the little bunnies to crawl out of the candy ruins and then grab them all and send the Kirin Samurai to the **** to return to their parents, but I have n’t waited for the bears to come out, but behind me There was a sudden scream.

"Oh, what have you done? My candy house!" With a weeping cry, a chin can be used as an awl. The super old witch, who was less than one meter tall, ran out of the forest next to her and finally cried in front of the ruins of the candy house.

I looked at this old witch in amazement. I have to say that this image is too classic. Ten people can see at a glance that ten people can guess this is a witch. Because this arrow was designed according to the witch's template. Representative tattered robes, pointed wizard hats, hump-shaped bodies, huge heads almost on the chest instead of the shoulders, and the long, downward-curved nose looks like a bird's beak instead of a human Of course, the dry bark-like face and the huge pustule on the face are indispensable, of course, and the very uneven yellow teeth that grow very stubborn. [Read the novel ~]

"That one……"

I was about to explain, and suddenly the old witch stopped crying, and then pulled out of the basket behind him what looked like nothing but a magic wand that could be stuffed into the basket. Of course, this magic wand is different from most magic wands in the game. Unlike the magnificent staff used by players, this staff is completely made of wood and is not set with any gems. At the bottom of the staff is a fairly straight branch, simply removing the branch and polishing it a bit, and the top of the staff is nothing more than a spiral structure coiled with the branch.

Although this staff is a little simpler, after all, this is the witch in the fairy tale candy house, which means that this should be regarded as SS. Regarding such existence, she should be prepared to be despised, and I do not want to be deficient, so I did not underestimate her.

As soon as the opponent took out the staff, I quickly backed away and opened the distance. At the same time, eternity was in my hand, but it hadn't been unfolded yet.

"Misunderstanding. This is a misunderstanding. Let me explain."

"No matter who it is, there is a price to destroy my candy house." The old witch shouted in anger, then raised her staff and shook it twice, then pointed her wand at me.

There were no magic bullets or other light and shadow effects that we usually fly out, but a squeaking sound came directly under my feet, accompanied by a cloud of pink smoke rising, I hurriedly opened my wings and flashed hard. At the same time as the smoke was dispersed, people stepped back.

After I flew away, in the position I had just stood, a few green rattan burrowed out of the ground and fluttered in the air. If it weren't for me to flash fast, all of these rattans would now have to be wrapped around me.

"Hey, hey, let me explain."

"Let's explain it slowly when you're dead." The witch shook her staff two more times, then pointed forward, and I quickly dodged. Then I heard a gurgling sound behind, a big tree suddenly disappeared, and a cute little white rabbit appeared in place. However, although the rabbit was cute, I was taken aback. In the past, everyone was fighting back and forth with plastic energy spells. Such deformation spells are rare, and I don't know if my resistance can block such things. In case she couldn't stop it, she was turned into a rabbit. So how can I fight? Even if my intelligence is not affected, I don't think I can defeat that old witch in rabbit form.

"Hey, don't overdo it. I'll fight back again."

"Fight back? OK, you can fight back if you can."

"That's what you said." I pointed forward suddenly as I said, and two space doors suddenly appeared left and right on the left and right sides of the old witch. What happened before the old witch reacted, her Both arms were suddenly grabbed by both arms and twisted behind them. Then she followed her again and was surprised to find that her magic had failed. No matter how she chanted or did something else, she couldn't feel any magic fluctuations anyway.

"Forbidden magic area?" The old witch finally stopped struggling after finding that the magic induction was cut off. Get rid of magic words. She is just an old woman. The Way of Nature itself cannot be the opponent of the creature behind. In fact, even if there is magic, she may not have done the one behind, because it was Lingling who caught her. As an angel, Lingling's basic physical fitness is still quite exaggerated, anyway, an old witch is definitely not sure.

"Don't you resist?" I only walked back after Ling Ling and Ling took control of the situation, but at this time, the ruins of the candy house next to it suddenly moved a few times, and then saw a few infected with candy Little boys in various colors crawled out of the ruins. See these little farts. I pointed directly at them and said, "You see, they ruined your candy house. [] It's not me. I just arrived."

Although the old witch saw the children, she did not immediately acknowledge her mistake. Instead, looking at the little farts, he said, "Even if you did not destroy my candy house, it would be a capital crime to enter my forest." I haven't come and sarcastic about her ignorance, but the old witch is a step ahead Continued: "But in the face of these children, I can never blame them. However, you have to give them to me."

"What's wrong? Are you really planning to eat people?"

"Hey, hey, you won't move. Children are tender, smooth and most delicious. As long as you give these children to me, I will not hold you responsible for destroying the candy house."

"Hello, hello 97net. I have a little vision and see if you can hold me accountable? I don't know who is pressed to the ground now? Even if I don't agree with your plan, do you think you have the ability to deal with me? My responsibility, why do you hold me accountable? "

"Huh, I'm not your opponent, but if you don't give these children to me, I will send a signal to her queen, then ... hehehehehehehe ..."

"Honestly, don't make a strange sound scary." Lingling pressed down the old witch's arm forcefully, and the old witch who was in pain immediately gave up her strange laughter.

"Who is your Majesty the Queen?" I asked out loud. Now I am not so polite to this old witch, because I found out that this is exactly the image of the witch under the badass template, and even the way of thinking is fairy tale, that is, doing bad things in order to do bad things. It can be said that this kind of bad guy is the most unsolvable, because he doesn't want to get anything out of it. He just wants to do as many bad things as possible. For such people, general persuasion and intimidation are not effective. Just knowing that this old witch exists like this, I have no hope of persuading her.

The old witch did not refuse to answer because of my bad attitude, but rather proudly showed off: "Our Lord, of course, is the great Queen of Hearts."

"Queen of Hearts?" This fairy tale seems to me to have heard before, but the Queen of Hearts in the original book should be an independent fairy tale, at least not with the candy house. However, after all, this fairy forest is only based on fairy tales, and it is not completely applied, so it is normal for some differences in the middle.

"Even if your queen is more powerful, now you are in my hands, I want to kill you is a word. So don't be arrogant in front of me."

"..." I was suddenly awakened by me, and the old witch only remembered that she seemed to be really dangerous now. Witches in fairy tales have a lot of strange spell abilities though. But the body seems to be not much different from ordinary people, anyway, it is easy to die. The old witch under my control is just the meat on the cutting board. It is up to me to decide whether to shred or chop the stuff. There is no other possibility at all. Even if her queen is more powerful, far from being able to hydrolyze near thirsty, I still have to die if I kill her, so the old witch of gold compromised.

Seeing her not resisting, I immediately knew that the old witch finally understood the current situation. As long as she is soft, it will be easy.

"Now I ask you a question, you have to answer, there is no room for bargaining. If you don't answer honestly, I will immediately let my magic pet cut your head."

"Yes, yes, you can ask." The old witch had no bones at all, and when I found out that it was not threatening, I immediately became like a schnauzer. of course. This is the best for me, and it is convenient for me to ask for information.

He signaled Lingling to release her first. Then when she stood up, I started to ask, "First. Tell me, did you build this candy house?"

"Can you make candy?" Before the old witch came and answered, there was a sound of inquiry next to me. When I turned my head, I realized that the previous group of bear children did not know when they had come to us. Of course, this is mainly because I didn't pay attention to them, so I deliberately ignored their information, otherwise it would be impossible for these children without grades to run to me silently under my senses.

I was a little annoyed when the inquiry was suddenly interrupted. But I hadn't waited for any response, but suddenly I was hit by a stick. As soon as I looked back, I found out that the little fart who had hit me before knocked me with a wooden stick. of course. I have nothing to do with his power even if he doesn't wear armor, not to mention I have a dragon soul suit that can block the direct shot of the cannonball.

"You scumbag. Want me to slap your **** in four?"

"Shhhhhhh ..." The little fart was not scared by me, instead he made a face at me, and then grabbed a stone on the ground and smashed at me. Of course, when the stone flew halfway, it suddenly fell off, then cracked into two halves, startling the bear child. However, more stones flew over, and the other children threw the stones. Obviously this group of children is headed by this oldest child, and the other children listen to him. I found that the boss was scared by me, and these younger brothers immediately started to fight back to help the boss.

Looking at the children who were constantly throwing stones at me, I was so angry that I almost didn't grab them all for a meal, but I finally held back. Is it a child after all. However, not spanking does not mean that I have no intention of punishing them.

"Hey, give me a shot. Whoever is making trouble don't blame me for it."

"You can do it if you have the skills." Like the old witch, these kids are not afraid of me at all. But I think so too. These are all children. It doesn't matter to them what the combat list is, and they are all children from the United States. No one dares to hit them at home. After all, child abuse is prohibited in the United States. Parents are afraid to hit children. As a result, American children have never been afraid of fear since childhood, and they are much more lively than Chinese children. Of course, the side effect of this kind of environment is that the children are super uncontrollable, all of them are skin-like like monkeys.

Seeing these little things didn't mean to stop my hand, I reached out and slammed my fingers, and then I heard a boom, accompanied by a scream that gradually went away, and the surrounding children saw their boss, The older child flew up directly into the sky, and it was getting smaller and smaller, and it was almost invisible in the end.

"Ah ... run!" After discovering that their boss was thrown into the sky and was invisible to fly, finally a child responded and shouted, and then the remaining children immediately threw down the stones and fled, but unfortunately Their athleticism is really not enough.

Snapped. The ground suddenly collapsed, and a child fell directly into a large pit and disappeared. Boom, another child flew up to the sky, followed by the next two children, followed by one after another, and the last few children all fell into the pit, but soon there was another big hole on the ground, and then The children who fell down flew out of the hole as if they were spit out of their mouths, and chased the children in front of them into the sky.

Looking at the eight children who disappeared into the air, I said directly, "Go up and pick up, don't really fall to the ground."

Huh, accompanied by a gust of wind. Xiaosan suddenly appeared, then flew into the sky, and soon the children who flew to the sky began to fall because of inertia exhaustion. When the ascent ended, their screams stopped for a while, but when they found themselves falling again, the screams began to ring again and again.

With the screams falling all the way, Xiaosan flew over directly, then stretched out one of his heads and approached a child. The little fart screamed in shock: "Don't eat me, don't eat me. I'm obedient, I promise to obey in the future and never be naughty again."

Although he yelled loudly, Xiao San ignored him and swallowed him directly. The children around him screamed when they saw their companions being eaten, rather than screaming when they fell. Still louder. but. This voice disappeared quickly, because Primary Three had three heads. Plus the neck is long. East and west sip, and all eight children were taken into his mouth shortly after.

After catching eight children, Xiaosan re-landed, and then quickly spit out all the eight farts. After that, he licked his tongue endlessly, scaring the children to gather together quickly, even the saliva on his body was ignored Already. Of course, Xiaosan was not reminiscent of the taste of the child. He didn't eat it. Where did it come from? The reason for licking the tongue is mainly the reason for the candy house. These little farts have just crawled out of the ruins of the candy house. The body is full of candy, and Xiao San is in his mouth. The saliva naturally washed out all the candy. At this point, Xiaosan was aftertaste the taste of that candy.

Looking at the eight little farts who were pale together, I deliberately smiled and walked over and asked, "Who else do you want to resist?"

The little head shook unanimously and desperately, for fear of shaking slowly and becoming a trapeze.

"Well, yes, is it necessary for a child to be cute like this?" After a sigh of satisfaction, I once again snapped my fingers, and the huge figure of the guardian steel claw immediately appeared beside me. I pointed to the children and said to the steel claws, "Send them back to the previous fork. Do you know how to get there?"

The steel claw nodded, and then the tentacles on the back suddenly stretched and rolled towards the kids. The steel claw has twelve tentacles. There are only eight children here, which is enough. A tentacle rolled a child's feet and hung the children upside down on their heads. The steel claws turned and ran in the direction we came from, and the eight children seemed to be lanterns hanging on flagpoles. As the steel claws ran, they wobbled. Of course, I deliberately let the steel claws lift them up. It's definitely the ancestors who didn't give any lessons to these farts. Their parents couldn't bear it, but I didn't feel bad at all.

"Well, now answer my question and tell me, did you build the candy house here?" Seeing the steel claws run away, I turned to face the old witch and asked again.

If the old witch had planned to resist before, now she has no thoughts. After being controlled by Lingling, she was only a little worried and not afraid, because Lingling was just an angel. Although she was strong, she was not unable to resist, at least her queen could handle it. As for Ling, although she was much stronger than Lingling, the old witch was not so afraid, because she didn't even see Ling as a big devil. Compared with Lingling, Ling has a completely different level of existence. Her strength has exceeded the range that the old witch can recognize, so she doesn't take Ling at all. However, now she is not afraid to resist at all, because she saw Xiaosan.

Although Xiaosan is a three-headed dragon, this belongs to the dragon-type variant, and it is not a concept at all with the two-legged flying dragon, kimono dragon, and earth dragon. So far, the Dragon family only recognizes that Yalong and the Dragon are related, but does not recognize that Yalong belongs to the Dragon family, but the mutant dragon is still a genuine dragon recognized by the Dragon family. This relationship is like the relationship between humans, deformities and gibbon. The gibbon is similar to Yalong ~ ~ Humans only admit that gibbons are related to humans, but do not consider gibbons to be a branch of humans. The mutant dragon such as Xiaosan is similar to the deformed child. Although it does not look like the original dragon family, the dragon family still recognizes that he is one of his members.

Based on this attitude of the Dragon tribe, Xiaosan can be regarded as an orthodox dragon of the Dragon tribe, and the wasp character of the Dragon tribe is quite famous. If you dare to kill dragons, then it is best to clean up the traces on the scene. If you accidentally miss something or are seen and told the dragons, then you are ready to wait for a large group of dragons to visit your home .

The old witch obviously knew the habits of the Dragon tribe, so she saw Xiaosan immediately and was honest. Xiaosan is obviously my subordinate, that is to say, if her queen deals with me, she will face Xiaosan's attack. If they can't resist, the result will be very miserable. Can't afford it. Therefore, the old witch decided to cooperate fully so as not to suffer.

"I built the candy house," the old witch replied immediately.

I got excited immediately when I heard this, and then asked, "Do you know a guy named Bingquan?"

"I don't know." The answer was straightforward, but unexpected. (To be continued) RQ

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