Starting from Zero

Vol 21 Chapter 39: Grand shaman

"The Great Wizard of Glen is killing his life here. M (when I read a novel, it will be.)" Said the old witch helplessly.

"How do you sell your life?"

"I can't say this clearly, anyway, if you go and see it, you will know."

Because the old witch herself couldn't figure out exactly how to sell this life, so I could only wait to see the Grand Shaman, and anyway, the skeleton in my hand needed to be dealt with, and I finally found him.

Glenn's Wizard's shop opened earlier. Although it will be the Magic Festival tomorrow, it is now open, and it is surprising that quite a lot of people come in and out. At least at the doorstep, we saw three or four wizards dressed in and out of the room. During the period, we saw a creature that was exactly like a monster walking into the room.

With curiosity, I also walked into the wizard's shop. There is no compression space that is common in high-end shops. This shop is an ordinary shop. The only difference from those outside is that it is slightly larger.

Although the area is slightly larger, the store in front is only a hundred square meters after all. There are six customers in addition to the shelf counter. In addition, the shaman Glenn himself is seven creatures. After I and the witch came in, There are nine creatures in the room. Compared to this area, the shop can be said to be quite crowded. Fortunately, as soon as we came in, three creatures went out. The main thing was that the monster-like creature we saw before went out. Although the guy is humanoid, he is at least two meters tall. Zhuang is like a brown bear, and one monster occupies more than two people.

Although three creatures went out, the remaining six were not large enough. More than half of the store was filled with shelves, leaving only a small area for customer activity. There was a table in this area, and Grand Shaman was sitting behind it. There are counters on both sides of the table, which just divide the room into two areas. The Grand Wizard himself and the shelves are blocked by the table and the counter. The customer's side is basically empty. [Read the novel ~]

Seeing us in. The grand wizard behind the table over there didn't look up, but just uttered a reminder: "Everything is on the shelf, tell me what you want. If you want to buy a life, then line up here."

Upon hearing the words of the Grand Wizard, the old witch immediately squeezed in front of me and said, "We are not here to buy things, but we have found something very expensive to sell to you."

The Grand Shaman heard the words of the old witch and looked up at us both. The first thing I saw when I saw the old witch didn't respond, but after seeing me, I was suddenly surprised. He immediately stood up. Then I took a few cards directly from my body and sent them to the other people present: "I have something today, please leave first. The next time you come, you can get a 10% discount with this card."

Although it was a bit uncomfortable to be kicked out abruptly, these guys had nothing to say immediately when they heard that there was a chance of a 10% discount.

After the room was emptied, the Grand Wizard Wizard immediately closed the shop door, and then turned to me and asked very solemnly: "I don't think you are a member of our circle?"

I knew from the glance of the Grand Shaman before that this guy definitely found me different. After all, I didn't make any disguise when I came here. Wearing a dragon soul suit, and this level of armor. It's an incredible thing in this place, because the wizard robes of the wizards I've seen all the way are all ordinary. It can be said that the level of equipment in this place is like a slum. The Wizard of Glen had enough insight and eyesight to naturally recognize that my body was different, and it is no wonder that he would rush away the guests so quickly.

At this time, the old witch discovered that the other party knew what was special about me, and quickly explained: "Grand Wizard, I'm actually ..."

The Grand Shaman directly reached out and stopped the old witch's explanation, and then said out loud: "No explanation, the Magic Festival welcomes foreign friends, as long as he is not here to make trouble. (Reading novels will come.)"

"Of course not. I just fancy something and want to get it, so I would venture to appear here. If I didn't want to exchange things, I wouldn't bring anything else to exchange magic coins, after all, you also know , Your magic coin is useless when it comes out. "

The Grand Wizard nodded and said, "I don't care what you want, as long as you follow the rules of the magic festival, you are our welcome guest. So, what do you want to exchange for magic coins? The outsider must be something It's very special, just for me to see. "

"I can't talk about it, it's just something more ordinary." Instead of taking out the bone skeleton, I took out the silver skeleton directly.

The Grand Sorcerer was immediately excited when he saw the silver skull I placed on the counter. He leaned up quickly, and then carefully observed the skeleton in front of him. Finally, he couldn't help but stroked the surface of the bone and tried to flick it with his finger www.7ket. Finally, he turned around from the counter behind him. Moved over to the jar. Putting the jar on the counter, the Grand Shaman suddenly looked up and asked me again, "Is it okay to do a test first? If it is damaged, I will pay for it according to my appraisal value."

This sounds obviously wrong, because if he said that this skeleton is worthless, wouldn't he not have to pay? But because the previous performance of the Grand Wizard and the guarantee of the old witch made me feel that the Grand Wizard is still a credible guy, so I nodded and agreed, of course, the more important reason is that the silver skull is the most important to me. Whatever happened, even if he deliberately lowered the price afterwards, it didn't hurt me much, but it proved that the credibility of the Grand Wizard was not credible.

Seeing me nodding, Grand Shaman immediately opened the jar he had brought, grabbed half of the white powder from it, and poured it from the skull's eye socket into the skull's head. Immediately after the powder was poured, the wizard Wizard immediately pulled a short crystal rod from the counter under him and tapped it on the skull's head, only to hear a chirp, like the sound of a wind chime, but It's not a very high-frequency crisp sound, it's rather thick, and the sound doesn't end as soon as it sounds. It waits for ten seconds before it disappears completely.

"Very good. It's hundreds of times stronger than a white skull. If used as a skeleton guard, it can definitely kill thousands of white skeleton guards."

"Then how much should you set this price?" The old witch asked anxiously.

"No hurry, I have to test other attributes."

Immediately after speaking, Grand Shaman took the previous utensils back, and took a crystal from a back shelf and walked to our side, and then he put the crystal in our skull in front of us. I began to chant a curse on my forehead, and I quickly pulled the witch next to me back and made the old witch think that something had happened.

Following the spell of the Grand Wizard, the skull suddenly burst into bright white circles, and then the diffused aperture suddenly began to retract in the opposite direction. At last, I only heard a pop and was pressed on the skull's forehead in purple. The crystal instantly burst into sky crystal powder, and the skull's eyes burst into a white flame, then the flame quickly darkened, and finally turned purple back to the skull's head.

"Sit up," Grand Glenn said, letting his hand go to the skeleton.

The skeleton was so clean and straightforward that it sat up from the counter without any sluggishness.

The Grand Shaman said excitedly: "Sure enough, it can be controlled by voice, but I don't know where I can understand voice commands."

"Just try it," I said out loud.

The Grand Wizard nodded, and then suddenly said to the skeleton, "Go back and get a piece of plant. Be more generous."

After hearing the command, the silver skull did not move as quickly as before, because this is not a direct physical command and requires a certain amount of thinking ability to understand. However, after two seconds of hesitation, the Silver Skull jumped off the counter quickly, then looked left and right, then ran to the back of the shelf over there and ran out again, then stood in Glen The shaman stood still before him.

Obviously, the silver skull has some intelligence, but it is not comparable to humans ~ ~ Grand Wizard said that he would pick up the plant leaves at the back, but there is no designation of what the back is. Normal people will definitely understand according to the entire order, because the required plant leaves are obviously not in the room, so this back should refer to the back of the house, that is, the outside of the house. However, the silver skull could not understand the concatenated meaning before and after. He did not understand divergent thinking. He could only look for the back of something according to the literal meaning. As a result, he thought it was going to the back of the shelf. Awaiting further orders. However, this is actually much better than the bone skeleton. You need to know that the bone skeleton does not only need to be controlled by spells, but even after advanced, you can understand the language commands. When you find that the commands cannot be completed, you will stop there instead of running back and waiting for further instructions. This is in terms of subjective initiative. Just an order of magnitude worse.

The Grand Sorcerer Glenn the Silver Skull was so excited to jump up. In this magic festival, they are all poor wizards, and they are not mixed well. There are not many bones and skeletons, let alone silver skeletons. Suddenly I got such a skull today, and the Grand Shaman was excited and didn't know what to say.

"Well, how much are you planning to sell for this skeleton?" The Grand Wizard asked me expectantly after watching the test.

I said with a smile: "You are an expert, and I believe in your credibility, as long as you feel reasonable, the price is set by you." (To be continued) RQ

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