Starting from Zero

Vol 21 Chapter 40: See the devil

The Wizard of Glenn did not show any special response to the behavior that I took the initiative to offer the pricing power. At first, he may be a relatively weak person, and he did not like to care about some side things. On the other hand, it may be He did not intend to pit us, so the pricing power is the same for everyone. m [Go to the novel ~]

"Since you said that, I'm also not polite." Grand Sorcerer Glen said directly: "Although this silver skull has a huge advantage in performance compared to the white skull, but in terms of the market, this kind of thing Unless there is a cheap sale, there is no big market, so I think 20,000 magic coins are a fair price. Of course, this price is far lower than the actual value of this silver skull, but if it exceeds this price, then the sale process May become a little more troublesome. "

Previously the old witch estimated that the price of this silver skull was about thousands to 10,000 yuan, but now the Great Wizard of Glenn has set a price of 20,000, which can be said to be quite fair. So I didn't raise the price with him and asked directly: "How much can you charge for this price?"

The Grand Shaman, who had just quoted the price, was still wondering if I would raise the price. After hearing such a sentence, he didn't respond for a while, and then he exclaimed suddenly, "You have more than this silver skull there?" "

"Of course, why don't I ask how much you can collect?"

After listening to my words, Grand Shaman was slightly surprised, but he quickly responded and nodded: "Yes, since you can have one, you can naturally have the second and third. But you have How many?"

"How much can you charge?"

"I can take as much as you have," said the wizard Grand Glen, like this. But he suddenly realized that I was not in this circle, so he added: "If the number is less than one hundred, I can pay you now."

"No wonder the old witch said that you are powerful, and it really wasn't blown out. I have twenty silver skulls here. At this price, twenty-one, all sold to you at once, is it okay?"

"Of course it's okay, I can't ask for it." Grand Wizard Wizard said with a little excitement: "May I see the goods now?"

"Just put it here?" I looked around the store. The Grand Shaman immediately understood what I meant.

"Follow me." He said, moving the table directly in the middle of the counter aside, then beckoning us to follow. The old witch and I followed him across the counter and saw that Grand Shaman was trying to move a shelf behind the counter.

"Let me do it." Seeing the sorcerer of the Grand Sorcerer, I walked over to help get a handle. The Wizard of Glen is a pure law profession. He has a very bad physique. The shelf is too heavy for him. He can only drag slowly on the ground, but for me, the light thing can be ignored. He just left the ground with a slight mention, and asked Grand Glen the wizard: "Where do you put this?"

The Grand Sorcerer has also seen many brute force exaggerations. So I don't think it's strange to my strength. Just signal me to put the shelf aside. After I lowered the shelf, the Grand Wizard was also rude and asked me to help pull a lid on the floor. The lid is a square measuring one and a half meters long. There is a groove on the edge of the aisle. There is a handle in it. After you grab it, you can lift the lid gently. Of course, what I said briefly is my feeling, and it is estimated that it will take a bit of effort with the power of Grand Glen Wizard.

When this lid is opened, you can directly see a downward staircase. I didn't go in first, but let the Grand Shaman go sideways. It's not that I'm afraid the other person will hurt me. It's a question of politeness, after all, it's a secret warehouse. It is inappropriate for me to rush into it as an outsider.

The Grand Shaman took a candle and lit it, then took the lead down the stairs, and the old witch and I followed.

The stairs are not deep, that is, four or five meters in height. It can be said that there is only a thin layer of soil between the basement and the shops above, which is not so deep at all.

After going down into the basement, there were no doors or passages. It was a huge room. There was almost no cover except for the pillars in the center to support the ceiling. However, although the rooms are not small, there are not many empty spaces, and they are basically stuffed with messy things, but in my opinion these things can basically be classified as broken.

After entering this basement, the Wizard of Glen was excited to let me release the silver skeletons. I looked at the environment and found a slightly empty place to dump all the silver skeletons. Nineteen skulls, plus the one studied by the Grand Shaman, totaled twenty, all stacked in the basement and looking thick. The main thing is that the silver skulls from the Dark Temple are better. After all, the identity of the Dark Temple is placed there. Naturally, they can be collected by them as reserve materials. The level of the silver skull, but its quality is definitely the top of the silver skulls. One by one, it is just like silverware, especially in the light of the candle, there are parts that will reflect, it looks like diamonds. same.

"It's really good!" The Grand Wizard wizard said excitedly. "Are you only twenty?"

"I only brought twenty of them, but if you ask me again, I won't take them for you. After all, I just want to change something here, and I don't plan to mix here for a long time."

The Wizard of Glenn nodded a little with regret, and then said straightly, "Twenty silver skulls, each of twenty thousand, is a total of four hundred thousand magic coins. Wait, I'll get you money."

The Grand Wizard said that it was for me, but when I really saw those magic coins, I was taken aback because the Grand Wizard did not bring me things like transaction cards. It was a small cart full of four sacks of magic coins. [Read the novel ~]

"what is this?"

"Here are the magic coins for you." The Grand Wizard said, and opened a sack opening for me to look at. Then asked: "Are you going to count?"

"I'm afraid I can count the cramps in my hands." I glanced at the sack in depression. I finally chose to put it directly, although we can use the weighing method to divide the weight of dozens of magic coins by ten to get an average of one Weight, just weigh the weight of each sack to know how many magic coins there are. After all, you already have the average weight of a single magic coin, and you can divide it.

Although the weight of a single magic coin is not large, there are a total of 400,000 magic coins in sight. You know, this is not a note used in modern society. As long as the face value of a 400,000 yuan note can reach one hundred yuan, that is not too much to take away, but the problem is that the magic coin in front of it is a coin! Think about how many 400,000 dollar coins are there? However, just now, according to the Grand Shaman, although there are a total of four sacks of magic coins, the total number is actually less than 400,000. It's not that the Glenn Wizard has given it less, but the magic coin also has a face value. Just now these four sacks are full of high-value magic coins. Otherwise, four hundred thousand coins would not be four sacks but four trucks.

"Okay. This business is done, let's talk about another business."

"Other?" The Grand Sorcerer obviously didn't expect that I had business to talk to him, so it was very surprised.

I was also very puzzled when I saw the Grand Wizard, and I didn't make nonsense, just tossed out the golden skull, and not one, but five together.

"Oh my God! Is this ...?"

"Gold skulls that are more advanced than silver skulls. But first of all, there are only five such high-quality goods. I have nothing to spare if you have money."

"This, this ..." The wizard Grand Glen was so excited that he didn't know what to say, this kind of thing was really beyond his imagination.

It was so exciting to see the Grand Wizard. I had to remind him: "You can test the attributes before deciding whether to buy and how much to buy."

"Oh, okay, I'll start testing." Grand Wizard Wizard turned and stumbled and ran to the thing, but this is not the general goods used to detect, but very advanced materials.

The basic inspection steps are still the same. First test the physical properties of the bones. This is mainly to test the hardness and corrosion resistance. This test has special medicine powder, just sprinkle a little around, then tap and listen to the sound. After the test, Grand Wizard Wizard's eyes were almost excited, but he still insisted on the subsequent call test. As a result, the first call failed, because the input energy was not enough to drive such a body. . In the end, the Grand Sorcerer had to use more advanced spells to make this golden skeleton for testing barely move, but it only moved a few times, and at last half of the execution of the order suddenly collapsed.

The reason why he would paralyze himself halfway, is not to say that the golden skull is not good, but that this thing is too good. It's like in the real world, can you say that those high-end sports cars and fighter jets are not as good as economy cars and pesticide spraying planes? However, if you think about the fuel consumption of high-end sports cars and economy cars, as well as the fuel consumption of fighter jets and pesticide airplanes, you can see from a comparison. The side effect of premium goods is high consumption. Regardless of the intelligence level or combat effectiveness of the gold skull, it is far from comparable to that of the silver skull, but the soul power required to drive it is not comparable to that of the silver skull.

Although half of the gold skeleton was paralyzed in the final test, the Grand Wizard was very happy. Half of the orders completed before have roughly proved that the intelligence level of the Golden Skull is quite high, and the situation afterwards has also proved the advanced origin of the Golden Skull from the side.

"Need me to help you complete the summoning ritual?" Seeing that the Grand Sorcerer hadn't completely turned the Golden Skull into a Skeleton Soldier, I had to ask in a voice. Anyway, I'm also a member of the Dark Department, and it's not too much trouble to get a skeleton soldier.

"Don't use it," said the Grand Wizard. "I just used too many test materials, so I can't drive this skeleton, but I already know how powerful this skeleton is."

"So how much do you think this price is appropriate?"

Grand Glen's face frowned as soon as he heard this face, making me think there was something wrong. However, after hesitating for a long time, the Grand Sorcerer sighed, and seemed to have made a major decision in general: "Sorry, I can only buy three of this at most. I do n’t want the other two, but It is really unaffordable. According to my appraisal, the actual value of this gold skull may have exceeded one million magic coins, even considering the market conditions, I think it cannot be less than 800,000. But now I have a total of There are only 2.7 million magic coins left. If I buy three, I still have some leftovers. After all, I can't buy all the money for the skull. I have to buy some materials to make the skeleton soldiers. Besides, even if I do n’t need other auxiliary materials, I ca n’t afford four gold skulls, let alone five. ”

I nodded and said, "Well, do you think anyone else at the Magic Festival, except you, might buy the gold skulls here?"

The Wizard of Glenn opened his mouth without even thinking about it: "The whole magic festival can be said that only one person can buy your skeletons except me. There are many guys richer than me, but they all have It ’s not about skeletons. So I wo n’t buy yours. If you have money, you may only buy it here, the master Hagglos Hobbit. ”

"Hag ... what's the matter?"

"It's the Great Devil of Hagross-Hobbit, but he prefers to be called by others as the fearsome Devil of Hagross. [Read the novel ~~]"

"The fearsome Devil of Hagros? I don't know anyone can scare me. Oh, no, it does, but compared to those who exist, your fearsome Devil of Hagros It should be renamed the reassuring Hagglos. "

The Grand Shaman said: "If it was someone from us who said this to you. I would definitely kill him the first time or send him to the fearsome King Hagglos for punishment. But if This is what you said. Then I believe you have indeed seen such a powerful existence. "

"Why? Do you think I have good character?"

"It has nothing to do with character." The Wizard of Glenn said seriously, "I can't see your strength at all, and here, there are only three people who can make me see his strength." And one of them is the Devil of Hagros. However, although I can't see your strength, I can roughly feel your range of strength. I can see it, the other two guys I can't see through You ca n’t compare it. As for who is the greatest Devil of Hagros and you ... I'm still not sure about this, you are too powerful for me! "

When the old witch on the side stood up to the big wizard, she immediately stopped. She knew I was great before. But I was surprised when I heard such a comment suddenly, to know that the Grand Wizard was the most advanced one in her mind. But now the Grand Shaman says that I am too strong for him, so what am I going to be like?

The surprised witch didn't get our attention at all, but at this moment I was wondering if I would first find the rest of the big devil's deal.

Actually, I do n’t sell skeletons to collect magic coins. My real purpose is to borrow these skeletons to get to know the managers here, and to get a little connection from them. After all, if I want to abduct the magic dessert chef, it is definitely impossible to deal with these people, so I urgently need to know these people first. As for magic coins, this thing actually doesn't make much sense to me. The magic dessert chef may need magic coins here, but it can be seen from the economic situation here that this place definitely belongs to a kind of remote and remote place. What the magic dessert chef can buy from here with magic coins. There are definitely N ways to get him more from elsewhere. So, magic magician doesn't really need magic coins.

Because I fully understood my purpose, I did not bargain with the Grand Wizard, but directly and very generously said, "Give me 2.5 million magic coins, and I will give you four gold skulls. As a condition You will help me introduce Hagros the Devil. "

"The deal." The Grand Sorcerer was just doing business with credibility, but not a fool. He offered no reason to decline my offer.

With such a pleasant cooperation, the wizard's efficiency at work immediately improved several times. Immediately after I retrieved a skeleton, I moved all four of them to the side of the warehouse and locked them into a box with space compression capacity. After the transaction, the magic coin brought us out.

As I said before, the shop of the Grand Wizard is next to the square in front of the castle, so we went out of the shop and just crossed the square to the front of the castle of Hagglos.

As a castle, the guard is of course indispensable, but the Grand Wizard is a top character here. The guard will not be difficult for him. Even a stranger of mine is not blocked because of the guidance of the Grand Wizard . As for the old witch, I didn't take her at all, but left her in Glen's shop. I took her with me and just needed her to help me find the Magic Dessert Chef. There was no need to take her to see the Lord of Hagros. Besides, the demon king is just like the emperor here, after all, it is inconvenient to bring too many people into it.

The castle of the King of Hagros is much larger than expected, mainly because the part of the castle deep into the mountain is much larger than expected. Originally looking from the outside, I thought the castle was half exposed and the other half was built inside the mountain. But now it seems that what is exposed is actually less than one-tenth of the entire castle, and the space in the mountain almost catches up to one-third of the valley outside.

After entering the castle gate, we entered a large maze. The structure of this maze is super complicated, but obviously the Wizard of Glen is not here for the first time. There are no stops along the way. Took me over.

After walking through the maze, we saw an indoor garden. The area is large and the height is amazing. However, the plants grown inside are a little weird. All are magic plants that look very unsafe, and I even saw six or seven varieties of cannibals.

Across the garden was a cliff ahead. That's right, it's really a cliff. The garden itself is already inside the mountain itself, and behind the garden is a cliff directly. When you look down, you can see a dark, feeling like **** below. The ground of this cliff is a complete stone wall. The distance from here is more than 20 meters. There is a gate on the opposite stone wall that is the same as the castle gate outside. Obviously that is the real castle. The gate in front of the maze was just a look.

A cable bridge is connected between this side of the cliff and the gate of the castle opposite. The bridge is covered with wooden boards. And it's quite wide, and it doesn't feel any shaking, it is very stable.

The Wizard of Glen took me across the Chain Bridge to the outside of the gate. There were four guards here, but just like the outside, the guards here did not stop us, and let us pass directly.

After passing through this gate, I finally entered the real castle, because I saw a hall that looked magnificent, although not to mention luxurious, at least much more gorgeous than the valley outside.

"Wait a minute here, I'll notify the Lord of Hagross," Grand Glen the wizard said to me.

I nodded and understood, then the wizard left and ran to inform Haggros the devil, and I admired the arrangement in the hall.

The floor of this hall is rectangular, and the gate we entered is on the narrow side. The width of the hall is about 50 meters, and the depth may be close to 200 meters. There is a circle of tall Roman columns around the hall, but they are close to the wall, so the decoration is more effective than support.

The ceiling of the hall is arched, with many reliefs carved on it, and various colors are painted. It looks very beautiful, but because the arch is nearly fifteen meters above the ground, some smaller reliefs are not clear. Already.

On the ground, there is a fountain near the entrance of the hall. The diameter of the pool is seven or eight meters. In the center stands a large devil standing on the cross arm of a cross. On the cross is tied an angel with scaly wounds. The water was sprayed from the wounds on the angel's body. If this water is replaced with a red liquid, it is estimated that it will feel more blood-spraying.

I was watching the sculpture in the center of the fountain intently, and suddenly I heard a rather cold sound coming from the oblique side.

"Who are you? How did you get in?"

When I heard the voice, I turned my head and saw three people. One of the guys who was close to him was a full black armor with a height of over one meter nine, and his face was very handsome. With silver hair and those dark red eyes, it would definitely attract many beautiful women to take the initiative to chase back in the real world. There were two behind him, but they were all women. One of them was one meter tall and had a set of things that could not be considered armor or robes. This thing is all metal armor on the shoulders, chest, waist, elbows and knees, but the other parts are soft robes, and the lower body structure of this robe is asymmetric, the front part is just like a regular short skirt Not much to check, just after reaching the middle of the thigh, you may have to go up a little, but the back hem has almost been dragged to the ground. Except this woman. The other woman next to her was more normal. She wore a female mage robe with a waist style, which looked solemn and pretty, and an absolute female dark mage standard suit.

Because there was only one male among the three, the voice just now must be his, and because he walked ahead, I directly judged that this was the great devil of Hagros. After all, these three equipment are definitely top-notch in this kind of place, and it is unlikely to be some kind of senior personnel. After all, the Wizard of Glen is also considered to have a head and face here, and it is not even necessary to report when entering the demon's palace, but it is still very ordinary. Based on this speculation, one of these three must be the big devil, and it seems that this is more reliable.

"Hello, the dreaded King of Hagros, I came here with the great wizard of Glen. The purpose is to sell something to the dreaded King of Hagros."

When the man heard my words, he staggered, then looked back at the two women behind him. Obviously they communicated with their eyes. But because this guy is in front, he just turned his back to me, and the two women were blocked by him because of his height, so I didn't see their eyes, only what they communicated.

It didn't take long for the other person, just a few seconds later the man turned back and frowned and asked, "Are you an outsider?"

"Yes, the fearsome Devil of Hagros. I am an adventurer from the outside. Because I happened to meet the Magic Festival, I also want to see if I can buy something. But I do n’t have any of your magic coins on me. , I had to trade with my own stuff. "

"If you want to change the money, just go to the Grand Wizard of Glen. Why come to me?" The Devil asked again.

"Actually, I wanted to sell it to Grand Wizard, and Grand Wizard did buy a few, but my things were too expensive, and Grand Wizard had insufficient funds to buy all the goods, so ... "

"What? You say that the Wizard of Glen is underfunded?" The other side was clearly surprised, and I could understand his response. After all, according to the words of the old witch before, the Grand Shaman belongs to the top group here. Although it can not be said to be the richest man, it can definitely be ranked in the top ten super rich. However, I actually said that the Wizard of Glen was not enough money to eat all the goods, to what extent should these goods be worth?

"I know you think it's incredible, but my thing is not the price I set, it is the price that Grand Wizard Wizard himself said, but he still can't eat all the goods. Because I think Grand Wizard Wizard has a good reputation, so I asked him to help me recommend a person who could eat my goods, but the great wizard said that the fearsome Hagros devil would definitely be able to eat these goods, so I begged him to bring me over to see You. "

The devil on the other side nodded and walked towards me, and the two beauties behind were holding each other and following behind, like a good girlfriend. When I got closer, I realized that the height of the Devil was not only one meter nine, but about two meters, maybe less than two meters, but it was almost the same. The two following the Devil are not little birds. Although the woman wearing strange cloth armor looked very beautiful and even a little seductive, her momentum was quite amazing. Honestly, it ’s really surprising to meet such a character in this kind of place. After all, the strength of the people I saw here is very bad, but this one is a first-class master, not the standard here, but Outside standards.

Although another female mage is not strong, she is pulsating with surging magic waves, giving a feeling that there is a huge lake of elements in front of her. This breath is at least the level of strength of the oracle. Of course, this deity is talking about the lower gods, and the power of the upper gods is already a pure rule, which is not the point where the magic can be achieved.

In fact, compared to the two women behind, I feel that the previous Devil is the worst of the three. However, I didn't care about gender issues. After all, the strong women captured by love are not without them. Moreover, the demon king in front of him is indeed very rich in capital.

"What the **** are you selling?"

"I sell ..."

"Oh? Hagglos, why are you here? Let me find it." Before I finished speaking, I was interrupted by the great wizard who ran out from a distance. Hagros is here, and he naturally ran away, but when he came back, he just hit him.

I was looking back at Grand Glen Wizard. Suddenly I heard the Damon King shouting at him: "You go back first, we have already introduced it, I will go to talk to him about business, and I will not give you away." Said the Damon King directly to me: "With Come on, let's find a suitable place to talk about our deal. "

Although I think the reaction of the devil is a bit strange, I didn't care much. I directly nodded with the grand shaman who hadn't come over and turned to follow the big devil. The big shaman also stopped with a strange look. .

Follow the big devil through a gate on the other side of the hall. Go up to the third floor through a staircase, and then after a long 7-shaped corridor, finally turned into a large study-like room in the middle of the horizontal corridor.

After we entered the room, the devil of Hagros first looked back at the two women behind him. Since I was at the end this time, I saw his eyes with the meaning of inquiry, but also because of this position, I could n’t see The eyes of the two women, but the big devil quickly walked down to a set of sofas deep in the room and motioned me to sit. but. At this point I was already beginning to doubt the identity of this guy.

It wasn't obvious in the hall before, but after entering here, I noticed that it was quite abnormal.

The look of the big demon turned back and asked just now was strange. Ordinarily he was the devil. Even if these two are senior staff members, he doesn't need to use this kind of general look. There is also a lot of problems in this room. First, as soon as I entered the room, I smelled a faint fragrance. This is not the smell of incense, but the body fragrance, which is the body fragrance emitted by women. In addition, although the room's furnishings and other things are more gorgeous, the details are all sweet and cute. To put it simply, this room is very feminine, and its owner is either a woman or a pseudo-mother. At least the mental state is very feminine.

In front of him, the big devil looks like a standard sportsman, and his temperament shows that this is not a mother. It may be cold-blooded, so this room is either not his, or he is not the devil. But if this room isn't hiss, why would he take me here? The devil here is the emperor of a country. You said that the emperor and people talked about things not in his study or the Palace of Government, what happened when he went to the eunuch's or maid's room?

It seems that there is only one answer, that is, the man in front of him is not the real devil of Hagros, and the real devil must be here, otherwise the grand shaman of Glen will not be so easily taken away. Therefore, one of the three people here must be the big devil, and if the male is not, then one of the remaining two women must be the big devil of Hagros.

"Well, here is my study. Absolutely safe. Can you take out your goods for us to see? I really want to see what the **** can't afford even the Grand Wizard. "

"I'm sorry, please note that the Grand Sorcerer didn't just buy everything, not that he couldn't afford it."

"It's the same anyway, show it to us." This time I was talking about the woman wearing this strange equipment. Although I'm not sure she is the big devil, at least one-half of her may be, so I Still must be respectful.

"Everyone, this is my goods." I directly released the last gold skull. Because there is a fairly large coffee table in the middle of the three sofas, the skull is placed on it for everyone to watch.

"Well ... what am I supposed to do? Is it a golden skeleton!" It was still the woman with the weird outfit that was talking, obviously she didn't care much about the golden skeleton. In fact, I don't think she would care about such things depending on her strength. After all, this woman and the woman next to her have the godlike strength. How could such a existence be fussed by a skeleton? Of course, I am talking about gold skulls ~ ~ Skulls also have high-end goods, such as the black skulls that I saw in the dark temple before.

"The dreaded King of Hagros. This is what I sold to the Grand Wizard of Glen, but there were five before, and now there is only one left."

"If this is the only thing, then you should leave something and leave. We bought it. How much is it?" Still the woman said, the fake demon over there is just a furnishing.

"The price the Grand Shaman gave me was 800,000 magic coins." The other party directly threw eight hundred thousand denominations, and I immediately said, "The money and the goods are clear, but I still pay them here." Something else, I wonder if you guys are interested? "

"If it's still this kind of thing, it's fine." I'm now 80% sure that this woman in a strange costume is the Devil of Hagros, because up to now the fake demon over there hasn't said a word, but as a follower, It is obviously abnormal for the boss to surpass such authority. So I guess this eight achievements is the real devil.

"Of course my stuff is more than just this kind of thing, but the next thing is more exaggerated. I don't know if you can afford it. Note that I am not talking about magic coins, but crystal coins or other resources in exchange. "(To be continued) RQ

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