Starting from Zero

Vol 21 Chapter 54: Xinding joins

Remember! There are many types of so-called weapons of mass destruction, and their principles are all messy. //) [] If it is realistic, it is easier to handle, after all, the human technology system is just that, and the weapons of mass destruction that can be made are just a few general directions. However, the situation in the game is obviously more complicated than in reality. Because of the addition of many magical systems, and the game `` Zero '' does not exclude technology products, the result is that the weapons of mass destruction that can be created in reality can be produced here, and there are many more that cannot be achieved in reality. s things. For example, the one under the Essinger Mobile Fortress for urban radiation cannons is a typical weapon of mass destruction, and it is absolutely impossible in reality.

It is precisely because there are too many weapons of mass destruction in the game and the attack methods are strange, so we need to find out as soon as possible what kind of weapons of mass destruction are being prepared by the ghost Nobunaga and the Russians. As for the balance between Philindir and Marilyn, I temporarily left this part to Rose. They asked them to work out a detailed battle plan as soon as possible, and then I came back to deal with the task on my side in Japan.

After deciding on the relevant issues, I decided to leave for Masamoto Matsumoto. The goal of this operation was to investigate the types and quantities of weapons of mass destruction stored in the base of the ghost-handed Nobunaga, but I did not intend to run alone to infiltrate.

Our guild spent so much effort to put Matsumoto Masako on the throne of the Japanese player leader not for the sake of good looks. Our purpose is nothing more than to use the current status of Masamoto Matsumoto for our benefit. Now that Matsumoto is congratulating this big tree, it's time for us to enjoy the cold.

My plan is to have Matsumoto give me a double insurance. First of all, I will conduct a single penetration and see if I can mix in to find the super weapon. If it is successful, it is naturally the best, but if it fails, then it is time for Matsumoto Masaru to take effect. Once my whereabouts are exposed, then we will sneak in for stealth. Of course, the people of Masamoto Matsumoto could not cooperate with me boldly to rush in, but they could forcibly go in under the name of finding my whereabouts and chasing here. Because there is an excuse to chase me. Therefore, Japanese players will not have any objection to Matsumoto's behavior, and there is Matsumoto Masa who leads the team in person, and the ghost-handed Nobunaga must not stop them. At that time, as long as Masao Matsumoto rushes in without hesitation, and then he can directly see those secret weapons, and as long as Matsumoto Masa sees it, it is equivalent to us. Then there is the evacuated part, as long as I intentionally expose it. Then Matsumoto stepped forward to fight with me, and it was certainly no problem for the two of us to fight all the way. Take our damage. If you deliberately start a big move. Most people can't get close at all, so it's not so much that Matsumoto is playing against me, but that he sent me all the way. As for getting out of the base, what else do I have to worry about? I just need to jump on Asuka to run. The speed of the lance of our guild is known all over the world. Masamoto Matsumoto said that he couldn't catch me and no one would blame him. After all, my mount was too fast. This is a force majeure factor.

With this plan we can be considered foolproof. Regardless of whether I can successfully infiltrate, anyway, the secret of Nobunaga's ghost is impossible to keep.

I'm going to find Matsumoto Masa here. I did not expect to hear a special ring of bell just after transmitting to Fulcrum City, followed by the system prompting someone to activate the call button in reality. In desperation, I had to find a place to go offline first.

After disconnecting the network connection, pull out the electronic probe behind the head. Then the sight in front of me started to recover, but when I went online before, it seemed that someone helped me to update the electronic system. When I opened my eyes this time, it felt strange. First, the picture I saw was lit, and then suddenly a lot of green prompts gradually appeared, not only marking the state of the environment, but also various electronic signal strength, air quality, The most strange thing about the temperature, wind speed, air pressure, etc. is that the researcher standing in front of him has a green ring on it, and a line of text is displayed next to it, which reads "Unarmed personnel, no threat."

"I rely, what's the situation?" I shook my head back and forth twice in the front. As a result, the range of sight immediately added an aperture to the palm of the hand, and it also contained a pre-determined trajectory of waving speed and forward course. A long list of information about a class.

The researcher standing next to me saw that I was staring in the palm of my hand, and knew that I must have been confused by the information in front of him. He directly held a book and flipped over and said to me: "Don't be nervous, what you see It's just tactical support information. It can be turned off. "

"Auxiliary information? What auxiliary function can this thing play besides affecting my sight?"

"In some special cases, it can really play a big role, and now because it is the first time to start, all information is loaded at the same time, so it will be so confusing. In normal combat situations, you only start one or two of them. Information can be of great assistance. "

I thought for a moment and then asked, "How does this turn off?"

"You can control it by connecting your electronic brain tactical information control system."

I nodded and quickly switched the working mode of the brain. I quickly found the control method. After turning off all auxiliary information, the picture in front of me was finally clean.

"Is there anything to wake me up?"

"That's it." The institute said while holding an electronic notebook while turning something on it. "The biolab said that new biochemical cells are ready, so you can add new members. And the board of directors gave You have recruited two new instructors, and they will be here today, and I need you to meet. "

"Instructor?" I looked at the researcher in surprise and asked, "Can anyone teach us like this?"

The academy shrugged: "I don't think it is possible, but it is a decision of the board of directors. I just inform you."

I nodded and said, "Okay. You go ahead and tell the biochemical laboratory to accept new members, we will be there in a minute."

"It's all over there, you're ready to come straight. Oh, this time the new member preparation room is in the sixth blockade."

"Okay, I know."

After the researcher left, I got up from my seat, found Ling through wireless communication, and talked about a newcomer, and then we went to the sixth blockade to meet. Of course, only my magic pets and Scotia's ring bell knights came. The number of Kirin warriors is too large, and no matter how much space there is, it will not be enough.

Because the room I was on was relatively far from the Sixth Blockade, everyone else was already there when I came over. For us, it is very exciting that every new member shapes the body in reality as if it was the birth of a newborn. In particular, this is the companion we have fought together in the game, and this feeling is even more exciting.

"Who is coming today?" After entering the training room, I went directly to the responsible researcher who was responsible for our body training.

The supervisor first directed a young researcher to operate the machine, and then replied, "There are five advent seats today. But I have only two."

"Why not?" Ling also heard the other party's answer, so he asked curiously.

The supervisor replied: "My side is just a bioculture room. I heard that the other three are not carbon-based living organisms."

"Ah? Not a carbon-based life?" I listened to God for a moment. Then they reacted. "Is it Everett?"

Wei Na also said, "Maybe there is Brigitte. But who is left? Are there any other mechanical life forms over you?"

"Should it be gone?" I frowned, "Isn't it always energy life? Do we have that kind of technology?"

"It doesn't seem to be," said the research institute in charge. "It should be three mechanical bodies, and our technology of Dragon Edge can't make energy life."

I nodded and continued: "No matter, let's finish your work first."

"Okay, come with me."

Under the leadership of the researcher in charge, we quickly walked to the special isolation room for advent.The structure of this room is a regular octagon. Around the room, except for the wall on the side of the entrance, there are walls in seven other directions. All are surrounded by electronic instruments on the front wall. You can't see the walls at all.

There is a cylindrical isolation space in the center of this room, and the bottom of the isolation space is a half-foot-high base. There is also a section of metal structure over one foot long at the top, and the middle part is composed entirely of a single piece of strengthened glass. The outer diameter of this isolated space is at least three meters. However, because the whole column is relatively tall, it does not look stout, but it feels a bit slender.

At this moment, the isolated space is completely empty, and there is nothing inside.

"Is this the newly established Advent Room?" I looked at the room I had never seen before and asked the supervisory researcher.

The nearby researcher nodded and said, "This is the new Advent Room, and your members will use this room in the future."

I nodded and asked, "What about those who are coming today?"

"Wait a moment, we will arrange it immediately." The researcher in charge turned around and shouted to the researcher next to him: "Send the body that is coming today."

The researcher nearby nodded and quickly picked up a few light sheets from the electronic notebook in his hand and threw them towards the computer next to him. The data of the virtual projection immediately flew into the computer there. As the data passed, the closed hatch at the top of the quarantine area in the center of the room suddenly exposed to the sides a round hole smaller than the diameter of the quarantine area, and then a biochemical culture tank shaped like a can was closed by a robot arm. Grabbed it from the top and embedded it into the bottom of the base accurately. When the culture tank was in place, the eight tight-bundle fixed locks popped up at the same time, and the culture tank was locked with a pop, and the robot arm was released and automatically retracted into the upper channel.The channel opening was also after the robot arm was retracted. Closed automatically.

There is now one more biochemical culture tank in the central compartment of the advent chamber. This culture tank is about three meters high. The overall shape is similar to a can. The top and bottom are made of metal, and the side walls are completely made of glass. It looks like the shape of the culture tank is similar to the outside isolation area, but it is a little smaller because the diameter of this culture tank is only over one meter. It looks less than two meters.

At this time, the culture tank was filled with a light yellow and slightly green translucent liquid, but in the center of those liquids, there was a beauty without any reaction at all. This body is a female. It doesn't look very beautiful at first glance, but if you look closely, you will feel very beautiful. The more you look, the more beautiful you feel. However, in general, this is the worst looking of my many female magic pets. of course. Even if it is the ugliest among female magic pets, it is definitely a high-level beauty. After all, there are not many ugly humanoids in the game, and all of them look like crafts.

"Who is this?" Seeing that flesh appeared, all my other pets in the room surrounded them all at once. Although the physical appearance in front of me is not bad, my magic pet doesn't look like this, it feels strange. Everyone guessed there. In the end, I guessed all the magic pets that hadn't arrived yet, and I didn't know who this was.

While Ling and Wei Na were talking around the training tank, I got to the researcher next to me and stretched my head. As a result, it became clear to me why this body didn't seem to know at all.

"It was for her. No wonder"

"Master, who do you see?" Lingling seemed to have heard me talking to herself, and turned to ask.

This wasn't something to hide, and I answered directly, "This body is for Lilith."

"What? This is Lilith?" Several people on the other side of the answer obviously couldn't figure it out. In the end, Ling was the smartest, and the first one thought of the reason.

Lilith's identity in the game is a mutant Lich, but I think she is more like a large group of autonomous cancer cells, because she can instantly erode and assimilate any living body. This ability is indeed very similar to a cancer cell, except that the cancer cell has no intelligence. Can't assimilate each other's genes like Lilith's purposeful assimilation.

Although Long Yuan's technical strength is beyond doubt, we can't do everything. At least it is impossible to achieve the ability to devour other organisms in an instant, so Lilith's ability is definitely different from that in the game. However, even if the abilities are different, they will definitely use similar abilities with reference to the in-game features. It can be connected with Lilith's ability. What I can think of and the technology of Dragon Margin can do is probably the ability of local body deformation.

This local body deformation is not the ability of Transformers to reorganize into another shape. The ability I said is a simple muscle deformation, and it is not worse than making ordinary people's faces. Through the control of the muscle group, the muscles in some places are uplifted and some places are sunken. The ability to maintain for a long time, then this muscle deformation ability is actually equivalent to a relatively high-end camouflage. Although it is not possible to become an object, it can be used for infiltration and other tasks by changing the muscle structure to look like someone else. After all, humans rely on the face to designate different individuals. As long as you can control your face to imitate the appearance of others, you are actually equipped with camouflage.

After Ling and I guessed the possibility, I told them that, and everyone understood why Lilith's original was like this. Because this appearance is actually the average state of human facial features, that is to say, no matter who looks Lilith wants to simulate in the future, now this face allows her to achieve the appearance of any person with only half of the adjustment. .

When Ling and everyone finished talking about Lilith's appearance, the responsible researcher over there had instructed the people under him to accomplish a lot of things, and at this time waited for my order. As soon as I was notified of the other party's preparations, I let them start advent.

A researcher quickly pulled a connection cable with a metal hose from a nearby instrument.I lowered my head slightly and exposed the interface behind the neck. Ling came over to take the connection from the researcher. The wire helped me plug into the connection port behind the neck. Immediately afterwards, I felt dark before my eyes, and when it was lit again, the person was already on a metal platform. This platform has a diameter of only five or six meters and is surrounded by darkness. Nothing is visible except the scope of this platform.

With my appearance, there was a sudden flash on the platform, and Lilith appeared on the platform. Lilith was shocked when she was suddenly thrown over. I didn't relax until I saw it.

"Master, what is this place? Why are we here?"

I didn't answer Lilith's question, but directly reminded: "You don't need to care about this. Remember that I said before that if you perform well, will I show you the real world things? ? "

"The real world?" Lilith suddenly got excited when she heard the word, then looked at me with an excited look and asked: "Is this the entrance to the real world?"

"You can say that too."

"What are you waiting for? Take me to see it." Lilith couldn't wait to urge me.

Seeing her so excited, I had to appease her first and said, "Don't worry, since I brought you here, I want to take you to the real world. However, I need to pay attention to you before going to the real world. matter."

"You say it, I listen."

I nodded: "First, there is a very strong order in the real world, not as chaotic as the world we are in now. There are many rules and regulations there, even if you have the ability to break through their limits, don't Try to break through it, because no one seems to be maintaining these systems. In fact, it has a very strong constraint effect. Of course, I can actually break through many rules. Only after the break will bring a lot of trouble So, in order to avoid trouble, after you go out, you must ensure that all actions follow my instructions, do not understand things to ask me or other companions, and you are not allowed to take your own ideas. Do you understand? "

Lilith said impatiently, "Isn't it just a matter of obeying everything? Isn't I obeying your order like this now? It won't change much? If so, I promise that nothing will go wrong."

I nodded and said, "This is just one of them, and a more important note is to use your power carefully."

"What is the use of my power with caution?"

"How do you say it?" I thought for a moment and explained to Lilith: "Are there usually many non-combatants in the world we are in?"

Lilith nodded, "Isn't it just the residents who live in the city? I remember you like to call them freedom. Right?"

I nodded and said, "Yes, those people I like to call them freedom. Those like me are called players or adventurers, and there are magic pets like you and wild warcraft and the like. Except those freedoms. We players and magical pets like you, as well as Warcraft and all kinds of wild forces, they are all combatants and have strong abilities, such as magic and the like. "

"Isn't this common sense?" Lilith looked at me puzzled, not knowing what I wanted to say.

"This is common sense, but in the real world we are about to go, that is not common sense."


"The real world we are about to go to, we call it the real world, and the world that you lived with before us is called the game world. In the game world, there are many individuals like you and me who are very capable, Creatures with super-combat power. Although most of them are not your opponents, we basically have combat power. Is this clear to you? "

Lilith nodded. "Yes, although they can't beat us, those creatures are also very powerful."

Seeing that Lilith understood this point, I continued to say, "But in the real world, that is, the world we are going to, it is very rare for us to have a combative presence. All the creatures over there are almost free Level. Relative to us, they are as fragile as the crunchy candy you like to eat, and they will fall apart when touched. "

"Ah? So fragile?" Lilith was obviously quite surprised.

I explained helplessly: "In fact, it is not that they are too fragile, but that we are too strong. Your cognition in the real world is almost zero, so I do n’t know how to explain many things to you, anyway, as long as you know us Compared to them, it is too strong and too strong. So, if you interact with a creature or object in the real world, you must output your care as carefully as you use those living objects in the game world. Strength, if you use the strength of the battle. Even if you do not intentionally, those things or creatures will completely fall apart because they cannot bear your strength. "

Lilith said in surprise: "Wasn't that if I shook a hand with someone over there. I accidentally twisted his hand off?"

"It should be more than just **** it down. If you don't pay attention to controlling the power, it will be like pinching tofu brain with your hands, and it will be crushed as soon as you grab it."

"Is the real world so fragile?"

"I told you that we are too strong, not that the real world is weak. Well, you can remember this anyway. By the way, there is another thing to note, that is, the saying that there is no resurrection in the real world. Including you and me Inside, once any statement dies, that is true death, it will disappear forever and forever, and you will never be able to resurrect him. "

"Isn't it dangerous to be over there if we can't be resurrected? In case of death, we're completely dead?"

I nodded and said, "Although it's true that you die once, you don't have to worry too much. I didn't tell you just now. Real-life creatures and objects are very vulnerable to us. So we are generally not very It ’s easy to die, even if it ’s injured. But in the real world, there are still some very powerful weapons that can kill us. So you better be careful. After all, you ca n’t be resurrected, and it ’s really dead once you die. "

Lilith was also very scared of death, so she nodded very seriously to show her absolute attention.

Seeing she did understand, I continued: "One more thing is that because life in the real world is unique and cannot be resurrected, so. There, people attach great importance to life. Especially advanced life In addition to the food needed to sustain life, any behavior that harms senior life is considered guilty. So if you don't want to give yourself trouble, then don't take the initiative to hurt any living things. If you are Attack or any other situation you think you should attack a certain life body, remember to ask me first, or other companions, you can get the shot after confirmation. Can this be guaranteed? "

"If anyone wants to kill me, do I have to ask for it before I fight back?"

"Unless you fight back, you will die immediately, otherwise you will need to ask. After all, there are not many things that can really hurt us in the real world. And you are generally not likely to act alone, so it will not take long to ask. Besides, if it is The mission itself is a state of battle, and I will specifically tell you which targets can be killed directly. "

"Oh, I can guarantee that."

"Well, there are so many things for the time being. Let ’s prepare before entering the real world. I will leave here to go to the real world to prepare for you, and then you may feel a little dizzy and there is something abnormal. Tactile sensations appear, after which you may feel a little confused. This is normal, do n’t resist, just relax. Also, when you get to the real world, you will find yourself in a large pool, you do n’t have to worry about the surroundings The kind of liquid is not water, you don't need to hold your breath, you can inhale those liquids into your chest, it will not affect your normal breathing. Be careful not to struggle, because the material of that pool is not very strong, you will be damaged by too much force Pool. Rest assured, I'm just outside that pool. You should be able to see me across the pool. But you need to pay attention. The appearance in the real world is a little different from what it is now. I don't wear armor there. And the hair is not so long, the face shape will be slightly different. But you don't have to worry about it, the appearance is only slightly changed, and I promise you will recognize it at first sight. "

Lilith nodded and said, "Okay, I promise not to struggle. So shall we start now?"

I nodded and said, "Yes. Now I'm going to the real world first, and you're ready. Oh yes, you may feel a bit uncoordinated after you pass, and you will feel a bit weak and weak, that's normal. It will be fully restored in a few minutes. Okay, I'll pass first, you can just wait here. "I disappeared on the platform after speaking, followed by the screen transition, I removed the connector on the neck and turned to the supervisor The researcher nodded and said, "Okay, let's start to shift our consciousness."

The researcher in charge nodded and walked in front of a device to enter his own identification code. Then he took out a special key on his neck and inserted it into the instrument. The electronic brain on my side received a prompt to confirm the download of the conscious body. Option, enter my personal identification number and select confirm directly. There was no change in the room, but all the computer monitors on the side to my left started to show a large number of dense data displays at the same time, so fast that it was impossible to see what was displayed. but. This process only lasted for more than ten seconds, and then Lilith in the culture tank suddenly twitched.

"There was a response." Ling first called.

The researcher in charge looked at the screen in front of him and shouted, "The consoles report the situation."

"Vital signs are normal."

"The brainwave activation is complete."

"The electronic brain lights up successfully."

"The two brains are connected to the Internet, and the progress of conscious body implantation ... is complete."

"Severing the auxiliary mental center, spinal nerve activation begins."

"The nervous system turns on normally."

"Did you finish it?" I asked Lilith, nervously looking up in front of the isolation room.

The competent researcher over there said: "It should be done, the data shows that everything is normal, and body adaptation may still be in progress, which will take about a few minutes."

Weiner jokingly said, "Does it take time for the first time to start up? Don't worry."

I knew I was too anxious to hear about Wei Na's joke. I had to wait like this. After about a minute, Lilith in it began to tremble slightly, and her eyelids seemed to be opening at any moment. After more than ten seconds, Lilith suddenly struggling violently, but stopped in less than two seconds, and then her eyes opened, and she glanced left and right and quickly stopped on my face. .

I had prepared a smile at her. And waved to her, followed by Ling and Wei Na, they also waved forward. Lilith inside saw us clearly quiet.

The researcher nearby looked at the sign recorder and made an OK gesture. When Lilith opened her eyes just now, her heart rate and other things obviously increased sharply, but now all have returned to normal levels.

Seeing that the researcher in charge gave me an OK gesture, I immediately connected Lilith's electronic brain with wireless communication. Because I am the leader of all dragons, I have ultimate control and can access anyone's electronic brain unconditionally. Even if Lilith does not operate, I can remotely turn on and control her electronic brain. After entering, I helped her set up the transmission signal, then connected her consciousness and began to communicate to her by wireless communication: "Welcome to the real world. How are you feeling now?"

Lilith didn't answer the question directly, but instead asked: "Master? Is this a contact? Why do I feel different?"

"This is a wireless communication system. It is not a thing like mind communication in the game world, but it has similar functions. It allows us to keep in touch over long distances."

Because in the game, there is the ability of spiritual connection between me and the pet, so there is not much reaction to wireless communication Lilith.

"How am I going out now?" Lilith asked after getting my explanation.

I explained to her directly: "This is the first time you have entered the real world, so you need to do some checks. Now you don't move and do as I say."

"OK, all right."

"First feel your body, and where is it uncomfortable?"

"I feel weak muscles and a little bit of tenderness."

"This is normal, is there anything else abnormal?"

"Others are gone."

I nodded to the researcher over there and said, "The self-check is normal."

The lead researcher over there also said: "External testing is fine. You can start testing your physical mobility."

I nodded and turned to Lilith and said: "Now listen, do what I say. First raise your right hand and flatly face it." Lilith moved as she said, but it was a bit slow at first, but it was fast. Just adapted.

"Very well, now let go of your fist and release it three more times, and then 97ks your fingers. Fold them out one by one in order and then spread them out again, right hand and left hand again."

This time, Lilith's movements are obviously faster, and her body adapts quickly.

I said with satisfaction: "OK, now raise your right leg, bend your knees, then straighten, then move the other leg, and finally the ankle, try to turn it." Looking at Lilith all over there Once again, then I said, "Okay, now with your legs straight and staying in a standing position, we have to drain the liquid around you, and your weight will fall on your feet, so pay a little bit of force. At the beginning you The balance may be a bit problem. You can support the surrounding walls with your hands and just adapt a little. Are you ready? Nod your head when you are ready. I let them boil water. "

Lilith nodded, and I immediately ordered the researcher to drain. With the press of a button, the liquid level in the culture tank began to decrease rapidly, and Lilith, who was originally floating in the water, also fell with the liquid level. Finally, her feet hit the floor of the culture tank, and her body was tilted. On one side, fortunately, my reminder helped the wall in time.

With the liquid completely drawn out, Lilith's body did not consciously change into a semi-curved posture. This shape is mainly because the body does not adapt to its own weight. After all, this body is the first movement, and the body has not adapted. Of course, if you start the mechanical skeleton in the body, you can instantly support the body, but Lilith hasn't even controlled the muscle group yet. Adding the control of the mechanical skeleton will only make her more confused.

Seeing that the liquid was empty, I immediately signaled to the researcher next to me, and the other person quickly pulled on the touch screen. The sound of the glass shroud in the quarantine area began to sink slowly, and it was fully retracted into the ground soon. The central culture tank opened a gap with a bang. Follow the glass cover to the sides, revealing Lilith inside. I quickly ran in with a prepared robe and put it on Lilith and wrapped her, and then helped her out of it.

"How are you feeling now?"

"Very good." Lilith stared at the various furnishings in the room, then looked at her hands, and then asked curiously, "My senses ...?"

Before she even asked Ling, she said, "In the game, the basic senses are designed according to the feelings of ordinary people. The hearing range is only the standard of normal people, the tactile signals are only one hundred sampling levels, and other senses are also It is designed according to the standard of normal people. But we are dragons. Our body is different from ordinary people. Our skin has millions of pressure sensors. It can accurately distinguish the magnitude of pressure, temperature changes, and even rely on the flow of air. The trajectory of objects within a certain range. You can adapt to these things. We were a bit uncomfortable when we first came out, and we will ensure that you can fully adapt within three hours. "

Lilith nodded and asked me to walk to the front of a metal stand next to her. There is a boom in this place, and a set of robotic arms like octopus is connected under the boom. This thing may look like a torture at first, but in fact it is an exercise device, which is specially used for people who just arrived. I fixed Lilith with Ling's help, and then asked her to try to get active to get used to the body as soon as possible. With those robotic arms supported, she doesn't have to worry about wrestling, and the robotic arms coordinate her movements. With the help of an electronic brain, her body will memorize these basic movements as quickly as possible and quickly form her own reflex system and quickly gain general athletic ability. Of course, more exaggerated movements need to go to open training afterwards.

After arranging Lilith, I asked her to exercise first, and then informed the researcher in charge to start the second magic pet. The competent researcher over there nodded and began to operate. The barrier on the ground raised again, and the glass door of the culture tank was closed at the same time. The opening at the top of the isolation zone was opened again, then the robotic arm was lowered, and the fixing bolt at the bottom of the culture tank was popped up at the same time after docking with the top of the culture tank, and the robot arm immediately lifted the culture tank and returned to the opening. The culture tank on this side disappeared in less than two seconds, and a new culture tank immediately fell down from the opening. Obviously, the two culture tanks were not operated by a robotic arm, otherwise it was impossible to complete the unloading and disposal of the abandoned culture tank so quickly. Mounting of new culture tanks.

The new culture tank has no difference in appearance from the previous one, the same appearance and the same light yellow solution, except that the soaked body has undergone great changes.

"Wow, it's so pretty" was called by Emmenis, and the others around were also exclaimed in exclamation, for nothing else, because the body in the cultivation tank was too amazing.

Lilith's body shape is probably the last of my female magic pets.Although it is still very beautiful, it is the worst one after all, so it looks nothing special, but the body in front of her It's perfect and maddening, just a glance has the urge to hold it as your own. That exaggerated body curve and features that are not perfect like real people, arrows are the best interpretation of angel face and devil figure. Of course, besides being beautiful, this body doesn't show any temperament attributes. Although her purple long hair that floats in the cultivation tank like a peacock looks like a queen, it is strictly speaking This is just a corpse, so there is really nothing to talk about.

Seeing such a beautiful body, Lilith over there was obviously a little jealous, but she was reminded by Ling as soon as she complained, and then she immediately stopped talking. In fact, Ling didn't say anything, just told her that her ability is to change the appearance of the body at will within a certain range, so if she thinks who is beautiful can be copied as it is, and she can even make partial modifications at will. So it's easy to make even more beautiful than the other party.

Because this body is made entirely according to her appearance, she does not need to ask us to know her identity. This should be a delicate body. Although she has joined my magic pet team for a short time, she has always been indifferent and has no obvious enthusiasm for anything. The main reason for this situation is that she seems to have an instinctive alert to others. Because of this, her loyalty can't always be improved, so I plan to pull her into reality and stimulate her with something beyond her cognitive scope ~ ~ as long as she recovers again Cognitive desire for the surrounding environment, that is, curiosity, then the communication will become very simple later. As for the danger of insincere pets, don't worry about it. As a result, the hormone secretion of the Dragons is relatively smooth, so the emotional fluctuations are relatively small and it is not easy to be impulsive. Secondly, I have the final security agreement here, and can terminate her physical function at any time if necessary. What's more important is that although Linglong is famous in the game as a succubus and succubus, she is a freak. She is obviously a succubus, and her personality and ethics are like those of ancient Chinese ladies. Ordinary women in society have to be included in the ranks of bold women.

For this state of Linglong, the result of our analysis is the excessive protection caused by trauma. The simplest and most direct way to break this situation is to completely destroy her previous worldview and values, and the simplest way to do this Is to bring her to reality. With hundreds of years of complete memory, she was suddenly taken to another world, and learned that her previous so-called memory was just a fake, even the world in which she lived was a virtual fantasy country. Can instantly collapse her worldview, and then she will be restored to a blank piece of paper, how do you want to paint it?



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