Starting from Zero

Vol 21 Chapter 55: Lilith's New Capabilities

Linglong's body has come down, and what needs to be done now is ideological guidance. Like the previous steps to guide Lilith, I connected the spiritual interface and then entered the special connection port in the game, and then I saw Linglong in the confusion.

Linglong's response was almost the same as Lilith. Immediately after seeing me, she asked nervously why she was here. I quickly comforted her and told her to take her to a whole new world, of course, the real world and the game world. I didn't elaborate on those differences. I didn't tell her extra information except to tell Lilith again. It ’s not that I do n’t want her to know, but because the gap between the two worlds is too big. It may not be clear for a few hours if I dictate it, so I plan to tell her some basic information that can deal with the situation at hand. The rest I can rely on a learning machine for indoctrination. That thing is faster than I can say with my mouth.

After briefly introducing the precautions, I quit first, and then disconnected and returned to the quarantine area. The responsible researcher over there had already started reading the stream of consciousness and reprinting the thoughts in advance.

The process of conscious downloading is basically the same as Lilith's, but unlike Lilith, I kicked out all the men in the room after the download started.

It was supposed that our bodies had been watched by researchers inside and outside for a long time during the manufacturing process. I don't know how many times, and there is no need to avoid this. After all, our bodies need to grow into embryos in the culture medium, and then put them into the electronic uterus for incubation. After the set grows into an infant state, it must be moved from the electronic uterus to the biochemical culture tank, and then after the body grows, it is removed from the culture tank for surgery. First remove the brain tissue and part of the spinal nerves, and then make this part into a finished electronic brain, that is, a mechanical brain with a life-sustaining system, simple movement ability, and strong protection. The brain is still organized inside, but it has one more electronic processing unit than the normal brain, and it also has folded mechanical parts and a life support system.

During the production of this electronic brain, the original body will also undergo skeletal removal at the same time, replacing the whole body with a mechanical skeleton system like a metal skull. Finally, the abdominal cavity needs to be filled with some mechanical equipment or electronic equipment. Of course, these are not life support devices, but combat aids. Of course, these devices will not affect our body shape. After all, our bodies are different from human bodies. There are not so many internal organs, and the abdominal cavity is almost empty. Adding some necessary devices does not swell our abdominal cavity.

When the body part and the electronic brain part are completed separately, the researchers also need to connect the two parts and test whether the basic signal channel is unblocked. Finally, after all the installation is confirmed in place, we need to use special bio glue to glue all the incisions on our body. Then put the whole body back into the biochemical culture tank to allow the body to complete the final healing and fully integrate the tissue and the mechanical skeletal system.

To accomplish the above tasks, it can be said that we are not only the body surface, but even the body has been seen and touched n times by the researchers. This situation is like going to the hospital to see a doctor. Gynecology also has a male doctor And there are still a lot of them. Women who need to be checked can't stop seeing doctors because they are male? Therefore, this kind of thing can be ignored, and our dragons themselves have the characteristics of rationality over emotional thinking. So as long as it makes sense, we rarely care about such things.

but. There is no way for Linglong. Although her body had been tossed by many people for a long time before she was in her current state, she was unconscious at that time. No different from a corpse. But now she is about to have consciousness, and she does n’t know much about the real world, and her own thinking is very conservative, so I think it ’s better for her to come to her values ​​for the first time, lest She reacted too much to the advent process. Of course, although I am also a male, I must stay at this time, because I am the ultimate leader of the Dragon clan, and it will be difficult for Linglong to stabilize her emotions without me. My high-level authority determines that I can remotely control her body system to adjust hormone changes to soothe her emotions, and as her master, exquisite thought will also have a certain dependence on me. This dependence also helps To help her stabilize her mood.

After confirming that the other people in the room had gone out, I asked Wei Na to help them operate the machine. We have already seen the operation method when they came to Lilith before, and of course we can use it immediately with our intelligence. Anyway, really complicated things have been done. Now we just press a few keys to complete the final startup. There is no technical content. Besides, the problem was figured out. The researchers were outside the door and called back within five seconds.

After getting my final confirmation, Wina quickly pressed the operation switch, and the exquisite body immediately began to tremble slightly. This is the consciousness being written into the brain. There is not much process with Lilith. finished. After a brief adaptation, Linglong's eyes suddenly opened suddenly.

It feels that exquisite adaptability is obviously better than Lilith. Before Lilith opened her eyes slowly, she seemed to wake up from a dream and suddenly stared at the boss suddenly, and after adapting, she did not show that. This feeling of weakness and weakness, but first looked down at his hands, then found that he was not wearing clothes, followed by quickly covering the vital parts with both hands and nervously looked around the room, confirming that he did not see except me The male was only slightly relieved later, but his face was red as if it was about to burn.

At this time, I do n’t have time to admire the beauty either. I use the wireless connection to access the exquisite consciousness and ask her about her situation. After confirming that there was no problem with Linglong, I signaled to start draining water. Soon the liquid drained Linglong also fell to the ground, but there was still a clear difference from Lilith. Linglong had a much stronger limb after landing, and actually stood up directly. No wall at all.

"Ling, clothes."

"Here." After taking the prepared bathrobe from Ling, I quickly walked into the front of the opened culture tank, and then put Linglong on her clothes. Linglong wrapped her bathrobe tightly with hands and feet, and had not forgotten to fasten her belt. It wasn't until this was done and her body was completely obscured that she began to observe the room like Lilith. By contrast, Lilith hadn't done anything shy before, and she didn't look like a woman at all.

"This is the very special world?" Lilith asked after observing the situation in the room for a while.

I nodded and said, "This is a very special world. I will use a special device to inculcate it directly into your consciousness, and you will understand when the indoctrination is finished."

Linglong nodded and asked, "What do I need to do now? I feel the training space can't be opened, and calling Fenglong is useless."

"That is useless here." I quickly explained: "There is still power in you. You may feel that your magic is no longer felt. Don't be nervous, it is not your problem, But I temporarily sealed your power. "I heard that my power was sealed by me, and Linglong immediately looked at me in doubt. I had to explain quickly: "Don't worry, seal your power just because of this world. There will be some changes in your power. And just like I said to you before you came out, the creatures and objects in this world are very vulnerable, I'm worried that you can't control your power and hurt people and things here, so temporarily seal your power. You can rest assured that you will complete the instillation of consciousness. After you have the basic common sense, I will take you to a solid place. Untie your seal and you can become familiar with your power over there. Then you won't accidentally hurt people. "

Linglong nodded, feeling much quieter than Lilith. Although she was obviously curious about what was around. But there was no such thing as Lilith's stubbornness.

Now that Linglong is getting dressed, I'll let everyone outside come in. First, let the researchers check various signs. After confirming that there was no problem, we took Linglong and Lilith to the knowledge transcription room. The speed of inputting knowledge using special equipment is very fast. It takes less than ten minutes to inculcate the common sense of the two of them, but to fully understand it may take time to merge slowly. Now it can only be said that they understand it, but after that As long as they think of something, the relevant information in their heads will appear immediately, so they don't need to ask others, and it will be faster.

In fact, this teaching instrument is far more meaningful to humans than to our dragons, because we have infinite life. As long as there is no accident, we theoretically will not die naturally. Infinite life gives us unlimited time, so if we want to learn knowledge, we can learn him for hundreds or thousands of years, anyway, it is no different for us. This thing is nothing more than speeding up the learning for us. The significance is not that significant. But for human beings, this thing is no good. Even though human lifespan is enhanced by modern biotechnology, it is limited to genetic information and can be extended to 250 years at most. This is still theoretical data. In fact, it is quite good to reach 150 years.

With a lifespan of only 150 years, human knowledge is constantly increasing, and more and more things need to be learned. The cold window of the past ten years is even scary. Now basic education will take more than ten years. A person from birth to 20 Many years of age are still accumulating knowledge. This is still the result of the division of labor. Everyone has only learned the basic basis. Only the professional things are only a little deeper into the career direction that they want to pursue in the future. , And the real high-level knowledge must wait for work before continuing to learn.

Taking all this time into consideration, I am afraid that one person has spent thirty or forty years in his whole life studying. This is just a one-way development. If you want to broaden the field a little, then you really have to learn more than your life. Already.

Because humans have short life spans and long learning times, the learning machine is more significant to humans, because it allows humans to learn things that were previously impossible to learn, but for us it just improves a little learning efficiency That's it. This is like that human beings can only learn a junior high school diploma, and with a learning machine, they can get a doctorate, and we dragons can get a doctorate. Using a learning machine, we just graduate a few years in advance. Of course not as obvious as humans.

It's a pity, though, that learning a fleet is more important to humans than it is to us. However, this thing is a defective product for human beings.

This learning machine has actually been found in the Fourth Special Zone for a long time, and has already created imitations, but until we appeared, this thing could only be a display. The reason for this is ultimately the human brain.

Humans need high-speed brain activity when remembering and learning things. At this time, a memory protein needs to be formed in the brain, which is the core and actual carrier of our memory. The electrical signals in the brain are the basis of thinking operations. If it is normal, the speed at which the human brain generates memory proteins and brain wave signals is sufficient, but the input speed of the learning machine is much higher than the amount of information that normal people can process. The human brain can't keep up with the speed of the learning machine. There are two results of forcible use. The first is that the use of the learning machine is too fast, and the human brain can't keep up with the speed. I learned it, but I didn't remember it. It's too late to understand exactly what the learning machine allows you to learn. of course. There is also a second mode of the learning machine, which is forced indoctrination. This method can ensure that the learner completely remembers the input knowledge, but the only result after humans use it is to roast the brain. I heard that a dozen unlucky ghosts had blown out of my head when I was experimenting with the death penalty, and I finally had to give up. Only the electronic brains of our dragons can keep up with the speed of the learning machine, so we can use this stuff.

"How? How do you feel?" I watched as the two men came off the learning machine, and hurried to ask.

Lilith held her head and said with a rather ugly expression, "Disgusting. I want to vomit!"

Linglong nodded and said that she felt the same. I quickly comforted them and said, "It's okay, this is normal. The main thing is that you are not used to it for the first time. And the amount of indoctrination is a bit large. If you just update some information in the future, it will only take a few seconds. There will be no feeling . "

After I finished speaking, Linglong suddenly looked up at me and asked, "Is the knowledge just entered true?"

I looked at her in confusion and asked, "Why do you have such a question?"

Linglong shook her head and said, "It was just unacceptable for a moment. The world we lived in before was just something that humans developed to entertain ordinary people, and it was a completely virtual non-existent world!"

"What's wrong? Really incredible?"

"Not just incredible, but also a bit frustrated."


"Um." Linglong nodded. "Suddenly I felt that my previous efforts were stupid. I tried desperately to be strong. I found that everything is illusory, and those things that I tried to fight for were nothing. What do you mean by this, I say? "

"Oh, we finally have a philosophical school here." Wena suddenly squeezed over to catch Linglong and said, "Don't get horny, although the previous world was false, but this world is real. Let me say, although The previous world was false, but we are not false. Your relationship with us does exist, and the feelings of everyone are not false. And if you have not worked hard before, you will not have such a day , Can you see this real world? "

"You have a point, too." Linglong nodded in recognition of Wei Na's statement.

I clapped my hands and said, "Okay, now that the knowledge entry has been completed, let us adapt to your body now."

After the two new nods nodded, I took them with you to the lower-level weapon test zone specially set up for us. In fact, the Kirin warriors now also conduct regular training here. When Linglong and Lilith came down, they saw a lot of people, but everyone just said hello, they knew each other in the game anyway, and it wasn't the first time they met.

After clearing out a field specifically, let others freely move, I only took Ling and Wei Na to guide Linglong and Lilith.

"The two of you are ready, and I want to lift your restrictions. Pay attention to controlling the power output for a while, and try to keep your movements gentle, otherwise you will jump up."

The so-called lifting restriction is actually not only a restriction on the energy control ability, but also a limitation on the output of the body. In the past, their physical strength has been limited to a very low range. Although it is greater than human strength, it is far from our normal strength. This sudden release of restrictions is indeed a bit uncontrollable.

After I reminded them, the two of them just made an elbow and Lilith was followed by an uppercut hammer on their forehead. She only heard a backflip that smashed herself, and fell flat on the ground. It doesn't matter if she falls, Linglong next to her turns directly to help her, but immediately turns into a sideways turn and vacates, and then after landing, it rolls out like a fire wheel until it hits you The parapet stopped.

Lingling was pretty smart, she wouldn't move after a fall, but Lilith was a fool. I did n’t finish my punch, but I still wanted to get up myself. As a result, the more I struggled, the more I bounced off the ground, but I fell forward and faced forward, but not In one second, he jumped up again, and it was one or three or four meters high. Then he smashed down again.

I caught Lilith, and pressed her foot to stop her. Only then did she dare to put her down. Linglong was also carried back by Ling and Wei Na.

After I asked them to stand again, I explained: "Now listen to me, try to slow down as much as possible. Imagine that you have a piece of tofu on your head in motion. Be careful not to walk first. Use your upper limbs to adapt to the feeling of exertion Besides. "

With the previous lesson, both of them are obviously better this time. After raising his hands mechanically like a robot for a few times, Lilith still walked up first, but fortunately it was already amazing. Although he was still unstable this time, he was obviously able to move. Actually like them. As long as the electronic brain's auxiliary balance system is activated, you can directly control it freely, but that is auxiliary control after all, not to mention the consumption of electronic brain computing resources, and it will affect the performance of future battles. That's why we struggled to get them to exercise their muscle control.

Fortunately, children are not learning to walk. They just haven't adapted yet. It's not that their bodies are not growing well, so they learn quickly. After five minutes, Linglong is ready for jogging, and Lilith has also learned how to perform a long jump. Being able to do this shows that the body control has been roughly grasped.

I began to increase the difficulty of the course when they were almost adapted. First, I put on some equipment to allow them to practice various complex movements, such as parallel bars and horizontal bars. This requires physical coordination, so it is good for exercising their physical control.

Both people learned very well, and it took only two minutes to master the essentials of control, and they could fly like monkeys between two horizontal bars with different heights. After that, the next training is climbing the rope ladder. This requirement for body coordination is more complicated than the uneven bars. Although the difficulty of uneven bars is very high, it is technical difficulty, not physical control. Than the body control, or climbing rope ladder is more high-end. If you don't believe it, you can find a horizontal bar for yourself. Most people can control the movement of swinging back and forth, but they can't keep up with their strength and skills so they can't fly back and forth. However, the rope ladder is more troublesome. Most people can't get up when they climb for the first time. They feel tired and die, but they can't keep up.

This advanced course allows two people to adapt faster, and it will be OK in one minute. In fact, their bodies already have complete sensory information. What they need is just practice, so the initial speed is slower. After walking and running, they learn more and faster.

After half an hour of training, at this time, the two people have controlled their bodies to the point where they can dance ballet on the wire rope. What needs to be trained below is the precise output of small power. This is mainly training the intensity of grasping things, and the difficulty is not too big. The two people just completed the basic training by squeezing the two eggs, and the advanced training only took one minute.

After getting the basic settings of the body, I gave them a reverse training. Earlier it was training to reduce the output, but now it is the other way round to increase the output. I took them to another training ground, first letting them jump up and jumping as high as possible, and then running at the fastest speed on a circular track with a single lap length of 10,000 meters, until they felt that they were never there again. The method is faster before you can stop. The last item is weightlifting, using different methods to hold and grab objects of different weights, lift them up and move them a certain distance before placing them in the designated position.

The purpose of this series of training is to let them understand their strength level, let them clearly instruct themselves how fast they can run, how high they can jump, how much they can take, so that they can better exert their strength in the future.

After the end of physical training is the energy application test. The magic in the game can be used as long as you remember the spell. In reality, our energy control ability must be fine-tuned by ourselves. However, the commonly used energy control mode can be entered into the electronic brain in advance, and it can be called directly when it is operated in the future. However, before this, we must master and do not rely on electronic brain control The ability of energy, this is a compulsory subject, even if you want to be lazy.

Just like training body coordination before, because this is originally a capability in our body, so they are not so much learning how to use these capabilities. It is better to say that they are adapting to these capabilities, so this speed is obviously very fast.

Linglong obviously has special talents in energy control. She quickly mastered the basic use, and advanced skills are also easy to understand. In contrast, Lilith is a bit stupid. However, Lilith seems to be a special model. Different from the rest of us.

Since the last time we adjusted the Dragon Gene Bank, our abilities have become universal. That is, everyone's abilities are made to each other. Apparently Linglong is also in this range. Like Xiaochun ’s radio reading ability and Ling ’s mind control, Linglong will also use it, just like us. However, Lilith differs from us in this respect. It's not that she can't use our abilities. On the contrary, she has two more abilities that we don't have, and we can't imitate them.

Lilith's ability is to control her muscle group to change her physical characteristics. And she still had an infectious capacity. This ability feels like an infectious disease, but a controlled infection.

Lilith's ability to infect is divided into two ways. The first is a low-level infection, which can be accomplished by simply tapping with a retractable lancet that is hidden under the nail with the tip of her finger. However, the infection produced by this method of infection feels like a zombie in a biochemical crisis. Physical strength has been greatly enhanced, and aggressiveness has increased sharply, but intelligence will drop to the point where only hunting instincts remain. However, unlike the biochemical crisis, the target of this ability infection does not have the ability of secondary infection, that is, it will not spread. However, this kind of artificial zombies is very good, it is controllable. Although Lilith's infected creatures can become violent, Lilith can command them extensively. I ca n’t direct them to do delicate work, but I can make orders for them to come here, go there, attack this person, do n’t touch that person, etc. With these simple commands, you can basically treat these infected bodies as hunting dogs. It's a general envoy, and it can also be used as cannon fodder, to test the enemy's firepower, step on landmines, and hit authorities.

In addition to controlling low-level infections, Lilith has two vampire-like retractable fangs in her mouth, which can be used for the second type of infection. This infection method can create an infected body that retains the basic form and intelligence, but the physical capacity of this infected body is very weak, which may be the same as that of ordinary people who have been stimulated with stimulants. Moreover, there is a time limit for this ability. The infected body infected in this way only has a life of 48 hours at most, because of individual differences, some can not even persist for 40 hours. These infected bodies will then die completely.

Although this second method of infection is also flawed, it is also very useful, specifically for grasping the tongue. If you can't get in some places, catch the guard and infect the other party, and you will explain everything. In addition, if you need to interrogate some information such as password and location, you can also infect the other party in this way. The effect is much better.

"Why is my ability always so disgusting?" Lilith was not only happy but rather depressed when she knew her special ability. Ling asked her why she didn't like this unique ability, and she immediately started crying and said, "My ability in the game is cell swallowing. Every time I turn into a mass of rotten meat, wrap the enemy in and eat it. Do you? I do n’t know if you all think I ’m disgusting? I was a mutant Lich before, and the worldview in the game was relatively simple, so I recognized it. As a result, in the real world, I was so sick You are fighting by physical or thermal weapons, or you are attacking with energy. Why do I have to infect zombies like biochemical monsters? "

"Sorry, I didn't think about your feelings before." I apologize sincerely.

Lilith waved: "Forget it, I just complain, I don't really want to throw away this skill. Nausea is a bit disgusting, but it's very practical. It can help everyone, but I hope you don't discriminate in the future. I am. The look in the game is not what I want! People want to be as clean and clear as you. But I was born that way, what can I do! "

"I'm sorry!" Ling and Wei Na also apologized together this time, and Lilith, who was able to get these two apologies, was immediately happy. After all, Wei Na is the main **** of chaos and order in the game, and she has a high status. Ling is my chief supervisor, and belongs to Lilith's boss. The two really apologized to her, which really moved her.

After we completed the basic skills training for the two of us, we specifically asked for two death penalty prisoners from the logistics department. Of course, they are not here to help them. It's for killing. Anyway, the list of experimental materials that can be entered into Long Yuan is not a general death penalty. They are all people who have not shot at it for dozens of times. It is also a scourge for such people to stay in society. It is better to use waste, and because of their extreme crimes before, we will not have the slightest psychological shadow when we kill them.

The two executioners were a man and a woman, and the man on the record was a robber who had killed six ordinary people. It also includes a pregnant woman and a five-year-old child, who are definitely the kind of devastated people. The woman behind is even harder. Beating the two-year-old daughter brought by her second marriage husband. As a result, the girl was seriously injured and died. Neither of these can be considered psychologically, so we do not treat them as humans at all.

Throw the two guys on the test field, and then I let Linglong and Lilith go over and knead their hands and feet, respectively, to feel the strength of normal human body, so as to avoid accidental contact with people in the future. Although these two can no longer be regarded as humans, they are still humans physiologically, so they are good for experiments.

To let Linglong and Lilith know that there is a difference in the physical strength of men and women in humans. So I asked each of them to study the body of each of the two prisoners so that I could know the normal physical strength of the men and women.

Although just kneading. But because it is tested to what extent it will cause harm, this is completely a destructive test. After the two prisoners were released at first, they wanted to resist. As a result, the man rushed to Lilith's side and punched out, and Lilith blocked his fist with his palm, and then closed his fingers, followed by a terrifying scream.

Lilith looked at the blood on her hand and let go of the guy, surprised, and said, "Why is it so soft?"

"I told you, our physical strength in the real world is too strong, do not follow the standards in the game!" I reminded.

Lilith nodded, then reached up and grabbed the arm of the rolling guy on the ground holding the sloppy palm, and lifted it up with a click, dislodging her arm. It's useless to remind us this time, she said there herself: "Oops, forget that human soft tissues are softer than bones!"

"It's okay, the dislocation can be taken back." Linglong also came over at this time to grab the man's arm and twisted it, and gave it back. As a result, the man just pumped because of the dislocation and it was cold. Once again, I can't even make a call this time.

The woman over there saw the male prisoner overwhelmed in this way and was so frightened that she turned around and ran away. After Linglong saw a flash, she stopped in front of her, then reached out and pushed her chest, and clicked the woman's. The chest is directly pressed down into the shape of a palm, and more than one rib is definitely broken from the sound.

"Fuck, you two are studying that woman first, she's hanging up. This one won't die for a while." Ling scanned the woman with electromagnetic induction, and as a result, she saw the woman's ribs. It was broken into several pieces, and one of them also pierced the lung lobes, which was obviously about to die.

The two people who were instructed went through the research in the past, and the woman was screaming like a ghost and a wolf, but there was no sound within a few seconds. Pulmonary perforation, blood clogging the trachea after entering the respiratory tract, let alone cry, a mouth sprayed with blood.

After playing with the woman a few times, Lilith took a bite on her neck, and she began to take control within a minute, but this infection was very weak to strengthen the body, and she couldn't deal with the damage such as lung perforation. So Lilith simply experimented and made the woman hang up after making the other party obey her instructions.

The male prisoner over there is already scared. When two people come over, they just sit there and smirk, but neither of them cares. After testing the strength of the body, the guy's limbs become noodle-like. In order to test the degree of strengthening after the infection, I also specifically asked them to interrupt the guy's spine, and also tore the abdominal cavity apart, and made a bunch of internal organs.

The infection was significantly more effective than the previous one. Less than thirty seconds after the end of the acupuncture, the other party began to respond. The heart, which was about to stop beating, suddenly became active, then the muscles began to swell and swell, and the whole body changed sharply during a twist. In less than two minutes before and after this guy was almost invisible.

The changed monster is actually not like the zombies we thought before, but a more disgusting thing. This guy looks blood all over his body, his skin has been torn during the swelling process, and now he is absorbed by the body into nutrients, so all he can see is the blood red muscle tissue exposed. In addition, this guy's whole body muscles have a noticeable swelling phenomenon. Now it looks like a muscular muscular man practicing bodybuilding. It is more terrifying than bodybuilders. This muscle has completely lost its beauty and has become an exaggerated degree.

Although the bones did not change significantly, the guy ’s body seemed to have become shorter due to excessive muscle expansion, and because the muscles on the shoulders completely covered the neck, it seemed as if the guy ’s head had been doubled. Shoulder sandwiched in the middle. There was no obvious change in the head, the head was still that head, but the skin was gone, and of course the hair was gone. Because the eyelids are missing, the eyes look prominent and very large, and because there are no lips, the teeth are exposed and it looks scary.

The muscles increased and the bones didn't change too much, making this guy unable to stand like a normal person. His posture became a half-squat posture, looking a bit like an orangutan. It seems to have grown a little longer, but no claws have come out, just looking at that muscle, even if he hits with his fist, it is estimated that the power is not small.

It took only two minutes for the completely transformed monster to complete her transformation, but immediately after the transformation, she flew towards the nearest Linglong, and Lilith quickly controlled it before stopping the attack.

Obviously, the previous physical damage did not leave any residue on the mutants. The bone fractures seemed to have been repaired. A layer of meat membrane was also grown on the abdominal cavity to temporarily close the abdominal cavity. In short, the combat effectiveness was restored.

At my signal, Lilith started manipulating the mutant to attack me. I plan to test its strength, so that it is also convenient to arrange the combat power reasonably when cooperating in the future ~ ~ Watching the monster that rushed over, I just kicked it and let it go. The monster did not respond. He rushed forward, but as soon as he passed, it turned around immediately. The reaction speed is obviously not as fast as mine, but much faster than humans, and it may be close to that of cats.

The monster that turned back slammed at me again. I took a steel gun from Ling and pointed at the monster. The other side did not mean to evade, but slammed into the tip of the gun and allowed himself to be knocked against, and followed the body. The gun body moved, so I just checked that the steel gun rushed in front of me and waved to grab my face, so that I could only release the steel gun and back away from it.

"Fuck, isn't it too sturdy? Isn't there any sense of self-protection?" I sighed as I watched a monster with a steel gun stuck in my body, who was still rushing to me.

Looking at the monster that rushed up, I was planning to continue testing. I didn't expect to hear three pop shots, and three blood caves burst out of the monster. The monster was also distorted by the kinetic energy of the bullet. The center of gravity of the body turned over to the side and slid all the way out on the ground before stopping.

Regardless of the monster, I was surprised to turn my eyes to the direction of the gunfire, and I was curious who was interfering with our test. (To be continued) rq! ~!

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