Starting from Zero

Vol 21 Chapter 160: I'm late

ff37; .ff35; ff18; xff33; .ff23; om0f; 8bf4; 66f4; 65b0; 6700; 5feb; p; Once the goal is determined, the rest is simple. m directly took down the ring of love and approached the light group, and then the light group was sucked into the ring as if it had encountered the water droplets of the sponge. Later, when I checked the properties of the ring of love, I found that time returned. Shuo's attributes have been completely imprinted on the ring of love.

With the ring part done, the only thing left is to leave here. Because this computer was on the side, it didn't take much effort when we left. It took us less than ten minutes to return to the altar in the underground river.

Because I started the correct function of this altar before, now the altar has risen above the water surface, and the surface position is already more than ten centimeters higher than the water surface. Following the instructions of that computer, I moved the institutions again, then the altar was closed again and an aperture was created at the top.

When that aperture appeared, the computer immediately said to me: "You just need to enter the aperture now. This thing runs automatically. It starts from the time of starting and transmits after ten seconds."

I nodded and quickly jumped into the aperture. After thinking about it, I turned back to the voice and said, "I hope we can see you again at Longyuan Headquarters."

"If you're sure you didn't lie to me, you will."

I originally wanted to say two more words. I didn't expect that the transmission suddenly started. I only saw the stone pillars in the center of the altar flash suddenly, and then the surrounding environment suddenly became extremely noisy.

In fact, the sudden teleportation not only made me uncomfortable, but also caused some confusion on my teleportation target. While the surroundings were suddenly quiet, I quickly observed the surroundings.

It is still an underground cave, and even the surrounding rock walls are no different from before. The altar under my feet remained the same, as if I hadn't changed places at all. Around the altar is the luminous underground river, but the original blue water has now turned bright red, and the air is filled with a pungent **** smell.

In fact, there should be no difference between my current position and the position before transmission. The computer had told me before. I entered the wrong time because of the space-time interference caused by Tianya on my arm, but I didn't enter the wrong place. In other words, the teleportation just transmitted the altar I never knew at what point in time to the altar at this point in time, so in terms of coordinates, I actually didn't move at all, only the change was At different times.

In addition to the sound in the cave that entered before, only me and the river under my feet will move. But now it's lively. Around the altar, in the water, on the walls, and on the ceiling, there was almost a dense crowd of creatures that looked like giant spiders.

This creature is basically similar in appearance to the North American tarantula. But I'm sure these things are not spiders, because they are not as disgusting as common spiders.

Most people see spiders as very small, so they may not have noticed. In fact, the spider's surface is covered with a layer of setae. This layer of fluff is not soft at all, but very hard, at least relative to its thickness. These hairs are much harder than normal hair, and even if the spikes on the hedgehog are reduced to this size, the hardness will not exceed these hairs.

Because the body is covered with hair, the big spider looks really scary. However, the bodies of these spiders in front of them did not have a hair, but they had a smooth hard shell like a crab. Of course, unlike the fragile shells of crabs, these guys' shells are not only dark-haired. And the hardness is extremely high. As for how I knew this ... In fact, it was because I just saw the opposite Ashurford sword slashed on the back of one of the monsters, and the result was only cut into two inches. Although the monster has been hacked to death, in terms of Ashoford's attack power, even if it is chopped on an iron plate, it will not be cut to such a depth?

In addition to the black shell, these guys have another difference from spiders, that is, they are a bit oversized. The creatures' heads, chests, and abdomens combined are already close to the size of a bathtub. If you count the legs around, this guy stands there and looks like a large grinding disc with a diameter of more than one meter. Can such a big spider be called a spider?

"Boss, where did you just go?" When I saw the son of the night, I complained of a snot and a tear. But think about it, he was really aggrieved. For the better, I exported it as a meat shield. I ended up missing. Threw him alone in the monster pile. This is because the monster here is relatively low at first, and his natural ability is to move instantly. Therefore, we can insist that Ashoford and the tank come down, otherwise, another general mage will probably hang up before the next person comes down.

"Sorry, I just fell into another cave, and it was so hard to find it again! What's the situation with you now? These are the monsters that need to be destroyed?" I said as I drew out the eternity and started waving around. This group of monsters is completely typical of not afraid of death. Except for a moment when I first appeared, I was totally swarming at me, not to mention fighting skills. The behavior of these guys is not even a fight. , I think they are just killing.

When Ashford heard my question over there, he immediately responded, "We have cleared away a lot of monsters, and now there are about a thousand monsters here ~ ~ but the situation is not optimistic . "

Asheford nodded in agreement as soon as he said it, because the situation is indeed not optimistic. More than a thousand monsters are not much to say, and just after killing a large group of monsters, I have checked their current level by the way. These creatures are now in the state of a thousand, and for me, they are all food delivery. Based on the average level of ordinary players now, even if these monsters are handed over to ordinary ordinary players to deal with, there will be no danger. After all, ordinary players are basically all above the level of 1,100, and "Zero" The common practice is that players are better than monsters in the same level, so players with more than 1,100 levels are definitely not a problem for monsters with level 1,000.

However, although these monsters can't even be played by ordinary players, and the number is only a thousand, the problem is that these things will accumulate strength with death. Thousand-thousand-level monsters are really nothing, but according to the data obtained by Ashoford several times before they attacked here, if more than a dozen monsters are dead, their combat effectiveness may be Will reach or exceed my current level. How to fight so many high-level monsters?

ff37; 9; 30fb; ff3.ff43; off4; ff55; 247b; 0f; 8bf4; 66f4; 65b0; 6700; 5feb; 0f; 8bf4; 9605; 8bfb; 7f51;

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