Starting from Zero

Vol 21 Chapter 161: Mutant Boss Spider

ff37; ww.ff35; ff18; xff33; .ff23; om0f; 8bf4; 66f4; 65b0; 6700; 5feb; 0f; 8bf4; 9605; 8bfb; 7f51; a dozen monsters with more than two thousand and two hundred levels. Anyway, the average player is definitely not sure. Of course, if this is the case, the problem is not big, because I can get ten monsters of the same level by myself. The monsters in "Zero" usually can't beat the players in the same level, and this is calculated according to the level of ordinary players. As far as my strength is concerned, it should not be a problem to get ten monsters at the same level. What's more, there is Christina in here, and the remaining monsters can be solved even if they don't intervene.

However, these things will continue to absorb the power of blending peers. It can reach the level of 2,200 when there are more than a dozen, and it may be close to the level of 3,000 when only a few are left. With two dead, at least 4,000 can be reached. And in the end, if there is no accident, it should be at least a 5000-level monster. Such a powerful creature would be almost impossible for me to do without the help of the magic pet. Of course, we don't necessarily lose, because there is Chris Dina, at least when I am entangled with the last monster, she can prepare for the strongest blow. With the firepower of her human-shaped turret, it is not impossible to deal with monsters in the 5,000 class. Moreover, now it is different from before. I still have a time-lapse skill. With this skill, I can actually do a lot of things.

Looking at the spider monsters swarming around me, I changed eternity directly into two long knives holding in my hands and opening the bow. Chopping melon and vegetables generally killed the surrounding monsters. The monster level is still relatively low, so it is easier to hack and kill, but this is not the case.

Because you want to leave magic battles for more and more advanced monsters, the monster level is now low. We try to avoid using skills. Even with ordinary attacks, we try to choose the attack method with the smallest amount of movement to save our strength.

Although we did not exert much effort to save magic and physical strength, it is really too simple to face a thousand-level monster. In less than five minutes, the number of monsters on the scene has been sharply reduced from more than one thousand to less than three. hundred. But the problem is that the levels of the remaining monsters have also soared from a thousand to a level of 15,600.

My current level is 2222, and monsters in the level of 1,500 or 600 are still fragile and insane in front of me, but this is not the case for them. Of course, this is not to say that this monster can threaten them, but they are now beginning to feel resistance in battle. The previous situation was as if a person was wielding a sword and chopping a pile of moving paper people. Although the other person would move, it was still paper, and the two broke in the past. Nothing at all. However, now they feel like the paper people who are playing against them have gradually become clay figures. Although the clay figurines are also very soft, they can still feel obvious resistance when they are cut with a knife.

After just a few more minutes of combat effectiveness, the number of monsters on the battlefield has dropped below one hundred, but the situation has become less and less optimistic.

The original calculation result is that when there are less than twenty monsters remaining, their level will probably reach my level. That is about two thousand two hundred. However, there are still ten monsters, but the level of these guys has actually exceeded 2,000. This level is currently not as high as mine. I can still easily kill any monster here, and even a dozen monsters besiege me will not cause any trouble. But the problem is that, except for me, there is still only Kristina left here.

Whether it was Ashford or the Son of the Night, all of their remaining personnel were now in a hard fight. In addition to my level reaching above 2,000, only Kristina's level is closer to 2,000. The levels of other people are basically concentrated at levels above 1400 and 1500, and the monsters here are already at 2,000.

Although the monsters in "Zero" can't beat the players at the same level, it does not say that players can easily single out monsters that are four or five hundred levels higher than themselves. They are all masters of Ashoford, and their combat power is far stronger than that of ordinary players, but even so, being able to leapfrog and challenge monsters that are four or five hundred levels higher than themselves is already the limit. Although they can still kill monsters and ensure their safety, the rate of killing is already very slow, and even they are mainly protecting themselves. There is almost no chance to kill the monster. The only thing that really can kill monsters at this moment is me and Kristina. Fortunately, the number of remaining monsters is already low. Otherwise, don't say you insist on it till the end, now this level will not pass!

"Boss. The monsters' strength has improved a lot faster than expected. What should we do?" Ye Zizi asked a little worried.

"Just hold on, I'll be responsible for killing the monsters. As long as I can stick to the last of all the monsters, I will have a way to get these guys."

Ashford shouted over there: "But when the last one is dead, all monsters' power will be concentrated on that monster. How can we fight it?"

"Just leave it alone. Anyway, I have a solution."

Hearing what I said, Ashford could only choose to believe me. Several people gathered together to protect Kristina in the middle, and then Kristina did not regret the magic, directly opened the map cannon, killed more than 30 monsters in two or three, and I took the opportunity to launch continuously It costs less, but the power is not small, and it brings down more than 30 monsters in one breath.

With such a force on both sides, there are only more than 20 remaining monsters, but at this time the monster level has reached more than 2,800 levels. This speed is definitely beyond our estimation, and it is a large exceed. Now Ashford, let alone kill the monster, is even a problem for self-preservation. Chris Dina does not dare to use her big moves now, and she shields them directly to protect Ashford.

Tank and Ashford were embarrassing and abnormal when they looked at Christina, who was standing in front of them. As the leader of the team, not only could he not stop in front, but also the mage stood in front to protect himself, which made them feel a hot pain on their faces. However, even if they are uncomfortable, they can only crouch behind Kristina, because all the monsters in the front are close to the 3000th level, their defense can only be blocked in front of these monsters at most, and the second time can be directly requested. They are dead.

Despite changing from a protected person to a shield, Kristina's combat performance has not changed significantly. As the third in the world's combat power list, Kristina's fighting power is unquestionable. Even if the monster is now much higher than her level, she can still continue to fight. It can also cause some damage to monsters.

My side is a bit more relaxed compared to Kristina. On the one hand, I am stronger than Kristina. On the other hand, because Kristina needs to protect Ashford, they cannot fight at full strength. , But I'm alone here, so I can let go of the attack, so the battle effect is still better for me.

Because the number of monsters has dropped sharply, I no longer use double knives. Turn eternity into a long knife. Waving horizontally, accompanied by a sharp howl, a monster that fluttered from the top of the hole was cut off by one-third of my body, but even then this thing did not die immediately, but was in After struggling in the water for a long time, he died completely.

After successfully killing this monster, I felt the wind pressure from behind, and took a step to the side. Then, with the power of turning around, I stabbed a monster, and a monster was cut into two pieces directly by me, and then fell into the river like the previous one and struggled. Of course, the monster that was cut in half was not May be alive again. However, after killing this monster, I suddenly discovered that all the surrounding monsters stopped attacking. When I turned around and looked around, I found out that I do n’t know when all the monsters in the underground passage had gathered near the altar. And Chris Dina they all came to my side.

There was a brief pause in the battle. Ashoford took the opportunity to quickly take some medicine to replenish the magic power and health value, and more importantly, the physical strength. It's okay to temporarily lower the health and magic power during battle, but the physical strength must be sufficient, because after the physical strength drops to a certain level, the player will show a fatigue state, which will seriously affect the combat power.

"Why didn't they attack?" Looking at the monsters gathered there, I turned my head and asked Ashford, after all, they had already tried this task n times, although they hadn't completed it all at once. But this place they have visited many times. So you should always know some.

Sure enough, Ashford replied immediately: "It should be the mother worm."

"Maternal worms? Isn't that the only thing?"

"No." Alice replied in place of Ashford. "There is a female worm here. All these monsters are descendants of female worms. When the small monsters here are killed to less than twenty , That giant female worm will appear. "

"I trust, shouldn't we get rid of these monsters now?" Cristina asked. After all, there are 20 monsters in the 3000 level here, which is enough to cause headaches. If another one is more powerful, it will be life-threatening!

Unfortunately, Kristina's proposal was directly rejected. "Absolutely no way," Ashford said. "The level of this female is actually not fixed. It will appear when the monster is killed to less than twenty, regardless of the remaining monsters at this time. As many levels, its level will be the level of the little monster plus five hundred. "

"That is to say that this female is now Class 3,500 as soon as it comes out?" Ye Zi asked.

Ashford nodded and said, "It's not just a class of three hundred and five hundred. In fact, the mother worm and these small worms are considered to be part of the swarm. Before it did not appear, it was not counted. From the time it appeared, The monsters here superimposed on each other's strength will also count the mother worm. "

After hearing this, Chris Dina directly said, "I see. The fighting power of the female worm must exceed that of the small worm. If there is a monster left in the end, the female worm will be more difficult than the small monster, so The mother must be killed first. "

"Yes, this is a lesson we have repeatedly failed to sum up. We must not leave the mother worm to the end, and we must kill it as soon as possible. It is best to take the remaining twenty worms before they die. The mother bug is resolved. "

Now that we know what the problem is, we no longer think about looting. It would be better to wait for the female to show up first. According to common practice, such little spider monsters are ordinary monsters, no matter how high they are, they are ordinary monsters with average abilities, but with relatively high basic attributes. However, the female worm is at least a leader monster, not only does the thinking attribute fully surpass the mobs in the same level, but it will definitely have a large number of additional attributes. Therefore, letting the mother worm become the last monster will definitely become our nightmare.

We decided to kill the females when they came out. The mother bug over there didn't keep us waiting. Less than ten seconds after the mobs gathered, the altar I teleported suddenly flew up. It did n’t rise, it really flew up, and suddenly it flew, and then mounted the top of the cave and crashed into hundreds of fragments and splashed, and at the same time, in the huge cave mouth below the altar, One is almost indistinguishable from those little spider monsters. But the giant spider monster that was about a dozen times bigger suddenly got out of the ground, and after this guy came out, he still supported the first half of his body and sent two huge fangs to us for a sharp point. call.

Spiders in reality should not call, at least I haven't heard how spiders call. But this spider monster can scream, and the sound is not too small, it is particularly unpleasant, and even harsh.

The guy dropped his first half of his body after a scream. But at this time we found out that this guy is actually a little different from his own grandchildren.

This huge female spider is not a yard of black like a small spider. Its main color is indeed black, but the body of this thing has a lot of bright red patterns. It looks unusual on the black background. Vivid. However, in addition to being beautiful, this kind of bright color is more about warning and deterrence. The bright red color, no matter how it looks, seems to warn others that it is poisonous and very dangerous.

Except for the slightly different colors and offspring. This female spider also has a more obvious difference: the front of its head and thorax are located outside the eight eyes and are lined with two rows of air holes.

There are a total of eight stomata, four on each side. The inner diameter of the stomata is slightly thicker than a human thumb, and they are close to each other, forming two vertical columns on both sides of the female spider's head and chest.

It is said that the stoma of the arthropod should be grown in the abdomen, but this thing from time to time can not be considered as an arthropod. It is not sure, after all, there are too many magical creatures in the game. This cannot be classified according to the rules in reality. . but. I always feel that the air holes on the sides of this monster's head are not just for breathing.

My idea was quickly confirmed. After drilling completely out of the ground. This guy suddenly pointed his head at us without any hesitation, and then I heard only two murmurings. The movement was very small, similar to the sound of a muffled pistol firing, but at the same time as the two muffled sounds came out, I suddenly saw something flying towards us.

My dynamic vision is unparalleled. I can see even bullets flying in the air, so this thing is not very fast for me. At the moment when that thing flew, I suddenly stretched out eternity and picked it out horizontally. I just felt a strong force coming from my hand, followed by a crisp sound of a ding, and the eternal side of Mars splashed. I saw the thing that flew over the corner and flew directly to the top of the cave, then nailed into the rock at the top of the cave.

"I'm relying, why is this thing with a hidden weapon?" I asked Ashford with surprise, because he should have notified me of such an important thing.

Just now things happened too fast. Asheford didn't bother to respond. When they heard my question, Asheford remembered and explained, "I don't know! I have hit so many times before and never saw this guy You have fired a hidden weapon! "

"What the **** is that?" The tank asked, surprised, looking at the hidden weapon with only a little tail remaining on the top of the cave.

The night child disappeared directly from us, and the next second appeared at the top of the cave and hugged the hidden weapon's tail, and then hung it on his own weight. However, the hidden weapon that we thought would have been dragged down seemed to be motionless. It seems that this thing is inserted into the top of the hole too deeply and the card is quite tight.

I tried it without dragging, and the night child wanted to pull it down hard, but the female spider over there moved first. The guy suddenly lifted the front of the body a little, and I knew it was going to launch the thing again as soon as I saw it. I quickly kicked the ground and jumped up.

Sure enough, there were just a few hidden weapons flying out on my side, and the eternity that had turned into a hook sickle was stretched forward in my hand, and I cried and flew two hidden weapons in succession, followed by the gun. The **** smashed, and one bite missed another, but the fourth one was too late to stop with eternity. I could only loosen eternity and twisted away this thing, while the thing flying over my side At the same time he grabbed the tail of the thing suddenly.

Because previously blocked a few. So I know that this thing is very powerful. When I reach out, I use all my strength, and the thing glides in my hand and I get caught. After I landed, everyone could clearly see the appearance of this hidden weapon.

This thing is more suitable than a hidden device than a hidden device, because the volume of this thing is already larger than the average bow and arrow.

In fact, what I caught was a spike that was more than a foot long and slightly thicker than my thumb. The outer layer of spikes is not round, but an arrow-like shape, but not a flat arrow, but a cross-shaped three-dimensional arrow. but. This spike is different from the human tip. The bow and arrow only have a winged arrow intermittently, but the arrow structure on this thing extends from the tip to the end, and the sharp extensions protruding above the four main axes and It is not a straight line extending to the end, but a spiral winding around the main axis. This structure is a bit like a screw on a screw, but the rotation is not as large as a screw. Such a long distance from the tip of the spike to the tail, this type of threaded fastener has only rotated 90 degrees. However, although the rotation range is small, it is conceivable that this kind of thing will inevitably rotate due to air resistance under high-speed flight. The final effect is equivalent to giving the spikes the characteristics of a bullet, that is, relying on rotating objects. The self-stabilizing specific maintenance trajectory does not deviate.

In fact, the four protrusions around this spike are not flat. These four protrusions are more like the dorsal fins on the back of a fish, and have the structure of a shark fin. From the beginning to the end, the spikes are four rows of triangular shark fin structures. These things can not only make the spikes spin during flight to stabilize the trajectory, but also play the role of barbs. No wonder the children of the night had not been able to drag the spikes hanging on the top of the cave. It turned out that these barbs were stuck in the stone, plus the four protruding ridges were spiral in themselves. In this way, the resistance is even greater. If you want to pull this thing out of your body, don't tear away a few pounds of meat from your body. Don't expect it at all.

I slightly swept this spike and was about to throw it away. Leng Buding suddenly found that there were some air holes arranged under the four protruding ridges on the spike, and I seemed to see something moving inside. I felt strange. I just smashed the spike into two pieces. The result is not broken, it's okay, just broken. I was taken aback immediately. I saw a crowd of small spiders crawling out of the spikes, and started to climb up my arms. The spike was hollow inside, and it was filled with a lot of small spiders. If it hits the human body, then these little spiders get into the human body ...? Think about chills all over your body.

I didn't mean to be scared of the little spiders that climbed up to the arm. They acted a little magic, and the flames of **** in the whole body flashed out and then went out, and those little spiders were cleaned up instantly. These miniature spiders that are not even a level are just incidental to spike attacks. Their survival ability is very weak, and it is easy to be clear. Of course, this refers to the situation where they have not entered the body. If the spikes shoot into the body and then these small things get into the body, it will be troublesome to clean up. Unless you can switch to the element body at any time like Chris Dina, you can completely ignore this problem, and everyone else will have to work hard to get it done. Of course, it really isn't working. You can use masochism to give yourself a lightning strike or something. After the whole body is overpowered, the defense of these small things will definitely die. Of course, it's not a good thing to just call yourself for no reason.

"I trust, wasn't this thing so powerful last time?" They all cried when they saw the little spiders I found, Ashford and Alice. At first, it was thought that twenty monsters of level 3,000 were already in trouble. As a result, not only a level of leader of level 3500, but also a lot of new skills, especially the spikes that could carry small spiders inside Even if there is no attack power, just the kind of small spiders swarming can scare many female players.

"I think I know what's going on." Ye Zi explained: "You have been here faster than this time, and you said that the level of this female spider is not fixed, but according to the voice of twenty mobs The level of the little monster is increased by five hundred to get the level of the big monster. That is to say, this big spider is the highest level you have ever seen before. I think that the skills of this big guy are likely to not only increase according to the level. Before you When it was encountered, it was very low-level, so it did not evolve such a powerful skill, this time entirely because its level has increased, so naturally it has some new abilities. "

I nodded and said, "It should be the same, but I hope this is the only new ability to be added, but don't come up with any more troublesome ability! Now we are not necessarily able to do this. it!"

"Boss." Cristina suddenly called me.

I looked at her in doubt and asked, "What?"

"You might have the potential of a crow's mouth."

"Ah?" The first reaction after I heard Kristina's words was not to get angry, but to look at the opposite female spider. As a result, Kristina said, I really have the potential of a crow's mouth. That female spider not only has other new skills, but also seems difficult to entangle.

When we were studying the female spider, the guy stretched his eight long legs away from the water, then his abdomen sank, and after a contraction he dropped a foot directly in the river water. There are more than 80 cm of slime mass. Although this thing is all mucus on the outside, we confirmed at a glance that this thing is definitely an egg, and it must be the spider monster inside. It's just unclear for the moment whether it spawned a low-level spider in its original form, or it directly spawned a 3,000-level spider directly based on the current monster level. If it can produce 3,000-level spider monsters, then we are really in trouble.

"Offensive, offensive! You can't let it spawn, the more monsters we have, the harder we can get!" I confirmed that this thing was spawning at the same time I ran out, and at the same time people raised their hands to the one before they approached. The slime shot a crossbow ~ ~ Unexpectedly, the female spider actually moved my blade-like long legs to block the slime in front of the slime while I shot the crossbow, but only heard a ding, a golden light In a flash, it penetrated its long legs and exploded the slime mass.

The arrow I just used was the soul hunting arrow that comes with the Avengers. Although this thing can be automatically replenished, it takes time to recover, so it cannot be used continuously, but it is very powerful in terms of power, at least this thing The armor-breaking and magic-breaking abilities were extremely excellent, and the female spider's blade and foot were passed through without any effect at all, and it failed to stop the golden arrow at all.

Because of the star pupil, as long as I make contact with the target, I can read the approximate attributes of the opponent, and for creatures that do not exceed my strength, I can read the detailed attributes. The arrow just burst the slime, and I immediately saw the properties of the contents inside.

"Damn. There is a 3000-level monster in that egg! You must not let it regenerate!"

ff37; 9; 30fb ;; off4d; ff55; 247b; 0f; 8bf4; 66f4; 65b0; 6700; 5feb; 0f; 8bf4; 9605; 8bfb; 7f51;

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