Starting from Zero

Vol 21 Chapter 202: Tree of life in spring

"Have you thought about your identity now?" I asked again when Miss congressman returned. M

Ms. Ao Jiao, who was full of vigor and attitude, did not show any abnormal response after my words. She just looked at me calmly, and then suddenly said, "You want me to do what?"

"We'll talk about specific things in a moment, but now you need to help us understand what kind of relic the family is going to get from the Dark Council?"

The other person's eyes flashed obviously after hearing my words, and I could see that she was a little surprised. Some of these reactions are normal to me, but others are not well understood. I can understand the cause of her blinking eyes, and I can understand her mentality, but it is stranger to be surprised. Why was she surprised when I asked me about the reliquary? What is she surprised?

Although a little emotional, but our lady quickly eliminated all facial expressions, and then calmly asked: "Did you see the holy relic when you rescued me?"

Although this is a very common question, and many people have the habit of starting a conversation with such seemingly useless questions before starting the topic officially. However, our lady Miss is obviously not that kind of person. Moreover, I can sense from her mental fluctuations that she cares about the answer to the question. This phenomenon is abnormal, because if it is just a casual question, normal people will definitely not care about the result. Well, if she cares, it can only show that this is not a simple casual question, but her real doubt. Reconnecting with the previous surprise, I can roughly confirm that what was asked in this question was the reason for her surprise. In other words, she was surprised that we didn't see the relic.

This lady will be surprised because we have n’t seen the holy relic, that is to say that the holy relic should be with her normally, and we should save the holy relic together by the time we save her, and The relic should no longer be with her, and she used to think that things were with us.

Combining these findings, I began to speculate in reverse. What can be included in saving people when they are saved? Definitely not too big. And it cannot be something that can leave the body at will. Well, there are only a few answers left.

The holy object is either an item that can be stored close to the body like an ornament, or something that is worn on the body, such as clothes.

In general, jewelry and other things may have a larger surname, but when we rescued her before, we did not take away any jewelry from her, so the answer should not be jewelry. But if you exclude jewelry, all that's left is clothes and the like.

With this speculation, my head suddenly popped out of the set of armor that we plucked from her when we rescued her.

At that time, when we rescued the congresswoman from under the rotten leaf monster, she was wearing a full body armor, and not only did she have a different family name, but also a career. The full-body armor is definitely not the clothing that the priest should wear, not to mention this is a weak elf girl. For her, a set of men's armor more than one meter and eighty is barely able to wear mobile, that thing Definitely not her original equipment. Contact her for her response, and I understood it. The holy thing is the armor we cut off.

I remember that it took us a lot of effort to dismantle the armor at the time. In the end, I had to use eternal equipment to strip the surname to get the thing off. It can be seen that the set of armor is not ordinary. After all, the armor that can be fixed on the body after the coma is definitely not an ordinary thing, at least it should be a higher magic equipment. Moreover, the combat effectiveness of the Rotten Leaf Monster is actually not weak. The reason why it was easily destroyed is that the people on our side are too strong. It is not that the thing is not good, otherwise the people in the dark council will not be attacked and the whole army will be wiped out Already.

This set of armor can still protect the lady in the parliament after the owner has completely lost consciousness and insisted that we find her, so that it can prove that the surname of this thing is quite antiquated. Generally, it is not bad that the armor does not fall after the owner is comatose, and it is necessary to persist in the monster's body to be rescued, which is definitely the ability of artifact-level equipment.

It was said that although the armor of Miss Senator was removed, thanks to my habit of picking up tattered hands, that armor was not thrown away by me, but I just lost the Fenglong space. A lot of messy items can often be found in my Fenglong space. The reason is my general obsession with picking up equipment. Although some of the equipment may be completely worthless to me, I just get used to stuffing those things into the Fenglong space, and if I did n’t pick it up at the time, I would feel weird in my heart for a long time, always I want to come back and pick it up again.

In fact, many players with this type of obsessive-compulsive disorder have it. After all, the currency in "Zero" can be exchanged for real use, so it will not be thrown away at the same time as low-level equipment that is worthless like ordinary games. After all, it is all money. Even if it is not worth it, few people are really willing to throw it directly. Due to the reason of Fenglong in our guild, the storage space has never been a problem. Therefore, the players' compulsive disorder of picking up equipment in this guild is basically very serious. Seeing the equipment is not like picking up cats.

Although obsessive-compulsive disorder is not a good thing, at least this time it can be said to be a good thing. Because of my obsessive-compulsive disorder, I did not abandon the armor that looked very ordinary at the time, but I threw it into the Fenglong space. Now if I want to come to this obsessive-compulsive disorder, I would really not go Leave that thing alone. After all, the gadget was worn by Miss Legislator, and she was, so the equipment player may not be able to use it. In addition, the thing looked grey at the time, and the shape was also quite satisfactory. No magic wave was leaked. Even if it was thrown at the gate, it is estimated that few people would go and take a look.

Now that I have guessed that the armor is a sacred thing, I will no longer be in a circle with that person and directly say, "Is your armor a sacred thing?"

"How do you know?" Ms. MP is obviously not often engaged in activities such as diplomacy. At least she has some gaps with personnel such as spies, so her concealment of her emotions is not in place, especially in such sudden situations. Although she just realized this, she realized that she shouldn't do it, but she did it already. At this time, she realized that it was useless, so she stopped tangling, and asked in anger. :"How did you know?"

Instead of answering her question, I said, "Pay attention to who you are. I'm the questioner now, and you just need to cooperate."

Although I still wanted to say something, the words were swallowed back to my mouth, and the lady finally nodded.

"Very well, it seems that you already understand the current situation, so let's discuss the details slowly." I said goodbye to the elves who were present. They still have their things to talk about. As for the black elves The matter over there is now fully delegated to us to handle, and I intend to resolve this matter now.

I had planned to leave, but the Elf patriarch stopped us and took us to the core area of ​​the tree of life. This place is located inside the Tree of Life, and is a fairly deep core. You can see a lot of high-level wizard wizards here, even in previous battles, these people have not left. For the elves, the tree of life does not allow any loss, so the guards here will basically have no movement unless it is a crisis of extermination.

After the patriarch took us into this huge core area, I first looked at the surrounding environment. This so-called core area is inside the trunk and all around is wood. The room is not very large, it may be the area of ​​three or four classrooms, but the height of this room is relatively high, and the top is at least five meters above the ground. There is an upside-down cone in the center of the roof. This cone is not labeled and is not a whole. It is completely formed by seven or eight tapered rattan-like structures intertwined with each other.

The surface of this inverted vertebra is not bare, but a lot of green leaves spread out. At the tip of the vertebra, there is a slightly upward bend, and there is a blooming flower on this curved tip. Very pink flowers.

Although the overall shape of this beautiful flower is not much different from that of ordinary flowers, its surface is shining with stars and the golden part of the flower is protruded from seven or eight in the center of the flower. Drops of clear liquid are secreting from the golden flower stamen, and then drip into a small pool just below the inverted cone.

The pool below the inverted cone is not an artifact, but a wooden structure that grows from the ground, and looks like a shallow goblet. This one-meter-high pool has already been filled with a pool of transparent liquid. Although the liquid does not look any different from water, I know that it must be very precious. After all, this is the liquid secreted by the tree of life.

The Elf patriarch asked us to wait in this room for a while, then walked to the central pool and closed my eyes for a while, but didn't see what she did. Suddenly the flowers above the pool fell somehow. This change surprised me at first, but I was relieved to see that the surrounding elves did not respond.

After the flowers had fallen off, the place where the flowers had originally grown suddenly started to swell, and it took only a few minutes to become a seed slightly smaller than football.

The seed itself is emerald-green, with a white flash point on the outside like the previous flower, and it can sense strong energy fluctuations from it.

After the seeds grew, the elven patriarch reached out and made a move, and then the fruit fell off naturally and fell into the patriarch's hands. After picking up this fruit, the Elf patriarch turned to us and walked back, and passed the seeds in his hand.

"This is the seed of the tree of life. When you choose the planting location and place it there, then you need four mages who have the ability to cast a forbidden spell at the same time to release a single attack type. Forbidden spells. "

"Ah?" I was taken aback by the request. The second curse is terrible enough, it is still a single attack, and it is four at a time. This power is concentrated on one point, even if it is a protoss, it is a question of whether or not to survive, but the elf patriarch actually made me bombard this seed with this magic. Is this a tree or is it going to be popcorn?

The elf patriarch knew why I had this expression, so he began to explain: "Don't be surprised. The seeds of the tree of life are extraordinary, because there are a lot of sequels of life energy in it, so it is likely to be used as food by Higher Warcraft. To protect yourself The seed of life, the tree of life has a protective shell on the outside of the seed. The shell's defense force is so strong that the seed itself cannot break the shell and sprout, so you need external help to destroy the shell. Of course, because you just need to destroy the shell , So the secondary forbidden spells you release must be of the plastic energy department, and the mind system and the like are useless. "

I nodded and said, "Any other notes?"

The elf patriarch thought for a moment and said, "There isn't much to pay attention to. The tree of life is actually a kind of super tenacious existence. Basically, as long as the seed breaks the shell, there is nothing to stop it from growing. So, So there is a side effect, that is, before its initial maturity, all people in the growth area need to evacuate. Although the tree of life itself has higher wisdom, the consciousness in the developmental state is in a sealed state, so it will be like an unconscious Monster grows like crazy, no matter what you touch in this process, she will be directly crushed and absorbed, unless you have a god-level defense, otherwise you ca n’t stop it. The only solution is to leave the scene immediately after the seed germinates, as long as There is no problem avoiding a three-kilometer radius. "

I nodded and put away the seeds and said, "Okay, I see. Then we'll go to the problem of the black elves now."

"No, wait a moment." Persephone was suddenly interrupted by us, and then said to the elf patriarch: "I heard before that the condensed seed is a damage to the tree of life. Is this damage due to that flower? Caused by a drop? "

The elf chief looked back at the bare cone tip and said, "It is the flower of life. It is always open. It can absorb the elements in space and transform it into vitality to nourish the tree of life itself. The condensed liquid is the essence of life. The tree of life can breed seeds of different functions by consuming these essences of life. Unfortunately, once the flowers fall off, it will take almost a week to grow again, and during this period, not only will the essence of life not be produced, but it will also be consumed in large quantities. The essence of life allows the flower of life. This is why our elves will not provide seeds for free, it is really too much impact on the tree of life. "

Poursefone asked again, "Can I touch the place where the flower of life is grown?"

The Elf patriarch glanced at Persephone, with a little surprise, and then thought about it and said, "It should be fine if you just touch it. Although this is the core of the tree of life, it also belongs to a regenerable organization, so Even if it is completely destroyed, it will only affect the growth of the tree of life and cause it to fail to provide shelter for us for a long time. It will not cause the death of the tree of life. Besides, the location of the flower of life is not very vulnerable, As long as it is not vandalized, nothing will go wrong. "

Porsefene said quickly: "I don't want to destroy, I just want to see the life form of the tree of life, maybe I can help her. You also know that I am the goddess of spring, and I am good at taking care of flowers and plants thing."

Hearing the expressions of the elf patriarch and the surrounding elves immediately eased down, and many people were excited. It may be because Persephone has not been very talkative and behaves very low-key, so many people forget that she is actually a goddess.

After getting permission, Porsecigne walked to the pool over there and reached out to place the flower of life in full bloom. The height of this place was more than one meter, and Porsecigne reached out to reach it.

As Persephone's fingers touched the place where the flower of life grew, we all saw a circle of green light visible to the naked eye suddenly rippling from the tip of the pointed cone, and then it was like a shock wave. The green light curtain ripples outwards layer by layer in a spherical manner.

At first, the light shook us when it shone, but everyone was surprised when the first light film flashed, because everyone felt the power of life contained in the light. In fact, this light is not only transmitted in this room. After the diffused light film diffuses, it will ignore the outward diffusion of any obstacles, whether it is the human body or the building, there is no blocking effect on it, and all areas swept by the light film seem to accelerate time. The turf on the ground began to grow madly, and all kinds of plants twisted their bodies and climbed upwards as if they were alive. The speed was so fast that many people even got bumped by the plants that broke out of their feet.

Of course, this light is not only effective for plants, but also for animals. The most intuitive thing is that the elves have just returned. Immediately after the battle, there are still many wounded soldiers in the Elf clan. Because the magic power of the healing mage is insufficient, these people can only temporarily endure the pain and treat with ordinary medicine. However, as the circle of light film brushed them In the body, those who were slightly injured were healed directly, while those who were seriously injured were dying immediately after the first pass of the light film brush. After the second light film was brushed over, the severely injured person was able to do it. However, after the third and fourth light films passed, the person recovered completely, not even feeling tired, and his spirit was incredible. Even some of the sensible life mages actually found that their bodies were returning to old age, and the aging body structure was transforming towards young people.

"Just a joke? My body ...!" The elves in the core area felt more obvious than those outside. This kind of light film seems to gradually weaken with distance, so the elves in this room feel particularly strong, they can almost see that their physical features are rapidly becoming younger, which is really amazing.

Fortunately, after the green light rippled for more than ten times, it suddenly stopped, and then saw that the place where the flower of life grows suddenly bulged up, then quickly grew and expanded, and became a within a few seconds. The flower buds took another ten seconds, and the flower buds became the size of the flower of life before suddenly blooming to restore the previous state. Of course, in this process, the essence of life in the small pond below the flower of life is also crazy and dropped by more than half. If I did n’t know in advance that the condensation of this flower of life requires a lot of consumption of life essence, I ca n’t make it. So he stopped.

With the flower of life in full bloom, Porsefogne did not retract his hand, but we found that the flower of life suddenly lit a blue light, and the blue aperture suddenly expanded to a diameter of one meter. More, then suddenly contracted, and then a large number of blue light films suddenly appeared around them, just like the green light films that were rippling before. These light films appeared throughout the city, and then gathered quickly here, and the speed Strangely fast, but in the opposite direction. At the same time as the light film gathered, everyone present was surprised to find that their magic power was decreasing sharply, and Kristina was so scared that she hurriedly applied a protective cover to herself. As a result, she could barely offset some of the suction power. It's still slowly flowing, but it's just slowing down a lot.

In fact, it's not just us that the magic is falling. In fact, all magical things in the entire city, whether it is living or non-living, as long as there is magic, its magic value is falling rapidly. Of course, energy is always conserved, and our magical decline has not been in vain, because we have all seen that the flower of life actually blasts out the essence of life like an open tap. That ’s really spraying, because the flow velocity is too fast, a lot of life essence sprays into the pool below, but it still splashes a lot, but even so, it only took more than 20 seconds to completely fill the pool, and even There was a lot of overflow on the ground.

After the pond was full, Persephone was finally released, and the blue light disappeared immediately, but the essence of life flowing out of the flower of life was not immediately cut off, but gradually changed. small. The eldest patriarch responded with a quick response, then did not know where to get a bottle and drank the liquid inside, then put the bottle under the flower of life and began to receive the essence of life flowing out of it. Seeing her action, the other elves also reacted, and quickly took out the bottle they took with them. First they took a few sips, and then suddenly they remembered that they sent us two bottles for each of us to drink quickly. Then he took the empty bottle and rushed to pick up the essence of life with their patriarch.

I looked at the bottle in my hand, opened it and smelled it. I thought I still did n’t drink it, but closed it directly, but instead of embezzling other people ’s bottles, I just took out a metal tank the size of a water tank and ran away. Shouted in the past: "Get out of here, use me."

The elves looked startled at me, but they just didn't want to waste the essence of life, so they just gave up and let me hold the metal can to point the opening at the essence of life that was still flowing down. The elves who vacated their hands were not idle. Instead, they collected the essence of life they had previously caught, and then borrowed an empty bottle from Kristina to spill out the large pool of essence of life. All of them have been collected, and in order to prevent waste, they also filled a part of the essence of life in the pool that will drop out drop by drop, and at least will not diffuse out now.

After the elves have done all this, I also took away the metal can, because the essence of life in the flower of life has basically recovered to the normal flow rate, and now it is only faster, drop by drop, and it has not yet reached the line. To the point. However, just for a while, my super-large jar has been poured into a full eighth. You know, my jar is two hundred liters, which is more than the one below. This shows how scary this output is.

Probably used to it, suddenly so many life essences popped up, making those elves have a little abnormal behavior, one by one holding the bottle and singing and jumping.

I ’m not good at interfering with this kind of behavior. I can only wait for them to recover themselves. Fortunately, this group of elves recovered quickly, and soon recovered from ecstasy. . The Elf patriarch hurried over to apologize, and then I put the jar in front of her and said, "This is for you. It's already filled in one-eighth. But you must find a container as soon as possible to transfer the essence of life in it. I This is a special container for liquefied magic crystal steam. The internal structure is very complicated and the cost is exaggerated, so it must be recycled. "

"Oh ~ ~ this is for sure." The elf patriarch immediately called in several guards to carry the cylinder away, and he returned the empty cylinder to me within two minutes, and the elder patriarch still took it Two oversized crystal bottles in elven style were handed over. "This is the essence of life, which is a little thank you. After all, it is your credit to produce so many essences of life. If someone is injured, generally only one drop will be able to recover instantly, and a fatal injury will be two or three drops depending on the situation. Yes. Even if it is dead, as long as the death is not long, the body has not deteriorated, the soul is still there, and generally ten to twenty drops can be saved. "

"So powerful?" Kristina walked over and looked at the two extra-large crystal bottles in my hand. "Don't these two bottles resurrect tens of thousands of people? You elf The tribe is really generous! "

The Elf patriarch said with a little embarrassment: "In fact, we do n’t get much of the essence of life. Most of the tree of life is consumed by itself. We can only occasionally make a few drops out of it under special circumstances. We dare not dare Multi-use. If it weren't for this time because you made so much, our own soldiers would not be willing to use it! "

I nodded and put away the two bottles of Life Essence and said, "Thank you for your life Essence. I'll go and help you solve the matter on the Black Elf side before talking."

(To be continued) q

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