Starting from Zero

Vol 21 Chapter 203: Teleportation array

() After leaving the jīng spirit city, we entered the underground world under the guidance of Miss.レ m ♠ 思 ♥ ♣ 路 客 客 We are always communicating while on the road, and my main purpose is to test and adjust the personality of Miss MPs. Of course, such a short time cannot completely change a person, but it is possible to change someone's attitude towards a specific individual. It's as if some people are usually strong, but once they meet someone, they suddenly become kittens. This behavioral characteristic is the special personality expression of the individual.

I can't modify a person's book in such a short time, but I can make Miss MP afraid of me and evolve into a kind of worship. As long as she can fear me and worship me, her xìng will not affect my plan anymore. ..

In the chat, I learned that Miss Senator's name is Sussex Corvin Sarata. This name has one more middle name than the normal name, which shows that Susis is not an ordinary ordinary jīng spirit, because the name of a normal jīng spirit is not short, but it is a long syllable, not a name with many segments. There are many such subsections, but short-sounding names only exist in the high-level aristocracy in the dark jīng spirit. In other words, Susis should be aristocracy and have a high status. This is the same as we had guessed when we saved her.

Under Sussie's leadership we entered the underground world and went to a ruin near the entrance to the underground world. The location of this ruin is strange, it was built at the end of an underground river. The river rushed under the ruins, and then turned into a waterfall into the abyss of thousands of meters from the other side of the ruins.

Because it was built above the underground river, the ruins are very humid inside. Fortunately, there is no sunlight here, so no moss appears. But even then the ground is slippery, standing on it has the feeling of walking on the ice. ..

"The headquarters of the Dark Council is so close to the ground?" Kristina asked in surprise after entering the underground ruins.

"This is not the headquarters of the Dark Council," Suses said as she led the way.

"Then what are you bringing us here for?" Kristina asked.

Suzis pushed open a half-covered stone door, then pointed forward and said, "For that."

What Suses refers to is a platform located in the room zhōngyāng. This platform is a regular hexagon, about half a foot above the ground. It depicts a rather complicated magic pattern, and there are several grooves around it, but there is nothing inside.

"Is this a teleportation array?" I simply asked, looking at the magic map.

Suzis asked me with a surprised look: "Can you read out the magic array structure?"

I didn't care, while checking the magic array, I said, "Most of them don't work. But the teleportation array is used too much. I still remember part of it. But why don't you have a control line for this teleportation array? What are the settings for the teleportation coordinates?"

"There is no need to set coordinates. This is a half-plane teleportation array, and there is a traction teleportation array on the other side. As long as both sides are guaranteed to start at the same time, the target can be pulled over. The principle is probably like this. I just listen to what others say. I I am not very clear. "

Cristina came over and touched the line on the teleportation array. Then asked: "Is the Dark Council unpopular?"

"Why do you ask?" Suses asked in confusion.

While studying the teleportation array, Kristina said, "The failure rate of using the half-plane transmission array is very high, and the danger is more than ten times higher than that of the general transmission array. Its only advantage is that it cannot be tracked backwards, even if it is interpreted. There is no way for the teleportation team on this side to know where the receiving place is. If you are not too hated, why do you make the teleportation team so hidden? "

Suisse said while looking for something on a nearby wall: "The advantage of a half-plane teleport array is concealment, but this is not its only advantage. You only know its covert xìng, but you don't know the half-plane teleport array. Strong anti-locking capabilities. "

"Anti-locking? Could it be that the headquarters of the Dark Council has been blocked?" Kristina is a jīng of the mage. Although she is not a space department, she still knows some related things.

Suses nodded and acknowledged Christina's judgment, then went on to say, "More than two thousand years ago, our dark council was invaded by the local light protoss, when there was a fierce war between the two sides, and finally the dark comment Will be almost disbanded, and the headquarters was also released by the Deities of the Light Protoss to block the dimensional blockade, and then directly dropped our headquarters into the half-plane gap. But we were lucky. Because the local witch **** I saw this opportunity. I took the opportunity to launch an attack on the Light Protoss. After that, the Light Protoss here were basically disabled and have not been replaced. So you can hardly find the power of the Light Shrine in South America. . "

"Your headquarters is blocked because of the Light Protoss dimension. So now it almost equals a half plane, right?" I asked out loud.

Susis nodded: "In fact, this is not bad. Although it is a bit difficult to get in and out, the half plane also has the benefits of half plane. At least we don't have to worry about intruders here. Because the gods who sealed our headquarters have fallen Therefore, even the Bright Protoss can't find the exact spatial coordinates of our headquarters now. So even if they were able to organize another invasion of that scale that year, they would not be able to enter at all. "

"I'm planning to turn our Essinger fortress into a half plane, as you said!"

"Issinger Mobile Fortress is your city?" Suses asked.

"No, that's our mobile war fortress," Cristina said. "We have a lot of cities, and Isinger is one of them."

As soon as Cristina had finished speaking, Sussie on the other side had already found a dark cell on one of the walls, and then pulled out strenuously. Seeing that she couldn't figure it out, she walked over and asked, "Are you going to pull this out?"

Sussi nodded. "Pay a little attention, don't put too much effort on it. This wall is quite old, and it will fall down by accident."

I nodded and gradually increased my strength. Later, I felt a bit uncomfortable, and simply turned it into a dagger with eternity a few times. After loosening the slate outside, the drawer-like dark grid inside will be easier to open. After extracting this dark grid, I found that there were several pieces of scattered spar in it. The quality is very poor, there are many magazines, and the particles are not large.

"Do you want this as energy?" Although this spar is absolutely forbidden for regular teleportation arrays, it is not the same for this half-plane transport array. Because no positioning is needed, it doesn't matter if the magic is pure or not. Even intermittent power supply can meet the needs of such a transfer array. If it weren't because it was too unstable. The half-plane transmission array is actually a very good transmission method.

After Suzis got the spar, he went to the magic circle over there and started to set up the spar. Kristina and I also helped install it. Anyway, there is no skill in this thing, just plug the spar Unlike the regular teleportation array, it also needs to match energy.

After laying the spar, we stood on the teleportation team together, and then Suses stepped on the spar of the magical group zhōngyāng with his foot. The teleportation array starts instantly, without the positioning process of a traditional teleportation array. There was no preparation at all, we just felt a flash around, then immediately it was dark. After a pause of less than a second, a weightlessness suddenly appeared around, but this feeling only lasted for more than a second, and then we suddenly felt ourselves falling into the water.

The moment I entered the water, I knew that I must have been fooled. Susis has performed fairly well in previous contacts. The reactions are like people who have gradually changed their behavior characteristics, but the situation is obviously not normal now. Even if this is normal, Suisse should have informed us in advance.

Although I realized that Sussex might be intentional, I don't have time to analyze those now, so I'll determine the surrounding situation before I say it.

After entering the water, we have been sinking. I directly spread my wings and patted it hard. The body immediately rose up, but I hit a hard rock on top of my head. In other words, it's all underwater. There is no air above the head. Fortunately, my helmet can not only breathe underwater, but also drain water automatically. Otherwise, judging from the situation that I fell into the water without putting on my mask just now, even if I wear an oxygen mask, I will drown.

After putting on the mask and draining the water in the helmet, I began to look for the whereabouts of Kristina. As I lowered my head, I saw Kristina and Porsefeneer standing in a spherical hood. Helped out.

After confirming that there was no problem between Porsecigne and Kristina, I began to search for the whereabouts of Sussex, but this place is underwater. Although I have night vision ability to see it, it is visible in this place The range is not large, so Suisse cannot be found at all. However, although I can't find it, it doesn't mean that my magic pet can't be found either.

"Ana, help find someone."

When Arana appeared, she just hummed, and then looked in a direction and said, "The black jīng spirit you are looking for is below us and is still diving fast. But I suggest we solve the previous thing first. Consider chasing. "

Just as Ariana finished speaking, I had seen a huge black shadow appearing at the edge of the front sight range. The shadow quickly zoomed in and became clear, and then I saw an extremely ugly head. Looks like underwater creatures, especially those in the dark waters, are very ugly. Even the mermaid race will become ugly in the abyss of the sea.

The monster in front of him doesn't look like a fish, because it doesn't have fish features on its head, and it looks a bit like a feeding animal, but now no matter what animal it is, it is definitely a dangerous animal. Therefore, I did not hesitate to release the dragon girl.

Underwater combat is still the most powerful of Dragon Girl, especially when facing large creatures.

I originally expected this monster to run away because of Long Wei, but I did not expect that after the appearance of the little dragon girl, it still rushed up. Of course, it turned out no surprise, the monster was pinched by the dragon's claw, and then it was torn off three or two times. The young dragon girl has already passed through her infancy and is now in her youth. Just like most young people's physical strength is already very good, after entering the youth, Shenlong basically has the physical characteristics of adult Shenlong, but it may be slightly inferior in terms of mana. Of course, that's for the Shenlong family. It's easy to slap this little monster.

After I got the monster over there, I took the claw of a dragon girl with one claw and grabbed the protective cover where Kristina and Porsecione were, and then chased in the direction where Sussie ran away.

The position we just appeared was very close to the top of the cave, but it was quite deep from the bottom. When we dived down for more than 500 meters, we hit the bottom. This is also in the game. In reality, this depth is not only the equipment down, the human body can't withstand this water pressure.

Although the depth here is great, Susis has not been affected in any way. And this girl's water is surprisingly good. The speed is very fast. It is the time when the dragon girl killed the monster. She has reached the bottom and got into a hole. The little dragon girl's body is too big to enter at all, so here I let her temporarily become a human figure, and then opened the way for the little dragon girl. A few of us followed and rushed in, and finally Ariana finished at the back. .

The hole that Suses had drilled into was not large. Although it is a little wider, it is just barely able to pass. After walking along this passage for a rather short distance, we finally left the deformed passage, and the dragon girl immediately restored the body as soon as she got out of the small hole.

"What's the situation above?" I followed the dragon girl and found that the dragon girl didn't move. At that time, I knew she must have found something. As a result, before the dragon girl answered, I found that I was actually on the water.

Although the narrow aisle has been tortuous, it feels like it should always be going down. In other words, this place should be lower than the water area where we were just now. However, the high-level waters over there are all water. There is actually only a large lake here, and it is not completely submerged. The only explanation for this is that this is a confined space, because the internal pressure is very high, so the relatively high position of the water over there cannot flow, so this will happen.

After I discovered the water, I began to observe the environment here. This is still a water world, except that most of the caves here are in the air. There is only water below. And the depth of the water is only ten meters, and the whole body of the dragon girl left the water as soon as she got up. Only the legs are still in the water.

"Did you see Susis?"

"That way." The little dragon girl pointed to a piece of land not far away. Susis stood on the top and did not run away. Behind her was a relatively large cave entrance.

Seeing this, I knew she wasn't going to run away, and her previous behavior should not be against us, but some kind of revenge, similar to a temperament reaction.

Take back the dragon girl and Adina, and I went to shore with Kristina. I didn't reprimand Sussie, but I asked directly: "The Darkness Council headquarters is in front?"

"No. This is just a transit point. Don't you think that the dimensional blockade can be crossed by only one half plane pass?"

Kristina nodded: "Although I know some of the principles of half-plane transmission, I really don't understand much about it. But I understand it now."

I interrupted them directly: "Let's go forward. Let's go to that transit team."

Suzis didn't say anything, turned and entered the hole behind. This hole is only a few meters deep. Afterwards, you can see a step that rotates upwards, but it does not feel like a manual excavation, because the height of the steps is low and there is no regularity, and some steps are as high as one meter or more. People need to use their hands and feet to climb up.

After moving upward for more than ten meters through this step, we entered a small space of only five or six square meters. There is also a teleportation array on the ground here, but this teleportation array is not a half-plane transport array, but Standard transmission array.

In fact, if the space blockade is imagined as a wall, it is better to understand the role of these transit arrays. The semi-planar teleport array we used before was like an elevator, which sent us to a building above the wall, but now this standard teleport array we see is equivalent to a cable car, which can transfer We were sent to the roof of another building at the same height behind the wall. However, it is not inside the wall, but the top of the building, so it is no accident. After using this teleport array, we must use the half-plane transport array again before we can reach the headquarters of the Dark Council.

The result is just like my analysis, this teleportation array accurately teleported us to a strange place. This place is a circular space, and it is three-dimensional. We are all inside this sphere, and everyone's position is different. The strangest thing was that Kristina and I were standing at a forty-five degree angle, but neither of us felt weightlessness or tilted. In fact, we seem to be standing inside a sphere, and the gravity of this sphere is outward. Of course, there is also a problem that the area of ​​this sphere world is too small. What we can see is a normal sphere with a diameter of about six meters, without any entrances and exits ~ ~ except the center of the sphere is suspended There is nothing outside of a teleportation array.

"This is also the half plane?" Cristina asked.

Susis nodded: "This is a space danger that one of our senior mages accidentally opened up when making space equipment, but it is as big as you can see. This layer of light film under our feet has The borders of this world, there is nothing outside, or it is said that there is no outside at all. "

I nodded in understanding, and then asked, "Is that the middle plane teleporter?"

Suses nodded again, then reminded: "There is no way to fix the coordinates of the half-plane teleportation array. It was not intended to harm you before. So you may appear anywhere in the Darkness Council headquarters. Don't Running around, just tell the person you saw that I brought you, and then let him take you to zhōngyāng square to wait for a reconciliation, I will be there waiting for you and help you explain clearly. "

I don't have much to worry about what Suses said, because even if it was her scheme, it would have no effect on us, and the people in the dark council could not treat us anyway. It's not us who really suffer. (To be continued.)

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