Starting from Zero

Vol 21 Chapter 204: Terrible teleport

The next teleportation was indeed similar to what Sussi suggested. After the teleportation, we did not gather together, but dispersed, but luckily, I appeared near the original meeting point. As soon as I came out, I could see the meeting point, and Susis actually appeared less than two meters behind me, which saved me a lot of trouble. M

Although I appeared in a good position, it was a bit more troublesome for Christina and Porsefogne to appear. Kristina appeared in the Chamber of the Dark Council, and was here at this time. In the entire hall, there were a total of three hundred members of the dark council, and Kristina appeared in the mid-air of the conference hall. When she fell, she almost hit the speaker's head. Fortunately, due to the half-plane teleportation, similar events often occur in the dark council, so the speaker responded quickly, and Kristina was dropped from the sky, but even then Kristina was regarded as The intruder was surrounded. After all, this is the parliament hall of the Dark Council. If you want to know what kind of treatment a foreigner suddenly falls on the podium at the National People's Congress, you will know what happened to Kristina.

Fortunately, Susis's name is pretty loud. Immediately after discovering that the position where she appeared was not right, Chris Dina immediately raised her hands and shouted, "I was brought by Suses, I don't know how to teleport to this position!"

Because the members of the Dark Council themselves used the unreliable half-plane teleport to enter and exit, they probably knew what the teleportation was like. Kristina was able to report Sussie's name, and they had already believed in most of them, so Kristina was not besieged immediately, but only surrounded.

Although Kristina's landing position was not good, it was far worse than that of Porsecigne. The location where Persephone was landed was a secret warehouse. As a result, the alarm was triggered as soon as it appeared, and it was immediately collected by a pile of weapons and escorted to the secret warehouse. Of course, because the guards here also know what their teleportation team is doing, when they heard the alarm, they had estimated that 80% was another unlucky transfer point, just seeing Porseforne Later, it was found that people who did not know were nervous and surrounded them. Of course, because Persephone also explained and reported the name of Sussex, she was quickly sent to the central square.

In the square, Cristina and Persephone met just one piece, and then Suses came to help explain the guards and left. Anyway, this kind of misinformation basically belongs to force majeure. Even if you deliberately want to go somewhere, you won't die. You can decide, so Krishna and Porsecione are innocent.

After the matter was clarified, we were not immediately taken to the council hall. Susis first found us a place to rest, and then she went out and began to contact the main members of the dark council. This time, things can't be said at a large conference, nor do they need to be that way, as long as a small number of relevant people know.

Probably because the previous meeting was not over, we waited in the lounge for more than half an hour before Suis took in the five dark members of the council.

(To be continued) q

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