Starting from Zero

Vol 21 Chapter 210: 1 little trouble

After Suses took us into this commercial street, he began to show the locals. шШщm | No * pop * window * small * say * net | Because I am more familiar with the environment here, Suses started to introduce us directly to the general business scope of each store here. If it is I simply stopped going in the useless shops and went straight down.

Although both Kristina and Sussex are women, they should be very passionate about shopping, but that depends on what they buy. If you are pulling your girlfriend or wife to visit the arms market, I guess they will not be able to exert the powerful power of walking in the high heels for an afternoon without rest. Although the market in the dark elves' capital also sells some women's favorite things, but we have limited time, and because I directly skipped those things that have no meaning to the guild or players, I did n’t even want to shop for women. Can play it out. Because of this, our shopping speed is super fast, and we are about to end a street in less than half an hour. This is because a shop selling dark elves' special jewelry was discovered halfway. Kristina had to go in and look at it, but she had to wait ten minutes.

"This one sells food in the underground world. Compared with the food on your ground, our food here is much worse." Susis still dutifully introduced the passing shops. "This one sells Warcraft eggs and slaves. If you need a magic pet, you can consider it." °

I didn't pay much attention to it. When I heard the word "pet pet", I immediately raised my ears.

Although wearing a heavy armored warrior, I am a genuine animal trainer! Let's not look at other shops, this is definitely going in. Moreover, there is a very sound reason to enter this kind of shop, and that is for the guild. You should know that the existence of magic pets basically comes from various Warcraft and advanced intelligent creatures, and these things follow the laws of nature, that is, the more the creatures produced in harsh conditions, the stronger their individual combat power. This law is actually well understood, because the harsh environment means more competition for survival. This fierce competition for survival is like raising a cricket. The fierce and rapid survival of the fittest quickly eliminates the unsuitable or weak creatures, so that the last remaining creatures evolve rapidly.

Of course, this method of raising babies is actually a destructive living environment, and it cannot be sustained. Because the competition is too fierce. Finally, this world will evolve one or one of the strongest creatures, and then the life course of this world will come to an end, because the conditions can no longer adapt to the survival of the creatures at this time, and wait for the death of the last creature. · Then this environment has completely become a forbidden area of ​​life. Therefore, this method of raising tadpoles can only be used for short-term directed cultivation of combat creatures. If the normal living environment becomes such an environment, it will basically become a lifeless restricted area.

Although the underground world is not as bad as the place where the crickets are raised, it has to be said that this place is much worse than the living environment on the ground, so the underground world is also a place where some high-level monsters often appear. It is also because some high-level monsters are frequently produced in this place, so the quality of the goods in the pet shop here will definitely be higher than that of ordinary ground city pet shops.

Because I am the president of Frost Rose League, I usually bring a lot of cash when I go out. This is a place where there may be a lot of high-end pets. How can I miss this? In case the magic pets inside are all very good breeds, I don't mind helping them clear the inventory. I always like to do things like sweeping goods.

The shop in the game, especially the system shop, the salespersons in it are not as enthusiastic as in reality. Generally, in real stores, as soon as someone enters, a salesperson will immediately follow up. The low-end stores will start to introduce you directly, whether you want to listen or not, the high-end ones will follow you and find that you stay longer on a certain product, and immediately go to give you a brief introduction or something, If you talk to each other, he or she will start to recommend and introduce you seriously.

Although the store in this game also has sales staff, but the number is very small, and if the in-game products are low-end, they will directly use the crystal ball method for you to buy. This crystal ball is actually like a shopping catalog. You touch the crystal ball to enter the store catalog. Afterwards, just stand there and slowly flip through the information yourself. Of course, high-end products will not be displayed in this way, but will be displayed physically. However, this product is not visible to ordinary customers. You must talk to the clerk. If you have the ability to lead to subsequent development, the other party will let you see High-end products in the store, such as the treasures of the town shop.

This time, because I had plans to add some magic pets to the bank, I didn't talk as soon as I came up, but first I touched the crystal ball to start the directory, and then I started standing there and flipping up. Chris Dina also touched it to see if there was anything he liked. Of course, in the vision of Chris Dina, in the end, naturally nothing fancy.

You should know that she is different from most players. Before joining our guild, she was already an unrecognizable master. So she has a lot of resources. She has not touched low-end equipment. Later she entered our guild. What's more, the whole Frost Rose League's good stuff is basically random, and her own pet is also the most suitable superb pet for her. In this case, of course, it is impossible to randomly encounter one. The shop can find a satisfying magic pet. If there are so many magic pets, players around the world will not speculate on the price of magic pets.

I just finished reading the data after Chris Dina turned over. Sure enough, there is nothing good in this low-level directory that is open to the public. The highest order is a 800-level rock python. This kind of thing will be used at the beginning of the game or it is still a high-end product. Until now, it is basically the top players among the second-tier players. It will not be used by first-tier players. Although our guild also has second-tier and even third-tier players, because the guild benefits of our guild include the guild guardian beasts, and our guild guardian beasts are much more special, so our guild players have a magic pet The urgency of demand is not as exaggerated as other guild players. In this case, this 800-level magic pet can only be regarded as a low-end product, and most members may not want it. However, considering that this magic pet is sometimes used for special purposes, I still bought this rock python. Anybody can use it and sell it again. People in our guild don't want it. Players outside are rushing to do so.

Closing the catalog, I walked directly to a dark elf sitting behind the counter and stood there. This dark elf is not young. He is holding a book to pretend to be a cultural person there. In fact, his eyes have been swept away by the guests who enter the store, but he never takes the initiative to take care of the guests. In fact, because of the existence of that catalogue, he didn't need to communicate with the customer. People would naturally ask what they wanted to buy, and left without buying.

Because the attention has always been on the guests, and there are not many people in the shop, the old dark elf raised his head immediately when he saw me standing in front of him, then stood up politely and asked, " Does this guest need anything? "

Of course he was so polite not because he saw me approaching, but because he found the coercion on me. You need to know that the power in the game is attributed. This is not the real imaginary gas field. This will be converted into data by the system for calculation. Therefore, the dark elf in front of me is playing a game at this time. Humble, because his instinct tells him that offending me will be miserable.

"Hello." Despite the help of attributes, I am still polite to talk to each other. After all, attributes alone are not enough. "I heard you have some high-level magic pets here, so just come and see if it's suitable."

"Of course there are high-level magic pets, but haven't you looked at the catalogue just now? Didn't you find the right one?" Although the old man was affected by coercion, he didn't take me directly to see the Tibetan goods.

I do n’t care about the other party ’s response. I just said, “Can those on the shelves be called premium goods? Do n’t kid me. I really want to buy a lot of good goods, so please give me a hand. . "I passed a premium fruit as I spoke. There is a shortage of food in the underground world, and the fruit naturally has to make way for food. Not to mention that this one is not a general commodity, but a fairy fruit that comes back from heaven. Although it is only the lowest-level fruit in the fairy fruit, it only has a short-term strengthening of the horoscope, and it can not last, but after all, it is a fruit with attributes, and its value is absolutely terrible in the underground world.

After seeing this thing, the old man immediately took it away, and then began to drive away the guests. After the outside guests were driven away, they quickly closed the door, then walked to the wall behind the counter to open a hidden door. This small door is only one foot square and very shallow. It is not a warehouse or a secret passage. There is only one rope in it. The old man grabbed the rope and pulled it hard, and then there was a rattling sound throughout the store. The big, illogical storefront in front opened two large holes, and then two cylindrical display racks rose from the ground .

This sudden shelf surprised me and Kristina, and I didn't expect such a thing to be hidden in this place. The two cylindrical shelves each have more than one meter in diameter, and the surrounding circle is divided into eight sectors. Within each sector, a magic pet egg or a magic pet imprint is placed, anyway. Just a magic pet waiting to recognize the Lord.

Normally, to see this thing, at least normal players need to buy a certain amount of money in this store and brush up the relationship value with the boss, then they can see this thing, but because I have coercion and the fruit, I can easily see it. This thing.

Although the two display racks only have a total of sixteen display cases, but the soldiers are not expensive, so if it is a good magic pet, let alone sixteen, even six are quite exciting. Of course, I don't have much hope for the sixteen magic pet eggs.

This is a system store, after all, even if there is a hidden interface, you can't expect to get anything shocking from this. At present, only one-thousandth of the best equipment, magic pets and medicinal materials obtained by players in the game are bought from the hidden interface of the system store, and most of the rest are obtained by player group missions or in Hit in the wild. If you can easily buy top-level equipment in the store, a player just needs to charge a lot of money into the game world in one go, and then go to the store to brush it. Even if "Zero" is an economic bomb that exists to undermine the economies of various countries, the kind of exhaustion can never be done.

After the shelf popped up this time, I just simply looked at it. Indeed, compared to the magic pets that can be seen directly in the catalog, this row here is quite good, at least the players in our guild should I bought it with joy, but it was far from my requirements. Of course, because the members of our guild may need them, I have not let them go. Sixteen magic pet eggs were bought by me.

After carefully asking the boss to confirm that there is nothing better, we left the store, but when he came out, Susis asked with a little hesitation: "President Ziri likes the magic pet egg?"

I nodded and said, "Why do you ask that? Do you have a source? You saw it just now, but I don't care about general goods."

Suzis hesitated a little bit. But after thinking about it for a long time, she said, "In fact, I really know that there are some creatures in a place that are very suitable for magic pets. They are very powerful. But ..."

"But what happened?"

"But that place is also dangerous. Those creatures are not ready-made pet eggs and you need to capture them yourself, so the process will be very dangerous. You and our dark council are now working together, and I want to help you, But I'm worried that this will cause you losses, so ...! "

"I don't think it's necessary to worry about this" I said to Susie · "First of all, I don't think I will be killed directly if the biological book you say threatens us. Definitely no problem. Secondly, we are adventurers, with the ability to resurrect almost infinitely, even if we are killed by monsters, it is nothing more than a loss of strength. You do n’t have to worry about us at all. "

"If you say that, it seems that you are very interested in these creatures." Susis thought for a while and said, "Well then. If you are free anytime, if you want to catch those magic pets, come to the Dark Council. Find me, and I will take you there. But first, I can only send you to the entrance of that place, where I dare not enter. "

I nodded and said, "You can rest assured, as long as you are at the entrance."

After our exchanges, we continued to turn around in the market here, not to mention, after that we really found some good things. Most of them are items used by guild members, but Kristina and I have gained something. Kristina finds a strange triangle metal block, I don't know what it is, but Kristina is very excited ~ ~ It should be a very helpful item for her. As for me, I bought a directional mutation fruit.

This directional mutation fruit is a very special kind of fruit. The growth place is completely irregular. From the middle of the magma to the extreme cold, this thing is basically not picking the environment at all, and it will grow anywhere. However, although the place where this thing grows is widely distributed, the yield is incredibly low. Almost no one has heard of the production. It is rare to see one at the auction. I did not expect to be on the same road this time. One was found on the side stall.

In fact, when I bought this thing, I found out that this was the beginning of a hidden task, but I was not available at the time, so after I bought this thing, I didn't continue talking with that np, or I would definitely receive a series of tasks.

I intend to use this directional mutation fruit for luck. The main reason is that this fruit's attributes are dark attributes, so the suitable magic pets are only lucky, plague, king and safari, and melanitis, but both king and melanoma Soaking in the water of the silent sea is tantamount to a similar baptism. Even if this fruit is used again, there is little room for growth. As for Sha Yezi ... her current attributes are still extremely unstable, and the consequences of the last devour have not been fully stabilized, and are not suitable for strengthening for the time being. Although luck and plague can use this thing, but luck 1 @ sb 饣 and 9rk epidemic nbsnss @ @ us7

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