Starting from Zero

Vol 21 Chapter 211: tribe

The suggestion given by the think tank once solved the two most difficult problems for us, and also played a role in the problem of the monster area that has not been completed yet. M.

If we move the city in the direction of that river according to the plan given by the think tank, half of the monster area that should have been within the city's sphere of influence will be drawn outside the city's sphere of influence. That leveling area is now only half cleaned, and because it was cleared away from the direction of the city when cleaning up, the half that has been cleaned up is exactly the area that we will now cover in the new city location, but not cleaned That part, in fact, the meaning of cleaning up or not.

This kind of good thing that we have done so many things has never occurred to us before. It seems that the three tanners beat Zhuge Liang. As soon as people brainstorm more, various ideas come out.

After confirming this plan, I ran to inform Jinshan Yinhai. The kid was more excited than me after hearing this method, and pulled us to start the race of the seed of the tree of life, but he was still We pulled it.

Although the tree of life is a very good thing, this thing is completely unconscious during the growth process, it is like a monster. For the tree of life in this state, the best way to deal with it is to stay away from it, so before the start of the plan, we need to do a pull-up check of the urban coverage area at least three times to make sure that nothing is missing. In addition, Persephone is still nourishing that seed. For the time being, we cannot plant the tree of life, so even after the inspection is completed, we cannot start planting the tree of life immediately.

While Persephone was still nourishing the seed of that tree of life, I asked the Golden Mountain and the Silver Sea to take me to where the city was about to settle, and then after a brief survey of the terrain, I brought the trailblazer and the rose vine and Emmys released it.

Both the Trail Blazers and Rose Vine are good at punching holes, and Absolute Mirror of Emmys can copy herself into any of my magic pets and have most of the other party's abilities. Now it is necessary to dig a hole, of course, Emmys will copy the Blazers' ability. They opened holes below, and the rose vines used their own vines to support them. Until the tree of life is planted tomorrow, the rose vines need to stop here instead of the roots of the tree of life to temporarily support the entire passage to ensure that the river will not Hollow out here in advance. Of course, in fact, we have not yet connected the tunnel to the river, so there is not much water here, but even this still needs support. After all, the soil here is too soft. If you do n’t do anything, it is likely that the pioneers and Emmys dug in front of her feet, and the soil collapsed in the back to fill the channel again.

After the pioneers started their work, I thought about whether to keep Hei Yan and Ye Yue also. Their task is to protect the entrance of the passage from being damaged. Although no hostile forces are found nearby, building a city is a big deal and you have to be careful.

After entrusting the matter here to Yeyue temporarily, I left here with Jinshan Yinhai. My next goal is that small village that has been reluctant to relocate. Although Jinshan Yinhai talked about the general situation of this village before, I haven't been there myself, so I still don't know much about the people in this place.

Although now the city coordinates have moved, this village will no longer affect the construction of the city, but sooner or later this village will have to deal with us. No, sooner or later, but soon we need to deal with us. Because according to the current city preset coordinates, the village will be outside the city, but the distance outside the city is too small. I estimate that when the city is completely completed, the outer wall of this village may not be more than fifty meters away from the outermost defense plants of our elven city. According to the attack range of the defensive plants in the elven city, this village will be completely covered by our urban defense system. This is a very abnormal phenomenon, both for us and for the people in this village. Therefore, the mobile city is only a temporary solution to the problem of relocation, and sooner or later the village will have to deal with it. No matter whether they leave voluntarily or we buy, merge or even expel them by force, this village will never exist.

"This is the village?" Jinshan Yinhai and I stood on a fairly tall ancient tree and looked down at a small village not far away.

As Jinshan Yinhai said, this village is really very small. The whole village is roughly circular, and its maximum diameter may be less than 500 meters. A village that is so big, it is a village, but I feel more like a supply station. In other words, it was originally a peripheral supply station in a leveling area, and then it was expanded into a village for some unknown reason. Of course, if the player intentionally interferes, it is actually very easy for the supply station to develop into a village. Although the system has a lot of restrictions on the construction city, it has few restrictions on the construction village, and the relative difficulty is much lower.

Jinshan Yinhai pointed to the village and introduced it to me: "Chairman, look, there are only two main streets and alleys in this village. There are only thirty or more buildings in the village, and there are still more More than a dozen are necessary basic buildings. This village actually wants to be built, as long as it is a guild of hundreds of players, one can be built in a day. We originally wanted to spend money to buy the village and let them move out, but the other party Ignore us at all. "

"Did you send someone to follow the players here and notice what they usually do?"

Jinshan Yinhai complained as soon as I heard my question: "Of course I won't forget this kind of thing ~ ~ At the beginning, I doubted that there must be some resources near here to keep them from wanting to leave, We know, so we ca n’t explain it to us, so we simply do n’t talk to us. However, after sending someone to follow me for a while, I found that the players here did not mine or kill any specific Warcraft at all. They all hunted Very ordinary leveling area of ​​Warcraft, but the strange thing is that they will not kill things like ordinary players. They feel like the tribe residents in reality, every time after killing the monster, carry it back and eat it, then I also used Warcraft's leather to buy armor and clothing. "

"That is to say, the excuses they said before have been verified?" Jinshan Yinhai said before that these people claim to be here to experience primitive tribal life, so they will not relocate no matter what price we give, because they are not for the price , And just want to experience this life.

Jinshan Yinhai shook his head and said, "I thought so before, but now I feel a bit wrong."

"Oh? What's wrong?"

(To be continued) q

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