Starting from Zero

Vol 21 Chapter 212: Elf patriarch's request

Jinshan Yinhai thought under my inquiry and said, "If it ’s just to experience the life of the primitive tribe, the area of ​​the Amazon jungle is enough for them to find tens of thousands of such settlements. Ankanshu. But these guys insist that they don't move. Place. This is one of the doubts, and the second is doubt. Although these guys say they want to experience tribal life, they use weapons that players often use. Although cooking Warcraft corpses as food and wearing animal skins and the like The behavior is more like experiencing life, but using magic weapons with surnames is a bit nondescript. But this can also be explained because the combat power of Warcraft is too strong. This is a game after all, and the surrounding monsters are all for A full-equipped player who uses level-up combat warcraft to use primitive weapons in accordance with real-world standards is expected to be eaten not by World of Warcraft but by themselves. But it always feels weird. "

"Listening to your analysis, I think it seems a bit problematic. Then let's just let this be a group of players who are hostile to us. We assume that they are setting up villages here just to interfere with our construction of the city, then, How can this be done? "

"It is not difficult to do this, as long as we know the location of our building in advance. As for this information, there is no secret at all. Before the city is built, exploration and surrounding monsters are expelled. This process requires a lot of personnel. Working for a long time, so anyone who is interested can know our construction problems. What I do n’t understand is that if they are just hostile to us, they can directly attack us. Why do they have to get a village out and follow us here? make trouble."

I can think of this problem that Jinshan Yinhai does not understand. After all, we are managers at different levels. The height of the station is different, so the range of vision is naturally different. "Jinshan Yinhai, have you ever thought about the pressure of public opinion?"

"Public opinion pressure?" Jinshan Yinhai froze for a moment.

Seeing that he still didn't understand, I had to explain: "You also said that the guilds of various countries around the world have their own strongholds in South America, and because the jungle environment is very suitable for guerrilla warfare, everyone is not willing to make a fortune together. Build enemies. Is this correct? "

Jinshan Yinhai nodded: "This is what I told you, it should be right."

I nodded and continued: "Okay, since you know the reason, then continue to expand on this basis. Can not directly conflict with other guild forces in South America, then you can only use the curve method. Although South America has A lot of foreign guilds are here, but anyway, this is also South America, it is the territory of locals. Because these local forces are not very strong, they can only rely on the work of these foreign guilds. It ’s like we are frosty The Rose League has many local employees here as well as the guilds that depend on us. So, if there is a way to make us conflict with the locals? "

Jinshan Yinhai just didn't expect this aspect, and others are not stupid. I talked about this, and he immediately responded. "They're trying to use this village as an example to tell the local people around us that our guild has a strong aggression surname, so they resist us?"

"Correct answer."

"But ... but this village is just a village made up of foreign players, not a local village?"

"Publicity!" I couldn't help but educate Jinshan Yinhaidao: "In propaganda wars, as long as you have a few basic points, the facts and processes are not necessary. Propaganda and release are news and guide are ideas . The news does not need to be comprehensive, as long as it can trigger Lenovo and can be confirmed, and Lenovo can guide this. "

Jinshan Yinhai shook his head and still didn't quite understand what I said.

I helplessly said to him: "So you are only the person in charge of the regional guild, and I am the president. You don't need to understand too much about specifics, as long as you understand this thing. What Frost Rose Alliance has always advocated is Overwhelming with absolute strength, so there is no need to pay too much attention to false publicity propaganda, just pay attention to prevent the enemy from being framed by publicity propaganda. I guess this time it is for this purpose. Players in this village They are all members of the laymen's guild. If they are to be against us, it is better to start a harassment war directly. In this way, intentional non-cooperation is forcing us to do something to them, and this intention is too obvious. "

"But now that we know the reason, how can we solve this problem?" Jinshan Yinhai asked.

I looked at the village grimly and said, "I didn't know their intention was not easy to say. Now that they know it, it's simple. They want our handle to be used for publicity. We just need to clear the relationship and let them not contact. Come to us. "

"But how do you figure out the relationship?"

I did not directly answer the question of Jinshan Yinhai, but said with a smile: "You do n’t have to worry about this, you have me. Now you go and help me inform everyone that the construction of the city is suspended, and I will say to the outside world because of the construction of the city There is too much resistance, and our guild will give up building the city and intend to buy a ready-made city to use nearby. "

"Ah? We've all done this step. If we don't build it, we won't build it? How does the money invested in it count?" Jinshan Yinhai asked in surprise.

"This is a cover for the outside world. Of course, the city still needs to be built. We say this just to clarify the relationship. But you should be clear about it yourself. Don't mention it to anyone. To deceive the enemy, you must first connect yourself People lie together. "

Jinshan Yinhai shook his head helplessly: "Forget it! I'll run errands for you honestly, it's still better for you to be the boss."

"What's your name? I speak like a villain."

I was driven away by Jinshan Yinhai, and I did not enter the village, but turned around and went directly to the elf city where the tree of life was purchased before.

I have to say that Jinshan Yinhai's news spreads very fast. I just got a message from Kristina just halfway through. As soon as the signal was turned on, I heard Kristina shouting on the channel: "Boss, why don't you suddenly build a city?"

"I rely, why are you so fast? I just talked to Jinshan Yinhai for a few minutes?"

"This is not a matter of bliss, but our investment is so large. You suddenly said that if you don't build it, you won't build it. We can't accept it for a while!"

"This thing is not what you think. I have my own arrangements. You leave it alone, and you will understand my intentions later."

"Oh, since you said so, I can only trust you for a while!" Kristina said, and ended the communication.

After closing the communication, I thought about connecting to the God of War, and then said, "God of War, regarding the construction of that new city, if someone asks this again, you help me tell him that I have my own arrangements and let them temporarily Leave it alone, everything will work. "


Army God is a telephone exchange at our guild, so anyone who wants to contact me must first pass through the Army God. Now I ’ll talk to Army God, and then I do n’t need to explain the reasons to others one by one.

In fact, my approach was not as exaggerated as I thought, at least some people in the guild still guessed my intention. At least when Red Moon and they went to talk to Rose and Sumei after hearing about this, Rose and Sumei were not as surprised as they were. Rose just asked me what I was doing, and when I learned that I had gone to the nearby Elven City, I immediately asked the red moon who asked about the situation: "You must be in a hurry, I probably know what Zi Yue is going to do."

Su Mei also nodded: "Brother Zi said the idea is really good, and it can save a lot of things."

"I said how did you know?" They were very surprised to hear such an answer, because they didn't expect this question. But Rose and Su Mei both refused to tell them why, just let them wait and see the results. Of course Rose said that the ultimate goal of this plan is to build its own elven city, just a different approach. ()

While in the guild and the lay members who were concerned about this matter, they were scratching their heads, but I was already in the previous elven city. The patriarch of this elf city heard that I was back again, and immediately greeted me with enthusiasm and said that I had welcomed her into the office and received me. Generally speaking, foreign receptionists use special foreign liaison offices for reception. This time the other party can receive me in the office, which is a special treatment in itself.

After entering the patriarch's office, the other party first politely spoke with me, and then began to ask my intention.

"Actually, I encountered a little trouble this time, so I want to discuss with you for a simple cooperation."

Because before I solved the conflict between the two races for them, it was tantamount to a relatively good cooperation experience. This time it was the second cooperation, and the other side naturally showed a great enthusiasm. "We are very interested in the cooperation between the two parties, but we don't know what the cooperation said by President Zi Yue."

"In fact, it is not too big a thing." I briefly introduced the situation facing our guild now, and then continued: "So, like I just said. We are not suitable for eradicating this village ourselves, and I guess that since the other party is intentionally asking for trouble, no matter what we do, they can always find an excuse. So I want to let the Elves help to represent the construction of this new city. "

"What is agent construction?"

"That means the city uses our name to build our city, but announces to the outside that you intend to build a city, and after the city is completed, we will take over the city from you."

"Is this OK?" The Elf patriarch asked in surprise.

I explained: "The other party just wanted to tarnish our reputation in the local race, so the village had no defense at all. In fact, if it was not for the pressure of public opinion, I would have flattened the village by myself in two or three minutes. . But the situation is that I ca n’t do it myself, only you can do it. Of course, if you send an army, I will pay you, just like a mercenary. But we cannot directly say that we are hired, we must say You want to build a city, and you just saw the site we cleared out, so we took it over after we gave up the construction plan. Then you can do things that we are not suitable for, such as eviction by force That village. Anyway, the pride of your elves is well-known, and you have said that the forest is your place. Even if you force a village out by force, no one else can say anything about you. "

"So the environment around the city has been cleaned up?" The Elf patriarch continued to ask.

"Of course, after finishing the cleanup, I will continue to build the city, but you still build it. Didn't I get a seed of the tree of life from you before? I will take that seed back for you to plant, and then you will help We buy materials or you come up with materials to build the city. Of course, we will give all these materials and we will pay you some benefits as a reward for helping us to build the city. Of course, what needs to be planned for the city depends on our guild Given the drawings to do. Because this is originally a fairy city, so you build it, others will not have any doubts. After the city is completed, you will transfer the ownership of the city to our guild. The guild bought the city at a large price. After a turn, we are considered to have completed the city construction work, and you have been paid a lot. At the same time, we have avoided those hostile forces. Disturb. "

"The method is indeed a good method, but the construction process will definitely consume a lot of manpower. Do you have a solution to this? My tribe just broke out, and is now recovering its vitality. If you follow, we will help you build the city. I can't hold it! "

"I have already thought about this issue." I explained to the Elven patriarch: "Our construction is originally an elven city, so the resident population in the city must be dominated by elves. So I intend to start with you Some people from the city immigrated here. Of course, if your population is not enough, you can also migrate from other nearby elves or cities, and we will pay the same. In addition, in addition to the basic population, there is the military. We intend to The Elven City is equipped with a large number of armed personnel, and this also needs to be purchased from you. These personnel can be bought with our money first, and then directly invested in the city construction, you do not need to invest too much manpower. When you hand over the city to all of them Just fine. "

In fact, what I call immigration is buying. Everyone knows that in addition to the natural advancement of the city's freedom, the troops in the player's city mainly rely on purchases. Although this purchase is actually a purchase from the system, there is no system store to sell soldiers in the game, but various forces are used as the distribution target. For example, this was the case when we purchased Tianbing Tianjiang in Tianting before our guild. In addition, in fact, the place where soldiers are sold is not only protagonists like Tianting. Some system cities also sell soldiers, but they can't buy too high-level troops there. The Elven City is a relatively special city. The Elven troops generated inside it are not as low as the ranks of the troops generated in ordinary cities, and the Elven troops have a bonus combat effectiveness in the Elven City. In fact, not only the city, the Elves have a combat power bonus in the middle of the forest, but the bonus in the Elven City will be more exaggerated. It is no bragging to say that in the Elven City, the soldiers of the Elven clan will not fall into the wind when they fight more than 200 levels. Therefore, unless you can buy a lot of soldiers beyond the Elven troops, Elven City is still the most cost-effective use of Elven soldiers.

This aspect of freedom is the same as that of combat soldiers. The city established by the player's guild will initially only give you the freedom of a basic configuration, which is absolutely not enough anyway. If you just want to be so free, then after your city is built, the eight achievements are similar to that of a ghost town. You can see a few kilometers of streets at a glance, and even if there are three or five people on it, it is very lively today.

To be free, there are several ways in which a player's guild can be used. The first and most cost-effective way is to allow free reproduction naturally. In "Zero", there is no case of refreshing creatures. Here, whether it is monsters or freedom, are produced by natural reproduction methods, but the system will control the reproduction rate and growth rate. If the biological death rate of a region is very fast, the biological reproduction and adulthood of this region will also be very fast, so that the biological density of a region will be maintained. However, even if the system accelerates the rate of reproduction and growth, it is still very slow for a player city to obtain enough population in this way. At least a few months may not be able to raise the population.

Compared to natural breeding, there are three other ways to obtain population: migration, predation and purchase.

Migration is the migration of the population, which is also divided into the migration of merged surnames and the transfer of scattered surnames. Merger of surnames is like the elf tribe that Jinshan Yinhai helped us to contact before. As long as you talk to the patriarch, you can let the other party collectively merge into our city, so that you can increase many people at one time. However, the overall migration is actually not a very common situation. Normally, a relatively large proportion of the population is still scattered. These populations are voluntarily joining your city, usually based on families, each group is three or five or a single person. This kind of migration will be scattered, but a long stream of water can be used as a long-term stable population growth method. Of course, because it is too stable, it is impossible to quickly accumulate population by this method. Moreover, the speed of migration of this method is directly affected by your urban environment. Just like those set in games that simulate cities, the population migration in Zero is based on urban taxation, law and order, war conditions, basic welfare, and so on. Moreover, the surname of the city itself will also affect the surname of the migrants. For example, Isinger is particularly easy to recruit ghosts. At least six and a half of the ten freedoms to settle in Isinger are undead. And if this elf city is established, it will be very attractive to the elf, and this is the impact of the urban environment on the population.

However, neither of the above two methods of increasing population is actually suitable for rapid population enrichment. Although those two methods are the main ways for urban population growth, what is needed in the early stages of urban completion is not such a stable method, but a method that can increase the population by surnames.

When it comes to surging surnames to increase the free population, then the two remaining methods need to be involved: plunder and purchase.

Needless to say, plunder is just grabbing people. Of course, instead of kidnapping the road directly to your own city, you are attacking a completed city. After breaking the city, you can use the plunder command to plunder a lot of freedom in that city and forcibly bring it back to your own city.

The advantage of this method is that it works surprisingly fast and does not cost much. As long as you don't find those super hard to fortify the fortress city, the general commercial city is actually very easy to plunder.

Of course, plunder has many disadvantages. To plunder, you must attack the city, and because you want to migrate people, you must not be too far away from your city. After all, the captives will not cooperate with you. It is very troublesome to transfer a large group of captives, so this target city must be not too far from your city. Secondly, a part of the looted population will run away when they arrive in their own city. Even if your basic welfare is not high enough, there will still be free and deliberate damage to urban facilities. If the city where the loyalty of these people rises is attacked, the freedom from these captives will even form a rebel army to help the enemy outside to capture the city. So the people who grabbed them are not very reliable. Moreover, the problems of the plundered population do not stop there. Because it is impossible to determine who will die in the war, plunder cannot control the proportion of the population, and the high-level occurrence rate will be very low. For one thing, higher intelligence is not easy to be captured. For another, this kind of person is usually more temperamental. Although there are some who are afraid of death, they die more in battle. In contrast, the probability of being captured at the lowest level is better. . To put it simply, the quality of plunder is low.

Finally, in addition to the three shortcomings above, one of the biggest troubles of plundering the population is diplomatic pressure. When you attack other people's cities, you are naturally making enemies. This is tantamount to finding yourself an opponent outside, so although you do n’t spend money, the soft name loss is actually not low.

The last way to explode surnames to increase the population is to buy. This is the most commonly used method of increasing population in the early stages of the city. Although it costs money, it has many advantages. The first is that the distance limit is small. The system's explanation for this method of buying people is that part of the money you pay is for these people who are willing to come to your city, which is equivalent to giving you money, asking these people to move to your city. According to this explanation, these are voluntary to your city, so you can organize them for immigration. Under the premise that the other party is willing to cooperate actively, even if the distance is long, migration will be relatively easy, so as long as you are not planning to move the population across the entire continent, the general distance is not a problem.

In addition to the removal of distance restrictions, there are several major advantages to buying a population. The first is based on the principle that the customer is God, you can choose the right person at will. Although the premium price will be a little bit more expensive, you can decide the proportion according to your own financial resources, otherwise you can specify the basic ability of the other party to belong to the surname, and even the race, talent, appearance, and surname ratio can be set. This determines that what you buy back is generally what you need most, and there is no case of getting back a pile of waste.

The ability to choose is just one of the advantages. Another advantage of buying back is that the loyalty will also be significantly higher than the robbed population, and these people are more likely to adapt to the environment more quickly than people who have naturally migrated. The future of the company is planned, and it has more confidence than those who come to try new life in new cities, so it can quickly pass through the adaptation period and enter working mode.

Without considering its own problems, the purchase has another advantage that is diplomatic advantage. Just the opposite of plundering the population. If you plunder the population from one city, the two cities will immediately enter the enemy state. However, if you buy the population from one city, it will increase the positive relationship between the two cities based on the amount of money you spend If you buy a large number of people from a certain city, maybe they will take the initiative to form an alliance with you the next day. Of course, this is talking about cities. Although the player city can sell people to the later stage, generally no brain disabled president will really do this.

The solution to the underpopulation mentioned by the Elf patriarch and me is to use this method of purchasing population to solve it. Although the buying population is still purchased from the elves' patriarchs, it seems that just changing the ownership of these people has not increased the total population, but this is not the case.

If you use the method of purchasing population to migrate the population in reality, the city as the output side will naturally decline in population, but the purchasing population in the game is actually only using the system city as a point of sale. As long as you have the money and the friendship with the city where you are going to buy the population reaches the purchase standard, then you can buy millions of people from a small city with only tens of thousands of people. This is absolutely impossible in reality, but it is possible in games. The population you buy in a city does not actually affect the population of that city itself. No matter how many people you buy, the population of the other city will not change as a result. The population you buy comes out of nowhere. They will come out of a place called a refugee camp in the other city, which is actually a wooden fenced shanty town. There are no formal houses inside, all of them are tents and shabby cabins, and the number is generally not large. But if you buy people here, you will go out there continuously until you reach the number of people you need. Of course, according to the system settings, the refugee camp is a player exclusion zone. No player, no matter how strong your surname is, you can never enter the refugee camp. Even in the state of war, the refugee camp is invincible. The rotten fence is even more defensive than the city walls. Even if you use the curse, don't try to cause even a little damage to the refugee camps composed of tents and broken wooden stakes. .

The Elven Patriarch's urban population is indeed insufficient, but as long as we buy the population from their guild and leave these people temporarily to help build the city. Anyway, these people bought from the elven city can only be elves. There are a lot of elves in a system-controlled elven city, just like hiding a tree in the forest. You don't want to find any abnormalities if you are exhausted. At best, I feel that the city is a little densely populated during this time.

After listening to my introduction to population and building methods, the Elf patriarch nodded a little after thinking about it: "This sounds better than business, and ... if you're willing to do a little favor, I can even do it for you To some contraband. "

"What is a contraband?" The elf patriarch's words stopped me.

The elf patriarch smiled and said to me, "The contraband is something that is forbidden for sale. In fact, we don't have it ourselves, but I know where it is, and I know how to get it, but the problem is that we can't do it ourselves. "

I heard it here. "Do you need an agent, too?"

The Elf patriarch nodded and said, "Exactly. I wonder if you are interested?"

"I'm a bit interested, but what exactly is the contraband you said? And why can't you come forward yourself? What specific problems need to be overcome during the mission?"

The elven patriarch thought for a moment and said, "The specific item is actually a seed, and it is a special seed you need very much. In fact, the seed that the tree of life can produce is not the seed of the tree of life itself, she can also produce other All kinds of plant seeds. But unfortunately, the tree of life in our city is only a city-level seed. Although it can grow a lot of seeds, there is no way to produce some special seeds. These special seeds are only The ancient trees of Wang Ting's life can be produced. "

"Ancient tree of life?"

"The ancient tree of life is the mother of all the trees of life. Our tree of life is bred from the seeds that grow on the ancient tree of life. After that, other trees of life can only produce life tree races of the same level or lower. , And the ancient tree of life is the only tree of life that can breed any seed. "

"That said, if I help you get the seeds of that ancient tree, can you copy the ancient tree of life and get those special seeds, right?"

The elven patriarch quickly explained: "It's not like that. The seed of the ancient tree of life cannot be spawned, and this one has a unique surname. Once the seed of the ancient tree of life has been bred, the seed of the ancient tree of life will soon wither and die, so except Wang Ting, The other elven cities are planting the tree of life instead of the ancient tree of life. I need you to get some special seeds. Bringing those seeds back will allow our tree of life to be absorbed. Although the tree of life is not You will be promoted to become an ancient tree of life, but you can get the ability to produce these seeds. As long as you can bring back those special seeds, after our tree of life is absorbed, I will let the tree of life produce a batch and let you take it Go back and use it for your tree of life, so that you can get these special elven units in the future. "

"It sounds good. And I also know why you didn't take it yourself. This thing is Wang Ting's treasure. You are the elf. Offending Wang Ting must be too guilty, so you dare not start?"

The elf patriarch nodded and said, "After all, we are the subordinates of Wang Ting. Although the elf Wang Ting has no direct leadership over us, it is Wang Ting after all, so we dare not offend. But you are okay. And you are not elf, you can It's easy to hide our identities, and our identities are not easy to hide. "

"I'm interested in this proposal, but I want to know what are the difficulties in the specific task."

"The specific difficulty is actually the various guards, but I can't tell you this clearly."

"Then how do I get in? Is it hard?"

The elf patriarch immediately said: "Of course not. I can't tell you directly, but I can arrange a guide for you."

"Guide? Aren't you afraid you will be found connected to you?"

The Elf patriarch heard a sudden smile here, and then said, "This is not easy? Do you have a mind control person? If it is found, it will leave a mind control imprint in the head of my guide. , And then stunned him. There is a teacher in Wang Ting, and he will definitely find this imprint. It will definitely not be counted on my head. "

"For the first time, I found that the elves are not worse than humans!"

"I'm not hurting anyone, I just want to add insurance to our own city."

"Okay, well, I'm not a good person anyway, let's not discuss this issue. Now call your guide first, and take this time to introduce to me what specific seeds you need and how to get them .The seeds will not need to be born, right? Then the movement will be big, and they will be found at that time. "

The elf patriarch first went out to ask the guide, and then came back to explain to me: "No need to be so troublesome. The ancient tree of Wang Ting's life is not the same as our tree of life. Although she can spawn the seeds, but even without She also slowly grows a seed every once in a while, and sometimes there is more than one. Once these seeds grow, they will quickly mature, which is about a few days. The mature seeds will fall off naturally. Then, the wizard of Wang Ting will temporarily collect the seeds, and then plant them when needed. Although the speed of the poor seed of this ancient tree is not very fast, after all, Wang Ting has existed for so many years, and only happened in the middle Several small-scale dangers, so the consumption of these reserve seeds is very small. The remaining seeds are sealed in a special warehouse, and the guide I introduced to you this time was formerly outside the warehouse. A patrol member. "

"I rely, it turns out to be a ghost, no wonder you can think of stealing seeds."

The Elf patriarch just smiled, and then introduced: "If nothing unexpected, you should see a lot of seeds after entering the warehouse, most of which are ordinary seeds, those are useless to us, life The tree itself can also produce that kind of seed, but it needs to be spawned. You need to pay attention to that kind of long-shaped seed. "

"What is special in shape?"

The elven patriarch took out a green seed and said, "This is the seed of the ordinary auxiliary plant produced by the normal tree of life. Most of the seeds produced by the tree of life have this shape. No matter what these seeds will eventually grow into , But at least they are the same in the seed state. However, the ancient trees of life can produce many different seeds. The shapes of these seeds are different, but they are definitely each one, so there should be a lot of styles. What you want to get is this special seed. "

I nodded and asked, "You mean, as long as I see seeds that are different from this greenskin, I'll take them all away, right?"

"No, no, you ca n’t take all of them. You only need to take one of each, so after Wang Ting finds that the seeds have been lost, he will guess that the seeds have been stolen by our elves, and then they will not go for large-scale tracking. . "

When I heard this, I suddenly understood the meaning of the elven patriarch, and then asked, "Can you say that your theft is acquiescence?"

The Elf patriarch smiled and said, "What else do you think?"

Now I finally understand. In fact, the seed of the elven king's court is not to not give them these elven tribes, but because it is too low, it is destined to be inseparable. Therefore, in order to level the bowl and ensure the absolute superiority of Wang Ting, the wizard Wang Ting has come up with such a rule of acquiescence. To put it simply, Wang Ting let the various tribes know that the seeds are there, and you can come and steal them. However, even if you are found to be a failure, Wang Ting will not punish you if you symbolize the surname. If you succeed in stealing, then you have the ability, the stolen seeds belong to you, so other tribes without seeds can not blame Wang Ting is unfair, after all, this is stolen by others, if you do n’t Just balance it and steal it.

This strange internal theft may be a little weird to say, but it seems quite interesting. Of course, after understanding that this is an internal theft, I also understand why the Elf Chief pays so much attention to confidentiality. Because this is the rule of the game. Everyone must let Wang Ting not hold the handle. As long as Wang Ting grabs the handle, your theft is a failure. On the contrary, as long as Wang Ting has no excuse to prove that you are stealing, you can continue to steal.

I was surprised at the beginning that even if Wang Ting didn't find that they had stolen these seeds after stealing them, as long as they planted those special plants, wouldn't it mean that they would admit it? Now I understand. They were not afraid of being exposed at all, because after the exposure, it was tantamount to a successful theft, and Wang Ting would not pursue it.

However, because this is a game-like distribution method in the Elves, the battle process becomes a little troublesome. If it was a blatant invasion, then I could kill the whistle along the way, and then escape the whistle. However, because this is a mission of the game's surname, the first premise must be that it cannot kill people. The one who ca n’t get more seeds in the warehouse should be considered a game rule. If it is a real alien invasion, it will definitely sweep the seeds out, but just take one by type, it must be that the person is playing a theft game, which can also be regarded as an alternative contact secret!

After thinking for a while, I nodded and said, "In this case, my team may need to change a little bit. But I think I can get the job done."

"I knew you would do it." The elf patriarch said excitedly: "Oh yes, there is one more thing to tell you. If you are arrested. Of course, I guess the last name may be small, but Say just in case. In case of being surrounded, you ca n’t run away without killing, please do n’t hurt those guards. As long as you raise your left hand and say you confess to losing, then show this to them. The other party will know that you are coming This stealing game will not embarrass you. "

I took a magic badge handed over by the Elf patriarch, and then said, "Your elves really have a sense of humor. You are engaged in theft and defense games. You also allow outsiders to help, and you have a contact password. I really doubt I heard that before. Is there an error in the image of the elf? "

The Elf patriarch smiled and said, "In fact, this game is not very outrageous, right? We used this method to first resolve the internal distribution problem. Not only was the output so small that it was inappropriate for anyone. Second, our offensive and defensive game They are also training each other. At least with the continuous invasion and theft by our urban tribes separated from Wang Ting, the guarding force at Wang Ting's side is at least several times stronger than before. Wang Ting's arrangement may well be using our invasion. Training. In this way, if there is really a foreign invasion and theft, our guards will definitely make the other party suffer. "

"But those who are suffering now will become me!"

"President Zi Yue, rest assured ~ ~ It should be fine with your strength. Although this kind of theft game is discovered, it will only be punished by the symbolic surname, but we do n’t want to be punished either. Ah, so if we are not sure, we will not rashly try. "

I nodded and said, "I understand this. Okay, I probably know about this. Anyway, try not to hit heavy hands when you invade. Any other ideas you have to tell me?"

"There are no more. But there is a little trick to tell you, if you catch a dark whistle or something, you can tell him that he is dead by holding it under his ears and the other side will understand you The person who came to the game is not really invading, and then the other party will give up the resistance to load the body there. He will not report or move unless you are found or someone finds him.

"It's really interesting setting, there are still fake deaths!"

"Chief, are you looking for me?" I was talking on the side, and the door was suddenly opened, and then an elf came in.

(To be continued) q

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