Starting from Zero

Vol 21 Chapter 221: Runaway Tree of Life

Originally, I thought that the tree of life would germinate very quickly, but in fact, the seed did not change significantly until five minutes after the elf patriarch and Persephone were left. www.dyzwwm (first, first, Chinese, text, net) During this time, the seeds of the tree of life have been continuously extruding a large number of green rattan, these rattans are like octopus tentacles Usually desperately go underground, but what you can see on the ground is nothing too much except the seed itself.

Five minutes later, this kind of growth was actually very fast, but the growth that seemed very smooth finally came to an end. I suddenly felt that a strong energy wave came from the ground, and there was a slight vibration on the ground. Gradually strengthen.

Feeling the instability under the ground, I quickly jumped onto Night Shadow's back and let him leave the ground. It turns out that my choice was very correct, because less than five seconds after we were lifted off, the ground where we were just now suddenly burst open a large hole, and then we saw a thick enough locomotive. The thick rattan got out of the ground, and then continued to reach the sky like a monster's tentacle.

"Back, back!" With my reminder, Yeying began to retreat quickly, because the rattan below had caught up to our height, and after Yeying escaped that position, the rattan did not stop. Obviously, it is not estimated that it came out from us and intended to attack us. After we avoided it, the rattan did not change at all, and it continued to grow directly beyond the position where we were just now, and soon exceeded our height.

After this rattan has been drilled out of the ground, there is a riot underneath the ground. There are large holes cracking everywhere on the ground, and then the ground with similar tentacles is drilled out into the sky, and in these tentacles In the center, a huge rattan that is obviously different from other tentacles suddenly drilled out of the ground like a volcanic eruption. The surrounding soil was lifted by this rattan a hundred meters high before it began to fall. The scene was like the end of the world.

Although the terrifying main rattan came out a little late, both the growth rate and the volume of the main rattan far exceeded those of the surrounding rattan. It took only ten seconds for this guy to surpass the height of the surrounding rattan to reach a horrible height of more than 200 meters, and he continued to grow upward at the previous growth rate, while those around were slightly thinner like a locomotive The rattan began to attach to the main rattan in the center and began to wind around the main rattan and grow with it.

With the continuous growth of the main rattan, more and thinner rattan began to appear near the position where the rattan below was drilled out of the ground. These rattans were drilled above the ground as if they were huge green ground dragons. Out, and quickly spread to the surrounding area, all plants growing in the nearby area were all caught in the ground by these vines or brought into the air, but they were crushed and crushed without exception. If it weren't for the five minutes that the Tree of Life initially spoke, it only radiated energy waves outwards and nothing else happened. It is estimated that the dead animals here will also be very impressive. But because the animals were scared away by energy waves in the past five minutes, only those plants that could not move were swallowed up.

Although the rattan movement of the tree of life is fast, but because of the close distance, I have seen many situations that others cannot see. The rattans are not simply abandoned after they have ground all the surrounding plants, but they are quickly fused. Those shattered plants are no matter what kind. As long as it comes into contact with the cane of the tree of life, it will fuse together like two pieces of dough squeezed together. This horrible fusion ability is even effective for animals. Although the previous energy fluctuations scared away a lot of things, low-level creatures such as insects did not seem to respond too much to such fluctuations. In addition, some creatures were naturally slow to move, and they had no time to leave the area in five minutes, so there were still The creature was covered with rattan.

The final outcome of the covered creatures was the same as those of the plants. After being killed without being squeezed, they were absorbed and fused by the rattan. I even saw a jungle python that was alive and was absorbed and fused. Its head is connected with a foot that is more than a foot long and is still desperately swinging there to escape, but the tail is completely connected to the rattan and cannot separate each other. This terrible fusion ability is more scary than the corrosive effect of strong acid. Fortunately, most of the creatures have already left this place, otherwise this scene will definitely be more shocking.

In fact, it wasn't just me who was scared. On the side of Isinger, in front of the space-based observation system in Babelta, all the leaders of the Bank estimated that before the observation period, it was viewed by Babelta. The shot of the ground view. In the picture, a large expanse of tropical rain forest suddenly erupted in the sky, and then it seemed as if a nuclear bomb had burst. A turquoise shock wave followed by a creeping green wave in the The ground was rapidly advancing, and in the blink of an eye, a pale green area in the rainforest was clearly different from the surrounding color. and. This area is constantly expanding, as long as the surrounding plants are covered by it, they will eat away. There is no resistance at all.

Because I have gradually become familiar with the growth of the tree of life, I am no longer as cautious as before, and began to instruct Night Shadow to approach some of the growing rattan appropriately. These totems are often drilled out of the ground at an angle of forty-five degrees, and then climb to a height of nearly fifty meters along the parabola, and then plunge back into the ground to form a raised soil layer and continue to face under the ground. Advance a distance, then drill out of the ground again to repeat the previous action. Join now can cut the ground and let us see the section view, you will find that the growth of these rattans is like a positive xuan curve that is extending forward, and its regularity is very strong. The distance traveled underground is the same, as if it were measured with an instrument.

"Okay night shadow, come closer, let's take a look at the situation below." After clearing the rules, I began to let night shadow fall.

Yeying began to obediently lowered its height, then flew backwards, and gradually approached a rattan that had just emerged from the ground, and finally passed under the rattan. Although our actions were very dangerous, the rattan did not attack us, but still leap over our heads accurately according to our own rules, and then plunged into the ground again behind us to continue the next cycle.

At the same time as the rattan continues to spread outwards, at the center point of the tree of life, the huge main rattan has grown to be more than 500 meters high, and the growth momentum has no tendency to stop at all. Still going crazy up. In fact, in addition to the increasing height, the diameter of the main rattan and the surrounding auxiliary rattans are also expanding. At this time, the diameter of the auxiliary rattan attached to the main rattan has also exceeded 15 meters, and the main rattan The bar has grown to more than 50 meters in diameter.

The elf clan watching the progress of the tree of life synchronously with the help of a crystal communicator frowned and looked at the sprawling splints on the screen and asked, "How fast is this splint spreading now?"

The player operating the communicator looked at the scale and said, "About 60 to 70 kilometers per hour."

After listening to this answer, the Elf patriarch hurriedly asked Hong Yue next to him, "Vice Chairman Red Moon, can you contact other people?"

Hongyue nodded and asked, "Who do you want to contact?"

"Can you contact Persephone?"

"Okay." Hongyue signaled the communication staff to start, and the voice of Quick Persephone appeared in the communication.

"What's wrong? Contact me at this time."

The Elf patriarch asked with some worries: "Master Polsefone, did you feed the seed of the tree of life that you warmed up before?"

Poursefone asked in confusion: "How can you support yourself without inputting the essence of life?"

The elf patriarch knew what the problem was, but confirmed: "Do you know that the energy utilization of the tree of life is not the same as that of ordinary plants?"

Poursefone asked in doubt: "Is there a difference?"

The elder patriarch reluctantly said, "General plants have a life energy utilization rate of only 20%. The most is only 38%, but the energy utilization rate of the tree of life is 97%. To 99.99%, which means that the same energy absorbed by the tree of life can produce more than three times the effect of ordinary plants. Do you still calculate the growth energy demand based on the absorption rate of normal plants? "

Porsecigne also responded this time, and hesitated to answer, and quickly cried: "Hurry up and let the surrounding elf soldiers evacuate quickly. The growth range of the tree of life will expand much more than expected. They Your current position will be involved! "

No matter how dare the Elven patriarch delay, he quickly began to order the withdrawal of the Elven troops. Seeing this situation, Hongyue also quickly ordered the staff of the guild to help the elves evacuate quickly. After all, people are helping us to do things. If there is a large amount of losses, we will definitely make some compensation regardless of the reason. Besides, even if people do n’t compensate, we ca n’t watch Elf soldiers die here for nothing?

The communication equipment of our guild helped to pass the order, so the elves responded quickly, and began to evacuate on a large scale after almost a few minutes. And because our guild players have phoenixes to help load things, the elves only need to escape lightly, and those things that are not easy to bring are thrown into the phoenix space, and our guild people have long guns to use To travel, everyone can bring two elves by the way when they return, and they can carry many people back and forth at the speed of a spear.

Thanks to our help and timely discovery, the elves were quickly removed and not covered by the cane of the tree of life, but we ran very fast. But some people are not so fast.


"What is it?" In a rather huge city in South America. A player pushes the door into an office where two players sitting are looking at a map to discuss what is going on. He heard the man come in and asked without looking back.

Players who just entered here immediately reported: "The nail just sent a message using a magic scroll to say that the elf forces surrounding them had suddenly left, and looked panic-like, seeming to be fleeing."

The two people who were discussing something suddenly turned around when they heard the report, stopped looking at the map, and asked seriously: "You said they were escaping?"

The player immediately said, "That's what the message says."

Another person who had not spoken before said: "The nails set up by the elves are understandable, and the temporary evacuation is also understandable, but why do they seem to escape?"

The man who spoke before said: "The elves don't have to do a show for us. Even if they can destroy our village with their own strength, it is just a hand. There is no need to spend a lot of time performing in front of us.

"Doesn't that mean that they are really escaping their lives? What can make the elves flee?"

"Whatever it is, we can't stop it anyway. Notify the nails and let them evacuate as soon as possible."


Although the improved scrolling scroll based on the scrolling scroll also has a certain cost, in general, the guild communication is still used, so the player in the village who deliberately disrupted us soon received them to follow the wizard. Notice of their withdrawal. but. Although they received such a notice, the result was completely different from the elves.

The elves have us to help, there is nothing to hinder them, just run on their own, and the transportation capacity on our side also helps the elves to remove some people with relatively low mobility, so the rest of the elves It can be said that they are all highly mobile units. Besides, the elves were originally the darlings of the forest, and the elves were moving very fast in the woods. However, these players are different in comparison. They don't know exactly what happened. Just knowing that there is danger, and human beings are such creatures. Most people will not have a strong sense of urgency if they cannot truly feel the threat.

Almost full-forced elves and a group of fairly casual humans, the speed of escape is naturally impossible for both, not to mention the player's side only after reporting that the elves have voluntarily evacuated. Their superiors ordered a little bit more time. This time and again, it was already too late when the players started preparing to run. It was almost that the fastest-moving guy in this group had just left the village gate, and a rumbling noise came from behind.

"What's the sound?" Several players still sorting things out and loading and leaving looked up in confusion outside the village, but unfortunately because the forest blocked it, they could not see anything at all, only the sound was getting closer and closer, and the ground was actually A slight vibration began to appear.

"Look, what's that?" As the distance gradually approached, some players finally noticed a piece of flying wood and dirt behind the forest not far away. Then I saw a large group of sturdy rattan-like snakes flickering towards the village.

"Oh my god!" With the shouting of previous players, more and more people noticed the movement over there, and then people started to leave things around and turned to run, but it was too late at this time.

The forward speed of 60 kilometers per hour is nothing for Hyundai, but the problem is that it is a tropical rain forest and not a highway. Besides, people here do n’t have a car. It is good to have a Warcraft mount. Moreover, there are not many Warcrafts that can run wild in the woods at a speed of 60 kilometers per hour. It's not that they can't reach the speed, but that they can't run. The road conditions in the dense forest are clear when you think about it. Uneven ground height, soft and hard ground strength, thick and thick bushes, dense giant trees. All of this is an obstacle to progress. Warcraft that can run more than a hundred kilometers per hour on the prairie is everywhere. But in the dense forest, any moving object with a speed of more than forty kilometers per hour must have a perfect level of motion capture system and at least a handy level of obstacle avoidance system in order to ensure that it will not hit anything or fall on a horse. .

In contrast, the obstacles ahead need to be avoided. Also be careful to choose the players on the road below, the tree of life in the back has pushed all the way without any trouble. One player didn't know if it was born to be brave or had a problem in his mind. He actually stood in front of the village and faced the oncoming tree of life with a sword. Of course, the results are sad. The vines that were not close to the tree of life were blocked by the bark and broken wood from the tree of life, and the guy himself was buried by the pouring down wood and dirt.

Passing this player without hindrance, the tree of life is still moving forward. According to normal circumstances, the tree of life should not grow to this position at all. We have changed the growth location of the tree of life before. The new location is actually very far away from the village. According to our re-planned construction site, this village should have stuck just outside the edge of our city, and the projected area of ​​the city The area covered by the tree of life is much larger. The tree of life is only the central area of ​​the city, not that the entire city is the tree of life. But now, the tree of life has not only spread to areas that shouldn't have been covered on the edge of the city, but also continues to grow.

With the further advancement of the tree of life, the small village finally entered the coverage of the tree of life. The fence made of wood was blown directly by the air waves of the vines like a paper model in front of the vines of the tree of life, and not far from the outside of the village, a vine rattled out of the ground. After traversing a certain distance in the air, he fell again, and then plunged into the edge of the village and smashed half of the village into the ground, while the remaining villages were completely covered by the vines spattering from the ground. Even if the people inside did not die, they would never come out in a short time.

The people in the village were buried alive directly, and the people who ran out of the village were not good. A small group of players ran hard with their heads down, but the rumbling sound was getting closer. Suddenly, there was a loud noise. A prehistoric monster-like vine broke through the ground from a dozen meters ahead of them to the left. After rushing forward for a long distance, it suddenly plunged into the ground again, and when their pale legs and feet were weak, they suddenly found It's getting dark. The panicked people looked up and almost kneeled directly. What's so dark? It was a vine running through their heads and pressing down towards the ground in front of them.

Because the vines had crossed their heads, the running people had to move to both sides in order to avoid them. However, their speed was not as fast as that of the arabesque, and now they are moving diagonally, naturally they are not their opponents, and they are soon chased by the arabesque behind.

First of all, because they didn't know the situation, the reactions of these people after they were found to be caught up were also different. First of all, someone thought of using a weapon to attack. Of course, the effect is like wielding a sword and hitting water. The attack on the vines does have some effects. The natural folds are almost the same. Not even injuries. This kind of injury has no effect on those vines. On the contrary, those people start to dissolve immediately after being splashed by the splashing juice. The whole person has lost its human form within two or three seconds, but it is not dead at this time. Twist and struggle there. This horrible state really scared a lot of people, but more people began to realize that the attack was useless, so they began to choose the method of jumping on the vines to escape, but this choice was quickly proved to be useless.

The person who first ran to the arabesque thought that he only needed to pay attention not to be crushed to death by those staggered arabesques, but he was stung when he touched the arabesques. Previously they thought that only the juice of arabesques could erode the human body. It is now known that the surface of these vines cannot be touched. Everyone was glued to the vines as soon as they came into contact with them, and the armor on their bodies began to melt with their bodies. There seems to be nothing to withstand the erosion of those vines.

These people who tried to escape were soon absorbed into the vines little by little in front of everyone, and more people were trapped in the isolation zones. Because the vines of these trees of life grow forward in a leap, there are actually many gaps beneath them. But that's the end of their luck. Although the outermost vine of the Tree of Life grows in a leap forward, the inner vines gradually begin to grow a lot of side branches. These branches gradually begin to connect the ground with the vines. The gap was filled, and the survivors hiding in it all began to merge with the arabesque at the moment when they were met by the arabesque. Even wielding a weapon to resist did not make much sense. The vines not only acted quickly, but more importantly, they were too many and could not be chopped. In the end, all the players were spared and all became fertilizer for the growth of the tree of life.

Porsefogne was floating with me over the backbone of the Tree of Life. The root network of the tree of life on the periphery is still expanding to the surroundings. At this time, its area is far beyond our previous estimates. It not only occupied the areas that should have been occupied in our plan, but even exceeded the city scope. It is so big that the area covered by the entire tree of life is basically a circular area with a radius of more than 30 kilometers, and this area is still increasing. The only thing that gives us a little peace of mind is that the growth rate of the Tree of Life is declining, at least now it is not as exaggerated as it was at first. Of course, even if the growth rate of more than ten kilometers per hour is not exaggerated, it is definitely a terrible growth rate for plants.

"Polsforgne, do you have a way to control this tree of life?" I floated next to Polsforgne and asked if she had any way to deal with it. Now that the tree of life has grown so large, she can bear the main responsibility, because she has calculated the amount of the essence of life used incorrectly, so it will cause the tree of life to get out of control and grow so large.

Persephone was also very eager to answer my question, but in the end she still sighed helplessly and shook her head: "Although I also hope that there is a way to control it. But the fact is that the tree of life was all before it was officially grown Uncontrollable. Probably all we can do now is to stand up to her? "

"Do you mean we can only wait for this tree of life to stop growing naturally?"

Poursefone nodded helplessly: "Otherwise, if you attack her, you can actually reduce her volume."

The method described by Porsefogne is actually the energy consumption method. Plants need energy to grow, and the tree of life is no exception. The previous growth was too exaggerated because Porsefogne poured too much life essence into the tree of life, so that the tree of life showed a state of excess nutrition, so it would grow so exaggerated. However, in turn, if we attack the tree of life, the tree of life is bound to be injured. Once the tree of life is injured, she has to spend energy to repair the damage herself. This way her stored energy will drop. As long as we cause a lot of damage to the tree of life, in order to restore ourselves, the tree of life can only consume a large amount of its own energy, so that the internal storage energy of the tree of life will be exhausted quickly, and the tree of life will Will stop growing into adulthood.

"I want to attack a few times, but then we will be remembered and hated!" I said helplessly: "The tree of life is not an ordinary city. She is alive and has intelligence. If we attack her now, absolutely Will be remembered for a lifetime. If it weren't for our city, it would be destroyed and rebuilt, but this is our own city. How do you make me attack? "

"Then you can only wait!" Said Persephone.

I was quite helpless to hear the words of Persephone. The growth of the tree of life has completely exceeded our expectations at this time. On the ground below, the circular area with a radius of more than 30 kilometers has been completely covered by the tree of life. Any animals and plants in this range have been absorbed by the tree of life as nutrients. And there should be nothing in the underground mineral deposits. If there is any, it will be completely drained by the tree of life. This is the powerful ability of the tree of life.

In fact, the tree of life exaggerates not only her coverage area, but many of her data are quite exaggerated. Although the coverage radius of the root network has reached more than thirty kilometers, the tree of life at this time does not look short at all, because at this time its central main rattan has grown to a diameter of more than three kilometers, up to ten thousand Two kilometers of horrible giant wood. The original soft rattan is now gradually darkening, and its skin has changed from the previous smooth and tender to a normal number of rough bark.

In addition to this exaggerated trunk, the huge crown at the top of the tree of life is actually quite scary. This terrifying canopy grew from about three kilometers above the central trunk. It is full of dense horizontal branches stretching out. And these spreading branches have a coverage radius of about 20 kilometers.

Can you imagine how big a canopy with a radius of twenty kilometers? It really is a dark day. Don't talk about it. If it rains in this place. As long as the margin does not reach more than moderate rain, it is estimated that even a drop of water is not to be seen below, because the water is absorbed by the leaves on the trunk, and it cannot flow at all.

After watching the growth here, I quickly linked the communicator over the guild. Sure enough, they all watched the growth of our tree of life in front of the crystal communicator.

"Can you see the full coverage of the Tree of Life over there?" I asked in Crystal Communications.

Hongyue quickly replied: "A satellite picture of this area can be seen over Babelta. The area covered by the tree of life and the surrounding forest are clear."

"That's good. Now you quickly find the map, oh right, no need, let the **** of war help to see if the scope of the expansion of the tree of life covers other spheres of influence."

Now the growth of the tree of life has gradually started to slow down. It should be that the energy is about to run out, and it will soon stop growing and mature, but I am not worried about this. Although the tree of life is not necessarily bigger, it is better, but it is bigger, and it is not a big deal. What I really worry about is the forces around me.

Originally we wanted to build a city, so we did some public relations with the forces around us. In the end, those forces migrated out under our compensation policy, or simply moved elsewhere. There are also some who have joined our city directly, and plan to return to our city to settle when our city is established.

This result was considered to be better. Except for the village that was just swallowed up by the tree of life, we basically did not encounter any resistance. However, the situation is different now. The growth range of the Tree of Life is clearly beyond what she should be. This is like you are a construction opener and you bought a 100,000 square meter plot of commercial real estate. As a result, you not only took away the aboriginal people within the 100,000 square meters, but you also took the property of residents outside this range Also flattened. What's more terrible is that I haven't greeted others before. It may even be ... no, there must be someone dead in this expansion. This is simply unthinkable.

Before everyone in South America was here to make money, so everyone showed considerable restraint to the local forces. After all, this place is really a guerrilla warfare paradise. Which local force really has to offend, you must have the ability to clean up the other party. Never mind. As long as you can't do this, then it will be miserable, and the harassment of the other party will definitely kill your business completely.

Although our guild can be said to be the first guild in the world, we still operate in accordance with this hidden rule, that is, try not to offend the local forces. But now it's troublesome. Not only do we offend others, but we may offend many families at once. What's more terrible is that this is not a simple violation of interests, but it really kills a lot of people. This is simply a sea of ​​blood and deep hatred. Can you say that people can give up on this matter? These forces in the game are not real people. They don't have the habit of asking people for money when they die at home. These guys pay more attention to the older rule-killing lives. Therefore, I can almost predict our future situation now, and that is definitely a constant state of fighting with guerrillas. Of course, it could get worse. If these forces trying to retaliate against us are used by other people who are interested, then guerrilla resistance will turn into a terrorist attack, and then we will have a suicide bomber or something ... Think about it!

I didn't say that no one had thought of this problem yet. As soon as I let the army **** look at the map to see the distribution of forces around him, many responsive people in the guild immediately realized the problem.

"Oops, forget this!" Hongyue exclaimed.

Cristina also cried, "What can we do? Before, we were at peace with the local forces here. Now we have so many enemies. How can we mix in the future? This is not suitable for long-lasting fights. Where the battle is! "

They talked loudly and louder. However, just when everyone seemed extremely anxious, one word from one person calmed us all down.

This is not someone else, it is the patriarch of the elven city. In terms of intelligence, this patriarch may not be much smarter than us, but unlike all of us here, she has a feature we don't have, and that is-she does not belong to the Frost Rose Alliance.

The so-called authorities are spectators, and we are all Frost Rose Alliance members, so we can't see this thing at all, but as a third-party elf, there is no such problem. Therefore, when all of us were in a misunderstanding, the elf patriarch suddenly uttered: "Isn't this tree of life planted in our name? Why are they bothering you?"

"Well?" Everyone on our side seemed to be poured with a basin of cold water, and suddenly all went out. After a long time, I heard Kristina suddenly said, "Yeah! This is not a city built in our name. The tree of life is planted in the name of the elves. Even if someone wants revenge, that's the same. Looking for an elf clan? "

"Yeah, why did you forget this?" Hongyue also patted her chest and said, "It was a false alarm!"

The elf patriarch suddenly saw that our emotions had eased, and then he continued to say, "However, although this matter is temporarily in our name, we are also working for your Frost Rose Alliance. Now there is such a thing, you Wouldn't it really let us bear all the consequences? "

We Frost Rose League has never lacked smart people. Before, we just fell into a misunderstanding of thinking for a while. Now, after thinking about it, everyone immediately recovered to normal intelligence. The words of the elf patriarch here should really be taken care of. Although our city was built in the name of the elves for the time being, it ’s already for the sake of others to help. Although they also received benefits, this is after all helping us with our work. Of course, we have to bear what happened. It's as if the worker is paid by the boss, but if the worker is injured at work, does the boss still need to pay for it? This is actually the same reason. Let others do things for us, and if there is a problem, just ignore it. This is not the style of our Frost Rose League.

Rose answered immediately after the other party said, "You can rest assured that this is our Frost Rose League thing, and you will not let your elves bear the loss for nothing. You must rest assured. We Frost Rose League cannot do that. The thing is. However, this matter cannot be clarified by our Frost Rose Alliance, and then we shoulder this responsibility. In that case, our loss will be too great. "

"Then what do you mean ...?"

"I mean this." Rose said: "First of all, this matter is still in your name, that is, all the responsibilities are in the name of the elves. Then, your elves will send yours now. Personnel, go to those affected areas to check. If there are any living people, rescue them and try to reduce the losses as much as possible. Of course, it is more important to count what forces have been violated. After this, you will be responsible for coming forward with these When the forces explain, it is true that this is the accidental injury caused by the tree of life, not your intention. It is an accident. But your attitude should be good. You must show the other party that although this is an accident, it is caused by you, so you will Take full responsibility. At the same time, you take this opportunity to speak directly, saying that in order to take care of the people of the affected forces, you decided to sell the city, and then use the recovered funds to compensate those damaged Power. And you can also assure them. Your elves will be fully responsible for their future life issues. Responsible in the end for this thing. "

The Elven Patriarch is not stupid. As soon as I heard Rose's words, I immediately understood. "You mean to just use this excuse to sell the city. Of course, buying a city must be your guild, and then I can use part of this purchase to compensate those forces, but it is actually equivalent to your money. We just changed hands, didn't we? "

Rose nodded and said, "You are right, that is what I mean. I know that this will increase a lot of work for you, and it is likely that some dangers will also occur. After all, there will definitely be a large number of affected forces The situation of the family is broken, so some people will inevitably insist on revenge. But I don't think there are too many of them. The reputation of your elves in this rainforest is still very good, so if you are sincere and actively remedy Most of the forces will not care about you. As for saying that if you really encounter those revenge, I think it would be okay to get rid of it. After all, that kind of person is a minority, as long as most people don't care about it, you will have no problem. As for When it comes to possible injury, we are really powerless. What we can do is to give you as much compensation as possible, which is our small compensation for you. "

I directly interrupted Rose at this time: "In addition to those just mentioned by Rose, I can assure you as the President of the Frost Rose Alliance. In the future, Frost Rose Alliance and your elf city will form an ally, as long as your elf The clan will not betray us first, we Frost Rose Alliance will never betray you. In the future, we can not only cooperate in many aspects such as business, but also military cooperation. If the next time similar to the last time the white elves and dark elves Conflict, our guild will send troops directly to help. Can you see it? "

After listening to our words, the Elf patriarch immediately nodded and said, "Enough. In fact, as long as President Zi Ri said this ally relationship, I will be satisfied. I have been in contact with you for a longer period of time, and I know about you More and more. It's definitely our honor to have an ally like the Frost Rose Alliance. "

"you flatter me."

After setting the general direction ~ ~, we directly asked the God of War to draw up a detailed covenant, and also signed a secret contract. This covenant is a very common alliance covenant, but the secret covenant deals with this Tree of Life incident. As for the amount of compensation funds, we all agreed not to determine it for the time being, because we don't know how to complete the purchase of the city in the end.

After solving this problem that caused us headaches, everyone finally felt relieved. The patriarch of the elves quickly began to direct the remaining elven areas to check the loss of other forces. Fortunately, the previous work of our guild was relatively sufficient. Although this range will not enter the city range, considering the future development, these forces will become our neighbors. The distribution of forces is clear.

Because of this power distribution map, the work of the elves to rescue the affected forces went smoothly. In addition, we sent some people to help, so this matter did not cause much trouble.

I sent away the elves, but I still can't sit back because the tree of life is still standing there. This thing is now our big trouble. Such a big tree of life, how do we build a city? Is it building along the periphery of the tree of life? How big is the city? What a headache!

♂m net--♂

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